Luna used Salvation and attacked
I'm up for it!
Luna used Curaga on Karina and used an ether
Luna used Red Paint on Karina and Aeroga on Beuce
Illiana kept walking nearby the trees feeling a bit more light headed than she was in the simulation. She could smell the scent coming from the lake nearby. Her vision was getting fuzzy and fuzzy with each step. She dropped to her knees as she started to breath heavily. Illiana then heard a voice call out to her. "Are you okay? You don't seem to be doing well." She turned her around to could barely make out who it was. She started swaying a bit from side to side. "K-Koa....?" She leaned back against the tree she was near and tried to steady herself. With her hand still on her head, she tried to steady her vision. Once her vision wasn't as fuzzy, she saw the owner of the voice was Boreas. "Oh...It's just you....damn..."' Illiana got back up slowly but dropped to her knee again. "I'm doing fine just a little under the weather if you're gonna be a curious cat." She knew it was more than 'a little under the weather'...................... During the next two weeks, Boreas had advised Illiana to rest for a couple of days. She decided to go against the advice but with some convincing from Taran, she finally got the rest she needed. After she was up and raring to go, Atmos had requested for Chrono and herself to train with her for a bit. She ran into Boreas along the way and made sure they weren't in public. He asked her if she was feeling any better. She nodded and kept walking. After her training with Atmos, she ran into Taran and he walked with her to a room she was using to practice her acrobatic skills. She and Taran talked for a bit as she practiced, Eilonwy had then found the two and joined in on their conversation. Once she was done, the two wanted to follow her to the piano room. The three walked into the piano room and Illiana walked to the piano bench. She closed her eyes as she placed her fingers on the keys. Illiana reached back in her memories and let those memories take over her fingers as they played. The piano playing went on into the night. At one point she had told the two to head off to sleep as she decided to stay. She grabbed her locket and opened it up. She began to play that same song once again to keep her mind at ease but still remember her resolve in this mission.
Illiana is going to: Put: 3 pts to spd 5 pts to mp 9 pts to def 2 pts to hp 2 pts to ap Learn: Thunder and Quick Run Upgrade: Thundara Current Stats: 110 HP 50 MP 42 AP 20 DEF 60 SPD
Luna went into blot form! She healed Karina and casted Aeroga on Karina!
Luna casts Curaga on Steel
Illiana's form burned to ashes and from those ashes her previous outfit re-emerged. As soon as the letters emerged in front of them, a big sigh of relief left Illiana's mouth. As curious as she was about Torrin's sudden change in eye color, she decided it wasn't worth asking. Her head was pounding and she felt a bit hot. Torrin had then gave his thanks as she nodded. "Next time you wanna pull that damn stunt, let us know ahead of time will ya? There's only so much I can do with my limitations. I-" The room immediately started to spin around her making head dizzy. She immediately placed her hand on her forehead to steady herself. She shook her head as if nothing happened. "Just let us know next time. End of discussion." She kept her hand on her head before turning her head a bit. "But for what it's worth.....Good job....Both of you. Sorry I couldn't be much help." With that Illiana walked out of the arena and outside where the breeze had it immediately hit with a nice cold air. She kept walking until she found a spot where it was void of anyone. She collapsed onto her knees as she started breathing heavily. She summoned her blade and immediately turned it into her umbrella. She quickly reached inside and pulled out a thermometer. Illiana took her temperature and immediately sighed in irritation. "103.7....Could be worse. I'm sure it'll pass in a couple hours...." Illiana stood up slowly and tried to walk to the lake nearby but felt herself staggering a bit. She put a hand to her head to steady herself as she tried to walk, hoping nobody could see her.
Illiana is going to be doing the following: 3 pts to HP -> 100 3 pts to MP -> 45 2 pts to SPD -> 55 1 pt to DEF -> 11 She will be learning the ability: Once More and the Ex-Art: Parry Stance She will also be learning Blizzard and upgrading Blizzard to Blizzara
Luna used Curaga on herself
Illiana used Pyro Wave!
Illiana used Sky Dive!
