Search Results

  1. Hexin
    Higure took the ring from the swordsman, a little surprised at the symbol embedded on it. It belonged to a prestigious family, one that a traveler such as himself would have heard of. Left hand held the ring between index and thumb in admiration at such craftsmanship. The masked swordsman began to instruct Higure in escaping while the enemy was fended off. It was quite noble for such a noble. Not bothering to play hero, the young boy grasped the ring onto his palm and gave a silent nod before parting ways with the noble warrior. Gun was placed into hidden holster, and he was off, backtracking to where the woman and two men were when he was resting soundly.

    He COULD have stayed and helped, but his body was by far too exhausted. Magic, even with the use of a medium, can be a burden on ones mana after extensive use. As of now, his mana was nearly drained as It was in the passing days that he had been off hunting for an honest living. The jumpsuits and yellow eyes, they were all any mercenary fought these days for quick munny. The forest and roadsides were his hunting grounds, doing the best he was capable of to keep the area safe. The work had finally taken its toll on him, hence why he was resting under the shade of trees.

    Rowel spurs clinked wildly as he sped through past trees. It took a few minutes for Higure to reach the edge of the forest; the roadside now visible. Hopefully those warriors that had saved the woman earlier were still there. Not that the noble probably couldn't handle it himself, but jumpsuits weren't stupid. They were very, VERY organized, which is what makes them far dangerous from the yellow eyed brutes. Any help the swordsman could get would be for safety measures. It was always good to have a safety net.

    If he caught sight of any of the three, he'd end up showing them the ring and pointing in the direction he came from. It'd be pretty easy to get the idea once they noticed the emblem on the ring.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Hexin
    The silver white creatures were not ones to be trifled with. Although they may lack the same set of eyes like the yellow eyes; or any form of physical optical, these things were cunning like wolves. Smart and ruthless, these things could actually think, unlike their yellow eyed counterparts. Enough information had been gathered to understand this much; at least if the sources were correct. Many people had fallen prey to these Silver Jumpsuits of various shape and size. There was a story he heard from one of many travelers he'd encountered on his mercenary journeys, about a man who's younger brother had been taken by these things. The man had become so distraught, and angry, that he just ventured off to save his brother with merely a sword and shield. When the man had arrived, the younger brother had been held hostage by a three of them. They danced and danced in a circle around him, like a cage. The younger brother cried out from within the circle for his brother to run away, but it was too late. Like serpents the jumpsuits slithered through the air with ease from above, commencing their assault. It had been a trap. The older brother managed to fend them off, long enough to set his young brother free and to cry out for the young man to leave.

    Hesitantly, the young one ran off as all he heard was the terrifying scream of his older brother. The young brother did not look back, but just kept running until he reached the village. He took no time in asking for people's help in searching for his brother. A few volunteered, all armed and ready within the hour. However, by the time they reached the area, the older brother had been long gone. All that was left of him were his sword and shield, laying on the ground like some landmark.


    Higure paused as the grass unsettled up ahead, shuffling as someone approached. Head titled down slightly, allowing for the hats rim to hide eyes. The light sky blue bandanna cowl wrapped around his neck concealed his lower face, and the red cape swayed a little, but not enough to reveal his readied gun.

    It was a masked white haired man, age unable to be identified. Rowel spurs clinked in a shift in body weight. Higure stayed silent as the masked man held a hand to the pommel on the sword sheathed to his hips. Taking a small breath, the young boy gestured with a small nod to his right. It would be obvious to the masked swordsman what Higure was referring to once he looked in the implied direction. Up above beneath the treeline, a silver jumpsuit slithered on, every once in a while making its way back while maintaining a distance of 20 feet away from Higure. It had been watching the young boy this whole time, most likely before it was spotted a few meters back.

    The young boy remained still, instinct telling him that something was on the verge of happening. With tension rising, head titled to reveal sapphire eyes as he looked past the swordsman. Something was swimming in the ground, phasing through it like some phantom shark having spotted prey. Up above, three more silver jumpsuits were slithering through the air by the tree lines in a V formation. The phantom swimming through the ground dove, and disappeared from sight.


