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  1. NarutoSuperKubii


    [its that time of year again]

    Can anyone guess what it is?
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 25, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. NarutoSuperKubii
    Youtube can suck it.

    Ruins quality and audio :/8D:

    Codes giving out.


    Play as Sephiroth
    E002FEFF 0035B55C................Boss Warp (L2) [optional]
    2033E830 00000104
    2033E834 00001600
    E003FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    208bfb58 00c8c890
    208bfb68 00cca0c0
    01c95344 00000000
    E054F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    2098b5b8 00f93610
    209884b8 00fabb60
    20988438 00f93610
    209884b8 00fabb60
    209885f8 00fb68c0
    20988638 00fc3050
    20988678 00fd0b80
    209886b8 00fdf910
    209886f8 00fedb50
    20988738 00ff8a30
    20988778 01006600
    209887b8 01010570
    209887f8 0101cc90
    20988838 01026a10
    20988d78 0101cc90
    209890f8 01026a10
    2098a918 0104cd70
    2098a958 0104cd70
    2098a998 0104cd70
    2098a9d8 0103dd50
    2098aa18 0103dd50
    2098ab98 01075700
    2098ac18 0104cd70
    2098ac58 0103dd50
    2098ac98 0104cd70
    2098acd8 0103dd50
    2098ad18 0103dd50
    2098ae18 0103dd50
    2098ae58 0107ff30
    2098ae98 01075700
    2098b098 0107ff30
    2098b0d8 0107ff30
    2098b118 0107ff30
    2098b158 0107ff30
    2098b318 0107ff30
    2098b358 0107ff30
    2098b398 0107ff30
    2098b3d8 0107ff30
    20988dd8 01075700
    20988e18 0104cd70
    20989158 01075700
    20989198 01075700
    209891d8 010a24a0
    20989218 010c4620
    20989258 010de7b0
    20989298 010f4f30
    209892d8 010f4f30
    20989318 010a24a0
    20989358 010b6aa0
    2098b5f8 00f93610
    2098b638 01033b10
    2098b678 0103dd50
    2098b6b8 01033b10
    2098b6f8 01033b10
    2098b738 01033b10
    2098b778 00f79840
    Instructions - Use the boss warp to transport you to the battle while the cutscene is playing activate the model mod and skip cutscene.  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^

    Play as Xemnas [with key fixed]
    Just add this to the code 
    21cfbdec 010f0095

    Play as Axel [Ally!]
    E002FEFF 0035B55C................Boss Warp (L2) [optional]
    2033E830 00002802
    2033E834 00000100
    E003FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    20751b58 00b1e890
    20751b68 00b584c0
    21cfbdec 02050205
    E016F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    2081a438 00dcf800 (Jumping)
    2081d5b8 00dcf800 (High jumping)
    2081d6b8 00d98d50 (Glide)
    2081d778 00d2b5e0 (Glide)
    2081b158 00dd6f40 (Fire)
    2081b1d8 00de54d0 (Arial Fire)
    2081b218 00db3d50 (Blizzard)
    2081b2d8 00df5f60 (Thunder)
    2081ce98 00da1c30 (Guard)
    2081c918 00da1c30 (Attack)
    2081c958 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081c998 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081cc18 00da1c30 (Attack)
    2081cc58 00da1c30 (Attack)
    2081cc98 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081ccd8 00da1c30 (Attack)
    Instructions - Use the boss warp to transport you to a battle, defeat the nobodys and when you see sora alone in the command menu hit the model mod joker.  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^

    Play as Tifa
    11CFA3FE 000008FA
    11CFA400 000008F9
    E003FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    20911358 00cde090
    20911368 00d000c0
    21cfbdec 00000195
    E014F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    209dcf78 00e68530 (Glide)
    209dc698 00e87ea0 (Guard)
    209da958 00eb0be0 (Fire)
    209daa18 00ed1570 (Blizzard)
    209daad8 00ef3770 (Thunder)
    209dc118 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc118 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc158 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc198 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc3d8 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc418 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc458 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc498 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc4d8 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    Instructions - Walk into the hall of corner stone while holding the model mod joker [R2] when you see yourself as a mushball of tifa the code is done right.  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^

    Play as Cloud
    11CFA3FE 000008B6
    11CFA400 000008F9
    E003FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    20911358 01174890
    20911368 011a2a40
    21cfbdec 00000130
    E008F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    209dce38 01362720 (Quick Run)
    209dceb8 01362720 (Glide)
    209dcf78 01290560 (Glide)
    209da958 0131f7b0 (Fire)
    209da9d8 0136fec0 (Arial Fire)
    209daa18 013016e0 (Blizzard)
    209daa98 01392e50 (Arial Blizzard)
    209dab58 012b2bf0 (Arial Thunder)
    Instructions - Walk into the hall of corner stone using the model mod joker [r2].  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^

