Me: thanks *pants then goes for a complete retaliation*
Me: *does a back flip landing on my feet breathing hard*
Me: *charges up* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *slashes down right on top of her*
Me: *continues the onslaught of heavy and quick slashes*
Me: *flashsteps behind her striking down as hard as i can*
Me: *starts coming to* rosey go....i'll be okay... ???: *is now in front of windy holding her by her throat surrounded her in complete darkness*...
???: *fades into the wind that was sent towards him* You cant defeat me its impossible....SHADOW FORCE!!!! *dark pulses appear from the air...
???: *starts laughing maniaclly* HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *the wolf leans his head up swallowing the cannon using it to add to...
Me: *comes back for another strike continues countering anythong she throws at me*
???: is that all? *starts charging up having the flame aura vortex around him as the wolf grows in size* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *the...
Me: *wraps my arms around her gently touching her back running my finger down her spine* hmmm im still not sure what your trying to get at
Me: *skids across the ground regaining my composure*
???: Heh... *a dark flame aura surrounds his body transforming into a giant flame wolf behind him*
me: *is already above charisa swinging down on her*
???: i did it to make you ask questions *laughs from her stupidity*
???: heh... *a dark aura forms around him making the air thick* actually before i kill him i will kill you *looks at windy* nothing like killing...
Me: *takes the blow to the gut swinging my blade at her left side*
???: *reveals himself looking like this* [IMG] You wont interfere with my plans i will kill him and bring him to lord yami..
Me: *the cuts begin to heal* ???: heh... *is 20 ft away from the car* Dark pulse... *sends a dark pulse wave towards the car making it go flying...
Me: *takes the blade back doing and undersweep knocking her blade upwards*