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  1. Hexin

    Darkness surrounded the Black Rabbit, but it did not harm him. It merely enveloped the anthropomorphic fella, blanketing him in this seemingly never ending dream-scape of a bad memory. Wearing blue overalls, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit floated in this sea of blackness, staring away at nothing after the memory ended only just moments ago. Why does this keep happening to me? No matter what I do... It just plays out the same.

    Disappointment waved over the rabbit while jaw tensed slightly. The darkness slowly beckoned him to close his eyes and to accept the outcome. Eyelids waned in strength, vision unable to tell the difference anyway. He was ready to accept his fate, he was ready to be forgotten permanently.

    Ortensia... I'm sorry...

    However, it would seem the light wasn't ready to forget the Black Rabbit. Starting off as a sliver in the blackness, it quickly caught the Lucky Rabbit's attention. "Wha?!" he stirred, life suddenly taking hold of him. Eye's widened in refound hope, the lack luster dissipating as the light grew larger and larger. He got up, all the time fixated on the light. The darkness waned, being replaced by the radiance that belonged to the light. It became so bright that Oswald had to shield his eyes from the light.

    "What's going on!?" he exclaimed, hesitating to open eyes.

    Little by little, eyelids unfolded as irises readjusted to the surroundings. "Where...Where am I?"

    Everything was blurry for a moment, but he could make out what was around him. Brick walls, three doors, and someone of a familiar shape. Two round ears, Big nose, a tail as thin as a string, red, white and yellow colors adorned this person, and...

    Oswald jumped back when he realized it was someone he was not fond of. "You? What are YOU doing here?" he pointed a judging finger at the Mouse.

    Post by: Hexin, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Hexin
    The island was rather large, although it probably looked vast because of how dense the forest looked from the shore. Nobodies were supposed to be swarming this piece of land, and seeing this forest was nothing more than an alarm for caution. The creatures were already cunning and slippery. Surely they'd be using the cover of the forest. Who knew, maybe the nobodies already sensed them and were all now setting up a trap for them, merely waiting for the opportune moment to strike as one.

    Yu stood on the beach with the group, merely acting as an observer to everything for the time being.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Hexin
    I gotta admit, The Creation of Xehanort's keyblade has my attention. My curiosity has been plaguing me about that ever since I noticed its similarity to the foreteller's keybalde, AND furthermore when Young Xehanort has that conversation with Braig in KH RE:CODED movie.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 6, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Hexin
    "Yu." the boy replied to Tessa, turning his back to the new recruit.

    Even though it was his last name, that was all they needed to know. If he had given their first name, then perhaps he'd end up revealing his identity; if his reputation had spread far and wide. Hat cast a shadow over eyes as he merely walked back to meet the others in the group. They would all be going to that island for recon, and quite frankly Yu was was already feeling the tension. It wasn't fear, but rather it was the unknown that lay before their path. Neoph had very little to go on, and one thing Yu did not like was lacking information. A lot of questions needed to be answered, but sources were near none existent. He hoped they could find some answers before it was too late.

    If the island is truly infested with nobodies... then we're in for one heck of a fight...

    Foot slapped trash out of the way mid stride, following Neoph next to Tessa in silence.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Hexin
    This has peaked my interest, especially if the other idea you had will be dropped. (I don't think I could be in both anyway) You are using scenarios from DC Cinematic universe and Marvel Cinematic universe just for the sake of plot and it will not effect what characters can be used from the comics right? Just a question to get out of the way in case I'm assuming too much. lol
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Hexin
    Eyes rested on the girl, feeling an ounce of guilt as she helped him stay on his feet and then apologizing to him. "O-oh it's ok... Hi Tessa..." he uttered barely, shying away underneath his hat. Tessa. This girl looked like she was looking for something, the obvious sign being how she constantly looked around. It was further realized that this Tessa lady did not live here when she asked him if he lived here. A townsfolk would know faces of the towns people, or rather would have a decent sense of it. "No... " he simply spoke, gauging whether to say anything else. A bow and quiver were her weapons. A rather interesting choice for armaments considering she could have gone with anything else. Cloak concealed his hand as it touched the holster to his side. They were both long ranged fighters as it would seem. Something they have in common.

    "I see you use a bow and quiver. Do you hunt with it or is that more of a weapon when out traveling on the road? I rarely see people use arrows anymore..." he started, trying to get the conversation going. He could have given her his name; specifically last name, but it had slipped his mind. Then it hit him. Before she could finish anything in response to his earlier question, he queried, "Have you heard anything about the incident that happened on the island that's swarming with Nobodies? Do you know anyone who may know of it?"
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Hexin
    Listening to Oswald's exposition left D'daear shocked. Apparently oswald was an Inkling or something with the power to fight the Inklings or whatever because of some experiment. Apparently the Keyblade was no match for these monsters. It made it even more shocking when Oswald mentioned the Phantom Blot, which he distinctively remembered being able to harm with the Keyblade; mind you he had to coat the weapon in a spell. Remembering who the Phantom Blot was, D'daear decided to spill the beans. Perhaps there was some connection between what they encountered in the Monochrome Disney Town and what's happening now.

