And that is SO True... He is just wonderful... God Bless him...;_; And that is why I decided to dedicate a topic to him!:)
Okay, I did my research on which is like the very best and most accurate Anime website ever and I went to the profile of Ash's Pikachu. It said Gender MALE. There you have it folks. Pikachu is a boy. I seriously don't understand all you people who thought he was a girl... I always thought from the very beginning ever since season one that he was male...and I was right... I just thought I'd share this knowledge with you all since so many people here don't know the truth... Look for yourselves:
Why has the search function been disabled?!?!? I can't even find posts or threads made by people or myself anymore!!! What The Heck is going on here?!?!? Can somebody please fill me in?
Hello there Roxas24Sora my good friend.:) Would you like to chat? Let's start by talking about all the wonderful things God has done for us.:) I'll start by saying that I am so happy to be a Christian... I shudder to think where I'd be today or what kind of person I'd be today if it weren't for Jesus... He has saved me from so much... Is there anything you'd like to share?
Me and my friend had been talking about this and we thought it would've been a good world... The White Witch would've made a good Boss... And Aslan would've been a good partner/summon... Does anyone else think so?
I'm serious...I really did... For a long time I thought she was... I bet you all are gonna laugh so hard at me now...
Ladies and Gentlemen... I am pleased to announce that I have Action Replay Max Codes for this Epic Game!:D Here are all the ones I have so far: Code: Game ID: 0A78 (M) RVVC-MRHQ-YDEJ0 2JVN-U5NA-EF40R Invincible T98V-QTZZ-4TJW5 B01J-3AFJ-EBVFV Infinite Force 5U6B-3AFK-BAT8J J6F1-90TC-F7Q80 Infinite Force Points 11RP-9QU7-9E5M3 AMWW-EA51-GDNCB This is all I've got right now... I'll post more when/if I can find more... We'll of course need to get more in other formats too cause not everybody has an ARMAX. Is anybody else willing to help find more codes or hack codes for this game? And can a hacker please come to this thread?
Game ID: 0A78 (M) RVVC-MRHQ-YDEJ0 2JVN-U5NA-EF40R Invincible T98V-QTZZ-4TJW5 B01J-3AFJ-EBVFV Infinite Force 5U6B-3AFK-BAT8J J6F1-90TC-F7Q80 Infinite Force Points 11RP-9QU7-9E5M3 AMWW-EA51-GDNCB
Warning: Contains Alot Of Vulgar Language And Profanity. For some reason, I found this hilarious. I don't know why.
I am now 19 years old!:D
Post your Favorite Childhood Game(s) Here. Mine was Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. I was very good at that game too. I got All 7 Chaos Emeralds and All 7 Super Emeralds with every Character!:D and I got the Super and Hyper Form for every Character!:D and I ended up having 99 Lives and at least 25 continues in stock!:D I never had to use any of the continues either!:D That game entertained my Childhood SO Much!:D
Are there any people on this site besides me who live in Arkansas? The part of Arkansas I live in is El Dorado! The City Of Great Riches!:D (I'm not kidding that really is where I live) So...does anybody live there besides me? Post here if you do. Cause I REALLY want to know.
Can somebody please give me a cool new sig pic? I got rid of my old one cause it wasn't good enough. and it was a little too "grainy" I've been trying to get a new sig pic but I've failed at every turn so I'm making this request out of desperation. I should also mention that I'm a major newbie at this sort of thing so I really need help. and I want my new sig pic to be something fitting for myself that has to do with videogames like Mario or Sonic The Hedgehog or KH maybe. Whichever is easier to get. Oh, and I almost forgot I want my name to be inside of the pic sort of like in the sig pic that EvilMan has if that's not too much trouble. If you look at his sig pic you'll know what I mean. So can somebody help me out?
