And here we are with Version 5. Well you know the drill people, Same rules as the last one. Rules: 1. You must announce what card you are playing. 2. You must announce what phases you are entering. 3. You must ALWAYS include the image of EVERY card you are playing in your post including facedown cards otherwise your move doesn't count. 4. You may also Private Message or Visitor Message members who you want to challenge to a Duel. 5. No editing your posts to try to change your move if someone else has already made their move. 6. Custom Made Cards are also allowed. 7. You must take your turn within 24 Hours of when your opponent took their turn or it automatically counts as a forfeit. You must also finish the move you're making within 24 Hours. 8. You can choose to play with either 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000 or 16000 Life Points as long as both players agree to Duel on those terms. 9. If your opponent does try to include the card image or card images but they still don't show up through no fault of your opponent give him/her a chance to edit his/her post so the images are included and do show up. 10. If something comes up and you are unable to finish the Duel with your opponent you may forfeit anytime. 11. Be careful when mixing themes. Only use themes that do go well together. Make sure that what you're doing makes sense. And don't go against your Deck Theme. 12. No unbeatable combos allowed. 13. No FTKs Allowed! Play like a Real Duelist! 14. No stealing other people's combos that were used here. 15. If you're gonna use customs make sure that their description matches the actual TCG gameplay terms that real cards have. 16. If you're gonna use customs make sure that they are not something that wouldn’t exist in the real game due to simple mechanics such as Level 4 Monsters with 2500+ ATK for example. 17. When posting the card images make sure they are big enough that their description is readable. 18. If you're gonna change the type of Deck you're using be sure to say so first. 19. You must quote your opponent when replying to their move. 20. More than one Duel at a time can take place. 21. If The Rule Moderator tells you to redo your move redo it. No Questions Asked. 22. The Champion is the one who sets the terms and decides who goes first. (When challenging The Champion) 23. You can choose to play with either 40, 50 or 60 Cards. And if you exceed your chosen amount of cards and cannot draw during your draw phase, you lose. 24. When you quote a long post and/or a post full of images please use Spoiler Tags when doing so. 25. If you have a question regarding whether you or your opponent's move is legal or not VM me. 26. When you request a duel with someone, you must use this template: LP: Customs: Anime Exclusives: Video Game Exclusives: God Cards: First Player: Number of Cards per Deck: Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Rules for when you are Dueling someone: 1. You MUST state the phase you are in before moving to it. This includes the draw and standby phase, even if nothing happens during the latter. 2. You MUST post the image of EVERY card involved in a duel. This includes cards that are discarded or milled. If you do not do this, you will have to edit your post. And you will get a strike. And as a rule, if you make 3 moves that must be redone, you lose. 3. At the end of your turn, you MUST post your field, including your monster zones, field zone, and spell and trap zone. And you must also state how many cards are in your hand at The Draw Phase and End Phase because this too is supposed to be public knowledge. 4. Upon the activation of ANY Spell card during your turn or Trap card during either player's turn, or Effect Monsters effect during either players turn, if your opponent has the ability to chain one of their facedown cards to it, you MUST ask for and wait for a response. If your opponent fails to respond with a chain within 24 hours, the opponent may NOT chain to that card, and you can continue your turn. For this reason, it is recommended that both participants be online during a duel, so they can respond with "yes, I will chain" or "no, I will not chain". 5. The source of all Card Rulings will be the official Konami website for The Duelist Genesis onward, and Netrep for Legend of Blue Eyes up to duelist Genesis. These are reliable sources. 6. I will respond to any out-of-line arguments whether they involve me or not over a duel with an immediate duel termination and a game loss to whoever was the antagonist in my opinion. 