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  1. #8 Axel
    Sai looked at eva after lighting the fireplace,"Any fun memories?...hmmm Im not sure heh I don't remember now thats got me thinking"He said with a smile as he tried to think about it.

    @Cloud of Darkness-Marluxia is trying to locate the person who is after Larxene so he's in the city

    @Woods-Eva is talking to Sai since they're at his old house,No worries if you don't know how to Roleplay ^_^ we'll help ya
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. #8 Axel
    ooc: no worries ^_^

    Akira looked at Airi then to sai then back at Airi with a smile,"He ran past us I think he went to the forest but I don't know I could be wrong"He said with a sigh,looking at sai "ok come on i'll show you the way"He said as he began walking.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. #8 Axel
    Profile Post

    Ah no worries

    Ah no worries
    Profile Post by #8 Axel for woodstockfootball26, Jul 16, 2009
  4. #8 Axel
    Sure ^_^ i'll check it out
    Profile Post by #8 Axel for woodstockfootball26, Jul 14, 2009
  5. #8 Axel
    ooc: Sure ^_^
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. #8 Axel
    Profile Post

    ah thats good ^_^

    ah thats good ^_^
    Profile Post by #8 Axel for woodstockfootball26, Jul 14, 2009
  7. #8 Axel
    ooc: I think your a bit confused Cloud ^_^ Axel,demyx,Phenox and a now out cold larxene are at Castle Oblivion while Marluxia is out wondering the city
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. #8 Axel
  9. #8 Axel
    "its stupid really"Larxene said wincing as he applied pressure to the wound."I did this to myself...after the scene after the night club I thought about talking to you I was outside of our door but I heard axel talking to you so...I came to the training area and started releasing some of my stress and anger my mind became clouded and the next thing I knew...I impaled myself with my own knifes and dmitri followed me through my portal and caught me off guard"She said as she took deep breathes,shaking her head as her eyes started to blur a bit.Falling backwards she went out cold.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. #8 Axel
  11. #8 Axel
    sure i'll be your friend
    Profile Post by #8 Axel for Sakura101, Jul 14, 2009
  12. #8 Axel
    ooc: your accepted cloud of darkness

    Looking up at axel wincing as he cut through the chain, falling to the ground with a loud groan of pain.Using one hand she held her stomach which was bleeding."Tel-tell you later...but fo-for now kick ass"She said between gasps.

    "Ah so its seems you were correct Larxy they did come...but how long can you last without a few hours without care for that wound...and note I didn't make that she did that herself"Dmitri said with a chuckle before he disappeared,"on to the second part"He said to himself.

    "Yes and cold but I can change that"Sai said with a smile as he walked over and lite a fire.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. #8 Axel
    Knowing that he isn't going to win he sighed,"Fine go but be careful"Marluxia said with a smirk.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. #8 Axel
    "Phenox this isn't your battle"Marluxia said as he stood up.Looking at axel he nooded and pointed through the portal.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. #8 Axel
    "Alrighty just be careful He has something wrong with him...its like a trigger...its like someone is controlling him I havn't been able to figure it out"Marluxia said softly as he closed his eyes.

    "I am going to kill you once I get down I do hope you know that dmitri"Larxene said as she had some renewed strength as she began moving around ignoring the fact that she was in fact bleeding to death.With a screamed in pain as she yanked her left hand off the wall.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. #8 Axel
    Profile Post

    I never had one before

    I never had one before
    Profile Post by #8 Axel for Vladimir Makarov, Jul 13, 2009
  17. #8 Axel
  18. #8 Axel
    Looking at demyx wit seriousness in his eyes,"There is a blood trail and I do believe its larxene's blood,I havn't been able to find out her location seeing I was distracted...but I do believe it would be her stalker that boy who was dancing with you guys"Marluxia said in one breathe.Looking at phenox then at himself "Would it help if i said everything?"He asked.
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. #8 Axel
    Profile Post

    okayz ^_^ have fun

    okayz ^_^ have fun
    Profile Post by #8 Axel for Vladimir Makarov, Jul 13, 2009
  20. #8 Axel
    occ:May I get a recap please?
    Post by: #8 Axel, Jul 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home