In this Arena people will participate in Card Duels just like in Yu-Gi-Oh! Okay, Here are The Rules: 1. You must announce what card you are playing. 2. You must ALWAYS include the image of EVERY card you are playing in your post including facedown cards otherwise your move doesn't count. 3. You may also Private Message or Visitor Message members who you want to challenge to a Duel. 4. No editing your posts to try to change your move after you already took your turn and someone else had already made their move. 5. Custom Made Cards are also allowed. 6. You must take your turn within 48 hours of when your opponent took their turn or it automatically counts as a forfeit. 7. You can choose to play with either 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000 or 16000 Life Points as long as both players agree to Duel on those terms. 8. If your opponent does try to include the card image or card images but they still don't show up through no fault of your opponent give him/her a chance to edit his/her post so the images are included and do show up. 9. If something comes up and you are unable to finish the Duel with your opponent you may forfeit anytime. 10. Be careful when mixing themes. Only use themes that do go well together. 11. No unbeatable cards allowed. 12. No FTKs Allowed! Play like a Real Duelist! 13. No stealing other people's combos that were used here. 14. No stealing other people's cards and using them against them in a desperate attempt to win. 15. If you're gonna use customs make sure that their description matches the actual gameplay terms that real cards have. 16. If you're gonna use customs make sure that they are not something that wouldn’t exist in the real game due to simple mechanics such as Level 4 Monsters with 2500+ ATK for example. 17. When posting the card images make sure they are big enough that their description is readable. 18. If you're gonna change the type of Deck you're using be sure to say so first. 19. More than one Duel at a time can take place. 20. If The Rule Moderator tells you to redo your move redo it. No questions asked. List of Anime Exclusive/Video Game Exclusive Cards that are now Legal and count as Real Cards in The Duel Arena: (Be sure to check back often because this will be updated overtime) Code: 1. Cyber Angel Idaten 2. Cyber Angel Benten 3. Cyber Angel Dakini 4. Machine Angel Ritual 5. Arcana Force VIII - Strength 6. Arcana Force XII - The Hanged Man 7. The Sky Lord 8. The Material Lord 9. The Spiritual Lord 10. Suit of Sword X 11. Power Wall 12. Weathering Soldier 13. Fossil Dragon Skullgios 14. Skullpawn, the Cenozoic Fossil Knight 15. Skullknight, the Mesozoic Fossil Knight 16. Skullking, the Paleozoic Fossil Knight 17. Time Stream 18. Fossil Fusion 19. Toy Soldier 20. Toy Emperor 21. Crowning of the Emperor 22. Last Machine Acid Virus 23. Slash Draw 24. White Veil 25. Maiden in Love 26. Happy Marriage 27. Cupid Kiss 28. Defense Maiden 29. Flipping the Table 30. Dizzy Angel 31. Dizzy Tiger 32. Hot Sauce Bottle 33. Ayer's Rock Sunrise 34. Ritual of Lithmus 35. Swordsman of Doom Lithmus 36. Jurassic Impact 37. Fallen Paradise 38. Scab Scarknight 39. Infinite Fiend Mirror 40. God of Darkness - Dark God 41. B.E.S. Armored Core 42. Shield Recovery 43. Ritual of the Matador 44. Archfiend Matador 45. Dark Arena 46. Dark Scorpion Retreat 47. Dark Scorpion - Tragedy of Love 48. Illusion Gate 49. Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone 50. Miracle Contact 51. Chaos Distill 52. Final Fusion 53. Clear Wall 54. Clear Cube 55. Clear Phantom 56. Clear Rage Golem 57. Clear Vicious Knight 58. Cut Jewel 59. Battle Fusion 60. D - Mind 61. Flame Wall 62. Fog Castle 63. Name of a Friend 64. Burst Impact 65. Dark Archetype 66. Dark Psycho Eye 67. Dark Renewal 68. Dark Summoning Beast 69. Rebirth Judgment 70. Satellite Laser Balsam 71. Toon Kingdom 72. Ojamandala 73. The Unselected One 74. Plasma Warrior Eitom 75. Kiteroid 76. Celri, Monk of Dark World 77. Advanced Dark 78. Amphibian Angel - Frog-Hael 79. Attribute Bomb 80. Attribute Chameleon 81. Attribute Gravity 82. Attribute Mastery 83. Zero Sprite 84. Break Draw 85. Masked Knight LV3 86. Masked Knight LV5 87. Masked Knight LV7 88. Ice Mirror 89. Pain to Power 90. One-Hundred Eye Dragon 91. Altar of the Bound Deity 92. Magician Ape 93. Zeman the Ape King 94. Fighter Ape 95. Defender's Mind 96. Sacred Defense Barrier 97. Cursed Prison 98. Central Shield 99. Trick Battle 100. Power Converter Banned/Forbidden List: This Is The List Of Cards that are Illegal in The Arena and are Not Allowed. PM me if you have any questions or concerns or think I should update it further. Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Magical Scientist Cyber Stein Makyura The Destructor Sinister Serpent Tribe-Infecting Virus Yata-Garasu Exodia The Forbidden One Cyber Jar Fiber Jar Cold Wave The Forceful Sentry Delinquent Duo Confiscation Cathedral of Nobles Mirage of Nightmare Crush Card Virus Exchange of The Spirit Time Seal Sixth Sense Last Turn Limited List: You can only have 1 copy maximum of each of these cards in your Deck: Obelisk The Tormentor Slifer The Sky Dragon The Winged Dragon of Ra Dark Strike Fighter Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Armed Dragon Dark Simorgh Judgment Dragon Victory Dragon Sangan Witch of The Black Forest Marshmallon Metamorphosis Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Change of Heart Raigeki Harpie's Feather Duster Heavy Storm Mystical Space Typhoon Snatch Steal Monster Reborn Imperial Order Ojama Trio Torrential Tribute Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Semi-Limited List: You can only have 2 copies maximum of these cards in your Deck: Necroface Jinzo Nobleman of Crossout Morphing Jar Premature Burial Anti-Spell Fragrance Rule Moderator: Xakota These are The Top Players in my Arena: Leader Board: 1st Place(Champion): Xakota 2nd Place: DeadHeart 3rd Place: Jaden Yuki (Me) 4th Place: Dalk And for those who want to know where to go to make cards: This is where: Have Fun Dueling Everyone!