7. As a new rule, When summoning a monster you must state the way in which you are summoning it. Normal Summon, Flip Summon, Special Summon, Fusion Summon, Synchro Summon, Ritual Summon etc. Rules For The Use Of Customs: 1. No Godmodding. Translation: No making Godly, Immortal, or Impervious Cards! Everyone card must have a weakness or drawback, no matter how strong it is. This is a staple rule, Making/Using Unbeatable Cards and/or Cards with Infinite ATK/DEF will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in a game loss. 2. They can't be ridiculously overpowered. 3. They can't be just plain cheating. 4. They can't be a costless version of a card that already exists. 5. They CAN have Fake Types. But they have to make sense like The 22 Legal Types: Aqua. Beast. Beast-Warrior Dinosaur. Divine-Beast. Dragon. Fairy. Fiend. Fish. Insect. Machine. Plant. Pyschic. Pyro. Reptile. Rock. Sea Serpent. Spellcaster. Thunder. Warrior. Winged-Beast. Zombie. Banned/Forbidden List: This Is The List Of Cards that are Illegal in The Arena and are Not Allowed. VM me if you have any questions or concerns or think I should update it further: Magical Scientist Cyber Stein Sinister Serpent Makyura the Destructor Tribe-Infecting Virus Yata-Garasu Protector of The Sanctuary Amazoness Chain Master Ceremonial Bell Cyber Esper Cyber Jar Fiber Jar Thousand-Eyes Jellyfish Great Phantom Thief Neko Mane King Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Number 16: Ruler of Color - Shock Ruler Spell Canceller Sky Scourge Norleras Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Naturia Beast Naturia Exterio Mechanical Hound Mind on Air Cup of Ace Slash Draw Card of Demise Card of Sanctity (The Anime Exclusive Version) (The Real Life Version is still allowed) Card of Safe Return Cold Wave Butterfly Dagger - Elma The Forceful Sentry Confiscation Exchange Dragged Down into The Grave Delinquent Duo Reversal Quiz Temple of the Kings Crush Card Virus Deck Devastation Virus Eradicator Epidemic Virus Dark Deal Appointer of the Red Lotus Anti-Spell Fragrance Mind Haxorz Light of Judgment Exchange of The Spirit Time Seal Trap Dustshoot The Eye of Truth Odin's Eye Respect Play Spiritual Water Art - Aoi Sixth Sense Miracle Draw Last Turn Ordeal of a Traveler Judgment of The Pharaoh Limited List: You can only use 1 copy of these cards in The Arena: Obelisk The Tormentor Slifer The Sky Dragon The Winged Dragon of Ra The Wicked Dreadroot The Wicked Eraser The Wicked Avatar Polar God Sacred Emperor Odin Polar God King Thor Polar God King Loki Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Armityle the Chaos Phantom Temporal Machine God Metaion Temporal Machine God Razion Temporal Machine God Tzaphion Temporal Machine God Zadion Temporal Machine God Camion Temporal Machine God Raphion Temporal Machine God Hanion Temporal Machine God Michion Temporal Machine God Gabrion Temporal Machine God Sandaion Ultimate Temporal Machine God Sephiron Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Chaos Sorcerer Celri, Monk of Dark World Thousand-Eyes Restrict Exodia The Forbidden One Exodia Necross Dark Strike Fighter Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Armed Dragon Judgment Dragon Shooting Star Dragon Shooting Quasar Dragon Red Nova Dragon Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Great Shogun Shien Grapha, Dragon God of Dark World Goyo Guardian Tragoedia Time Wizard T.G. Hyper Librarian Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dark Simorgh Victory Dragon Black Rose Dragon Brionac, Dragon of The Ice Barrier Blackwing — Gale The Whirlwind Marshmallon Spirit Reaper Sillva, Warlord of Dark World Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World Magician Of Faith Morphing Jar Card Trooper Naturia Barkion Plaguespreader Zombie The Seal of Orichalcos Secret Village of The Spellcasters Gateway of the Six Large Heat Wave Clear World Timidity Heart of The Underdog Nobleman of Crossout Mirage of Nightmare Metamorphosis Dimension Fusion Card Destruction Painful Choice Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Change of Heart Raigeki Harpie's Feather Duster Dark Hole Heavy Storm Giant Trunade Snatch Steal Monster Reborn Premature Burial Megamorph Primal Seed Super Rejuvenation Charge Of The Light Brigade Black Whirlwind Imperial Order Royal Oppression Ring of Destruction Ojama Trio Ceasefire Terrible Deal Torrential Tribute Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Semi-Limited List: You can only use 2 copies of these cards in The Arena: Destiny Hero - Malicious Debris Dragon Dandylion Blackwing - Kalut The Moon Shadow Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World