Me: *is now back at the center of all the carnage* Necros: *reappears infront of me* how does it feel to lose the only thing you truly had left,...
me: *gets up handing Aaliyah to windy* if you dont believe me then fine....If your not truely happy with the decision you made earlier then this...
Me: *eyes widden* no why would you say such a thing...I...i'm not going through with it, it was just a suggestion, I cant handle losing you..
good looks
its up to you but i think you should
me: *shakes my head and continues onward reaching a clearing where a small cottage is located*
me: if nit comes to grit someone can be a diversion. which will be me. I've rested enough and i can create a diversion long enough for you two to...
me: *keeps dashing through the trees* well if something happens then we'll take care of the situation as best as possible
me: then you better keep pace.. *starts dashing through whats left of the area going into the woods*
do it. we must show our smexyness X3
Yup that's right I finally has a picture of myself on here :P
Me: I'm just letting her rest for alittle while longer. I have a place where we can go, an old friend of mine can provide us shelter.
Me: *hangs my head down* actually I havent heard from kim in a long time.... her daughter came to help me but i've said too much as it is, i cant...
Me: we cant put her though anymore stress...we have to do this on our own, get her healed and then follow me (imma head out now see ya tomorrow)
me: where and how will we get there? we have no vehicle. my cras gone.we dont want to use our powers cause they'll track us..
Me: *helps rosey out of the ground* well i wasnt really supposed to tell you at all. but i thought this was the only way to get you to actually...
The underdog has returned again to spit out the rymthes that are bigger than him his story is legit he's true to his sh*t his love is his life the pain cuts like a knife these words couldnt be more true if it wasnt read from a goodnight moon his stories are always heard even if he seems alittle absurd he came to speak and he has spoken let these word you read become broken.
me: tell you what?
Me: *comes back to* oh good your finally helping her
Me: *just quits and blanks out*