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  1. NarutoSuperKubii

    Keyboard help

    Well, it happened about 5 minutes ago nothing is wrong with it but out of no where the "a" button stoped working and I have to use this to type the letter "a".


    Anyone can help?
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 23, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Technology
  2. NarutoSuperKubii

    Watch whole vid please.

    Story not completly done so things might change things might stay the same.

    Story so far [contains spoilers for my story of course]:
    Well, these 2 kids Soar and Randy go out on an adventure trying to find the meaning of kingdom hearts and if it is good or bad, light or darkness. Well, they run into some trouble along the way. Unbriths, Nobodys, and Heartless abushed the world that is called destiny islands. Soar is the brother of Sora but like to call Sora his dad sense Sora was the only one there for him. Randy is the brother of Riku, he seems to be the oposite of light, hungers for darkness and will not stop till its completly destroid. Soar on the other hand likes darkness and light but uses light only. They lost their brothers when their world was swallowed again by the darkness. They go to master Ventus for help but it seems Ventus has turned back into Roxas and so now Roxas is the leader and will help them. Seems like Roxas has lost his Darkness and Light and i now in between. They run ino this guy that looks similar to Marluxia he claims to be a member of Organization 13's leaders. He said that his group is alot harder then Organization 13. And so they faught and It seems like Soar was the winnr or so he thought. This guy said he was testing him and said that they have Randy in their base. "If you want him back hand over the key" the guy said. Then he disapered.

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 17, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. NarutoSuperKubii

    Nobody will mess with this *****.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 17, 2010, 99 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. NarutoSuperKubii

    Yup, I finally almost got this working! ^_^ I really hope you enjoy this code and the vid.
    Play as Dark Riku in second district
    10e0dc86 00003531
    10e0dc88 00003838
    10e0dca6 00003531
    10e0dca8 00003038
    e004fdff 004dd49c
    10db7606 00003531
    10db7608 00003838
    10db7626 00003531
    10db7628 00003038
    e006feff 004dd49c
    21066504 01100d50
    210664fc 011234e0
    21066514 01100d50
    21066500 011092e0
    2106651c 01134b00
    21066518 01112e80

    Instructions - Go to first district now you see yourself as drk riku go to the gate to secon district, don't just go right in. Use the R2 joker while your walking into it. When you see yourself as Dark Riku use the L2 joker to activate the animods, Enjoy! -^_^- This code will most likely work 90% of the time which is a huge improvement to the 20% it first began with.

    Also the others will not be released cause they still need to be ps2-ified

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 13, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  5. NarutoSuperKubii
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 12, 2010, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. NarutoSuperKubii
    Its here!!!!

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 11, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. NarutoSuperKubii

    This code is still very buggy and crashy, it may not look like that in the vid but it is.

    Recorded from gsdx and zerog spu2

    Also can anyone spy the new attack animation and dodge roll? :lolface:
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 10, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  8. NarutoSuperKubii

    Play as Terra

    A project I'm working on.

    Recorded on Pcsx2 with gsdx and zerogs spu2.

    Don't expect the code to be out soon.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 9, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  9. NarutoSuperKubii


    [merlin has invaded my computer]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 7, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NarutoSuperKubii

    Hey guys

    [Japan gets a limited time offer of bbs and a kh psp in bundle form.
    They said we/usa might not. Does this make you rage?]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 3, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. NarutoSuperKubii
    [happy new years!!!!!!!!!]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Jan 1, 2010, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NarutoSuperKubii
  13. NarutoSuperKubii

    My newest vid

    Play as axel fix was not featured because I didn't have time to record him.


    E006FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    20842458 00c4aec0
    20842468 00c4aec0
    207d7458 00bf0e90
    207d7468 00c137c0
    11ce267c 009400DE
    1032f228 000002A3
    E046FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    208c7458 01023820
    208ca6b8 01038f20
    208c75b8 00e91130
    208ca6f8 01038f20
    208c7e78 01041d00
    208ca738 00fe12e0
    208ca7b8 00fea5b0
    208ca7f8 00fea5b0
    208ca838 00fea5b0
    208ca878 00fea5b0
    208c8258 010556b0
    208c82d8 010a0320
    208c8318 0108c180
    208c7e98 00f12b60
    208c7ed8 00f12b60
    208c7f18 0104a2d0
    208c9f98 01080f60
    208c9a18 00ff3a10
    208c9a58 00ff3a10
    208c9a98 00ff3a10
    208c9cd8 00ff3a10
    208c9d18 00ff3a10
    208c9d58 00ff3a10
    208c9d98 00ff3a10
    208c9dd8 00ff3a10
    208c9e98 00ff3a10
    208c9ed8 00ff3a10
    208ca198 01041d00
    208ca218 01041d00
    208ca258 01041d00
    208ca418 01041d00
    208ca458 01041d00
    208ca498 01041d00
    208ca4d8 01041d00
    208ca558 01041d00
    208ca598 01041d00
    208c76f8 00e9b910
    208c7738 00ea9280
    208c7778 00eb6fb0
    208c77b8 00ec33e0
    208c77f8 00ed10a0
    208c7838 00edc350
    208c7878 00ee6e40
    208c78b8 00eee310
    208c78f8 00efd300
    208c7938 00f04ac0
    Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^