Gren, Tactician of Dark World Kahkki, Guerilla of Dark World Honest Archlord Kristya Destiny Draw Allure of Darkness Mystical Space Typhoon Mind Control Chain Strike Creature Swap Scapegoat Ground Collapse Royal Decree Skill Drain Ultimate Offering Bottomless Trap Hole Call of The Haunted These are The Top Players in The Arena: Leader Board: Champion: Styx 2nd: Droid4Productions 3rd: terra254 4th: Protector212 5th: Red Rule Moderator: NemesisOmega For those of you who want to know where to go to find the images of real cards: This is where: For facedown card images use these: Spell/Trap: Monster: For the smaller field images go to yugioh wikia, find the card you want and click gallery at the bottom, a new page should open with smaller versions somewhere. Right click one and go to properties, the image address will appear, then just copy and paste it between img tags like normally. And for those who want to know where to go to make cards: This is where: Have Fun Dueling Everyone! Anime Arena Characters: Jaden Yuki Fearless (Haou) Aqua101 (Aster Phoenix) Son Goku (Yugi Moto) Droid4Productions (Seto Kaiba) KH2man13 (Joey Wheeler) Protector212 (Yusei Fudo) Aerith G. (Akiza Izinski) xxxLatiasxxx (Carly Carmine) NemesisOmega (Zane Truesdale) Keep in mind that you do not have to RP and be an Anime Character if you don't want to. This is entirely just for fun. You may only join as yourself and use whatever Deck you want to if you prefer. And for future reference, There's a REASON why this Duel Arena uses a different banlist than Konami's. It's because Konami's list only balances the game according to the random card draw. the random card draw doesn't exist here so some changes have to be made. All cards that allow a player's hand to be seen must be Banned. Because with the random card draw not existing here that gives unacceptable advantage in this Arena.
What do you guys think? I hear people say that it does.
Like, Is it just me, Or is the View Conversation thing broken? Because whenever I try to view my conversation with someone I'll either get a Database Error or the conversation will be blank... EDIT: Okay, This is just weird...It will only allow me to view my convo with certain people and sometimes I can't see my messages that I left them...
They're Yugilicious! Part of this complete breakfast!
Well you know the drill people, Same rules as the last one. Rules: 1. You must announce what card you are playing. 2. You must announce what phases you are entering. 3. You must ALWAYS include the image of EVERY card you are playing in your post including facedown cards otherwise your move doesn't count. 4. You may also Private Message or Visitor Message members who you want to challenge to a Duel. 5. No editing your posts to try to change your move if someone else has already made their move. 6. Custom Made Cards are also allowed. 7. You must take your turn within 24 Hours of when your opponent took their turn or it automatically counts as a forfeit. You must also finish the move you're making within 24 Hours. 8. You can choose to play with either 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000 or 16000 Life Points as long as both players agree to Duel on those terms. 9. If your opponent does try to include the card image or card images but they still don't show up through no fault of your opponent give him/her a chance to edit his/her post so the images are included and do show up. 10. If something comes up and you are unable to finish the Duel with your opponent you may forfeit anytime. 11. Be careful when mixing themes. Only use themes that do go well together. Make sure that what you're doing makes sense. And don't go against your Deck Theme. 12. No unbeatable combos allowed. 13. No FTKs Allowed! Play like a Real Duelist! 14. No stealing other people's combos that were used here. 15. If you're gonna use customs make sure that their description matches the actual TCG gameplay terms that real cards have. 16. If you're gonna use customs make sure that they are not something that wouldn’t exist in the real game due to simple mechanics such as Level 4 Monsters with 2500+ ATK for example. 17. When posting the card images make sure they are big enough that their description is readable. 18. If you're gonna change the type of Deck you're using be sure to say so first. 19. You must quote your opponent when replying to their move. 20. More than one Duel at a time can take place. 21. If The Rule Moderator tells you to redo your move redo it. No Questions Asked. 