    Play as Leon
    E002FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    208cb358 0126ec90
    208cb368 0129f540
    E006F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    20996e38 01409bc0 (Quick run)
    20996f78 013fa440 (Glide)
    20996698 01456260 (Guard)
    20994958 0147fdb0 (Fire)
    20994a18 01456260 (Blizzard)
    20994ad8 01461ca0 (Thunder)
    Instructions - Walk into pain and panic paradox cup battle 10 using the model mod joker [r2].  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^

    Play as Final Xemnas
    E002FEFF 0035B55C................Boss Warp (L2) [optional]
    2033E830 4A001412
    2033E834 00004A4A
    E003FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    208e4358 00e97710
    208e4368 00ec1740
    21cfbdec 00000302
    E025F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    209afdf8 012f2770
    209afe38 01235750
    209afe78 0123d660
    209afeb8 0124ecf0
    209afef8 0124ecf0
    209aff38 0124ecf0
    209aff78 0121c820
    209af118 01321b20
    209af158 01321b20
    209af198 013186d0
    209af3d8 01321b20
    209af418 01331ca0
    209af458 01331ca0
    209af498 01321b20
    209af4d8 01321b20
    209af518 013186d0
    209af618 01321b20
    209af658 01300b30
    209af698 01331ca0
    209af898 01300b30
    209af8d8 01300b30
    209af918 01300b30
    209af958 01300b30
    209afb58 01300b30
    209afbd8 01300b30
    Instructions - Use the boss warp to transport you to the battle Also while you use the boss warp hold the model mod joker [r2] sense you will be transported right to the battle.  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^

    Finally. xD

    Anyways no-one should steal this code or taking it and calling it your own without giving credit.

    Anyways enjoy!

    And put on your favorite song while watching this!

    Now play nice you bastards. c:
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 24, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  3. NarutoSuperKubii
    [I'm guessing most of you are from a different time zone then america.]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 24, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. NarutoSuperKubii

    Msn trouble

    Does anyone know what to do when msn im'ing runs 5-10 seconds slower then usual then sometimes says msn is not responding?

    Any tips will be grateful.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 22, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. NarutoSuperKubii

    Project I'm working on.

    Sorry about the emu recording with zerogs doesnt make the code work.

    Any questions about the code please post.

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 22, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  6. NarutoSuperKubii

    This is a kh1 project that I thought I'd release.

    This was recorded on Pcsx2 0.9.6 Emulator but it works fine on a PlayStation 2.

    He only works in Traveres Town First District.

    It doesn't matter if the enemy is there or not.

    No one should steal this code or in more description don't take the code and call it your own which is stealing. Even if you converted it, its still not your code. Same with porting the code it is still not yours.

    This code is kh1 only so far as you can tell by ntsc u/c works [english]

    Codes used aka made by me

    Play as Dark riku kb

    Leon boss mod

    Play As Dark Riku With KeyBlade:
    10e0dc86 00003531
    10e0dc88 00003838
    10e0dca6 00003531
    10e0dca8 00003038
    e003fdff 004dd49c <-- R2 atk animations
    21066500 011092e0
    2106651c 010c8370
    21066518 01112e80
    e003feff 004dd49c <-- L2 atk animations
    21066500 01100d50
    2106651c 010c8370
    21066518 0112d170
    e003f7ff 004dd49c <-- R1 Dm animations
    21066500 0113a3e0
    2106651c 010c8370
    21066518 0114b210

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 21, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  7. NarutoSuperKubii


    How do you like me now?

    BTW Janime gave me it on msn.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 20, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. NarutoSuperKubii
    Am I right?

    Noobs + Newbs - Cool people + Noob premiums - Not lazy staff X Major site crashes and lags = KHV
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 18, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. NarutoSuperKubii

    Hey everyone.

    [This pic is full of win]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 16, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NarutoSuperKubii

    I lol'd

    [Lol japanese Ads] :lolface:
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 14, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. NarutoSuperKubii
    Normally I wouldn't ask khv but can someone tell me how to change videos in my youtube channel.

    Here is a visual of what I mean.


    What I want it to be like

    Can anyone help?
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 13, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NarutoSuperKubii

    A project I'm working on so far it's been a month and so.

    This project is in no way done and I am not doing it for NTSC U/C or atleast it's not a big chance I will.

    This video is just a preview this is what I call the beta version of the final code which I'm still working on the beta so yeah.

    Also this code is like 90% crash. 89% of it is bugs and crashes.

    Enjoy the vid!!!

    Dotn ask me for the code.

    Also I had to speed it up to cover the emuhaste.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 12, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  13. NarutoSuperKubii

    A project I have been working on for some time now.

    I dunno why the **** Youtube turns off the audio in the middle of the video.

