...You're auditioning for something and you're shaking so badly you can't hear yourself sing.
This past summer marks ten years since I played Kingdom Hearts for the first time. I only realized when I was watching the Team Four Star stream and Simple and Clean started playing and I started to cry and I was like. It's been ten years why the hell am I still crying about this dumb Disney crossover, and why the hell do I still get the feels when I watch Kairi finish the rock drawing. I have so many sappy things I could say right now but I don't know how to word any of it. I know a lot of us have grown out of KH (despite that we're on a website dedicated to it), but goddamn if I don't still love it with every bit of my soul, just like I did when I was thirteen. Sorry, I'm feeling very nostalgic today.
Going from a house with 6 people to an apartment by myself is quite the leap.
If you could learn any language, what language would it be and why?
I'm Kairi.
Read all about it here. I've changed all my stuff, I should be safe, but I'm pretty sick over the whole deal. But anyway, according to my sister-in-law, there was a google leak through Niantic, aka the Pokemon Go company. I'm not sure how far I believe that, as I have no sources, but if you have Pokemon Go, I'd check your stuff just in case. Stay safe~
I've been staring at Clara for over six months now. This was my Christmas theme last year and I'm sick of it. Choose my new theme, KHV.
Or rather, it kind of is, except I'm not actually leaving just yet. I always promised myself that if I left, it would either be with a bang, or I would just slowly stop logging in. In this case, it'll probably be the latter, because a) I'm a filthy gossip and I like knowing all y'all's business, and b) I cannot bear the thought of quitting this place cold turkey. I could wait to post this until I really am gone, but by that point, I'd probably be too lazy to sit and type it, or, more likely, there'd be no one here to see it at all. Let me begin by saying how hard this thread is for me to make. This year marks the 10th year I've been on this site. Let me repeat that, for those of you in the back. I have sunk ten years into this site. When I first joined, I was thirteen years old. I didn't have any friends, no outside activities, my mother was depressed and payed little attention to me, and my father had only recently left. I had developed severe depression myself, to the point of considering suicide (don't worry, I never did anything). The only thing I had that was keeping me going was this rad video game that had just come out called Kingdom Hearts 2, that was all about the power of friendship and how the light in your heart is the greatest weapon of all. I quite literally probably wouldn't be here today to type this at you all if it wasn't for this dumb jrpg where I could kick ass with Mickey Mouse. I probably sound like a melodramatic little shit at this point, but I've been through like four drafts of this post at this point and I can't think of a way to word this that doesn't sound like a soap opera tbh. Anyway, I heard about this site through Youtube, and I saw all those rad clips and followed the link to this silly little site and I joined up because, well, there were other people! There were other people who liked Kingdom Hearts and other stuff that I liked and they were all so nice and put up with my stupid middle school self! (Side note: I apologize to anyone who knew me back then. I was a little shit.) Over the years, this place has become my home. I made my first real friends here, I met my first real boyfriend here, I learned how to type and not sound like a complete idiot, and a multitude of other things, and its upsetting that this time in my life is coming to a close. But I'm 23 now, and I have to face the facts that nothing in life ever stays the same. This place has given me so many things, and I will always, always have a deep love for this site, but the fact of the matter is that I've outgrown this place. A majority of my friends are now gone, whether recently (coughtodaycough) or years ago, and sometimes it feels like I only click that bookmark, the very first bookmark in my top bar, out of habit. I'm posting this thread in the Spam Zone, because that's where that bookmark takes me. Those who know me know that I rarely venture out of the Spam Zone, and my post count has been more or less the same for years because of it. I have no doubt that if posts counted here, I'd have a bigger post count than Amaury does normally (which is saying something) because I've poured my soul out to you guys in this place. If I posted this thread in the Departure area, the people I need to see this post would likely not see it, not to mention I would feel like I'm doing a disservice to myself. I've rambled on for quite a bit now so I guess I'll shut up. I'll