Me: heh, oh really thats how you feel? *charges up aura swirling even more around me doing another aura breakthrough sending haruhni back some as...
Me: *gets hit hard being sent back then get s ahuge cut on my back blood spewing everywhere* Damn she's fast
Me: *gets excited watching*
Me: *charges up some, getting a feel for the new power i've obtained* lets see if this can actually help us
Me: sounds good to me, good for it
Me: show me whatcha got
Me: *walks in to see cr already there* well looks like somebodies eager to practice, alright choose a dummy and just go at it I wanna see if you...
Me: alright sounds like a plan then. *finishes my sammich and heads back to the training room*
Me: what in the hell is your problem why do you keep calling me Joe Sensai?
Me: um, well maybe we can back to the training room and you can practice some of your skills on the dummies?
Me: *smiles* well what should we do now, my training has stopped, dracon'sbeing a grumpy lizard, any idea's?
Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *a bright white light surrounds my body then dissipates showing long white hair down to...
Me: *my hair begins to grow alittle bit turning from brown to white the aura now swirling faster* Yes...YES!!!!! *a flash back of me and windy on...
Me: *it starts swirl faster* more...more...I want more....*sparks start to crackle in the air as my finger nails start to turn into claws* I want...
Me: deeper...deeper...*a low growl can be heard in my voice as my aura swirls around my feet* this power i need it..i need it to defeat my...
Me: dig deep...dig deep... *activates my DSE charging up more and more*
Zetsu: now i think its your time to shine... Me: *steps out from the barrier and starts to charge up some trying trying to recreate what windy did*
Me: I just cant sit here though. she trying her hardest, so so should I right? Zetsu: I think for right now you should just stay back and do what...
Me: *smiles* i've never been so proud to be with a woman who's so powerful Zetsu: dont make her angry or she could pull your wecker off O,o
Me: *is n awe at what im seeing with the sparks* what power is this....