    3 Data Roxas vs Data Roxas
    0032E02B 000000FF
    0032E13F 000000FF
    0032E253 000000FF
    4032F064 00130001
    03020100 00000000
    E007FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = modelmod/various
    21ce267c 008300DE
    207d7458 00f8a890
    207d7468 00fad1c0
    20bf0e58 00f8a890
    20bf0e68 00fad1c0
    20dbdb58 00f8a890
    20dbdb68 00fad1c0
    E027FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    208c7ed8 01477dc0
    20c8d8d8 01477dc0
    20e315d8 01477dc0
    208ca6b8 013d2920
    20e30c38 013d2920
    20c8cfb8 0122ab30
    20c8f498 0138d410
    20c8fe18 0138d410
    20c8fe58 0138d410
    20e33198 0138d410
    20e33698 0138d410
    20e33b18 0138d410
    20e33b58 0138d410
    20e33bd8 0138d410
    208c8258 013ef0b0
    208c82d8 01439d20
    208c8318 01447a00
    208c8398 01425b80
    208c9a18 0138d410
    208c9a58 0138d410
    208c9cd8 0138d410
    208c9d18 0138d410
    208c9d58 0138d410
    208c9f98 0141a960
    208ca1d8 00abae30
    208ca218 00abae30
    20ef88e0 0138d410
    1032f228 000002A3
    1032F22A 00000031
    1032f22c 00000033

    Go to data battle Roxas before you actually press triangle and okay hold the model mod joker and when the battle actually starts fire up the animations

    Optional codes to go along with the code
    11C6C4E8 00000251..............Makes roxas harder
    11C6C670 000000FF
    11C6C674 00000080
    21C6C690 12121264
    21C6C694 00641212
    200FE000 8C820004...............................Effect Mods
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800
    E001F7FF 0034D45C.............................. R1 = Target mod [roxas targets sora]
    21ad79f4 01a94e50
    E001FBFF 0034D45C.............................. L1 = Target mod [roxas targets donald]
    21ad79f4 01aaf260
    E00177FF 0034D45C.............................. R1 + Square = Target mod [roxas targets goofy]
    21ad79f4 01ac2500

    Thats it enjoy!!
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 6, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  14. NarutoSuperKubii
    Have to raise up my grade by a lot so see you then.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 2, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  15. NarutoSuperKubii
    I did .
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Nov 27, 2009, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. NarutoSuperKubii
    Just a prototype he is not yet ready for releasing.

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Nov 26, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  17. NarutoSuperKubii
    We'll finally this code is done and ready for releasing.

    • This is ps2 ready
    • It is real
    • No rom hack all ram
    • Yes its long
    • It is dma
    • You have to do it in that battle
    • No it is not in pal yet
    • No it is not in fm yet
    • And Im not adding effects so stop asking kthx.

    Another thing is this is made purely for fun if you request more ima release future ones later and pushback the date so no noob request kthx.

    Future codes im working/fixing

    Play as sephiroth
    Play as axel
    Play as xaldin
    Play as xigbar
    Play as leon if possible.

    Enjoy the vid too!

    Here is the code

    Play as xemnas (1st battle)
    E002FEFF 0035B55C................Boss Warp (L2) [optional]
    2033e830 00001312
    2033e834 00000100
    E003FDFF 0035B55C................Model Mod (R2)
    20859b58 00c26890
    20859b68 00c513c0
    01c95344 00000000
    E046F7FF 0035B55C................Animation Mods (R1)
    209225f8 00e44560
    20922638 00e4e4c0
    20922678 00e593e0
    209226b8 00e62600
    209226f8 00e6e7f0
    20922738 00e78000
    20922778 00e811d0
    209227f8 00e78000
    20922dd8 00ec7400
    20923158 00f3fd60
    20923198 00f3fd60
    209231d8 00eef0d0
    20923218 00ec7400
    20923258 00ec7400
    20923298 00ed94e0
    209232d8 00f3fd60
    20923318 00f3fd60
    20923358 00ec7400
    20924918 00ed94e0
    20924958 00ed94e0
    20924998 00ed94e0
    209249d8 00ed94e0
    20924a18 00ed94e0
    20924b98 00ec7400
    20924bd8 00ed94e0
    20924c18 00ed94e0
    20924c58 00ed94e0
    20924c98 00eef0d0
    20924cd8 00eef0d0
    20924d18 00eef0d0
    20924e18 00ed94e0
    20924e58 00eef0d0
    20924e98 00ec7400
    20925098 00ed94e0
    209250d8 00ed94e0
    20925118 00ed94e0
    20925158 00ed94e0
    20925318 00ed94e0
    20925358 00ed94e0
    20925398 00ed94e0
    209253d8 00eef0d0
    20925638 00e3a570
    209256b8 00e3a570
    209256f8 00e3a570
    20925738 00e3a570
    20925778 00e20850
    Instructions - Use the boss warp to transport you to the battle while the cutscene is playing activate the model mod and skip cutscene.  Fire up the animations anytime durring the battle.  Enjoy!!! ^_^
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Nov 26, 2009, 31 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  18. NarutoSuperKubii
    [I now have firefox what does that make me?]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Nov 22, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. NarutoSuperKubii
    Which one of these [urban dictionary definitions] do you agree with?
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Nov 20, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. NarutoSuperKubii

    I won in this one
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Nov 20, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Video Showcase