    "Hey Oswald... My team and I met the Phan-"

    "Look out Dare!" Oswwald yelled, tackling him.

    The tall boy fell back with the wind knocked out of him; boy the Black Rabbit sure knew how to tackle someone. When D'daear came to, eyes fell upon the black ink for a hole that had emerged in the spot he had just been prior to Oswald tackling. Inklings began to emerge from the ground, like Heartless only they weren't. The purple haired youth got up quickly as he watched the Rabbit summon both keyblades to action.

    "TW-!?" he interrupted himself. Oh yeah, Black Rabbit could dual wield.

    "It's he blot! He knows you're here. Get outta here! I'll hold em off!"

    "We can't just leave you!' D'daear interjected, keyblade summoning itself at his will. He ran to the Black Rabbit's side, getting into stance for a moment before Karina spoke up. Attention focused itself on the girl's dead serious eyes that always seemed to be burning a hole into whatever she looked at. H'oh boy. Now what was he supposed to do? With words like that, and eyes like that, D'daear almost wanted to listen to her if not out of some misguided sense of duty. It left the boy feeling really surprised to see Karina speak the way she spoke. It even made him cringe a little when she let it be known that she was self-aware of her attitude problem.

    "She's being SELFLESS? What is going o-" again interrupted by watching Karina pull her stunt. Obviously the it had no affect on the inklings, to which reminded D'daear of his the Phantom Blot once more. "Oh wait! Karina, use magic! Only Magic c-!" he shouted with great worry, still standing by Oswald's side when a hole popped up under Karina and commenced to Swallow her. Eyelids retracted more instinctevly to bare the shock that was written on him.

    "Karina!" he yelled, dashing away Oswald.

    It was futile, a vain attempt as he didn't even make it within proper proximity of the hole to attempt a split second dive to save her. D'daear merely stopped half way in the distance with hand out stretched to the foreground of his sight, watching the background where Karina once was. His heart sank, feeling a bit of guilt for having thought of the girl the way he did. Sure she was annoying, and a bit cold...but even she did not deserve this fate. Cheeks dragged downward to display the sadness he felt. Karina, the woman with the brute force of a body builder had been easily taken out by these inklings.

    Just What chance did Beuce and himself have without Oswald's ink ability? Would magic even work the same way it did on the Phantom Blot? It had apparently gotten a lot stronger too...

    Oh how he felt ambivalence at the moment. To stay and help fight and be courages, or run away and live to fight another day with their tails tucked between their legs? "It's the same situation just like Central Haven..." he murmured. It was tough as no matter how tough of a person you are, fearlessness does not exist. That instinct will always linger, even as a tiny reminder for the truly bold people. That's why it's called courage, right?

    Logic dictated the boy's decision now unlike at Central Haven where with Courage, and allies they were able to stay and fight. A heavy sigh was given.

    Head titled down and eyes shut themselves to give Karina her much deserved moment of silence; despite how noisy it had become in the background. When the moment was done, he got ready to do something that unfortunately was necessary. A flame surrounded the tip of D'daear's keyblade as he made a run for Beuce, slashing at an Inkling in his path. He watched mid dash as the Inkling splattered along the area. It took a while longer than with Karina to reform itself, a sure sign that magic had SOME kind of affect on it; although the effect's were minuscule.

    D'daear grabbed Beuce's wrist with his unequipped hand and pulled at Beuce. "Let's get out of here. We can't let Karina's sacrifice be for nothing. We run to safety, and hopefully we can come up with a strategy once Oswald finds us. Let's go!"
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 28, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Hexin
    Back hunched a little while feet moved back and forth in a rather childish rhythm as he sat on the kitche counter. Little jaw worked flawlessly at getting the paopu crackers chewed into soft mushy bits as to easily pass through esophagus where it'd then fall into the stomach. From there stomach acids would do the rest in digesting and metabolizing the calories, fat, etc. The small adolescent had dull eyes, clearly bored from the lack of excitement. Ana, Hunter, Spectre, and Aedion had gotten lucky in being together in the action packed group; well kind of. Yu jumped off the counter, landing with ease while holding onto the cracker box to slowly make his way back to the area where Lance and Aella most likely would be. After having heard Hunter and Aedion bicker over trivial things, Yu couldn't help but feel SLIGHTLY lucky that he had not ended up in that team. From the looks of it, both of them were born leaders and yet....

    A sigh escaped the boy upon arriving back to the meeting room. There they were, just standing around silently. Oh forget this...

    "I'll take a head start in asking around the town, if you guys don't mind...?" he queried rhetorically.

