^^, how ya doing??=)
Zerozide awakes, when he hear a strange sound.."what the?" then he saw a mouse running on the floor..he zapped it with lightning."hah..pawned!"he said and walked out in the corridor
zerozide fellt asleep, with the music on
whoa!..someone is online at the same time as me!!^^, yay
Zerozide was lying on he`s room, listening to System of a down on 100% volume "metal" he said..and smiled
"ok..then i won`t do it...." he said, walking to he`s room
"I NEED TO KNOW!!..or my family`s honor will go away.." he said..and walked away.. "ILL FIND OUT!!!" he was walking to the door
"i have to finnish he`s work!" he answered "if you understand.."
walks up to xemnai and ask her "what were my brothers mission?"
hi guys..how ya doing??^^,
OOC: i will^^, zerozide walked around the castle,searching for xemnai
hello again my friends^^, can i join anew? Name - zerozide True Name - Alexander. A. Sætherhaug Age - 14 Rank - XII (12) Element - Darknes Weapon - two of them: http://pagebydave.net/knife/images/F...1120B_1632.jpg Gender - male Likes - waffles, heavy metal, fight, lonleyness, friends, darkness.. Dislikes - school..orders Hobbies - dive, shoot(at shooting ranges and home^^,) Anything Else - Zerozide is xerozide`s unknown brother..he was the one who told Xerozide to be a warrior of darkness..he is from "the land of the thousand skyes" it`s a hard place to be rasied up at..
OOC: i dont know..maby i`ll make a new one..xerozides brother or something...(my english does NOT help either..--_--) but i`ll have to go to bed..i`m tired.. cya
i was never that good in these "games"..sorry..=\
OOC: yeah..i know^^,...that`s why my spirit wil live in logan! =] i think i forgot to tell you, but i really suck at these things..it`s fun..but i suck!i guess you already know
OOC: nope...he was just an young boy, who had the powers of an nobody, and therfor did you let me in.. (dont know if therfor is corect);]
OOC: nope^^,...he just had the power of one^^,
OOC: shait..wrong place to postXD wellwell.. Xerozide turned into an dusk, and was flying in the middle of the room
the creature said "you shall not live!!no one shall live!we shall take over the world!and send you fools into a death filled with light!!!mvuahahahahahaha!" and then 1000 of them came..all over the world
xemnas`s dead body felt on the ground, and up came one of the silver creatures the friends that still was in live, thought they heared xerozide`s voice yelled: "run!"