Xerozide came out of the shaddows and asked"what is going on here?" OOC : heh..thanks for letting me in..oh by the way..i`m not that good in english..i`m from norway..so please..be kind=) just ak if there is something you dont understand^^,
what about this picture? or this it`s your choice^^,
ok^^, i will^^,
*Name - Xerozide True Name - Alexander. A. Sætherhaug *Age - 14 *Rank - XI *Element - Darknes *Weapon - two of them: http://pagebydave.net/knife/images/Fantasy_Swords_Sword_of_Darkness__UC1120B_1632.jpg *Gender - male *Apperance Likes - waffles, heavy metal, fight, lonleyness, friends, darkness.. Dislikes - hip hop........that random guy o.O..school..orders Hobbies - dive, shoot(at shooting ranges and home^^,) Anything Else - a young boy named Xerozide..lives in the darkness..at the moment he have no friends...come`s from a land called norway.....he is a mystic, but dangerous warrior..who likes heavy metal..hes old gang was called the warriors of norway ^^, am i in?^^,
oh..so sorry...one of my best friends died for a while too...miss him..=(
YES! finaly! long weekend!!!!!
hi guys..i`m bored
hi guys...today ive been in a birthday party to my grandma..i was talking to old peoples..they smelled like...OLD peoples o_o
hello everyoe^^, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!!!!!! m- hey..xaldin? wanna play chess? x- no... m-oh..come ooooooon!.... x-no... m-xaldin? please? x-*sigh*..ooooookaaaay.. m-YAY! WE ARE FAM x- STOPP SINGIN! m- WE ARE FAMILY! I`VE GO- x- no..i`m serious..you suck.. m-aaaaw....you said ****! x-no i didnt... m-yes you did! x-sssssh..
hi guys..whats up?
hi guys..i`m on..for a while..i have to go bed...friggin school!
hey guys..aah..it`s annoying that i live in norway, and you guys in usa and stuff like that.--,--
WHY??! when you guys are online, i`m not, because then i`m in happyland!, and when I`m on, you guys probably sleep.
lol!..i`m member of an hacker forum, and there was that swedish guy who said: kan enywone learn my to beacom a hacker that wold be great damn he`s good!
hello guys...
hey guys..sorry for not being online so much. my PC is broke...but ill try to get online so much i can!..i hope i`m still remembered here ^^,
hey guys..can i join?? Name: xerozide Gender: male Age: 14 Weapon: two rings of fire and two dark swords Hero/Villain: hero Biography: he is a mystic young boy, who just came from a battle far, far away. no ones know him. he is a master of magic.