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  1. Hexin
    Just as Neoph had advised, Yu made sure that the doors leading to the Hall were barracated(sp?) before running off to aid the others fighting. There had been a bit of resistance at first with the civilians as not many of them were too keen on following a "Little boy". The only reason the protesters decided to listen to him was that others had seen Yu with Aedion and Neoph earlier in the day. Two high ranking officials hanging around with a little boy meant that Yu must've carried some form of authority. Honestly, the gunman didn't care. As long as they had listened and followed him to safety.

    "No one you do not recognize gets in, and no one gets out, understood?"

    Scurrying through the town, the thudding and thunder of the climatic battle resounded throughout spacious town. It was faint, but the closer and closer Yu got the louder it became. Spectacularly designed sawed shotgun remained gripped tight in the boy's right hand, cape flapping against the air as Yu scurried through the town like some speedster. Turning a corner, his eyes met with the battle scene. A gargantuan sized white jumpsuit towered over the group. Neoph, Aedion, Ana, Tessa, Zeal, Hunter, and Lance were there fending off the creature and it's flexible maneuvers. Eyelids narrowed over irises as the boy entered into the fray, taking in the surroundings. Momentum stopped as he took one step forward, unveiling the beautiful gun he had always hidden under his cloak. Eyes locked on the behemoth's head, he shouted


    The gun's barrel blasted a surge of ice dust, it's power resonating in the battle field as an ice shard darted with unfathomable speed at the center of the giant Nobodies crest.
    Post by: Hexin, Nov 5, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Hexin
    A journey back to the safety of walls that guarded the players had commenced. It was a grim moment for many of the players as lives had been lost, and most likely scars had been left in some people's psych. Only god knew what was going on with Jankano at the moment; if he even exists. A lot was hurting, but the most was Jankano's Spirit. After the original SAO had done it's worst to the man, life was gradually beginning to get better as he picked the broken pieces and slowly allowed himself to heal. Everything was alright until this situation.

    He wanted to toss the blame at the creator of this game, but he also wanted to blame someone else; Anyone really. Yet being a man of proper age, Jankano knew better than to go off ranting and finding someone to blame. Tossing accusations around wasn't going to help or save them from their current predicament. The youth let out a sigh as he leaned back against the wall once the group had arrived to town. Arms dangled energy less, and emotional strength was at its low. Had it none been for his prior experiences in the past vrmmo, he'd probably be dead by now too.

    A massive blade had struck against his during mid-air combat, and sent him flying towards a tower back at the goblin camp. It left a dent on the side of the building, and even knocked off a few bricks. Jankano was only alive at this very moment because the <<parry>> skill was a thing. Using his blade as a cane to lift himself off the ground, eyes had set sight on the battlefield before him. Players were fighting valiantly, summons were aiding summoners. A glance to the left side of his UI showed only two people remained in the party. Jaw tensed, and eyes narrowed in sadness. He had lost most of his group in this one boss fight alone. Despite the past experiences, it was still all the same. A cruel joke made by the rewind button.

    When the battle had ended, he had immediately dismissed the party without a notice. It was just too much for him to handle after the fight and he wanted to walk the rest of the way home mindlessly. When they had arrived, many people who had stayed behind were there waiting for them. Lvl 1's of all ages stood there watching them. Friends, family, and spouses welcomed the familiar faces, and others merely congratulated the brave souls that had ventured out of the wall. The calming atmosphere aided the warriors spirits, but not for long.

    There's always two sides to a coin.

    Bitterness, disappointment, shame, sadness. It was in the mix of everything. Although people were glad to see the group had survived, others had to received the bad news; sometimes not even through a person but by common sense. It was heart wrenching to many when a little boy called out for his father, but with no response to be had. It made some players ashamed of themselves, and needing to hang their head low when a woman walked forward asking for the whereabouts of her boyfriend.

    "Where's my brother?!" a girl exclaimed at a friend who's head hung low.

    A child cried, being comforted by a random player kind enough to lend the shoulder.

    Just as many experienced relief, others experienced the beginnings of a crack in their happy world.

