yep yep
Amayo looked down, "I knew it..." she mumbled before sighing, "Kii went to looked for Mitsru... but I haven't seen eitehr of them..." Nova shrugged, "not sure..."
yep, about
Amayo looked over at Niw and frowned sadly, "but... would you like me...?" Nova nodded and sighed, looking over at Mitsru, "maybe we could play with the fox"
Amayo blushed and nodded, looking down, biting her lip, "But... I figured that you wouldn't like me the same way... because of who I am..." Nova blinked before handing Yu yu her blanket
middle of september?
no set date
Nova blinked and nodded back before sighing and sitting down, watching Yu yu Mako yawned before looking at Mitsru Amayo blushed slightly and looked down, "I... I really Like you, Niw... but...."
I see...
eh? decided what?
Nova sighed and went over to Yu yu to see if she was awake Amayo sniffed and looked at Niw, swallowing thickly as she stared at him with blurry eyes, "R-Really...?"
Amayo looked down and swallowed thickly, tears flowing down her face as she stared at the ground. She collapsed onto her knees and clenched her fists on the ground, what's wrong with me...? How could he still like me after that...? she thought, "you must think I'm horrible..." Nova blinked and watched Charcoal disappear before she look over at Mitsru and grinnined Mako sighed and leaned back to lay down
wow, I haven't gotten on here in a while >.> how's everyone doing?
I'll probably have to ask my parents... again -_-
Nova grinned and snickered Mako huffed slightly Amayo blushed and turned away, swallowing thickly as she clasped her hands over her face, "I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!" she said frantically and nervously as tears welled in her eyes
*sigh* yeah, it was weird
yeah ^-^
kay, we'll see each other again then
meh, probably
possibly, I dunno