xerozide just lay there.on the ground..grey and meaningless.."*sigh*sorry..i couldnt finnish my mission..so..this is how i`m gona die..oh well..no one cares...logan..enjoy my visit..in about an year, you wil..wil feel difrent!..dont..be scared..it`s....just.......meeeeeeeeeee......" he said..hes voice was fading away, and he died..he just lay there now..
"the suicide attack can`t be stopped..and..no one would care anyways..i`m like a shaddow...lonley in the dark..and..i will live again in logan..no time to explain! farwell!" he said..and exploded in a spectrum of light, rage, hate, darkness, and love
xerozide came to the castle, and walked in the niddle of the attack "no one cares if i die,,"he said, and started the suicide atack
"wonder what the guys in the castle are doing..why do i care for them?..maby..maby..no..that would be insane.." xerozide killed alot of heartless hey..if i can use magic..i can commit a suicide attac on them in the castle!!!!!!! but ill have to hurry"he said, and started running to the castle
xerozide walked away, then to come back whit a spell who froze them all, and then he thundered them to hell"...since when were i able to use magic?" he wondered there came some new heartless..more of them this time.."*sigh*..again?"
"if i die here..i...*sigh*..no one would care anyway..i`m dead to them..i dont even thing they know that i exist!" he said sadly while fighting heartless
"*sigh* i can`t return whitout finnished my mission!.." while he siad that, he saw 100,000 heartless around him.."wow" he said..stood up, and prepeared to fight
"hah!you didnt see that coming!!!" he leafed..when the enemies felt.. "its over..i can finaly continue my mission.....what were my mission again?..i can`t remember anything.." he said..he sat down, and waited for an answer
"right here" xerozide yelled "whoa..what the?..i knew what xemnai was thinking!..that`s not good.." he was still fighting "what are you?"
"wow theyre strong!" he said while battling the creatures "this is more than i exepted.."he said..
xerozide walked out in the forrest..5 miles from the castle he saw an whole army of the creatures.."that`s not an dusk or an creeper!..but what is it?" he said..while preparing for battle he ran up to them and killed a few of them, before they started to struggle back "NOT a dusk or creeper!" he said
xerozide looked at her.." no..i`ll just go get my weapons first.." he said..walking for hes weapons "but i`ll tell you one thing..something wierd is going on in the dark forrest behind that wall" he said..and pointed at the wall
xerozide turned around, looked at Xemnai, and said" yes..i had an mission..until that freaky silver creature came and hindered me to finnish the mission! i tryed to tell you guys that..but you wouldn`t listen!" xerozide stood and catched hes breath.."sorry.." he said
xerozide just sighted and walked away.."its a madhouse" he said..
Xerozide just stood in the background watching them talk.."um.." he said
"what are you doing?" xerozide asked
xerozide walked in and knew that the creature could not follow him in here whitout being killed. "do anyone here know what that creature outside this wall is?" xerozide asked the others, ant pointed at the wall
Xerozide crashed into an giant wall.."ouc..oh well..this may be our HQ..at least..." xerozide said to him self..just before the silver creature came in sight for him again "awww..not again!" he said, and the creature jumped in the forrest again..just like before..."what is that?" he wondered
"whoa..i can`t remember anyth-" he heared something behind some bushes 10 meters away from himself.."what the-" then, a silver looking creature jumped out from the bushes and came to him..Xerozide wondered what was going on, but before he could finnifh the thought the silver creature jumped back behind the bushes and ran away "uh?..what was that?" xerozide wondered
Xerozide walked thrught the forrest`s and wondered "where the heck am i?"