Hey Everybody! Funny thing is this group actually IS where I belong. Because I actually took a written Duelist Exam online and scored at Ra Yellow when I did.
Seriously, This thing has REALLY been bugging me...because sometimes I have a really important VM that I need to send somebody that's more than 1000 Characters long... If this isn't any trouble I humbly request that this be removed good sirs and madames of The Staff. Thank You for your time. ~Jaden Yuki
I got this idea from the other thread. It's simple, This time you post your Top 10 Favorite Male and Female Users on here in separate lists. I thought something similar to this had been done before and just thought this might make a good thread. I'll start: My Top 10 Male Users are: 1. Bushido in The Bedroom 2. Sinister 3. Sonic The Hedgehog 4. Apoligetix 5. Keyblade Spirit 6. Hell Kaiser Ryo 7. Aster Phoenix 8. Cubia 9. Ansem59 10. Evil_Man89 My Top 10 Female Users are: 1. Catch The Rain 2. MandyXRiku4ever 3. Monica Reybrandte (Before she was Banned T_T) 4. Sakrua Angel 5. moshimoshi!!! 6. Cat<3 Sora 7. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^ 8. Fearless 9. DPWolf 10. Shadow_Rocks
Just letting everybody know that I'm leaving tomorrow because I'm going on a family vacation. And so starting later tonight I will be disabling Private Messaging and Visitor Messaging until I return. I don't know the exact time when I will return but I will be gone for a few days. Goodbye my friends! Take care! See ya later!
No Seriously, I mean it. Should I? I'm a Premium Member. And I'm 20 Years Old. But I am getting absolutely NO RESPECT anymore AT ALL... While all the other Premium Members on this site are being treated like gods... I've been kind to people and been friends with many people on this site who didn't have any other friends and I've thought of others many times. I've had a good membership here for a long time but now everybody is just starting to brush me off... And I feel like everybody is betraying me... And by how unpopular my Question Time thread is I can tell that I'm not very popular here... I feel like despite everything I've done I'm being called both worthless and a joke at the same time... I really don't see any point to me being here anymore... And starting now I'm giving all of you only a few days to convince me to stay. If you guys really want me here then prove it. Cause I'm starting to think that you don't.
Don't worry...This isn't permanent...I WILL be back... But I just need a break...I just need some time to recover... Alot of you can probably guess why... When my girlfriend ZRW dumped me I was in so much pain...And I still am... It hurt me so much losing her that I couldn't eat or sleep... I went so long without eating that I lost almost 10 pounds... And right now I've gone 4 solid nights with no sleep soon to go my 5th... All I can do is take short naps during the day... I feel so bad that I can't find words strong enough to express what my own state of mind is...I feel so broken... Both my mind and soul are spiraling right now... My eyes are gruesomely bloodshot...So much that you can barely even see the white parts of them anymore... So I won't be on for awhile...I just need time for my broken heart to mend... I could probably type a full 10 chapters to go into detail about how bad I feel but I won't... I don't know what specific date I'll return but I will be back eventually... Right now I want to thank all of you...My friends...for being there for me in my time of need... Sincerely~Jaden Yuki
Okay...What's this group for? >_> I think I may already know...>_> <_< >_> <_< >_> <_< >_> <_< >_> <_< >_>
When you first saw Riku what did you think about him? Well I noticed there was only one of these threads about Sora so I thought I'd start one about Riku! My thoughts were: "Man...This guy is like the most badass videogame swordsman dude ever!" Those were pretty much my thoughts...
Me and and Blair are getting married! I need people to be part of our wedding. Who will join?
I absolutely love boxes... I keep all my things in my room in various different office-style chests and boxes with labels on them! My videogames, My DVDs, My books, EVERYTHING! And I hardly ever go outside...In fact, I stay inside so much that my skin is pale from lack of exposure to sunlight!
Seriously...What's up with these things man? Who needs them! They're nothing but a hassle! They come untied at the worst of times! Why doesn't everyone just wear Velcro Shoes or Zipper Shoes? Shoelaces Suck!