22. The Champion is the one who sets the terms and decides who goes first. (When challenging The Champion) 23. You can choose to play with either 40, 50 or 60 Cards. And if you exceed your chosen amount of cards and cannot draw during your draw phase, you lose. 24. When you quote a long post and/or a post full of images please use Spoiler Tags when doing so. 25. If you have a question regarding whether you or your opponent's move is legal or not VM me. 26. When you request a duel with someone, you must use this template: LP: Customs: Anime Exclusives: Video Game Exclusives: God Cards: First Player: Number of Cards per Deck: Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Rules for when you are Dueling someone: 1. You MUST state the phase you are in before moving to it. This includes the draw and standby phase, even if nothing happens during the latter. 2. You MUST post the image of EVERY card involved in a duel. This includes cards that are discarded or milled. If you do not do this, you will have to edit your post. And you will get a strike. And as a rule, if you make 3 moves that must be redone, you lose. 3. At the end of your turn, you MUST post your field, including your monster zones, field zone, and spell and trap zone. And you must also state how many cards are in your hand at The Draw Phase and End Phase because this too is supposed to be public knowledge. 4. Upon the activation of ANY Spell card during your turn or Trap card during either player's turn, or Effect Monsters effect during either players turn, if your opponent has the ability to chain one of their facedown cards to it, you MUST ask for and wait for a response. If your opponent fails to respond with a chain within 24 hours, the opponent may NOT chain to that card, and you can continue your turn. For this reason, it is recommended that both participants be online during a duel, so they can respond with "yes, I will chain" or "no, I will not chain". 5. The source of all Card Rulings will be the official Konami website for The Duelist Genesis onward, and Netrep for Legend of Blue Eyes up to duelist Genesis. These are reliable sources. 6. I will respond to any out-of-line arguments whether they involve me or not over a duel with an immediate duel termination and a game loss to whoever was the antagonist in my opinion. 7. As a new rule, When summoning a monster you must state the way in which you are summoning it. Normal Summon, Flip Summon, Special Summon, Fusion Summon, Synchro Summon, Ritual Summon etc. Rules For The Use Of Customs: 1. No Godmodding. Translation: No making Godly, Immortal, or Impervious Cards! Everyone card must have a weakness or drawback, no matter how strong it is. This is a staple rule, Making/Using Unbeatable Cards and/or Cards with Infinite ATK/DEF will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in a game loss. 2. They can't be ridiculously overpowered. 3. They can't be just plain cheating. 4. They can't be a costless version of a card that already exists. 5. They CAN have Fake Types. But they have to make sense like The 22 Legal Types: Aqua. Beast. Beast-Warrior Dinosaur. Divine-Beast. Dragon. Fairy. Fiend. Fish. Insect. Machine. Plant. Pyschic. Pyro. Reptile. Rock. Sea Serpent. Spellcaster. Thunder. Warrior. Winged-Beast. Zombie. Banned/Forbidden List: This Is The List Of Cards that are Illegal in The Arena and are Not Allowed. VM me if you have any questions or concerns or think I should update it further: Magical Scientist Cyber Stein Sinister Serpent Makyura the Destructor Tribe-Infecting Virus Yata-Garasu Protector of The Sanctuary Amazoness Chain Master Ceremonial Bell Cyber Esper Thousand-Eyes Jellyfish Great Phantom Thief Neko Mane King Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Spell Canceller Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 Mechanical Hound Mind on Air Cup of Ace Slash Draw Card of Demise Card of Sanctity (The Anime Exclusive Version) (The Real Life Version is still allowed) Card of Safe Return Cold Wave Butterfly Dagger - Elma The Forceful Sentry Confiscation Exchange Dragged Down into The Grave Delinquent Duo Reversal Quiz Temple of the Kings Crush Card Virus Deck Devastation Virus Eradicator Epidemic Virus Appointer of the Red Lotus Anti-Spell Fragrance Mind Haxorz Light of Judgment Exchange of The Spirit Time Seal Trap Dustshoot The Eye of Truth Odin's Eye Respect Play Spiritual Water Art - Aoi Sixth Sense Miracle Draw Last Turn Ordeal of a Traveler Judgment of The Pharaoh Limited List: You can only use 1 copy of these cards in The Arena: Obelisk The Tormentor Slifer The Sky Dragon The Winged Dragon of Ra The Wicked Dreadroot The Wicked Eraser The Wicked Avatar Polar God Sacred