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  1. JapAnimeFanatic
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by JapAnimeFanatic for keyblademaster_wannabe+, Aug 26, 2009
  2. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo nodded and tried to regain her ballance, "Y-Yeah... I'm- fine....." she said before collapsing

    Nova looked over at Yu yu and smiled slightly, "it's okay! we still have the foxie girl!"
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo frowned and shook her head, "I don't know, I can't sense them..." she said before almost collapsing from exhaustion
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo smiled slightly, though her eyes were sad, "sure." she said and finished healing his wounds before helping him stand

    Kii groaned and fell backwards, staring at the sky*
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo stopped when she saw Niw and whined, running over to him and changing into her human form. She shook him slightly, "Niw! Niw!!"

    Kii struggled to his feet and frowned
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo stopped for a second and sniffed around before looking up, ears perking up. She bolted in the direction Niw was in.

    Kii coughed as she dropped him and groaned, trying to get up

    Nova sniffed and stood up, following Yu yu and Charcoal
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. JapAnimeFanatic
  8. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo choked as the wind got knocked out of her, and she watched as he disappeared. after she was able to catch her breath she turned into a wolf again and followed Niw's scent, forcing herself to run faster than her body could take at the moment.

    Kii groaned, "I heard that..." he mumbled

    Nova sniffed as she sat up, tears in her eyes as she pouted sadly, eyes big, like a little kid's, her face red. "Th-that wasn't fair!" she cried
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. JapAnimeFanatic
    Profile Post

    where? o.o

    where? o.o
    Profile Post by JapAnimeFanatic for keyblademaster_wannabe+, Aug 25, 2009
  10. JapAnimeFanatic
  11. JapAnimeFanatic
  12. JapAnimeFanatic
    Amayo's eyes widened, pupils shrinking as she watched him stab Niw. She bolted forward and collapsed to her knees by Niw, picking him up and resting him against her. She bit her wrist and let the blood drip onto the wound, helping it start to heal, wound vanishing even more each second, and easing the pain. she held him close as she pointed her scythe at Kokoa, "You b*stard!"

    Kii looked at Mitsru and frowned, eyes narrowing before he passed out from lack of air.

    Nova giggled and slightly released him as he fell limp in her arms
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JapAnimeFanatic
  14. JapAnimeFanatic
  15. JapAnimeFanatic
    Nova appeared and tackled Kii just as he was about to reach Mitsru, and they hit the ground in a roll, she grinned and stood up, picking him up as she did, as if he were a doll. Her grip was tight, "Nee, nee, Yu yu! look what I found!" she said happily

    Kii struggled to get out of her grip, as well as struggling to get air

    Amayo changed back to her human form, ears pressed against her head as she frowned, fists clenched as she stood her ground, though she trembled a little as she stared at Kokoa, "Give him back." she said and swallowed thickly.
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. JapAnimeFanatic
  17. JapAnimeFanatic
    "Kii, I want you to go that way." Amayo said and pointed in a direction where if Mitsru kept running, she would run into Kii

    Kii blinked before nodding, "okay." he said before running off

    Amayo leaned forward before pushing forward with her foot, changing into her wolf form and darting off to find Niw. after a while longer, she stopped when she saw him, a low whine coming from her throat as her ears folded back.

    Nova nodded, "m'kay." she said and smiled, giggling and running off

    Mako nodded and went to search the area like Kokoa instructed
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. JapAnimeFanatic
    ooc: I'm good ^-^

    Nova was about to answer before blinking when Yi suddenly tackled Charcoal. she looked down slightly and started eating, frowning sadly

    Mako blinked and looked at Nova, ruffling her hair slightly as he finished before jumping back up to his landing

    Amayo's ear perked up slightly and she looked up, frowning when she smelled a familiar scent of blood, and her head jerked to the side

    Kii blinked and stopped when Amayo hadn't followed. He looked at her, "Amayo?"
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. JapAnimeFanatic
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. JapAnimeFanatic
    that's the one I'm talking about >.<
    Post by: JapAnimeFanatic, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)