still be around, friends, but once a week, or once a month, rather than the almost every day I've been here for the past ten years. If you wanna keep in contact, there's some links to my tumblr and twitter and stuff in my sig, or you can pm me for my skype. Here's some shoutouts that I feel I need to make. @Plums : My bae, my dear, my bestest bestie Plums Vi Britannia. There are so many things I could say to you, but I don't think I can describe in words how much I absolutely adore you. You've been there for me through some of the shittiest times in my life, and I will always be so, so grateful to you. Talking to you lights up my day, and all other manner of sappy bullshit that I could ramble on about until the sun comes up. Someday, we will gather that kingdom we once talked about, and it shall be the most prosperous one in all the land. Or something. @Misty : I've said it before and I'll say it again; this site was at its best with you at its helm. We've never been close, per-say, but we've always been friends, and I'm excited to see where you'll go in the future. @Cat : I know you probably won't see this, but you might, so I'm typing it here. Thank you for being my Whovian buddy, and one of my closest friends on teh interwebs. I'm not the greatest influence on an impressionable youngster like you, but I like to think that maybe my presence improved your life or something. We gotta get back to that AU someday. Neigh. @Amaury : I pick on you a ton, but in all honesty, I do think you're a genuinely great dude, and I've always admired the fact that you've always stuck to your guns, even when you became a bit of a butt monkey on the site. When I met you, I thought you were an annoying little shit, and now... I still think you're kind of an annoying little shit, but in a fond sort of way. Please don't ever change, bby~ @Dalk : I'm sorry. @Jayn : Thank you for inspiring me to sing. @CtR, Xaale, Wolfie, and all our other friends who are long gone : I miss you guys, and I wish you the best. That goes for you too, remaining members of KHV. I'm sorry if I missed anyone in my shoutouts, but there's no way I could possibly name every single person who's had an influence on me. Post in the thread and maybe I'll post something nice about you. Remember, no matter what happens, I love all of you. <3 Peace out, Fearless Spoiler
So, as we all know, I don't often venture out of the Spam Zone, but this post seemed a bit too serious for there, and I do need some genuine advice so. I have a friend. I'm not going to name names, even though she'll likely never see this, but I have been friends with this person for years and years at this point. We became friends around 8th-9th grade, and we were super close for the majority of high school and our early college years, and I was happy to call her my best friend for a long time. Recently, as in the last 2-3 years or so, we've started to grow apart, and that's fine. I realize that the friends we make when we're young don't always last forever, but we were still friends, even if not as close as we once were. I always was confident that, at the very least, she'd be around and there for me if I needed her, and vice versa if she ever needed me. However, within the last year, she's changed dramatically. She's had some ongoing heath problems, and her attitude has gotten steadily worse, to the point that I might say she's transformed into a toxic friend. And, as I type this, I'm starting to wonder if she's always been toxic, and I just couldn't see it before. Since the beginning of this year, our relationship has taken a complete nosedive. I've been doing my best to try and fix it, but she's just not receptive at all to anything I say or do. This week, it's kind of come to a head, in an indirect sort of way. Facebook drama, mostly, but the end result is that this morning I discovered that she had unfriended me; a few months ago, by the looks of it, but I just didn't notice until today, because neither of us have ever been big Facebook people and I tend to not notice stuff like that. Now, I'm at a loss as to what to do. I know the majority of the answers you're all thinking of are that I should drop her as a friend entirely, but unfortunately it's not that simple. We have a lot of shared friends, and ignoring her is impossible, because we tend to inhabit the same space when we're out with friends. If I just suddenly stopped caring, I'm worried it'd cause a rift in our friend group, because people might feel forced to take a side. Not to mention, I'm extremely worried about her health, and what in the hell has spurred on this kinda sudden-ish change. I feel like absolute crap, worrying about all this, and it cannot go on like this, if only for my own mental health (which, as some of you might know, is not exactly top notch in the first place). Help me out, KHV?
