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  1. Mish
    Oh shiiit, broadway is my jam.

    Defying Gravity
    Karaoke | Original

    Suddenly Seymour
    Karaoke | Original

    Skid Row
    Karaoke | Original

    I Can Hear the Bells
    Karaoke | Original

    Sweet Transvestite
    Karaoke | Original
    Post by: Mish, Mar 25, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Mish
    Profile Post Comment

    hey it's me ur ex-bf cin

    hey it's me ur ex-bf cin
    Profile Post Comment by Mish, Mar 23, 2018
  3. Mish
    I've used Prezi before to create presentations. You can use it for free if you have a college email address.
    Post by: Mish, Mar 20, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mish
    Claiming #4
    Post by: Mish, Mar 4, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  5. Mish
    This was actually a lot harder to record than I thought it was going to be, but I think it turned out really nice!
    Post by: Mish, Feb 25, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. Mish
    verb (used without object), segued, segueing.
    1. to continue at once with the next musical section or composition (often used as a musical direction).
    2. to perform in the manner of the preceding section (used as a musical direction).
    3. to make a transition from one thing to another smoothly and without interruption.


    When you're basing a some of your argument on spelling and grammar, you kinda have to make sure your own is flawless ;P
    Post by: Mish, Feb 24, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mish
    If your last page is a blank page, skip ahead to the second last page. That's what I did.

    Also, what might be even MORE cringey is if you look at your own rated posts. Here is the first post I made that was liked/rep'd.....
    Post by: Mish, Feb 24, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mish
    Yep same, 8-bit. I could still play Joust now and probably be entertained for hours.
    Post by: Mish, Feb 14, 2018 in forum: Gaming
  9. Mish
    I really don't think that this is the sort of thing that B and Ben were talking about though. You are currently on the moral crusade that Ben complained about (correct me if I'm wrong, @jafar !). They (and I) want an active community with active staff members who don't stroke their own egos by getting on their high horse and picking up on every slight issue. I guess it was a non-issue to the staff member you went to and I agree with whoever that staff member was. I'm sorry if that concerns you but imo using the word 'Indian' neither warrants reprimand/comment nor does it break any rules. KHV is obviously a bit more lax than your discord channel.
    Post by: Mish, Feb 14, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mish
  11. Mish


    never, *****
    Post by: Mish, Feb 14, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mish
    Cal, yours is exactly the sort of toxicity that Ben was referring to in his thread. You keep mentioning the poor newbies who will be put off the site because no staff care to micromanage every perceived slip. What do you think is the most likely scenario here?

    A) An old member says the word 'Indian' to refer to a native American and isn't called out on it. A new member is put off by staff inaction.

    B) A new member says the word 'Indian' to refer to a native American and they are called out on it. They are put off the site because they have to tread carefully whenever they ****ing post.
    Post by: Mish, Feb 14, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mish
    I remember when I was on the staff team back in '13 and Plums got on my ass for not doing enough, despite the fact that I did Question Time every* week. So it just goes to show how there is obviously no pressure to justify your position if you're on KHV staff anymore. There are some people who should've been 86'd from the team a long time ago.

    Explode, I assume, is going to be busy recording and uploading KH3 when that comes out?

    Stardust is the ultimate KHV staff hanger-on from what I can see. I appreciate there is a 'behind the scenes' of kHV but I highly doubt her activity is any better there than it is in the public areas. Time to hang up the purple already.

    *okay, almost every week
    Post by: Mish, Feb 13, 2018 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  14. Mish
    I listen to ASMR to help me relax before going to sleep. My favourite sounds are layered, breathing, tapping, scratching, whispering and some mouth sounds.
    Post by: Mish, Feb 13, 2018 in forum: Discussion
  15. Mish
    Yeah we've sort of had a burst of activity over the past 48 hours or so, so if you think this is desolate then hooo boy.

    But yeah to answer your question: Discord
    Post by: Mish, Feb 11, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mish


    Premium pink > new pink
    Post by: Mish, Feb 10, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mish
    They already made M a female when Judi Dench played the character, ain't that good enough for ya? It's bad enough that Daniel Craig is blonde when Bond was originally described as dark-haired!!!!!!!1 /s

    I don't know about the US, but in the UK it's normal for one of the old Bond movies to be aired on a Sunday afternoon. So Jube is right that it appears to the older crowd. I still know plenty of younger people who go to see the newer ones when they come out at the cinema though. Not me, I'm not a fan.

    What about 1997's GoldenEye for the N64 though? That's still hailed as one of the best video games of all time and still talked about now. So even if you don't hear about James Bond in move-based discussions, I'd be surprised if you had never heard about the game being talked about.

    Post by: Mish, Feb 10, 2018 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mish
    u wot

    That's not what this song is about! Reread the lyrics m8
    Post by: Mish, Feb 6, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  19. Mish
    #5 please
    Post by: Mish, Feb 4, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus
  20. Mish
    The Power of Love - Huey Lewis and the News
    Original / Karaoke
    Post by: Mish, Jan 22, 2018 in forum: KHV Chorus