Illiana went into Fledging Form! Illiana cast Cure twice on Boreas and cast Hastega on herself! Illiana used Dodge Roll!!
Luna used Curaga on Karina
Illiana was starting to feel a bit dizzy once again. She staggered back a bit and held her head. The next thing she knew she was on a boat. Her eyes widen as the Demon Tower went rushing past the trio. "Oh you have GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!! NOT THIS STUPID BOAT AGAIN!!" As Illiana shouted, the Demon Tower unleashed some of the shadows it held as it clawed their way to the girl, swiping at her and knocking her back. Illiana felt her consciousness slipping back and forth as she stood back up. She felt her head grow warmer and warmer with each blow. She reached her cheek and found some blood on her fingertips. She clenched her fists as she was absolutely done. "........Get....Out...Of..My way....." She walked up to the edge before shouting. "OUT OF MY WAY NOW!!!" With that, Illiana jumped up, hit the Demon Tower and aimed for the heart of the Demon Tower. Illiana attacked and used Sky Dive!
Illiana looked over to Boreas as he apologized to both her and Torrin. He went into his drive form and then launched an attack against the tree. She immediately felt a small pain as his attack connected. She then dodged the tree's attack with ease. Illiana looked back at Boreas before shouting. "Less apologizing and more offense!!! Do what you have to!! Just make sure it takes down this stupid tree!!" Illiana had then cast Firaga and shot it at the tree before changing the keyblade's shape into her Thorn Whip. She immediately jumped up and threw her whip as it wrapped around one of the tree's branches. The thorns dug into the branch as Illiana continously attacked the tree before letting out one last whip against the tree before jumping back to keep her distance. Illiana used Firaga and attacked! HP: 51/85 MP: 4/42 FOC: 20/40 FLUX: 3/4
Illiana had been knocked around back and forth, up and down. She could barely understand what was happening. It was as if she was in a completely different world than what reality had in front of her. She felt the world start spinning around her and she started to feel a bit under the weather. Her sight had started to get blurry. All of a sudden she saw her brother or at least a vision of him. However, he wasn't the only hallucination she saw. She saw someone else, a young woman. Illiana's eyes widen slightly at the sight of the woman, as if she seemed very familiar. The hallucination of her brother launched forth as the Leviathan attacked. The attacked sent her flying against the wall knocking her down, causing the bricks to fall on top of her. The vision of the young woman had been right in front of her. "Get up." A voice rang out to Illiana. "You still have something to do don't you?! Get up!! I didn't come back only to see you fall! Lili!!!" Her eyes shot wide open as she got up. She shook her head and saw the vision of her brother disappear. The Leviathan had fallen and what appeared to be a tree showed up in its place. "You're joking right?" The young lady shook her head before looking over to Torrin as he motion for her to stay back. She shrugged her shoulders and kept her distance. Illiana took this time to think of her next plan of action. She raised her blade and healed herself. She looked back at the tree before an idea shot through her mind. Her blade changed its form into twin fans. A flame ignited above the fans. "Guys move if you don't want to be on fire!!" The flame grew as Illiana shot the flame toward the tree. Her fans immediately changed back as she jumped up into the air. She then aimed for the tree and dived blade first toward. As she landed her strike, she jumped back to keep her distance. Illiana casted Cure on herself and casted Firaga. Illiana used Sky Dive! HP: 46/85 MP: 10/42 FOC: 17/30 FLUX: 3/4
Alrighty folks! Here's my Christmas loot!: A sweater and some sport bras cause I'm going outside and doing sports xD A high-waisted jogger An Oreo Milkshake Set An HP Pavillion x360 with an i5 processor A christmas tree portable charger A pair of colorguard gloves A very soft blanket Some makeup A necklace with a stone that is to help me relax and stay happy I also have gotten a secret santa gift from work so!: Fuzzy socks infused with Aloe A LOT of chocolate A $15 gift card to Starbucks (cause my co-workers had gotten me into drinking coffee from there) I have another secret santa gift from my colorguard but we're not exchanging til this weekend!
Luna will also be equipping Battlecry AP: 55/51(+5)