    Right hand gripped the gun tighter than before, and index finger coiled over the trigger at the ready. Four total, he had counted. Hopefully that was all.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Hexin
    D'daear was just as dumbfounded as Hikaru was. So Mickey was now in a large monster's body. Well, it can't be helped can it?

    "What." the tall boy uttered along with Hikaru.

    It was a nice change of pace, to just feel lost with stupidity. Pluto had proven them that this giant person was in fact the King that ruled over this Town and Castle. Who'da thunk something like this would happen. The great King Mickey Mouse. The key phrases rang in the boy's mind which allowed for him to come back to reality.

    "Hold up, Black Hooded figure? Wha?" D'daear questioned.

    He had seen a white Hooded figure, but now there was a BLACK hooded figure? Geez, what's next? Red Hooded Figures? Blue Hooded Figures? Hand placed itself over his forehead, feeling a bit confused by all of this. Blue irises looked up to King Mickey, and narrowed eyes at him. Taking index and thumb and having their tips touching, he spoke.

    "One does not simply switch bodies." he said, looking straight into the large mouses eyes. In all seriousness, though. "What'd the hooded figure do? Cast a magic spell on you or something?"

    Questions, questions, questions.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 13, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Hexin
    The sound of feet dragging resonated from behind the tree Higure rested on. It was most likely another traveler taking a pit stop to merely get away from the sun before continuing going on their merry way. Higure did nothing to budge, not even tilt his head up just a little to have visual on the surroundings. Body remained at ease, except eye lids had now parted to reveal those gems he called eyes. The birds remained calm as well, roosting and chirping among themselves on Higure's form.

    The person on the other side of the tree began to to talk to speak. It didn't take a genius to realize it was a woman's voice, and that she was alone as implied through her dialogue. The young boy remained still, listening in on her call for distress. Only a person who had nothing to lose would be saying such things; that or someone with some serious issues.

    She wants to...fade into the darkness?

    The person's wish was granted as the clanking of armor spontaneously emanated from the other side where the woman resided. The birds that had perched themselves on Higure suddenly flew off, away from the area. In that moment, Higure's head titled, causing rim of hat to tilt up to reveal sapphire eyes. The Yellow Eyes. Right hand tightened around the guns handle, index finger arching over the trigger finger. Body remained still, wanting to wait for the opportune moment. If it was possible, he'd rather not meddle unless the situation was dire.

    Ears tuned in to the scenery behind the tree, acting as his eyes. Metal clashed against metal, and feral claws scraped against something soft. Skin? It was still too soon to jump into the fray. Just as he heard metal clash against metal once more, another footstep joined the fray. This was a bit heavier, and was very swift. Soldiers were quickly fended off, and just for another presence to emerge into the fray.

    Guess I wasn't needed after all. Right index finger eased on the trigger, it no longer required to be pulled. Body lay against the tree trunk, the desire to sleep now underwhelming him. Two males were on scene, and from the sound of their voice, they meant well to aid this woman; despite one of them coming off a bit...strong in confidence. With a heavy sigh, he lifted himself off the grass and walked deeper into the forest, heading towards one of the other passages way on the other side that led into Roland's Ford. Anything the three were saying slowly faded away as the shadows became vivid in the increasing amount of shade.

    The darkness wasn't as strong in the day as they were in the night, which gave the boy comfort. However...