1. Cyber Angel Idaten 2. Cyber Angel Benten 3. Cyber Angel Dakini 4. Machine Angel Ritual 5. Arcana Force VIII - Strength 6. Arcana Force XII - The Hanged Man 7. The Sky Lord 8. The Material Lord 9. The Spiritual Lord 10. Suit of Sword X 11. Power Wall 12. Weathering Soldier 13. Fossil Dragon Skullgios 14. Skullpawn, the Cenozoic Fossil Knight 15. Skullknight, the Mesozoic Fossil Knight 16. Skullking, the Paleozoic Fossil Knight 17. Time Stream 18. Fossil Fusion 19. Toy Soldier 20. Toy Emperor 21. Crowning of the Emperor 22. Last Machine Acid Virus 23. Slash Draw 24. White Veil 25. Maiden in Love 26. Happy Marriage 27. Cupid Kiss 28. Defense Maiden 29. Flipping the Table 30. Dizzy Angel 31. Dizzy Tiger 32. Hot Sauce Bottle 33. Ayer's Rock Sunrise 34. Ritual of Lithmus 35. Swordsman of Doom Lithmus 36. Jurassic Impact 37. Fallen Paradise 38. Scab Scarknight 39. Infinite Fiend Mirror 40. God of Darkness - Dark God 41. B.E.S. Armored Core 42. Shield Recovery 43. Ritual of the Matador 44. Archfiend Matador 45. Dark Arena 46. Dark Scorpion Retreat 47. Dark Scorpion - Tragedy of Love 48. Illusion Gate 49. Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone 50. Miracle Contact 51. Chaos Distill 52. Final Fusion 53. Clear Wall 54. Clear Cube 55. Clear Phantom 56. Clear Rage Golem 57. Clear Vicious Knight 58. Cut Jewel 59. Battle Fusion 60. D - Mind 61. Flame Wall 62. Fog Castle 63. Name of a Friend 64. Burst Impact 65. Dark Archetype 66. Dark Psycho Eye 67. Dark Renewal 68. Dark Summoning Beast 69. Rebirth Judgment 70. Satellite Laser Balsam 71. Toon Kingdom 72. Ojamandala 73. The Unselected One 74. Plasma Warrior Eitom 75. Kiteroid 76. Celri, Monk of Dark World 77. Advanced Dark 78. Amphibian Angel - Frog-Hael 79. Attribute Bomb 80. Attribute Chameleon 81. Attribute Gravity 82. Attribute Mastery 83. Zero Sprite 84. Break Draw 85. Masked Knight LV3 86. Masked Knight LV5 87. Masked Knight LV7 88. Ice Mirror 89. Pain to Power 90. One-Hundred Eye Dragon 91. Altar of the Bound Deity 92. Magician Ape 93. Zeman the Ape King 94. Fighter Ape 95. Defender's Mind 96. Sacred Defense Barrier 97. Cursed Prison 98. Central Shield 99. Trick Battle 100. Power Converter
Who do you think is better in Brawl? Snake is better in my opinion.
My computer has 3 viruses and my dad keeps saying that he'll do something to get a new virus protection thingy for the computer. but so far he hasn't done it. and I'm not sure if my computer is gonna last or not. and so...I'm posting this thread to tell you all that if you don't see me online for awhile it's because my computer is being repaired at the computer place.
Well. . .I did manage to find some codes for the Japanese version of Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3. but that probably won't do us any good:nono:
Guess what everybody...Gamecube hacking has started again!:D I know because I heard about it on another forum. anyway, can somebody please post some codes for this game for me?
I was just wondering if there was anybody on this site besides me who sucks at Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Post here if you do. I only beat the Subspace Emissary (Adventure Mode) on easy mode. and I can only beat classic on easy etc. and every time a new challenger appears I get creamed before I can hardly get in any attacks.:bangbang: The only new challenger I managed to defeat was (because I got lucky) Luigi and nobody else:( I'm probably the worst person that's ever played this game:( I apologize if this thread is in the wrong place, if it is can a mod please move it to the forum where it belongs?
I was bored, so I decided to make this thread. Does anybody wanna discuss this game?
One time I dreamed that I was Sora and my mother was Kairi and my dad was Riku and we lived on Destiny Islands and I fought Heartless using my house key for a keyblade! What do you guys think of that?