Emperor Odin Polar God King Thor Polar God King Loki Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Armityle the Chaos Phantom Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Chaos Sorcerer Thousand-Eyes Restrict Exodia The Forbidden One Exodia Necross Dark Strike Fighter Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Armed Dragon Judgment Dragon Shooting Star Dragon Shooting Quasar Dragon Sky Scourge Norleras Red Nova Dragon Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Great Shogun Shien Goyo Guardian Tragoedia Time Wizard T.G. Hyper Librarian Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Dark Simorgh Victory Dragon Black Rose Dragon Brionac, Dragon of The Ice Barrier Blackwing — Gale The Whirlwind Marshmallon Spirit Reaper Magician Of Faith Morphing Jar Fiber Jar Cyber Jar Card Trooper Plaguespreader Zombie The Seal of Orichalcos Secret Village of The Spellcasters Gateway of the Six Large Heat Wave Clear World Timidity Heart of The Underdog Nobleman of Crossout Mirage of Nightmare Metamorphosis Dimension Fusion Card Destruction Painful Choice Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Change of Heart Raigeki Harpie's Feather Duster Dark Hole Heavy Storm Giant Trunade Snatch Steal Monster Reborn Premature Burial Megamorph Primal Seed Super Rejuvenation Charge Of The Light Brigade Black Whirlwind Imperial Order Royal Oppression Ring of Destruction Ojama Trio Ceasefire Terrible Deal Torrential Tribute Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Semi-Limited List: You can only use 2 copies of these cards in The Arena: Destiny Hero - Malicious Debris Dragon Dandylion Blackwing - Kalut The Moon Shadow Honest Archlord Kristya Destiny Draw Allure of Darkness Mystical Space Typhoon Mind Control Chain Strike Creature Swap Scapegoat Ground Collapse Royal Decree Skill Drain Ultimate Offering Bottomless Trap Hole Call of The Haunted These are The Top Players in The Arena: Leader Board: Champion: Styx 2nd: Red 3rd: Protector212 4rd: Jaden Yuki 5th: KH2man13 Rule Moderator: SirFred131 For those of you who want to know where to go to find the images of real cards: This is where: For facedown card images use these: Spell/Trap: Monster: For the smaller field images go to yugioh wikia, find the card you want and click gallery at the bottom, a new page should open with smaller versions somewhere. Right click one and go to properties, the image address will appear, then just copy and paste it between img tags like normally. And for those who want to know where to go to make cards: This is where: Have Fun Dueling Everyone! Anime Arena Characters: Jaden Yuki Jesse Andersen Fearless (Haou) Son Goku (Yugi Moto) Droid4Productions (Seto Kaiba) KH2man13 (Joey Wheeler) Protector212 (Yusei Fudo) Aerith G. (Akiza Izinski) xxxLatiasxxx (Carly Carmine) Keep in mind that you do not have to RP and be an Anime Character if you don't want to. This is entirely just for fun. You may only join as yourself and use whatever Deck you want to if you prefer. And for future reference, There's a REASON why this Duel Arena uses a different banlist than Konami's. It's because Konami's list only balances the game according to the random card draw. the random card draw doesn't exist here so some changes have to be made. All cards that allow a player's hand to be seen must be Banned. Because with the random card draw not existing here that gives unacceptable advantage in this Arena.
The Crimson Dragon has once again brought Jaden and Yugi to Yusei's timeline after the defeat of Paradox. Our heroes have somehow become sealed in another dimension and have gotten separated from each other. A great evil has emerged and Jaden has become The Supreme King once again and vowed to conquer the new dimension. The minions of The Supreme King have already laid waste to the cities of the new dimension crushing all who dare to oppose him. Characters: Jaden Yuki: Me Yugi Moto: (still need) Yusei Fudo: Protector212 Carly Carmine: xxxLatiasxxx
CARD GAMES IN SPACE!!! [video=youtube;tYsI9ATSHRE][/video]
The lack lustre of the newer players in my Duel Arena has gotten me concerned. So I've decided to dedicate this topic to training Duelists who are feeling rusty or lack confidence in their skills. So if you are one of these people come here and I'll give you training lessons to help you improve your skills for Dueling in my Duel Arena. (Rules and banlist here are the same as in my Duel Arena) Depending on what kind of Deck you're interested in using simply just post here and I'll give you a sparring session with that Deck to help you know how to use it better.
