Putting a hand under phenox's chin making him look at marly who held narrow eyes, "it is not your fault don't blame yourself, repeat after me IT.IS.NOT.YOUR.FAULT"He said with a small frown, eyes with concern.
Azure smiled as she arrived at Konoha the Village Hidden in the Leafs.She began walking in only to be stopped by the guards in the front. "whats a little child doing wondering around in a place like this?...its dangerous for someone your age to be by yourself"One of the guards said getting on one knee. "I got lost, I was being chased by some people"She said softly as she looked at them with teary eyes. "You stay here i'll bring her to the hokage"He said as he took her hand and led her to where the hokage.
Hiya and sure I do ^_^
Sai laughed and shook his head, "No we're not the typical kind of people"He said with a smile, looking at the gate he roughly banged on it, "OPEN THE DARN DOOR RIGHT NOW OR YOUR ALL DOOMED TO FEEL MY WRATH"He yelled as he finished with a kick to the door.Coughing a bit he smile as he looked at her, "Sorry you had to witness me doing that but its the only way to get through to the gate guards"He said with a smile. "Yes but not much WE can do since we have nothing to do with it"Marluxia said with a chuckle and a sigh.
Reiya ran to where they were stopping she stared at the dragon in slight shock but got over it with a frown."Dammit and now a dragon can things get any more interesting"She said out loud. Sai ran hearing the noises until he saw Micro-Ice, running up to him, "Finally I found someone...have you seen a girl with long blue hair and frowns alot"He asked out of breathe a bit.
you would know that by experience? xD
"HELLLOOOOO....IS ANYONE HERE?....I THINK IM LOST"Sai said looking around the castle. "If I know reiya the first thing she'll do is hug me then punch me in the face"He said to himself with a chuckle. Reiya looked at the group in front of her with a tilt head obviously confused. "Somebodies and nobodies working together? interesting never heard of that before"She said out loud.
somehow I knew someone was going to make something like this xD
I might I might...you know slamming my head against the table sounds pretty nice right about now ^_^
Deidara walked into hideout with a frown on his face.Dam that grell un....walking and talking to me like he's my friend but I know that he wants to kill us all...if leader puts him on anyone's group that'll give him his opportunity to strike and strangely I can't let that happen unHe thought to himself NOT noticing that sasori popped next to him. As the smoke disappeared grell just laughed seeing that blood that was on himself,not caring he cracked his broken bones back into place and laughed at his pain. "Oh dei dei you know i'll return the favor one way or another"He said quietly to himself.
yes yes it does SOOOO MUCH
ooc: There are no limits to character creating but make sure you remember them ^_^ and roxas everything is a okay Akira looked as the stupid cat ran away...in his book like usual. He then looked at sai with a confused expression. "Are You Lost again?"He simply asked knowing full well of the answer. "I was just getting groceries then I bumped into you...so no im not lost...yet"Sai said with a smile, "Mind showing me to the house?"He added as he ran a hand through his hair.
The bartender nodded and made his way to making them, marluxia looked at phenox with a smile, "those were one hell of some moves you pulled out there"He said.
no worries right now im at a marina with lots of boats and its quiet boring T.T ...xD
Sai chuckled as he nodded, "very true my dear let them try as they might but they He said with a smirk. Walking to the bar marluxia tapped his hand on the top, "Hey bartender a sherry temple for me and anything this one wants"he said with a smile.
Looking at neoph with a tilt head, "our friends?"Reiya said with a smirk then laughed out loud with a dark chuckle.Looking around "I can't find the man I feel in love with and he is the closest thing I have that is LIVING"She said with a frown. Looking around him he let out a small sigh as he scratched his head."I think I took a wrong turn...because now im completely lost"He said in annoyance."But I have to keep moving no matter what...Reiya you better be safe"He added quietly.
lol Thank You I love your profile ^_^ Zack and Aerith ^_^