    Off in the distance, a sliver white figure swam through the air like a serpent atop the trees just beneath the treeline. Higure stopped, cape swaying gently at the pause. Eyes narrowed in on the figure, watching it closely as it swam off to the right and deeper into the forest, away from Rolands Ford's direction. Gun remained in hand, trigger finger hovering over the the guns firing mechanism once more. With caution, the boy continued to stroll on. Wherever there was one of those creatures, you could bet there was a pack nearby.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Hexin
    My jaw dropped, and nostalgia just gave me a huge hug that i couldn't breath. Could they be doing this since Digimon: Tri Adventures series is being premiered soon?
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 12, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  6. Hexin
    Being able to get the game through a steam sale is one of the reasons why it's on my wishlist. *crosses fingers for a christmas sale* I just hope my laptop can run the game. I heard a lot of good things about the FF -0, so Im hoping this will work out. Then again, the version I purchase depends on whether I can save up enough money to buy a ps4 before any steam sale featuring FF-0.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 12, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  7. Hexin
  8. Hexin
    Im assuming we're all in one big one;if we are following what was mentioned on the first post.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Hexin
    The sun was up and about and birds were chirping the morning song. All was well and the environments behavior had not shifted at all. On the outskirts of Roland Ford near the roadside, young Higure Yu sat under the shade of a tree with hat tilted forward as to shade sapphire eyes. Bandanna masked the lower portion of the boy's face like always. Legs spread out relaxed, and left arm lay flat on the soft texture of grass. A couple of birds had found their way to the boy's limp form, and taken a liking to perching themselves on his shoulders as well as hat. It had been a harsh week for mercenary work, and it seemed to have finally taken its toll on the young body as he would not even react to the small presence that accompanied him. No cause for alarm though, he was merely fast asleep, taking advantage of the peaceful morning. Red cape concealed right arm and weapon, no one but him to be unaware that in his hands he held his weapon at the ready just in case. The birds chirped the morning song along the boy's soft rhythm of breath in this fine beginning.

    Serene nap time.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Hexin
    Name: Higure Yu

    Alias: Black Wind

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'4

    Appearance: A young lad with long red ochre hair tide in a tail. Bangs flow freely over forehead, but barely cover sapphire irises. A simple track suit and belt buckled boots dress him. Accessories are dawned to better express the inner-self. A sky light blue bandanna cowl wrapped around the neck, a large beige hat resting itself atop of head, a brown string-edged cape placed over right shoulder to cover the right arm and holster, and Rowel Spurs decorating the back side of boots are what give a gunner like impression.

    Personality: Analytical, perceptive, and sharp minded. A hat that is never taken off in public, and a bandanna that never leaves its master's face. Hat is always titled forward so that no one may see the child's sapphire eyes. Higure keeps to himself, never really one to talk much except when trading information. To new eyes, he's A child forged in Enigma.

    To those that know him, they know the kindness that can be generated from the boy. Compassionate to the unfortunate, kind to everyone and all who have even a sliver of light in their heart, a guardian to those closest to him, and innocent to all who remove the layer(s) that mask his identity. Higure is nothing more than a fifteen year old adolescent.

    Weapon: A Gold Magun Kiddy version (Triple Barreled - Sawed Shotgun)

    Talents: Gifted Magical user, Sharpshooter, Nimble

    Goals: To one day be capable of wielding the True Magun in order to fight the awakening darkness.He searches endlessly, hoping to find the weapon.

    History: A traveler among a family of merchants. Higure was the son of a loving couple; Marla and Faron, whom made their living off of being traveling merchants. They ventured all over the world making a name for themselves. It was the best way to see new horizons, attain new knowledge, acquire rare goods, and most all create new connections with other people. It was through the journeys that the young lad found himself drawn to the magic arts. At age eleven it was when mana was finally able to manifest itself in physical form. It further fueled the boy's desire to continue learning. With proud parents, the practice continued.

    Being the son of traveling merchants had its perks, and one of them was being able to get your hands on rare books. Studying from there on was a matter of time well spent. It was a simple, yet effective life style. One might say, "Why learn magic? What use would it have for you?"

    Although most would be right, Higure had his plans. The Legendary Magun, supposedly a gun with powers that could change destinies. If he could wield this weapon, perhaps he could help fend off the darkness that had been slowly creeping its way back into the world. Heck, with the resources at his disposal, there was a high chance he could one day do it. So like any child, he began to practice using a gun. Parent's were not to happy at first, but they eventually softened up as they saw Higure become more proficient at it. Why stop a child's interest from becoming a career, right?

    It was for the best...

    A crucial turning point in Higure's life unfolded one evening as the family was en-route to a city. They were to hit the hay at an inn first thing when they reached the city. Yet, the such comfort and luxury was denied when the family reached a point in the path where the city was to be a beauty in the evening horizon. However, what they saw was horror. A dome of darkness had engulfed the city, and the cries of innocence lost to darkness echoed in the night. They had heard rumors, stories of what the darkness could do, but...

    Faron quickly looked to his son with concern and back at the city. Without a second thought, the caravan had turned around incredibly fast. They would be taking an alternate route to a village nearby. When they had arrived to the village, the family taken regufe at an inn. Faron quickly spread word of the fallen city, making sure the information had reached the law enforcement of the city.

