*mumbles* nya... meanie Toushi.... you hang out with them, but not me.... *sniffles and pets Yuki* it's awesome ^-^
.... did I miss something here? o~0 I see a talking Neko-chan... Can I petz you? ^-^ Shiro!!! You're hanging out with them....? I feel so unloved T^T *goes into emo corner*
nyan, Toushiro's just stubborn, that's all >.< He shall learn to love us. lol, I wanna see the picture! as for me, I can't draw guys to save my life ;.; I'd probably suck horribly and make Shiro look all deformed T^T along with any other guy I tried drawing >~< so, how ya guys doing? you get that money yet Moshi?
>3 heheheeee~! You like me, though, right Shiro~? :=D: I didn't steal Hyourinmaru, like She did >_> I wanna see too! ^-^
haha! Toushiro doesn like ya cause you stole his sword! x3
O.O *tries running away, but is frozen* lol, hey new persons!!! Welcome to our strange fangroup x3 *gives authentic hyourinmaru replica for initiation*
xDDD I swear, some of the strangest people walk the earth x3 but you're cool like that. >>..... <<...... *secretly steals back plushie when you're not looking*
>.< I forgot, like, all of them >~< I was taken out of school, and now I'm gonna be homeschooled
xDDD see?! I TOLD you!!! :D
@___@ *has dies*
gya! *tries to jump out of the way, but fails* @~@ I've been glomped....
Aww... *gives moshimoshi a Toushi plushie* happy?
>~< I'm sure you'll be able to get it eventually, moshi.
^^; dun worry, you're not alone in that factor. Well, I don't have any money, though my parents do x3
>.< insanity never ends when it comes to Toushiro fanpeoples. So, anyone been able to buy it?
No way! you're leaving?!
Nova sighed before looking at Mitrsu Amayo looked at him, "what do you think of me?"
Nova sat down next to Yu yu and smiled Amayo looked over at Niw, "Niw, can I ask you something...?"
-_-; that seems like it's going a bit overboard....
ack... o~0 yur gonna kill her!