Marluxia let out a yawn as he laid on his bed looking at his hand with a blank expression on his face,tilting his head to the side he sighed."what are we suppose to confused well tomorrow is another day and I guess i'll ask superior what he wants"He said to himself as he turned on his side."we're not suppose to be able to feel anything but i can't help but not want to get hearts anymore"He said softly as he drifted off to sleep.
Dmitri walked around with his hands in his pockets, cracking his neck he let out a small sigh."things should get interesting"He said to himself.
Marluxia taking out his scythe as he went to the training room he let out a sigh."Relaxing the tension helps clear the mind"He said to himself as he stood collected with his scythe in front of him.With closed eyes he swung his scythe imagining an enemy in front of him.
Noticing that Axel and Demyx weren't only playing but having their own type of competition but she wasn't going to say anything.Going through the portal to her room she let out a sigh,looking at her cloak she frowned.its going to take a while to get the blood stains out She thought to herself. Marluxia smiled and laughed,"Oh you get used to it after a while...beside some of that blood wasn't hers she got to him as well"He said stretching a bit as he yawned."man im tired"He said with a sigh.
im doing good ^_^
Marluxia looked up and smiled as he waved back, walking up to him he gently patted him on the back. "How are you holding up?"He asked.
Smiling Larxene nodded,"As long as I don't do anything stupid like rushing into a battle i'll be peachy...I gotta go slowly so I don't re open the wound"She said softly as she smiled. Marluxia walked into the room and crossed his arms with a sigh as he shook his head,"What are we going to do with you?"He Questioned with a smile."Your Pron to attract any kind of attention"He said as he patted her on he head. Sai smiled as he poked the fire keeping it up to keep them both warm. Sai sighed as he leaned back as he stretched.
Hello how are you?
Rei looked over both shoulders then looked at aly, pulled out two hidden fans she quickly and threw one at the man tat was holding her.Bouncing on to her hands she did a split kicked to the two men that ran towards them.
Larxene glanced between Axel and Demyx and only started laughing as she tried to sit up."Now Now Boys if I had to say i'd say you were both married to each other"She said with a grin.Smiling she sighed then slightly winced."I'll be fine in a jiffy nothing is death giving...well almost death giving"She added with a smirk.
^w^ no worries im doing good how about you?
now now guys we shouldn't be spamming up yet we gotta wait til we got the green light
Here we go ^_^ Name- Dmitri Age- 16 Gender- male Weapon-Cards that can change into swords Element-Ice and Lightning Powers- telekinesis Bio- He's been a soldier since he was young,for mostly every battle he's went in he has lost someone dear to him Appearance- ooc: and I claim Larxene and Marluxia
ooc: did you watch season 2 yet?
ooc: Setsuna is a gundam he's the Exia...and Lockon is still Stupid sexy lockon to matter who takes his place (DAM YOU ALI AL SAACHEZ)
ooc: no worries Take time off thats fine by me ^_^ Akira walked in silence as they walk back to the house.He let out a sigh,"that stupid cat he running away again"He said with frustration.
Standing up he picked up eva walked over and placed her gently on to the couch.Placing a blanket over her as he pulled the couch closer to the fireplace."Sleep sounds pretty good"Sai said with a chuckle. Looking at demyx with an apologetic look in her eyes,"Im sorry that I hurt you back in the club..."She said softly as she looked down.
Looking at her own wound she winced," dam I did a number on myself...this should teach you...NOT to take your stress....and put into a weapon it will backfire on you"She said in between coughs. Feeling eva against him sai smiled as he nodded,looking at her from the corner of his eye he smiled."I'll pull up the couch that way you can sleep I don't think im very comfortable to sleep against"He said softly with a chuckle.
not much how about you?
ooc: Sorry for not being on for a long bit >.< ....I am Marluxia Larxene opened her eyes a bit as swallowed what was put in her mouth,Her eyes wondered around the room."Heh I must looked like as bad as I feel"She tried to lighten up the mood with a smile. Nodding his head as he looked at eva with a smile,"Yeah your right there had to be some kind of good memory"He said softly.