    Higure spent the evening in his mother's arms while Faron sat in deep contemplation at a desk. Marla had fallen asleep, but Higure was wide awake, still in disbelief at what he had witnessed. A while passed before Higure had fallen asleep with his Father's reassurance. It would be the last day he'd see his mother, and father. Dawn had yet to give rise when the village was attacked. The creatures of the dark spawned, taking no prisoners except for their hearts. The screams, the cries. The sliver of hope that everything would be alright if he just stayed in the inn. He could have helped somehow. Had he just disobeyed, and taken courage perhaps... perhaps he could have become the critical turning point in the village's survival.

    Faron went missing after trying to lure creatures away from Marla and Higure. Marla gave her life defending him while he watched frozen in fear as the yellow eyes stole what was not theirs. The village had been consumed by the darkness, along with Higure. It was a nightmare. He was forced to stare into an abyss of blackness that seemed never ending. Yellow and red eyes surrounded him, no matter where he looked. All he could do to escape their soulless stare was to merely shut his eyes, to which it was in sleep where he found peace.

    He would later wake up on a beach, lost, confused, but aware of what had just happened. Somehow, he had survived. Filled with resentment towards the darkness and himself, he pushed on.

    For three years and onward he'd venture on his own as some vagabond, grabbing work wherever he could. Years of traveling with merchant parents gave him the necessary knowledge to learn how to accrue, and invest munny. Years of practice with magic and guns gave him the physical skills needed to defend himself, as well as utilize said skills for work. The nimbleness came later, from necessity.

    Throughout the travels, he had come to hear more stories of the darkness. It had become more and more common now. Cities, villages, and towns were falling prey to something so ancient. One day, it just sunk in and he realized SOMETHING had to be done. Their world was in danger, something or someone had to do something about it. But how?

    The Legendary Magun. A weapon with powers that could change destinies.

    If he could get his hands on the weapon, then Vindication. Vindication would then be everyone's. All that had fallen, all that had been hurt by the darkness. They could all be Vindicated. The light would push back the darkness.

    With Determination fueling those young sapphire eyes, his path was set.

    Other: Gun does not require ammunition to fire. It is a gun fueled by the boy's mana which fires spells (Like a wand). The only exception is when a summon spell is used, which then special ammunition must be forged with the boy's mana.

    PvP Statblock
    How to fill out the statblock: You have six points to spend between Strength, Defense, Agility, Magic, and Magic Resist. You cannot raise a stat higher than 3 at start. Your Hit Points are equal to 20 + your Defense.

    Hit Points: 20

    Strength: 0
    Defense: 0
    Agility: 3
    Magic: 3
    Magic Resist: 0

    Magical Bonuses: Gun lessens mana usage, and increases rate of spell dispersal.
    Spells: (Starting) Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Cure, Summon Terk & Tantor, Summon Moogle Mog
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Hexin
    "Whoa what happened here?" D'daear queried to the cool kids club as they approached the damsel in Distress.

    "That monster it was... huge! And so hideous! He just stormed in and kept calling my name!" Minnie explained to Horace. Pluto suddenly darted past the gates, rushing to get inside the castle. The anthropomorphic horse looked in the kids direction, and pointed them out to Minnie.

    Blue Eyes fell upon the dog up in the horizon, but soon was captivated by the large gates that stood before them. A thought raced through his mind while eyes ventured past the gates, and rested on the castle. As usual for D'daear, right hand tensed into a ball of emotion as heart fluctuated in rhythm. Breath became heavy for an instant, chin rising in order for the boy to better expand chest. There was a tense look in his expression, as if he had just seen a ghost that brought distress.

    "O-Oh! I do wish I could give that tour I promised, but right now we have a big, BIG problem on our hands!"

    After Horace explained the situation, the tall boy's focus averted to the floor. He simply gave a chalant nod, not even bothering with words. Body went on autopilot as it guided the tall boy towards the gates where he simply paused before them. Line of sight gazed through the bars, and onto the castle where Pluto had run off to; something clearly troubling him. However, for the time being he would have to cast hidden thoughts aside for their new objective.