This card is win...It is so so win... Who else agrees?
I'm browsing the forum minding my own business and suddenly everything turns pink... Like, Did this happen to anybody else or am I losing my mind?
There seem to be a few sexual jokes placed in quite a few places of these comics, totally not appropriate for kiddies as these were supposedly intended for. I must say I can't help but find these amusing: [video=youtube;ueeAFxISKzk][/video] Jeez, just imagine if there was no restriction on this content... And it just so happens that all of these sexual references are from Bunnie...I don't know very much about these comics that have her but it seems she is indeed quite a sleazily presented character from way back then to now. I guess that makes her a fantastic Sax Cymbol then.:lolface: *shot* EDIT: Oh My God, I cannot believe I made a thread like this and didn't get any responses...
I don't really know how many of these I'll write but this is what I've come up with for now: You were my friend... That's what you said to me... But now you treat me like an enemy... There were times when I made mistakes too... But why can't you forgive me like I forgave you? Your smile was my sunshine... It was what kept my spirit burning bright... I don't know why you're doing this to me... No explanation is in sight... But until I can forget about you... You'll haunt me every night...
like eating cereal without milk? I found it tastes sweeter, crunchier and is just overall better in general.:D
How exactly do you clean one of these if it gets smudged? The Disk on the inside of the glass-like thing whatever it's called rotates and makes it impossible for me to clean it...And I don't wanna go into full detail about what ended up happening...>_> Anyway, Does anybody know the way to clean one of these? Do I need to buy some kind of special device?
My gift to you all is a Gift Card so that you can all recover 3000 Life Points and continue to Duel throughout 2011! XD
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not... But anyway, I want to know how to connect the PSP to the internet. Can somebody tell me how this is done? I need to know how this is done so I can download things like savefiles from the internet to it and all that. I tried connecting it to the computer with my charger but that didn't work... So how is this done?
Okay, This is kind of embarrassing but I don't know where else to turn for help. I have a problem being social...And I'm talking about both on the internet and in real life...I'm like the very most socially challenged person there is...I don't ever talk to somebody very much or get very close to them until I get to know them very well. And this is a REAL problem for me too...Especially with girls, I'm always afraid that I'm gonna f*** up somehow and end up doing or saying something that will get them mad at me... But don't get me wrong, I have trouble being social with people regardless of the gender of the person I talk to. And I've even tried going to therapy too...And I still get psychological therapy every month...But nothing seems to work... I'll be more specific about what kind of Social Problems I have: I don't take criticism well for one, And I have trouble answering questions too. Basically I just need to know how to be more social and how to make more friends. And I need to know what the right things are to say and do when I'm in public and when I first meet somebody...Any help?
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Duel Arena 3.0! Well you know the drill people, Same rules as the last one. Rules: 1. You must announce what card you are playing. 2. You must announce what phases you are entering. 3. You must ALWAYS include the image of EVERY card you are playing in your post including facedown cards otherwise your move doesn't count. 4. You may also Private Message or Visitor Message members who you want to challenge to a Duel. 5. No editing your posts to try to change your move if someone else has already made their move. 6. Custom Made Cards are also allowed. 7. You must take your turn within 24 Hours of when your opponent took their turn or it automatically counts as a forfeit. You must also finish the move you're making within 24 Hours. 8. You can choose to play with either 2000, 4000, 8000, 12000 or 16000 Life Points as long as both players agree to Duel on those terms. 9. If your opponent does try to include the card image or card images but they still don't show up through no fault of your opponent give him/her a chance to edit his/her post so the images are included and do show up. 10. If something comes up and you are unable to finish the Duel with your opponent you may forfeit anytime. 11. Be careful when mixing themes. Only use themes that do go well together. Make sure that what you're doing makes sense. And don't go against your Deck Theme. 12. No unbeatable combos allowed. 13. No FTKs Allowed! Play like a Real Duelist! 14. No stealing other people's combos that were used here. 15. No stealing other people's cards and using them against them in a desperate attempt to win. 16. If you're gonna use customs make sure that their description matches the actual TCG gameplay terms that real cards have. 17. If you're gonna use customs make sure that they are not something that wouldn’t exist in the real game due to simple mechanics such as Level 4 Monsters with 2500+ ATK for example. 18. When posting the card images make sure they are big enough that their description is readable. 19. If you're gonna change the type of Deck you're using be sure to say so first. 20. You must quote your opponent when replying to their move. 21. More than one Duel at a time can take place. 22. If The Rule Moderator tells you to redo your move redo it. No Questions Asked. 23. The Champion is the one who sets the terms and decides who goes first. (When challenging The Champion) 24. You can choose to play with either 40, 50 or 60 Cards. And if you exceed your chosen amount of cards and cannot draw during your draw phase, you lose. 25. When you quote a long post and/or a post full of images please use Spoiler Tags when doing so. 26. When you request a duel with someone, you must use this template: LP: Customs: Anime Exclusives: Video Game Exclusives: God Cards: First Player: Number of Cards per Deck: Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Rules for when you are Dueling someone: 1. You MUST state the phase you are in before moving to it. This includes the draw and standby phase, even if nothing happens during the latter. 2. You MUST post the image of EVERY card involved in a duel. This includes cards that are discarded or milled. If you do not do this, you will have to edit your post. And you will get a strike. And as a rule, if you make 3 moves that must be redone, you lose. 3. At the end of your turn, you MUST post your field, including your monster zones, field zone, and spell and trap zone. And you must also state how many cards are in your hand at The Draw Phase and End Phase because this too is supposed to be public knowledge. 4. Upon the activation of ANY Spell card during your turn or Trap card during either player's turn, or Effect Monsters effect during either players turn, if your opponent has the ability to chain one of their facedown cards to it, you MUST ask for and wait for a response. If your opponent fails to respond with a chain within 24 hours, the opponent may NOT chain to that card, and you can continue your turn. For this reason, it is recommended that both participants be online during a duel, so they can respond with "yes, I will chain" or "no, I will not chain". 5. The source of all Card Rulings will be the official Konami website for The Duelist Genesis onward, and Netrep for Legend of Blue Eyes up to duelist Genesis. These are reliable sources. 6. I will respond to any out-of-line arguments whether they involve me or not over a duel with an immediate duel termination and a game loss to whoever was the antagonist in my opinion. 7. As a new rule, When summoning a monster you must state the way in which you are summoning it. Normal Summon, Flip Summon, Special Summon, Fusion Summon, Synchro Summon, Ritual Summon etc. Rules For The Use Of Customs: 1. No Godmodding. Translation: No making Godly, Immortal, or Impervious Cards! Everyone card must have a weakness or drawback, no matter how strong it is. This is a staple rule, Making/Using Unbeatable Cards and/or Cards with Infinite ATK/DEF will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in a game loss. 2. They can't be ridiculously overpowered. 