Nodding his head with a grin,"ah alrighty so you'll have another person with us yeah...that should prove interesting un"Deidara said with a smiled. holding out his hand he opened it showing a small spider.
sasori should know better then to hide from deidara xD
♥Deidara♥ Knocking on the door deidara waited a few seconds,growing impatient with each second he took a deep breath,"NO DANNA I KNOW YOUR IN THERE YOU KNOW ITS HOPELESS TO HIDE FROM ME YEAH"He yelled with a grin.Taking out some clay he began to knead it with one hand.
alrighty I posted ^_^
♥Deidara Deidara looked around the hide out bored out of his mind due to no missions yet for him."I Wonder where Sasori No Danna went to yeah"The blond said out loud, he began walking around then a thought hit him."If I were a puppet Master hiding from a crazy blond where else would I be?"He asked in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone as a smile appeared on his face.
heh you know me too well xD
woohoo deidara is gonna blow things like art yeah!!
Squee yesh!!!
ah alrighty byes ^_^
Glancing at the picture he nodded as he slightly remembered that boy,"Yes what about him? didn't he leave you? un"Deidara asked with a tiled head.
walking into the portal he stopped in halfway with a smirk as he held out his hand,"I shall show you what I know even though we have different weapons"He said with a chuckle.
aww why are you depressed?
Nodding she giggled,"Alrighty i'll see you later then"Reiya said with a smile as she waved before walking into the classroom. Looking over his shoulder at Itachi he smiled with a small wave,"Ah there you are yea"Deidara said as he flexed his hands giving his mouths space to move around, rubbing the back of his neck he sighed.
Marluxia looked kinda shocked with that answer but none the less he smiled and nodded,"To Fight you have a weapon?"He asked with a chuckle.
Hello Axel im doing pretty good how about you?
"where would you like to have or go?"Marluxia asked with both curiosity and a tilted head.
Gently placing a hand on his shoulder feeling him slightly tremble he held a soft smile."Come on I'll treat you to something"He said turning phenox away from the room and created a portal.
ooc: your characters are accepted -like the original series Akira lives in a Sohma house im guessing the dog is living with him along with the ox im not sure about everyone else Akira sighed inwardly as he walked inside the house,in one sohma house out to another...I want this curse to break He thought to himself as he went to his room. Sai walked in after him and went to the kitchen, unpacking everything walking to the living room he plopped down looking outside with a blank look on his face.
Erm I don't know where I go but I would like to close my Kingdom Hearts Roleplay <--Linky to it its called High School For Kingdom Hearts im sorry if this is in the wrong spot >.<
Still following deidara couldn't help but let out a chuckle hearing the red head puppet masters words."True True but I better be in a good match if I were going to blow myself up yeah...that would be my last resort un"He said with a big grin of his own. Reiya nodded her head,looking at her hands she smiled."Well we better be going our separate ways now...heh I got a class to teach i'll treat you to Ramen later how about that?"She offered with a smile.