Well you know the drill people, Same rules as the last one. Rules: 1. You must announce what card you are playing. 2. You must announce what phases you are entering. 3. You must ALWAYS include the image of EVERY card you are playing in your post including facedown cards otherwise your move doesn't count. 4. You may also Private Message or Visitor Message members who you want to challenge to a Duel. 5. No editing your posts to try to change your move after you already took your turn and someone else had already made their move. 6. Custom Made Cards are also allowed. 7. You must take your turn within 2 Days of when your opponent took their turn or it automatically counts as a forfeit. You must also finish the move you're making within 24 Hours. 8. You can choose to play with either 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000 or 16000 Life Points as long as both players agree to Duel on those terms. 9. If your opponent does try to include the card image or card images but they still don't show up through no fault of your opponent give him/her a chance to edit his/her post so the images are included and do show up. 10. If something comes up and you are unable to finish the Duel with your opponent you may forfeit anytime. 11. Be careful when mixing themes. Only use themes that do go well together. Make sure that what you're doing makes sense. And don't go against your Deck Theme. 12. No unbeatable combos allowed. 13. No FTKs Allowed! Play like a Real Duelist! 14. No stealing other people's combos that were used here. 15. No stealing other people's cards and using them against them in a desperate attempt to win. 16. If you're gonna use customs make sure that their description matches the actual TCG gameplay terms that real cards have. 17. If you're gonna use customs make sure that they are not something that wouldn’t exist in the real game due to simple mechanics such as Level 4 Monsters with 2500+ ATK for example. 18. When posting the card images make sure they are big enough that their description is readable. 19. If you're gonna change the type of Deck you're using be sure to say so first. 20. You must quote your opponent when replying to their move. 21. More than one Duel at a time can take place. 22. If The Rule Moderator tells you to redo your move redo it. No Questions Asked. 23. The Champion is the one who sets the terms and decides who goes first. 24. You can choose to play with either 40, 50 or 60 Cards. And if you exceed your chosen amount of cards and cannot draw during your draw phase, you lose. 25. When you request a duel with someone, you must use this template: LP: Customs: Anime Exclusives: Video Game Exclusives: God Cards: Hand Refill: First Player: Number of Cards per Deck: Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Rules For The Use Of Customs: 1. No Godmodding. Translation: No making Godly, Immortal, or Impervious Cards! Everyone card must have a weakness or drawback, no matter how strong it is. This is a staple rule, Making/Using Unbeatable Cards and/or Cards with Infinite ATK/DEF will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in a game loss. 2. They can't be ridiculously overpowered. 3. They can't be just plain cheating. 4. They can't be a costless version of a card that already exists. 5. They CAN have Fake Types. But they have to make sense like The 22 Legal Types: Aqua. Beast. Beast-Warrior Dinosaur. Divine-Beast. Dragon. Fairy. Fiend. Fish. Insect. Machine. Plant. Pyschic. Pyro. Reptile. Rock. Sea Serpent. Spellcaster. Thunder. Warrior. Winged-Beast. Zombie. Cards that count as both Anime and Videogame Exclusive: Code: 1. Cyber Angel Idaten 2. Cyber Angel Benten 3. Cyber Angel Dakini 4. Machine Angel Ritual 5. Arcana Force VIII - Strength 6. Arcana Force XII - The Hanged Man 7. The Sky Lord 8. The Material Lord 9. The Spiritual Lord 10. Suit of Sword X 11. Power Wall 12. Weathering Soldier 13. Fossil Dragon Skullgios 14 Skullpawn, the Cenozoic Fossil Knight 15. Skullknight, the Mesozoic Fossil Knight 16. Skullking, the Paleozoic Fossil Knight 17. Time Stream 18. Fossil Fusion 19. Toy Soldier 20. Toy Emperor 21. Crowning of the Emperor 22. Last Machine Acid Virus 23. Lost Paradise 24. White Veil 25. Maiden in Love 26. Happy Marriage 27. Cupid Kiss 28. Defense Maiden 29. Flipping the Table 30. Dizzy Angel 31. Dizzy Tiger 32. Hot Sauce Bottle 33. Ayer's Rock Sunrise 34. Ritual of Lithmus 35. Swordsman of Doom Lithmus 36. Jurassic Impact 37. Fallen Paradise 38. Scab Scarknight 39. Infinite Fiend Mirror 40. God of Darkness - Dark God 41. B.E.S. Armored Core 42. Shield Recovery 43. Ritual of the Matador 44. Archfiend Matador 45. Dark Arena 46. Dark Scorpion Retreat 47. Dark Scorpion - Tragedy of Love 48. Illusion Gate 49. Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone 50. Chaos Distill 51. Miracle Contact 52. Miracle Stone 53. Masked Knight LV3 54. Masked Knight LV5 55. Masked Knight LV7 56. Power Converter 57. Pain to Power 58. Discord Counter 59. Synchro Back 60. Trick Battle 61. Altar of the Bound Deity 62. Cursed Prison 63. Absurd Stealer 64. Buster Shotman 65. Dark Tuner - Dark Goddess Witaka 66. Dark Tuner Doom Submarine 67. Gatling Ogre 68. Grannel Attack 69. Grannel Carrier 70. Grannel Guard 71. Grannel Top 72. Grand Core 73. Hidden Knight -Hook- 74. Infernity Death Gunman 75. Infernity Zero 76. Jester Queen 77. Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity 78. Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity 79. Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity 80. Sacred Knight Shield-Bearer 81. Sacred Knight's Spearholder 82. Skiel Attack 83. Skiel Attack 3 84. Skiel Attack 5 85. Skiel Carrier 86. Skiel Carrier 3 87. Skiel Carrier 5 88. Skiel Guard 89. Skiel Top 90. Sky Core 91. Horse of the Floral Knights 92. Tech Genus Cyber Magician SC-01 93. Tech Genus Rush Rhino BE-04 94. Tech Genus Striker WA-01 95. Tech Genus Werewolf BW-03 96. Toichi, Hell Collection Official 97. Wise Core 98. Wisel Attack 99. Wisel Attack 3 100. Wisel Carrier 101. Wisel Guard 102.Wisel Guard 3 103. Wisel Top 104. Wisel Top 3 105. Centaurmina 106. Tech Genus Blade Gunner MAXX-10000 107. Tech Genus Power Gladiator WAX-1000 108. Tech Genus Wonder Magician SCX-1000 109. Dark Flat Top 110. Distrain Card 111. Jester's Panic 112. Secret Passage 113. Battle Return 114. Chain Close 115. Death Penalty 116. Double Type Rescue. 117. Endless Loan 118. Fleur Guard 119. Floral Shield 120. For the Founder 121. Fork - Divergence 122. Ghost Convert 123. Hell Barricade 124. Infinity Force 125. Labyrinth of Kline 126. Late Penalty 127. Powerful Rebirth 128. Spark Blaster 129. Tuning Barrier 130. Twin Vortex Banned/Forbidden List: This Is The List Of Cards that are Illegal in The Arena and are Not Allowed. VM me if you have any questions or concerns or think I should update it further: Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord Magical Scientist Cyber Stein Sinister Serpent Makyura the Destructor Tribe-Infecting Virus Yata-Garasu Protector of The Sanctuary Neko Mane King Cup of Ace Slash Draw Card of Demise Card of Sanctity (The Anime Exclusive Version) (The Real Life Version is still allowed) Card of Safe Return Cold Wave Butterfly Dagger - Elma The Forceful Sentry Delinquent Duo Confiscation Exchange Dragged Down into The Grave Reversal Quiz Temple of the Kings Crush Card Virus Deck Devastation Virus Eradicator Epidemic Virus Exchange of The Spirit Time Seal Trap Dustshoot The Eye of Truth Sixth Sense Miracle Draw Last Turn Ordeal of a Traveler Judgment of The Pharaoh Limited List: You can only use 1 copy of these cards in The Arena: Obelisk The Tormentor Slifer The Sky Dragon The Winged Dragon of Ra The Wicked Dreadroot The Wicked Eraser The Wicked Avatar Polar God Emperor Odin Polar God Thor Polar God Loki Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Armityle the Chaos Phantom Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Chaos Sorcerer Thousand-Eyes Restrict Exodia The Forbidden One Exodia Necross Dark Strike Fighter Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Armed Dragon Judgment Dragon Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner Gladiator Beast Bestiari Great Shogun Shien Tragoedia Dark Simorgh Victory Dragon Black Rose Dragon Brionac, Dragon of The Ice Barrier Blackwing — Gale The Whirlwind Marshmallon Magician Of Faith Morphing Jar Fiber Jar Cyber Jar Card Trooper The Seal of Orichalcos Large Heat Wave Timidity Heart of The Underdog Nobleman of Crossout Mirage of Nightmare Metamorphosis Dimension Fusion Painful Choice Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Change of Heart Raigeki Harpie's Feather Duster Dark Hole Heavy Storm Giant Trunade Snatch Steal Monster Reborn Premature Burial Megamorph Primal Seed Charge Of The Light Brigade Black Whirlwind Imperial Order Royal Oppression Ring of Destruction Ojama Trio Ceasefire Torrential Tribute Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Semi-Limited List: You can only use 2 copies of these cards in The Arena: Destiny Hero - Malicious Dandylion Destiny Draw Allure of Darkness Spirit Reaper Mystical Space Typhoon Mind Control Chain Strike Scapegoat Ground Collapse Anti-Spell Fragrance Royal Decree Skill Drain Ultimate Offering Bottomless Trap Hole Call of The Haunted These are The Top Players in The Arena: Leader Board: Champion: Fearless 2nd: Cubia 3rd: Jaden Yuki 4th: Hell Kaiser Ryo 5th: Place: Aster Phoenix Rule Moderator: Zeonark For those of you who want to know where to go to find the images of real cards: This is where: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page For facedown card images use these: Spell/Trap: Or: Monster: Or: And for those who want to know where to go to make cards: This is where: http://yugiohcardmaker.net/ Have Fun Dueling Everyone! Anime Arena Characters: Jaden Yuki Odamadillo (Bastion Misawa) Shadow_Rocks (Bakura) Fearless (Haou) Vladimir Makarov (Maximillion Pegasus) KH2man13 (Joey Wheeler) Hell Kaiser Ryo (Zane Truesdale) Blair Flannigan (Feenie) Roxas N Namine (Yugi Moto) Cubia (Paradox) Zeonark (Yusei Fudo) Anime Arena Characters still needed: Seto Kaiba Mako Tsunami Aster Phoenix Chazz Princeton Syrus Truesdale Chumley Huffington Alexis Rhodes Atticus Rhodes Jesse Anderson Axel Brodie Adrian Gecko Jim Crocodile Cook Tyranno Hassleberry Professor Banner Yubel Jack Atlas Crow Hogan Kalin Kessler Akiza Izinski Carly Carmine Leo Luna
1. Cyber Angel Idaten 2. Cyber Angel Benten 3. Cyber Angel Dakini 4. Machine Angel Ritual 5. Arcana Force VIII - Strength 6. Arcana Force XII - The Hanged Man 7. The Sky Lord 8. The Material Lord 9. The Spiritual Lord 10. Suit of Sword X 11. Power Wall 12. Weathering Soldier 13. Fossil Dragon Skullgios 14 Skullpawn, the Cenozoic Fossil Knight 15. Skullknight, the Mesozoic Fossil Knight 16. Skullking, the Paleozoic Fossil Knight 17. Time Stream 18. Fossil Fusion 19. Toy Soldier 20. Toy Emperor 21. Crowning of the Emperor 22. Last Machine Acid Virus 23. Lost Paradise 24. White Veil 25. Maiden in Love 26. Happy Marriage 27. Cupid Kiss 28. Defense Maiden 29. Flipping the Table 30. Dizzy Angel 31. Dizzy Tiger 32. Hot Sauce Bottle 33. Ayer's Rock Sunrise 34. Ritual of Lithmus 35. Swordsman of Doom Lithmus 36. Jurassic Impact 37. Fallen Paradise 38. Scab Scarknight 39. Infinite Fiend Mirror 40. God of Darkness - Dark God 41. B.E.S. Armored Core 42. Shield Recovery 43. Ritual of the Matador 44. Archfiend Matador 45. Dark Arena 46. Dark Scorpion Retreat 47. Dark Scorpion - Tragedy of Love 48. Illusion Gate 49. Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone 50. Chaos Distill 51. Miracle Contact 52. Miracle Stone 53. Masked Knight LV3 54. Masked Knight LV5 55. Masked Knight LV7 56. Power Converter 57. Pain to Power 58. Discord Counter 59. Synchro Back 60. Trick Battle 61. Altar of the Bound Deity 62. Cursed Prison 63. Absurd Stealer 64. Buster Shotman 65. Dark Tuner - Dark Goddess Witaka 66. Dark Tuner Doom Submarine 67. Gatling Ogre 68. Grannel Attack 69. Grannel Carrier 70. Grannel Guard 71. Grannel Top 72. Grand Core 73. Hidden Knight -Hook- 74. Infernity Death Gunman 75. Infernity Zero 76. Jester Queen 77. Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity 78. Machine Emperor Skiel Infinity 79. Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity 80. Sacred Knight Shield-Bearer 81. Sacred Knight's Spearholder 82. Skiel Attack 83. Skiel Attack 3 84. Skiel Attack 5 85. Skiel Carrier 86. Skiel Carrier 3 87. Skiel Carrier 5 88. Skiel Guard 89. Skiel Top 90. Sky Core 91. Horse of the Floral Knights 92. Tech Genus Cyber Magician SC-01 93. Tech Genus Rush Rhino BE-04 94. Tech Genus Striker WA-01 95. Tech Genus Werewolf BW-03 96. Toichi, Hell Collection Official 97. Wise Core 98. Wisel Attack 99. Wisel Attack 3 100. Wisel Carrier 101. Wisel Guard 102.Wisel Guard 3 103. Wisel Top 104. Wisel Top 3 105. Centaurmina 106. Tech Genus Blade Gunner MAXX-10000 107. Tech Genus Power Gladiator WAX-1000 108. Tech Genus Wonder Magician SCX-1000 109. Dark Flat Top 110. Distrain Card 111. Jester's Panic 112. Secret Passage 113. Battle Return 114. Chain Close 115. Death Penalty 116. Double Type Rescue. 117. Endless Loan 118. Fleur Guard 119. Floral Shield 120. For the Founder 121. Fork - Divergence 122. Ghost Convert 123. Hell Barricade 124. Infinity Force 125. Labyrinth of Kline 126. Late Penalty 127. Powerful Rebirth 128. Spark Blaster 129. Tuning Barrier 130. Twin Vortex
I never thought I would do it...But...I'm leaving...:( I've actually been driven to do this...:( But before I go...I want all my friends to know...how much I loved them...:( Ansem59: You were my very first official friend on this site...You were my friend ever since 2007...You were always so kind and helped out me whenever I needed it... EvilMan_89: You were another one of my first friends on this site...When I first joined this site I was just a lowly newbie who couldn't even use Internet Slang or make Double Spaces...But even though you were so powerful and wise as a Coder you never found yourself too good to help others...And you reached out to me as a friend and helped me...I'll never forget that... JLHack7: You were another one of my first friends...You were very kind and helped me in The Code Vault when I needed it...And you taught me so much that My Rep more than tripled when I posted in The Code Vault...And there was one time when you even hacked codes for a game for me including The Mastercode when I didn't even ask you to...That kindness was so wonderful... Apoligetix: You were the first other Christian I met on this site besides myself...I never got to speak with you very much...And I greatly regret that...but I could tell that you were a very good person because of your high friendship list... Sonic The Hedgehog: You were the most popular person on this site with people friendship wise...And I always liked how good a friend you were to me...And I always liked how you had the name of my favorite videogame character as your Username...I also regret that I didn't get to speak with you more... Catch The Rain: You were the person on this site with The Highest Reputation...And