ooc: YAY KINDESS xD Looking at the redhead before him hearing that words that he has spoken, a smile appears on his face, "Fine by me Sasori No Danna but I still say art's real beauty is when it goes like a bang un"Deidara said with a chuckle.
"Of Course its not much but its something"Sai said with a smile as he began walking to almost the center of town where a rather good looking mansion stood. "ah nothing like a good drink to end the day"Marluxia said with a smile.
lol alrighty
alrighty i'll do it tomorrow since its kinda late tonight ^_^ I promise
ooc: if you want their under your control ^_^
ah well at least you'll beat the game before me...I don't know when i'll get it >.<
ooc:ok but no switching back and forward back and forward "I was talking about grell and I will be the one to get rid of him un"Deidara said as he followed behind sesori.
oh your soo lucky xD
"DON'T bring this on to me...you say nothing to me only that I should go on ahead, I went to get a scroll...A STUPID SCROLL FOR WHO KNOWS WHY?!...and you know what there is a psyco who wants to kill us all especially me"Deidara snapped and ended with a loud sigh.
"My house its the safest place in this city besides the guards who are golems"He said with a smile as he re assured her. "oh you have no idea"Marluxia said with a chuckle.
no but I want it!!!
Feeling her grip he nodded to the guards, "We'll i'll see you later im going to saw eva around"He said with a nod as he walked away.When they were away from them, "are you ok?"He asked with concern. "Xemnas can be picky at times...sometimes I wonder if he could be a girl at times"He joked as he chuckled.
Hearing afew clinks and afew arguments as the gate opened showing of 2 big muscly men who looked them over obviously not liked being woken up. "What do you want?...come on out with it we don't have all day"One on the left said. "Shugo its Saitra"Sai said wincing a bit saying his full name, but held firm as the guards looked at him but looked shocked as they moved back. "Saitra im surprise that you would return here after what had happen"Shugo said as he moved out of the way to let them in. "Eva this is Shugo and shuho they're twins and annoying as hell but they get the job done, boys this is eva "He introduced them properly. "Ello Eva"They both said. Marluxia smiled as he clinked and took a sip, "After this we'll see if the boss is in"He offered.
Thank You for the offer but No thank You
"AH we have yet another thing in common"He said with a smile.Holding up his cup, "Here's a toast to new friends and soon a new member"He said with a grin.
With a sigh he nodded, "Thanks...I think she is with phenox"He said as he ran off to where he thought she could be.
Walking into an alley way where she wouldn't be interuppted,"Excuse me but can we rest a bit I been walking for a few days straight"She asked sounding tired. "Fine we'll rest a bit"He said with concern for the little girl.With his back turned to her Azure held a smirk as she took out a kunai and stabbed it through his neck, and jumping back so no blood got on her dress.With a sigh she walked off on her own leaving the body there.
Taking a sip he looked at phenox with a tilted head, "I have to have a reason to be nice?"marluxia asked with a smile, "Im not sure myself I guess its because I can be myself around you instead of trying to battle it out"He said thoughtfully.
Smirking as he laughed he playfully punched his arm and turned as their drinks arrived."Here we go"He said with a smile.