    E009FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    2076fc58 00ecb0c0
    2076fc68 00ecb0c0
    20704C58 00E38090
    20704C68 00E6F9C0
    01CE267C 00000080
    1032f228 00000031
    1032f22A 00000032
    1032F22C 00000033
    1032F22E 00000034
    E020FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    207F5678 011006B0 <-- This animation is needed for the code to work!!!!
    207F80B8 010F4C80 (Dodge Roll) - Walk
    207F7218 012FE5D0 (attack) - 3 dark circles
    207F7258 012FE5D0 (attack) - 3 dark circles
    207F7298 012FE5D0 (attack) - 3 dark circles
    207F7EB8 011006B0 (jump) - jump
    207F4DB8 01113F60 (landing)- landing
    207F7FB8 01109BE0 (glide s) - falling
    207F7FF8 01109BE0 (glide r) - falling
    207F8038 01109BE0 (glide l) - falling
    207F8078 01109BE0 (hover) - falling
    207F7EF8 01109BE0 (aerial dodge) - falling
    207F7F38 012756B0 (dash) - wheel
    207F7F78 01283180 (dash spin) - wheel end
    207F5A58 01239C70 (fire) - whirlwind scyhte
    207F5BD8 0121A790 (thunder) - 2 scythe slashes
    207F5B18 012F0240 (blizzard) - The flower shield thing
    207F7798 012CBDA0 (gaurd) - scythe throw(spin)
    207F7758 0131F4B0 (revenge slash) - jump down
    207F5B98 012BC340 (aerial blizzard) - back float dm
    Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^

    E013FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    2090dc58 01136690
    2090dc68 01136690
    208A2C54 78655F62
    208A2C58 010BC690
    208A2C5C 0003F510
    208A2C64 5F6D6974
    208A2C68 010FBBC0
    208A2C6C 00033E3C
    01CE267C 00000290
    1032f228 00000031
    1032f22A 00000032
    1032F22C 00000033
    1032F22E 00000034
    E016FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    20993678 01358ed0 <---Needed for the code to  work right
    20995ef8 012afe50 (aerial dodge)
    20995f38 0132d370 (dash)
    20995f78 01358ed0 (dash spin)
    20995fb8 012afe50 (glide s)
    20995ff8 012afe50 (glide r)
    20996038 012afe50 (glide l)
    20996078 012afe50 (hover)
    20995798 013ccb80 (guard)
    20995758 01358ed0 (revenge slash)
    20993b18 013b5ee0 (blizzard)
    20993a58 0138e6a0 (fire)
    20993bd8 01372b70 (thunder)
    20993b98 01372b70 (aerial blizzard)
    20993ad8 01372b70 (aerial fire)
    20993c58 01372b70 (aerial thunder)
    Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^

    PLAY AS XIGBAR [FULL VERSION] Something triggers the beams
    E008FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    20a92c58 011e38d0
    20a92c68 011e38d0
    20a27c58 0115b090
    20a27c68 0119a640
    1032f228 00000031
    1032f22A 00000032
    1032F22C 00000033
    1032F22E 00000034
    E014FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    20b18678 0149ebf0 <-- Needed for the code to work right
    20b1aef8 0149ebf0 (Arial jump)
    20b1b078 01401060 (Hover)
    20b1afb8 0149ebf0 (Glide s)
    20b1aff8 0149ebf0 (Glide l)
    20b1b038 0149ebf0 (Glide r)
    20b1a798 01461ce0 (Guard)
    20b1a758 014b8280 (Revenge slash)
    20b18a58 0142ff00 (Fire)
    20b18b18 014fcbf0 (Blizzard)
    20b18bd8 0150dc60 (Thunder)
    20b18ad8 01446690 (Air fire)
    20b18b98 0144fdc0 (Air blizzard)
    20b18c58 014581a0 (Air thunder)
    Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^

    NTSC U/C

    E005FDFF 0035B55C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    207adb58 00ba3090
    207adb68 00ba3090
    20751b58 00b1e890
    20751b68 00b584c0
    21cfbdec 00000205
    E016FEFF 0035B55C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    2081a438 00dcf800 (Jumping)
    2081d5b8 00dcf800 (High jumping)
    2081d6b8 00d98d50 (Glide)
    2081d778 00d2b5e0 (Glide)
    2081b158 00dd6f40 (Fire)
    2081b1d8 00de54d0 (Arial Fire)
    2081b218 00db3d50 (Blizzard)
    2081b2d8 00df5f60 (Thunder)
    2081ce98 00da1c30 (Guard)
    2081c918 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081c958 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081c998 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081cc18 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081cc58 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081cc98 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    2081ccd8 00d7dc60 (Attack)
    Instructions - After beating the nobodys activate the model and effect mods in the main menu. Animation mods can be activated whenever you like. ^_^