    D'daear stands by the gates, and waits for everyone.
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 4, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Hexin
    Oooh!!! Axel already starts off exhausted!!!

    Idk then. Tired guy is just tired. Alparently in the novel and manga, Saix and Axel end up fighting each other behind the scenes, and Axel gets his butt whooped. So this is Axel after that said beat down.

    I just googled for the answer, and it was on the first link. Haha
    Post by: Hexin, Aug 2, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Hexin
    It's because he needs more cardio in his work out plan. +coolguywithshades

    On a serious note, I've never noticed that about him. Perhaps Axel's attacks are so powerful that he just exhausts himself? Like how in DragonBall Z whenever people use a powerful move, they always look so exhausted. Maybe it has to some meaning behind it, like a flame flicker with intensity, but then when it lacks the fuel or whatever it starts to die out, waning in power. Fire is plasma, which is basically the release of energy; if I remember correctly.

    So maybe Axel is literally feeling, burnt out. Haha...
    Post by: Hexin, Jul 31, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Hexin
    I honestly am just reading these posts and wondering, "Is everyone here being a smart ass?" LOL

    No offense!

    Anyway, congratulations to everyone for being nominated!
    Post by: Hexin, Jul 31, 2015 in forum: 2015
  15. Hexin
    In my honest opinion the story has become rather complex since the introduction of time travel in kh 3d; merely because I've read up on theories regarding 4th - 10th dimension and the consequences of time travel if said capabilities were to ever exist.

    I have no idea what thr game means by Sora being "the key" except for maybe it being related to Sora's power over the light. We all know thatSora has an uncanny ability to make friends and that his heart is full of light; hence why in kh3d Riku has to fight Sora's darknesz ( because the closer you are to the light, the bigger the shadow you cast becomes)

    So who knows, maybe Sora LITERALLY is the X (chi) to kingdom hearts.

    Thoughts: As for preventing the first x-blade war (pun intended), I think that's playing it way to close to retconning the entire series. Why? It's because of Xehanort. The entirety of the kh saga has been about Xehanort and his desire to experience the war and to rule kingdom hearts, while Sora is there to clean up the mess and rectify the distasters wrought by master xehanort. If that one plot element is removed because Sora undid what was done, have a white haired young man with no goal, no purpose. All the series itself would be meaningless because Everybody would be living in harmony and that would be that. (Unless Nomura starts playing with which case oh dear..)

    But wth, it is kingdom hearts am I right? Who knows what is going to happen in chi and kh 3. Hell, they recently introduced a man in a black hood talking to the 5 disciples in kh chi, chirishi is a dream eater, and kh3 trailer showing xehanorts keyblade being an artifact posted up on a wall? Heck, the secret movie in re:coded shows young xehanort clearly saying that his keyblade is ancient.

    So who knows what nomura and the team have in mind. Time travel can make, break, or just outright complicate a story.

    Only time will tell.
    Post by: Hexin, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Hexin
    Oh wow! Such an honor to even be listed!! It's unexpected and I'm just shocked. Thank you.

    As for my vote.... This decision is going to be tough. I know a few people being nominated, and they have such amazing talent for writing. This is....going to take a while yo decide...
    Post by: Hexin, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: 2015
  17. Hexin
    Finally, the group visiting the colorless world had made it back to Disney Town. Blue eyes made sense of the world around, taking in the colors as they once had. A smile grew on the tall boy's lips, remaining as he took a few steps forward.

    "Aaahh! I feels great to be back." he simply said.

    "Well now what?" Hikaru's voice was heard.

    D'daear was not looking at Hikaru, but merely taking in the plain scenery; not even bothering to look at the ink mark that they came from. Being in the monochrome world for so long, it just felt so refreshing to be able to see colors again. As a matter of fact, it felt good to come back to reality! He looked down at his hands to discover that his body had returned to normal. They had saved the old world; at least that's what the clues were pointing to, and now they were back in Disney Town. This called for some type of celebration! And what better way than to enjoy the festival!

    "Honestly, I say we ju-" D'daear was about to say, but paused as Hikaru spoke.


    The boy turned to Hikaru's general direction and noticed the yellow dog running off to who knows where. This was the first time the purple haired key wielder had laid eyes on Mickey's friend, but thanks to the memory windows they had all been watching the dog's identity was set in stone.