3. They can't be just plain cheating. 4. They can't be a costless version of a card that already exists. 5. They CAN have Fake Types. But they have to make sense like The 22 Legal Types: Aqua. Beast. Beast-Warrior Dinosaur. Divine-Beast. Dragon. Fairy. Fiend. Fish. Insect. Machine. Plant. Pyschic. Pyro. Reptile. Rock. Sea Serpent. Spellcaster. Thunder. Warrior. Winged-Beast. Zombie. Banned/Forbidden List: This Is The List Of Cards that are Illegal in The Arena and are Not Allowed. VM me if you have any questions or concerns or think I should update it further: Magical Scientist Cyber Stein Sinister Serpent Makyura the Destructor Tribe-Infecting Virus Yata-Garasu Protector of The Sanctuary Ceremonial Bell Thousand-Eyes Jellyfish Neko Mane King Mind on Air Cup of Ace Slash Draw Card of Demise Card of Sanctity (The Anime Exclusive Version) (The Real Life Version is still allowed) Card of Safe Return Cold Wave Butterfly Dagger - Elma The Forceful Sentry Confiscation Clear World Exchange Dragged Down into The Grave Delinquent Duo Reversal Quiz Temple of the Kings Crush Card Virus Deck Devastation Virus Eradicator Epidemic Virus Appointer of the Red Lotus Mind Haxorz Light of Judgment Exchange of The Spirit Time Seal Trap Dustshoot The Eye of Truth Odin's Eye Respect Play Spiritual Water Art - Aoi Sixth Sense Miracle Draw Last Turn Anti-Spell Fragrance Ordeal of a Traveler Judgment of The Pharaoh Limited List: You can only use 1 copy of these cards in The Arena: Obelisk The Tormentor Slifer The Sky Dragon The Winged Dragon of Ra The Wicked Dreadroot The Wicked Eraser The Wicked Avatar Polar God Sacred Emperor Odin Polar God King Thor Polar God King Loki Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Armityle the Chaos Phantom Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End Chaos Sorcerer Thousand-Eyes Restrict Exodia The Forbidden One Exodia Necross Dark Strike Fighter Dark Magician of Chaos Dark Armed Dragon Judgment Dragon Shooting Star Dragon Red Nova Dragon Destiny Hero - Disk Commander Great Shogun Shien Goyo Guardian Tragoedia Dark Simorgh Victory Dragon Black Rose Dragon Brionac, Dragon of The Ice Barrier Blackwing — Gale The Whirlwind Marshmallon Magician Of Faith Morphing Jar Fiber Jar Cyber Jar Card Trooper Plaguespreader Zombie The Seal of Orichalcos Gateway of the Six Large Heat Wave Timidity Heart of The Underdog Nobleman of Crossout Mirage of Nightmare Metamorphosis Dimension Fusion Painful Choice Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Change of Heart Raigeki Harpie's Feather Duster Dark Hole Heavy Storm Giant Trunade Snatch Steal Monster Reborn Premature Burial Megamorph Primal Seed Charge Of The Light Brigade Black Whirlwind Imperial Order Royal Oppression Ring of Destruction Ojama Trio Ceasefire Torrential Tribute Mirror Force Magic Cylinder Semi-Limited List: You can only use 2 copies of these cards in The Arena: Destiny Hero - Malicious Debris Dragon Dandylion Blackwing - Kalut The Moon Shadow Honest Archlord Kristya Destiny Draw Allure of Darkness Mystical Space Typhoon Mind Control Chain Strike Creature Swap Scapegoat Ground Collapse Royal Decree Skill Drain Ultimate Offering Bottomless Trap Hole Call of The Haunted These are The Top Players in The Arena: Leader Board: Champion: Styx 2nd: SirFred131 3rd: Jaden Yuki 4th: Fearless 5th: Red Rule Moderator: Zeonark For those of you who want to know where to go to find the images of real cards: This is where: For facedown card images use these: Spell/Trap: Monster: For the smaller field images go to yugioh wikia, find the card you want and click gallery at the bottom, a new page should open with smaller versions somewhere. Right click one and go to properties, the image address will appear, then just copy and paste it between img tags like normally. And for those who want to know where to go to make cards: This is where: Have Fun Dueling Everyone! Anime Arena Characters: Jaden Yuki Jesse Andersen Fearless (Haou) KH2man13 (Joey Wheeler) Protector212 (Yusei Fudo) xxxLatiasxxx (Carly Carmine) Keep in mind that you do not have to be an Anime Character if you don't want to. This is entirely just for fun. You may only join as yourself and use whatever Deck you want to if you prefer. And for future reference, There's a REASON why this Duel Arena uses a different banlist than Konami's. It's because Konami's list only balances the game according to the random card draw. the random card draw doesn't exist here so some changes have to be made. All cards that allow a player's hand to be seen must be Banned. Because with the random card draw not existing here that gives unacceptable advantage in this Arena.
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