    E004FDFF 0035B55C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    2091bb58 00d41890
    2091bb68 00d41890
    208bfb58 00c8c890
    208bfb68 00cca0c0
    E056FEFF 0035B55C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    2098b5b8 00f93610
    209884b8 00fabb60
    20988438 00f93610
    209884b8 00fabb60
    209885f8 00fb68c0
    20988638 00fc3050
    20988678 00fd0b80
    209886b8 00fdf910
    209886f8 00fedb50
    20988738 00ff8a30
    20988778 01006600
    209887b8 01010570
    209887f8 0101cc90
    20988838 01026a10
    20988d78 0101cc90
    209890f8 01026a10
    2098a918 0104cd70
    2098a958 0104cd70
    2098a998 0104cd70
    2098a9d8 0103dd50
    2098aa18 0103dd50
    2098ab98 01075700
    2098ac18 0104cd70
    2098ac58 0103dd50
    2098ac98 0104cd70
    2098acd8 0103dd50
    2098ad18 0103dd50
    2098ae18 0103dd50
    2098ae58 0107ff30
    2098ae98 01075700
    2098b098 0107ff30
    2098b0d8 0107ff30
    2098b118 0107ff30
    2098b158 0107ff30
    2098b318 0107ff30
    2098b358 0107ff30
    2098b398 0107ff30
    2098b3d8 0107ff30
    20988dd8 01075700
    20988e18 0104cd70
    20989158 01075700
    20989198 01075700
    209891d8 010a24a0
    20989218 010de7b0
    20989258 010de7b0
    20989298 010f4f30
    209892d8 010f4f30
    20989318 010a24a0
    20989358 010b6aa0
    2098b5f8 00f93610
    2098b638 01033b10
    2098b678 0103dd50
    2098b6b8 01033b10
    2098b6f8 01033b10
    2098b738 01033b10
    2098b778 00f79840
    Instructions - Go to sephy activate the model and effect mods then talk to him hold the effect and model mods till the battle actually starts, activate the animation mods whenver you like. ^_^

    E006FDFF 0035B55C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    2096d358 011ef090
    2096d368 011ef090
    11CFA3FE 000008B6
    11CFA400 000008F9
    20911358 01174890
    20911368 011a2a40
    E008FEFF 0035B55C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    209dce38 01362720 (Quick Run)
    209dceb8 01362720 (Glide)
    209dcf78 01290560 (Glide)
    209da958 0131f7b0 (Fire)
    209da9d8 0136fec0 (Arial Fire)
    209daa18 013016e0 (Blizzard)
    209daa98 01392e50 (Arial Blizzard)
    209dab58 012b2bf0 (Arial Thunder)
    Instructions - Go to the hall of corner stone activate the model and effect mods while walking in there fire up the animations whenever you want. ^_^

    E007FDFF 0035B55C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods
    2096d358 00d40890
    2096d368 00d40890
    11CFA3FE 000008FA
    11CFA400 000008F9
    20911358 00cde090
    20911368 00d000c0
    21cfbdec 00000195
    E014FEFF 0035B55C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods
    209dcf78 00e68530 (Glide)
    209dc698 00e87ea0 (Guard)
    209da958 00eb0be0 (Fire)
    209daa18 00ed1570 (Blizzard)
    209daad8 00ef3770 (Thunder)
    209dc118 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc118 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc158 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc198 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc3d8 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc418 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc458 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc498 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    209dc4d8 00ea4ea0 (Attack)
    Instructions - Go to the hall of corner stone activate the model and effect mods while walking in there fire up the animations whenever you want. ^_^

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 31, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  14. NarutoSuperKubii

    Explain yourselvs? :B|:
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 30, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. NarutoSuperKubii

    [Kingdom Hearts got munny]
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 28, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. NarutoSuperKubii

    This one was kinda boring. xD

    Lots of glitches. :L

    Still hope you enjoyed it. :B

    For more info and stuff visit our channels


    Me -

    Ryota -

    Tech guy

    Aurangzeb -


    Ø Riku -

    Next match comming soon. o:

    Stay tune!

    Recorded from gsdx
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 27, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  17. NarutoSuperKubii

    Woot match 2

    For more info and stuff visit our channels


    Me -

    Ryota -

    Tech guy

    Aurangzeb -

    Next match comming soon. o:

    Stay tune!

    Recorded from ZeroGS

    Link to round 1
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 26, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  18. NarutoSuperKubii

    Yup. o:

    This is for a little thing me ryota wanted to do.

    Its like the RoyalRumble and then again its not

    For more info and stuff visit our channels


    Me -

    Ryota -

    Tech guy

    Aurangzeb -

    Next match comming soon. o:

    Stay tune!

    Also help wanted.

    We need a referee.

    Recorded from ZeroGS
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 26, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  19. NarutoSuperKubii

    Request by SilverRupee/Mako Tsunami

    I do take hacked request.

    Codes used:







    NO HUD

    Hope you enjoyed this video!

    To request a hack vid pm me on youtube.
    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 25, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Video Showcase
  20. NarutoSuperKubii

    Thread by: NarutoSuperKubii, Dec 25, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone