Usually, I say "MAKE IT STOP!!!!" But I don't mind. It's a good song.
Man, what a beautiful game. One of the few games that made me cry. (And believe me, I rarely cry when I play video games.) And I just want to play a second playthrough! A few questions though for the ones who finished the game... ...What perks do you recommend? I was thinking Artes as one of them, but I have about 2000-2500 Grade. Should I spend all my grade or just save it for future playthroughs?
At first, I thought Planet X was real and that it is getting closer to earth.... (and the Moon.)
Been a long time since I logged in here. What did I miss guys?
......... Oh my gosh, my nose is bleeding....
...which is just like, a few hours away.... hope that I can have a good time there. THE K-POP!!!! XD
It's time for the feasting!!!!
Can you actually do this or is it a glitch? View attachment 37161
... And I don't even know what to do..... Except for going on a trip to Korea.
And no, It's not gross. I'm serious. View attachment 37086 I had some Dory and Cod Fish and Chips.
And I cen definitely see an ElsaxJack Frost pairing...... Favorite part of the movie? The part where Mickey and the others are chasing each other in a film inside a film. In all seriousness, I think that it is a good movie. But when the part where (Spoiler Alert) Elsa saves Anna from being *Ahem.* Frozen. And when the curse can be broken by true love, the troll shaman did not say that it should be true love between a man and a woman. I thought of two possiblites. One. It's love between siblings. As for possibility number two..... I'll leave that to your imaginations.....
I'm stuck here playing either GTA IV, or the Need for Speed series. HELP ME GUYS!!!!
Meh, Not too bad. But strangely my Religion teacher gave me a 92....
And I am verry happy that I got my own tablet! :3
This: Spoiler: Here it is This was one of the few games in the series that I actually enjoy. Because I recently heard about the reboot, I feel like I should play this version.
And I'm not sure what should I do during the week of no school. What do you guys suggest? I would usually watch anime or play video games non-stop (Not really. I have my limits.).
And it was okay. Although in my opinion, the King and I is better.
I wonder what the two of them were doing in the alleyway....
I pray for the victims and the ones who lost their homes and loved ones from the quake. Source: CBC World News Published: October 16, 2013
And Only Tear and Jade survived and they leveled up instead of Luke and Guy (Who were both dead.) And as a result, Tear and Jade are 4 levels more than Guy and Luke. Is this a good thing? And I also heard that you get to fight against him more.... Really?! Tear and Jade barely survived that encounter, and I have to fight it again soon?! I'm Screwed.....