rightfully so...You were always so kind to everyone no matter who they were...You were like a second mother to me...You taught me the importance of friendship and believing in myself...Your kindness will never be forgotten...It will live on in my heart forever... Aqua_Heart: You were the first friend I had who ever stood up for me...And you did nice things for me when I didn't even ask you to...I will always remember you for that... Dalk: You were always funny...and knew how to make me laugh...At first there was Total Chaos in The Duel Arena...But then you came and brought Light to it by showing everyone the importance of using real cards instead of Customs... Xakota/Bushido in The Bedroom: You came to The Duel Arena and made sure everyone followed The Rules...And you were always a good friend to me as well...And even though you're being mean to me right now I still think of you as a friend...And I always will... DeadHeart: You were a very good friend to me...You helped me grow stronger as a Duelist...And you were also very helpful to me in The Code Vault... To all the friends I didn't mention here...Please remember that I haven't forgotten you either...It's just that since I have over 100 Friends on my list there are too many to name... Goodbye Everyone...May you all live the rest of your lives in peace...
It thinks that Anime and Manga are not in The Dictionary...O_O
I've decided to make a Poll on whether or not I should change the Time Limit in The Duel Arena back to 24 Hours... I for one think it should be...48 Hours seems like a pretty long time to take to make a move...24 Hours is PLENTY of time... Those who wish to decide please speak now.
Due to the issues about this developing in The Duel Arena I decided to take the liberty of starting a Poll on whether or not The Envoys should be banned from The Duel Arena. So to everyone who wishes for these 2 cards to banned or to stay unbanned speak now or forever hold your peace. Once The Final Decision has been made a Mod/Admin can close this Thread.
He keeps both The Air Conditioner and The Fan on in Winter! O_O It's so frigging cold in his room...and the air in his room is so thick I'm surprised it isn't visible...O_O It's so thick I can barely breathe...And I have to take a paperbag with me to breathe into whenever I go in there... If I had asthma I would suffocate in there...O_O
I've been a few times but I don't really mind...I kinda dig that song!
Anyone got any good codes for this game? But not the ones from Codejunkies. I already have those. And I have these: Code: All Cards(L+R) 94000130 000000ff D5000000 33333333 C0000000 000000c1 D6000000 02105bb0 D2000000 00000000 Press X To have All Outfits(Note= Activate the code in closet "ONCE" then exit go back in 927FFFA8 FBFF0000 C0000000 00000003 121058D4 00000FFF DC000000 00000003 D2000000 00000000 D0000000 00000000 Have all Disks C0000000 00000003 221058D6 000000FF DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Have all Spirits(all level One) C0000000 00000002 121058E0 0000FFFF DC000000 00000003 D2000000 00000000 What I'm really hoping for is a code that will remove The Ban/Restriction List. That's really the only code I want. I've looked EVERYWHERE for it... I heard it doesn't exist...Can someone please hack that code?
All Cards(L+R) 94000130 000000ff D5000000 33333333 C0000000 000000c1 D6000000 02105bb0 D2000000 00000000 Press X To have All Outfits(Note= Activate the code in closet "ONCE" then exit go back in 927FFFA8 FBFF0000 C0000000 00000003 121058D4 00000FFF DC000000 00000003 D2000000 00000000 D0000000 00000000 Have all Disks C0000000 00000003 221058D6 000000FF DC000000 00000002 D2000000 00000000 Have all Spirits(all level One) C0000000 00000002 121058E0 0000FFFF DC000000 00000003 D2000000 00000000