SUP NERDS. DO YOU WANNA GET BUFF?! OF COURSE YOU DO. EVERYONE WANTS TO BE ABLE TO BENCH PRESS A LOG. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. IF RIKU CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU! But yeah, one of my goals this summer is to lose like 10 pounds and get buff as hell. So, I thought it would be fun to see if anyone else wants to get buff with me! I don't want this to be super intensive or strict. This is supposed to be fun for all involved. Just post your goals, how you plan to achieve them, and what kind of diet and exercise you're doing. Maybe a once a week update on how you're doing. (Plus, telling someone you're gonna do something makes you more likely to actually do it, so I hear.) For example; Fearless's Goals - May 22nd Starting Weight: 148 lbs Goal Weight: 135 lbs Lost this week: 0 lbs Secondary Goal: I don't know how to measure how buff I get but my arms still look kinda flabby so. Exercise this week: ZOMBIES RUN ALL THE TIME, and 10 push ups every day. Also, my job requires a lot of walking/standing, to the tune of my pedometer saying I walk 3k every day. Diet this week: Pretty crap tbh. I started out good, counting calories and such, but by the end it was just pizza and cookies. Overall: They say not to expect any change in the first week, but that's still vaguely disappointing that nothing's happened. Hopefully by next week I'll see some difference. I had a lot of shit happen this week so that might be a factor. You don't have to put all this crap if you don't want to. You can use the format I'm using or you can make up your own. Just get out there and do some stuff! LET'S GET BUFF 2K16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpful Links! (all this stuff is stuff I use/have used to a certain extent, and also it's all free) https://beagamecharacter.com/ - A neat blog where this dude plans out different workouts for different game characters. https://youtu.be/ 35Zjvgv5tr4 - Kingdom Hearts Fitness program. They have ones for other games as well. http://darebee.com/ - Less video game oriented than the other two, but they have a ton of different programs you can try (including an RPG fitness game). They also have dieting stuff and a forum.
I did not do as horribly as I thought I had. Traditional Illustration 2 - C Introduction to Screenwriting - A- Intro to Cinema Production - B- Intro to Cinema and Screen Studies - A- Film Genre - A Overall GPA - 3.3 I was pretty sick for most of the semester so I'm kind of amazed I even did this well. My Illustration class was the biggest pain in my ass because I just could not seem to please the teacher at all. Went from a 3.4 to a 3.3 bluhhhhh.
My girlfriend broke up with me. Cheer me up, KHV.
IT'S ****ING APRIL. I went home for the weekend and now I'm stuck here.
Okay so it's been like two years since I've done this but I'm bored and people seem to be entertained when I do this. We're gonna play a game called Ask Me About My AU. AU, for those who don't know, stands for Alternate Universe. The rules are simple. Basically, I have an AU based off a popular series in my head. You guys are gonna ask me questions (any question you like) until you know all the things about this AU and its story. I'm not going to give you any information about the AU except for the series it's based on; it's up to you guys to weasel the details out of me from there. This time the source material is gonna be FINAL FANTASY 7. Have fun~ Here's the previous thread- http://kh-vids.net/threads/ask-me-about-my-au-ver-2-0.148529/
About films. Basically, I have to write a paper arguing that a certain film belongs to a certain genre, and I'm stuck between two really good choices. Option 1 is arguing Ponyo as a Romance. It's a pretty simple premise, and will probably be pretty easy to write about, but I'm not sure I can get 4 pages out of it. Option 2 is Summer Wars as a Sci-Fi Romance. Due to the multiple genres, I can definitely get a lot more information out of it, but it'll be a pain in the ass to do. Should mention that this is only the first draft. The teacher is gonna grade it and then give it back to revise for a final draft.
I have an animatic due on Thursday but all I can think is bluhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
...You spend an hour typing up an assignment, and then accidentally delete the thing. And then spend an hour trying to get it back only to fail miserably. It's only an Extra Credit assignment, thank god, but still. Feels bad man.
I usually say Christmas but not everyone celebrates Christmas so I got; - Huge goddamn Baymax plushie from girlfriend - Hiro christmas ornament, also from girlfriend - Cool rune scarf - Bar of Ghiradelli chocolate - Castiel Pop Figure - Sterling silver bracelet - Stuff for my apartment (pot holders and towels and stuff like that) from Grandma - CROCKPOT HELL YESSSSSS - $300 from Dad - Whatever I got for KHV Secret Santa idk Plus a few things I haven't opened yet. Also, according to my mother, my phone is part of my christmas present. Which is kinda bs but I also got a bunch of clothes last week so whatever I guess.