    "Uhh was that our cue to go follow him?" Rain said.

    Rain might have been right, however HE was not certain....and still....

    Shrugging at Rain, he walked up to the group, "I wanted to enjoy the festival...but I guess this is as good as anything." he said, giving Aden, Luna, and Cailyn a quick glance before looking to Hikaru and Rain. "Might as well go see what Mickey's best friend is in such a hurry to get to. I'm sure most, if not, all of us are curious."

    With that, he was off to follow Pluto; jogging as to maybe be able to catch a conversation with someone during the chase.
    Post by: Hexin, Jul 22, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Hexin
    D'daear nodded his head at Hikaru as the masked boy explained the details of the memory. Everything he said was true, and it too made D'daear wonder just what may have happened to Oswald. A world of monochrome colors, and sound that appears constricted to their ears. They've seen a lot, and in their entire time here not once did they ever see a black rabbit prowling about. Did something happen to Oswald? The tall boy just could not put his finger on it, most likely because he had dismissed everything the Phantom Blot had to say as ridiculous. Looking past Hikaru, D'daear saw a big fat figure making its way to them while he muttered, "Well wherever the Rabbit is, I hope he's ok."

    Eyes locked onto a familiar looking big cat that approached. "Hah! Thought you could escape me forever, eh?" Pete blasted as he neared the group. Mickey didn't stand a chance as the Captain took the little mouse and disciplined him into servitude. Pete picked the mouse up and tossed him aside after having spoken a few words.

    "Bye Mickey! Good luck with your chores!" D'daear shouted to the Mouse, watching him scurry along.

    Looking back to Pete, the cat passed along their reward with a thanks before heading on to the docks. The tall boy extended a hand out to receive the trinket that was a keychain. With index and thumb he lifted the trinket up to eye level, showing a bit of bittersweet disappointment. "Oh joy... another one of these..." he muttered, away from Pete's increasingly far ear shot. When all was said and done, D'daear once again nodded to Hikaru's idea, zealously. It was definitely time for them to get out of this world.

    "Yeah! I'm with you on that!" he happily agreed. "Lead the way!
    Post by: Hexin, Jul 7, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Hexin
    The Agent man was very perceptive, no doubt from years of doing this type of work. Jean sat upright as the man aimed a gun at him, unmasking Jean for who he really was. Remember how he had given a true shocked look the first time? Yeah, it was back on display with the agents gun pointed in Jean's general direction. To be honest, had the man decided to fire that gun, Jean would have seen the light at the end of that darkness people supposedly see when they die. However, luck or someone was watching over him that day as Lucas suddenly decided to move the gun away from him and began to walk away to do something. A brow raised itself in question. What the hell had just happened?

    Robots started to pour in from all sides, amazingly ignoring Jean and heading straight towards Colton and Christie as they still had yet to get out of the cage. Shaking off the near death experience, the scholar quickly got up and began to aid the bunch in their fight for freedom. A passing robot was struck clean in the side by Jean's hand, penetrating the thick hull as fingers coiled themselves around some wires. Like superman he ripped the robots "organs" out, quickly disabling the robot. Through intense training and planning, Jean had toughened up his Muscular and Skeletal system thanks to his ability to manipulate gravitons. The young man now had a the bone and muscular density of an Apex Human being; but nothing near like superman. To him, it felt like punching through a wooden board as he went about thrusting a fist into another robots head.

    Jean's mind was processing everything in zeptaseconds, being calculative, and strategic. In the chaos, he was unaware of all the gunshots being fired.

    He quickly knelt down to the two fallen robots he had disabled, and touched them. Mind reached out to the metallic substances. Once Jean figured out the metals used, he quickly lifted his hands off the robots in a fluid motion as the disabled robots were torn apart, thus creating shrapnel that now hovered in the air. Without thought, the shrapnel darted towards the remaining robots and embedded themselves with enough force to cause them to sway. In an instant the shrapnel self-combusted and exploded while stuck in the droids, thus tearing them apart as well. When that was over, Jean turned to the crew which now had one more party member.