    Pushing the door open, Yu walked out of the room with cracker box still in hand and a belt well equipped with new found rations from the kitchen. He closed the door behind him, and made his way out of the street to wherever his feet would take him. Instantly things already felt better upon walking. People were filling the streets, merchants did their merchant things, guards patrolled doing their guard duties, and everyone was having a normal day as it seemed. A small smile formed beneath the cowl that wrapped around his lower face. This was so much better than being cooped up in that building. It was so much better than waiting for something to happen. A couple eyes landed on him and his strange appearance, but the little boy merely ignored them as he began to approach people for questioning. Minutes went by to nearly half an hour. It was...uninformative. The conversations all started perfectly, everyone giving the boy their full attention until they realized he was being serious about the questions regarding the incident. He was rejected everytime, always with, "Oh...! Perhaps it's best you don't know. Besides, someone like you shouldn't be focusing on that." or "Kid, you're WAY in over your head. Just stop while you can."

    Why am I not being taken seriously?

    He had just finished a conversation with a woman, turning his back to her in order to walk away. Right hand curled into a small fist while hat leaned forward, the brim of hat casting a shadow over face. Hell, even Aedion had treated him like some child that needed protection back at the forest. For goodness sake, even Ana! She wasn't even there when he had to fend off heartless on his own as a mercenary, she wasn't there when he had to escort a merchant from a village to a town, or outright survive in the world on his own! None of them knew him, so just...why?

    Empty cracker box fell to the street as Yu continued to walk in down cast, brows furrowing in displeasure.

    I'm not a child...not anymore...

    Not paying attention to the road, he wasn't wary of a passerby and it resulted in him bumping into someone. The opposing force quickly overwhelmed his small frame as he felt the repercussion of the light impact. He stumbled back slightly, almost losing his footing on the last step. His hat titled back to reveal sapphire eyes as he stared up to see a female with a bow and quiver.

    Post by: Hexin, Sep 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Hexin
    Dang. Here I was thinking a release date had finally been announced. Guess we'll have to wait for March instead... :(

    Edit: Hold up, in that one picture where Noctis's dad is young with Cid and General Cor(sp?)...

    Is that Bill a.k.a. Left 4 Dead war veteran?! Is this who he was reincarnated as!? :rolleyes:
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 23, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  10. Hexin
    Oh it'd be neat to see this revived! This was one of the many things friends and I would talk about for days after watching the latest episode. Hope this Revival come to fruition as I'd love to see this now when animation software has so much going for it.
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 23, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Hexin
    Look at you go! You seem very passionate about this. Good job and don't stop! I look forward to seeing the finished product.
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 21, 2015 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Hexin
    Nice job! I agree with DualBlade! Good Job on the voice for Aqua! And as always, you're amazing Mike!
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 21, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. Hexin
    Wow, I guess that's how they got the 2.8... Lol I just thought it was one more number for the three KH games in the Prologue Final Chapter. KH3d was one, X was two, and fragmentary passage was 3. 2.5 + 3 was 2.8... but alright. Whatever works for Nomura. Lol... 2.6...
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 21, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Hexin
    A friend and I had discussed something similar to this when we were getting bored of DnD campaigns. I honestly I think this is a great idea; albeit it obviously needs work.
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Hexin
    Boredom. That's exactly what had afflicted the young Higure as he sat at the table. Blue irises hid themselves under the large wizard. Nothing was going on, simply nothing. They were getting nowhere as Adults were bickering like little children while he sat there in hunger. Eyes rolled in disappoint as a large sigh escaped him, shaking his head while the adults finally made some progress with their so called plan by walking out of the building. Good. The young boy; not minding the other adults who were left in the house, got out of the table and simply made himself at home, making it a priority to look for the kitchen; he just had to eat something. It did not take long for him to find the area in the house, and to begin ransacking the place. He had to pull up a chair in order to climb the counter, and as he did so he made his way with the snacks he found. H'oh boy, he was being a fat ass, however in his defense he was a young adolescent. Food was necessary for the growing boy.

    Tush sat on the counter, and little legs dangled themselves while he ate some paopu crackers calmly, finally relieved to be chowing down. Mmm, finally something to eat.
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Hexin
    I only know this Composer through Attack On Titan. However, with just that Album alone I'm already convinced of the creativity behind this person. Myy favorites are AOT, E.M.A. Counter Attack Man-Kind, Body Motion, and XXL TT.
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 16, 2015 in forum: Music
  17. Hexin
    I am so hyped for this. KH X Back cover, and Finally Aqua's side story? GG Just keep on bringing them out, Square Enix. I'm gonna make it rain for you. :cool:
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 16, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Hexin
    I have to disagree. Sora and Riku are both Lawful Good. Sora has always been Lawful Good, while RIku recently became Lawful Good. :D
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 16, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Hexin
  20. Hexin
    The nostalgia of playing the very first Kingdom Hearts in the series after not having touched Kingdom hearts games in nearly 2-3 years (Excluding KH3d). Really brought back memories of simpler times, both in the games story as well as my Life.
    Post by: Hexin, Sep 16, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX