THATS RIGHT IM BACK TO HACKING!!!!!! Post comments below.
[A "Foot-fart"]
[playing modern warfare 2.... till 5am.]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UTWFRBD0 It doesn't work with mushballs. It needs to be triggered where it is hacked. It works in every room Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBLhVTxgcFs DMA Code tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFuj0lyPM_A Any questions or comments post here.
[I got off my lazy ass and bought Microsoft points and an extra 3 months of Xbox Live.] And I feel good.
Enjoy! ... ... >> download link: http://www.megaupload.com/?...
New Engine, New Story, NEW GAME! I hope you enjoy it! Demo: Coming soon!
My PC has been crashy lately and when i went to the system 32 folder I saw some of the files gone, so I checked some trojans and some of em are in the folders. I have to use a special way to open the internet and .exe's, some ms programs dont work, my internet is blazing fast [like from download rate 1.2mb per second to 4.9mb per second. I need some help. ;-; I also got 32 trojans and worms on my hardrive. ;-;
This time its a full level Sorry guys no skate level. :c glitches- Mostly happens in the second part is when you get stuck New Features- Jump - Z Homing attack - Z while in the air [can be repeated] Light Dash - A [when near rings] Restart Room [not level] - Shift Mach Speed mode - last room End screen Big update! Download link - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=929HK3PS
Do any of you have the 2k6 Wave Ocean - wave ocean sprite pack or a wave ocean engine Kingdom Valley - kingdom valley sprite pack or engine White Acropolis - White Acropolis sprite pack or engine Any of these will help me a lot! inb4lolwut inb4thisisspamzone
New features - Light Dash [ctrl] Impossible level to beat [act 2] Skip to next room [alt] Ending screen :D Download demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JOIA95EL
Yep you heard it, this is a real level not the whole level but a real one, I think I got better. Enjoy it and hopefully don't die as much as I did. There is also a special surprise if you beat the Act. ;) Download Demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I5G65IWU
Download Demo: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GT7K703J Well, I think this demo sucks.
THE FOLLOWING CODES DO NOT HAVE A.FM MODS Custom Roxas ~ KH2FM E002FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000???? 20943e74 XXXXXXXX ???? 005A = Roxas 0323 = DW Roxas XXXX digits 00943e74 - For Roxas Braclet's patterns/textures Spoiler 00943f04 - mixture of clothes Spoiler 009440c0 - Normal Clothes 009440bc - Bracelet pattern Spoiler Play as Terra with Goofy E007FDFF 0034D45C.................... Model Mod & Effect Mods = R2 11CE0B68 0000005D 207a5458 00abee90 207a5468 00aef0c0 20807458 00b35e80 20807468 00b35e80 2036ACA4 00000000 E023FEFF 0034D45C.................... Main animation mods [none are attack] = L2 20818538 00defbc0 208185b8 00dfa050 208186f8 00e00e70 20818738 00e0adf0 20818778 00e14580 208187b8 00e1dcb0 208187f8 00e27360 20818838 00e30a80 20818878 00e3b100 208188b8 00e41790 208188f8 00e4f010 20818938 00e55760 20818ed8 00e89160 20819238 00de2620 2081b418 00e72b80 2081b458 00e9c0c0 2081b498 00de2620 2081b4d8 00eea760 2081aa98 00fed7f0 2081aa18 00e9c0c0 2081b198 00e72b80 2081b1d8 00e89160 2081aa58 00fb4fb0 E005FbFF 0034D45C.................... animation mods 2 = L1 [Teh Whip, The cannon, Ride the key, and summon thing, and Ride key part 3] 2081aa98 00ff1cf0 2081aa18 00eea760 2081b198 00ec8580 2081b1d8 00e89160 2081aa58 00f16bb0 E005F7FF 0034D45C.................... animation mods 3 [DM] = R1 2081aa18 00f760f0 2081aa98 00fc9c10 2081b198 00f54180 2081b1d8 00fb4fb0 2081aa58 00f2cac0 instructions - go to the portal when you see the speach buble pause and press R2 while doing that skip cutscene, when the battle fully starts activate any of the animation mods) -optional- Terra doesn't attack (only works if goofy is there and playable, joker) 20de22e8 00000000 20de22f8 00000000 20de2308 00000000 20de2318 00000000 20de2328 00000000 20de2358 00000000 20de2368 00000000 20de2378 00000000 20de2388 00000000 20de2398 00000000 20de23a8 00000000 20de23b8 00000000 20de23c8 00000000 20de23d8 00000000 20de23e8 00000000 20de23f8 00000000 20de2408 00000000 20de2418 00000000 20de2428 00000000 20de2438 00000000 20de2448 00000000 20de2458 00000000 20de24c8 00000000 20de24d8 00000000 20de2508 00000000 20de2528 00000000 20de2538 00000000 20de2558 00000000 20de2568 00000000 Goofy with key (Equipt Goofy's first shield in the game, also decreases the chance of play as Terra working) 21c95e50 58455f57 21c95e54 5f303130 11c95e58 00003032 Member IV - Vexen (limit cut) E018FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods 207fdc58 00f9bb90 207fdc68 00fccdc0 20868c58 01027390 20868c68 01027390 21c95850 58455f50 21c95854 5f303031 21c95858 464c5448 21c95870 58455f50 21c95874 5f303031 21c95878 464c5448 21c9587c 65736d2e 21c95880 00000074 01c95896 00000006 01c9584f 00000001 2036d8d0 00000000 2036d8d4 00000000 2036ACA4 00000000 01ce267c 00000080 E029FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods 208eddb8 011df8a0 208f0f38 011d5fe0 208f0f78 0129a4e0 208f0fb8 011d0bc0 208f1078 011cbb30 208edef8 011eb2e0 208edf38 011fc6b0 208edf78 0120fb50 208edfb8 01221780 208edff8 01232890 208ee038 012421a0 208ee078 0124f900 208ee0b8 0125ab60 208ee0f8 012724e0 208ee138 0127db20 208ee678 011d5fe0 208ee698 012f9140 208eea58 0129a4e0 208eea98 01311e40 208eeb18 012de050 208eeb58 01388770 208eebd8 0139e940 208eec18 013b3700 208f0218 012f9140 208f0258 012b6470 208f0298 013cf1c0 208f02d8 01402570 208f0318 0140cec0 208f0798 012f9140 Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^ Also its recommended that you turn off all blue ablilitys except guard Member V - Lexaeus (limit cut) E006FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods 2076b458 00e9e890 2076b468 00ed27c0 207d6458 00f270b0 207d6468 00f270b0 2036ACA4 00000000 01ce267c 00000095 E029FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods 2085e6b8 01227a20 2085b5b8 0119b300 2085be78 012c9820 2085be98 011f8a70 2085df98 012e4190 2085c258 01265a90 2085c2d8 01234590 2085c318 0123cd20 2085c398 012c0180 2085c3d8 01275550 2085e738 01275550 2085e778 01283880 2085e7b8 012c0180 2085e7f8 01193ac0 2085e838 01193ac0 2085e878 0116a040 2085da18 01219880 2085da58 01219880 2085da98 01219880 2085b6f8 011a4410 2085b738 011abfb0 2085b778 011b5740 2085b7b8 011bd1b0 2085b7f8 011c53a0 2085b838 011cc1d0 2085b878 011d2d60 2085b8b8 011dbf20 2085b8f8 011e5a70 2085b938 011ee750 Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^ Also its recommended that you turn off all blue ablilitys except guard Member VI - Zexion (limit cut) E006FDFF 0034D45C.............................. R2 = ModelMod & Effect Mods 2082a458 00f5d890 2082a468 00f914c0 20895458 00ff10b0 20895468 00ff10b0 2036ACA4 00000000 01ce267c 00000080 E017FEFF 0034D45C.............................. L2 = Animation Mods 2091ae78 01272180 2091a578 01272180 2091a5b8 01276090 2091d8b8 0126bd10 2091b258 01337600 2091b318 01349170 2091b3d8 01355f50 2091a6f8 012810f0 2091a738 0128f3e0 2091a778 0129a900 2091a7b8 012a5880 2091a7f8 012b20e0 2091a838 012bd550 2091a878 012c8db0 2091a8b8 012d0b60 2091a8f8 012dd990 2091a938 012e5ad0 Instructions - Go to garden of assemblence activate the model and effect mods and hold the joker till the battle actually starts then activate the animation mods whenever you like. ^_^ Color/Colour Roxas ~ KH2FM E004FDFF 0034D45C = R2 1032bae0 00001104 2032bae4 00420042 1032bae8 00000042 11CE0B68 0000005A E001FEFF 0034D45C = L2 21adedec XXXXXXXX instructions - Press R2 while walking into a new room and once your at 1000 heartless hit L2 to change colors/colours -XXXX Digits- FF00FFFF = Yellow 000000FF = Red 00FFFFFF = Gold/White FFFF0000 = Blue 00FF00FF = Pink 00000000 = Black 3f8FFF00 = Teal 12345678 = Orange 190FF00d = Green MISC The first stage of effects ~ Kh1 2027301c 002941e0 20273020 002939c0 20273024 002915a0 20273028 00290180 2027302c 0028bd60 20273030 00287940 20273034 00290180 KH1 Cutscene camera mod 20486F28 ???????? Impossible Mode - KH1 NTSC U/C (Choose proud mode for best/hardest challenges, you will die) 0AC84929 00000020 0AC94929 00000030 103F211F 00000000 1AB32FB1 00000101 4A687E5E C4581D5A 0B220B0C 00000000 1AC52FB1 00000101 0A092FBC 00000000 0ADF4929 00000008 0AB74929 00000001 0AD64929 0000000C 0AF74929 0000000A 0AF64929 0000000B 0AF54929 0000000C 0AF44929 0000000D 0A0B4929 0000000E
Can anyone guess what the a.fm mod does besides effects?
I made this with Vegas I suck. :c I kept audio on purpose.