    "Guys, less chat, more escaping." Jean said, as he quickly looked on towards the empty hallways. "I'll go scout ahead, Christie keep Colton safe. New guy, nice to meet you! Keep Colton safe as well. I'm going to on to see if there are any other prisoners out there."

    His body began to vibrate wildly until his entire being was nothing but a blur standing before the group. With Jean's Molecules vibrating freakishly, the momentum being created by the trillions+ molecules that made him was now used to accelerate the scholars movements.

    "Let's be quick about this." he uttered, his voice sounding rather electronic.

    With that, he zoomed onwards.
    Post by: Hexin, Jun 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Hexin
    Jean was feeling the shivers deep within as he was put on the spot to answer this man's Q. It took nearly everything for him not to allow for pupils to dilate; a subconscious reaction all human beings have when exposed to the light; haha get it? The young man stood there, giving the man a dull stare as if pretending to not be what he was feeling.

    "You are correct. I don't work here in this building, but I work for the government." he began, crossing his arms as he stared into the man's eyes. A brow raised itself as he narrowed those eye slits. "I don't recall YOU ever being mentioned as one of the agents that work here myself. Are you new?" Jean queried, spitting the question back at the agent. It was a simple unpredictable tactic, one that Jean was just rolling with for the moment. However, he needed to find a way out of this situation fast. Sure there was always a possibility that he could just manage to convince the agent that he too was one of them, but the scholar knew better than that. At the very best this would only by him some time while the agent tried to confirm the details with the CIA and whatnot.

    Eyes veered slightly as he looked down to the mans hand, noticing the ear piece. Accidentally, eyes widened in shock. Yet, when Jean caught himself in the act, he realized how he could use this to his advantage. This was a true human reaction, one that he can roll with. Arms uncrossed, and tensed as he pointed at the ear piece in the Agents hand. He looked up at the agent's face and merely said, "For the love of god... Please tell me you bugged the girl before letting her in the cell..." he said, implying that the agent clearly should not have taken the ear piece off of Christie. Looking passed the man and towards the cell door, Jean kept that shocked expression in ruse meanwhile he focused on the doors. The young scholar took a step back, stomping his right foot on the floor to create small oscillation in the floor. The micro vibrations caused by his foot traveled throughout the area of the floor, with Jean merely focusing on the waves that would touch the cell doors. This was a trick he used when he needed to touch the object in question to understand what it was composed of, without actually touching the object with his bare hands, for you see every and all things reside in their own frequency. All matter is always moving at their pace, even solid objects thanks to what makes up matter: Molecules.

    All of this was happening in zeptaseconds, like a honed reflexive instinct, and once Jean had the doors figured out, his mind extended itself out to the elements that made up that cell door.

    Iron, Carbon, Titanium, polyethylene

    Jean remained ever so rigid, staring in horror at the door in this ruse. At a molecular level, the doors molecules were beginning to vibrate violently. Being a solid object, the molecules had little space to maneuver, thus causing high amounts of friction among them. The intensity in the friction would become too powerful, that in near milliseconds the door would begin to show physical symptoms of its inevitable demise.

    If there was a camera filiming this moment, you can bet your ass this was the part where a close up of Jean's face was shot with him saying,
    "WHAT THE FU-"

    In an explosive display, the door would burst into singed shrapnel with a powerful concussive wave that would knock everyone except the captives back; leaving a huge gap in the middle for Christie and Colton to do whatever the hell they needed to do. Seeing as Christie had clearly mentioned back at Errol's office that if she had an opportunity, that she would take it in a heart beat...well... Here it was.

    The brown haired man stumbled backward as shrapnel flew everywhere except inside the prison that contained Christie and Colton. The explosion happened so fast, and it was so abrupt that he doubted anyone had a chance to react without taking Jean's acting seriously from the beginning.

    It was all meant to look like Christie was the one who had caused this.

    Smoke clouded the area, leaving he imagination to wander with whatever lay within it.

    "**** **** ****! Why would you take off of her the ONE thing that was supposed to keep her from NOT using her powers!?" Jean said hysterically scared as he tried to build an atmosphere of fear. He let his tone of voice, and face do all the work while crawling on the floor with eyes glued to the cloud of debris that concealed the two captives. An atmosphere that said, This is Christie going unchained. Run.
    Post by: Hexin, Jun 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home