    Now as back came in contact with the wall, away from prying eyes, did the warrior Jankano have a moment to himself to reconnect. It was like a flood gate had been opened up and emotions just came riling up. Anxiety, fear, cowardice. Eyes perspired in physical manifestation of his emotions. It was this moment again where hope was quickly fading away. And this time, she wasn't there to comfort him. None of them were. He was once again all alone in a death game.

    "...****..." the vulgar word spat out in a gritty whisper.

    Head hung low causing bangs to mask him. A fist was made, shuttering with ambivalence.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 31, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Hexin
    Ooc: Well here goes

    Head titled slightly to the right as if he was peering over his shoulder. To anyone who didn't know this man, they'd probably think nothing of it. Those who did know him, however knew the Devil was merely taking in his surroundings. Eleven heartbeats total, he made out as he honed in to the different beats of each pulsing organ that sustained life. Yet, he could not help but sense a twelfth presence. Was he off? Again he honed in, making sure his count was not off. Of course, he was not. After careful count, it was certain the amount of heartbeats resonating in the room. So the question was: How was he able to make out that extra aroma among the ocean scents that clouded this room without it belonging to a person? The aroma was stronger than the other ones too; metallic in taste. Confused, he remained silent.

    "Whats with those two?" Raven voiced.

    Judging by the angle of the sound waves bounce, she was not speaking to him, but rather the Agent 37 A.K.A. Grayson. A small smirk arose on the Devil's face.

    After much explanation was had, it began to make sense as to who the twelfth individual in the room is.
    Vibranium. That's what this Vision guy is made out of. Makes a LOT of sense now...

    They just got here and already he was discovering something new. Aside from the obvious fact that Vision was some kind of sentient android, the blind hero realized a little soft spot in his enhanced senses. Inorganic enemies were most likely going to pose him a bit of a hassle. Not undefeatable, but a hassle. Thankfully, there were ways around this, but it'd be tricky if the moment ever arise.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Hexin

    WWD {2.0}

    A chuckle escaped Saino as Mitch jested. The sarcasm was well accepted as it was obvious Mitch didn't mean anything by it. This was a good sign for Saino as despite how easy going he could be, sometimes he couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious of the way he acted/dressed. Feeling pretty good about the moment, he continued to follow the group towards the resort. Upon entering he was caught in awe by the amount of space that was the lobby. Taking out his cell phone, he began to take pictures; even going as far as to throw himself into a selfie or two while they ventured through to the fourth floor. Upon reaching the monorail station, the bad news was delivered by Mitch which wasn't well received, but the young man didn't show it.

    "Aw man.." he sighed.

    Looking at his cell phone, he pouted at the thought of him not being able to take pictures of the theme park and anything eventful that may happen. Attention was drawn away from the device when Mitch introduced Tali to them. Not wanting to look rude, he put the phone back into pocket, and just in the nick of time too..

    It was rather unexpected when Tali checked him out, and basically invaded his personal space; although he didn't mind it much as he assumed it was a kind gesture. He knew she was merely pointing out their similar taste in fashion. Besides, a small girl like her looked pretty adorable herself. Saino merely did his best not to seem tense, and just gave her a kind smile; albeit a little forced.

    "I guess great minds think alike, huh? Haha!" he said, once more letting that kind smile do its kawaiiness.

    After much talk between Mitch and Tali about being best friends and whatnot, the monorail arrived for them to set foot into and ride away into the adventure that awaited them.

    Saino looked on to the person that introduced themself as Ula. She had run up to the window of the train where he followed her line of sight. Like diamonds that gleamed in cartoon animations, eyes looked on to the scene beyond the window; he did not notice the other passenger bobbing their head to music.

    "If only I could use my phone inside the park..." he uttered in bitter joy.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Hexin

    WWD {2.0}

    Ho boy. Today was the day a grand adventure would begin for Saino Animeta. A great joy was already building up inside the young man,and to just be able to walk around the Disney themed parks was something that he would not ever pass up; hence why he was even on this boat to begin with. The boat had a few people, none of which he knew. Naturally what came to mind was to merely not speak with anyone until introductions were had when they got off the boat. That's what he assumed would happen anyway. Long dog ears akin to the well known disney character, Goofy, rest over his ears while white gloved hands dangled over the boats side while he looked on. The monorail roared off some distance, no doubt a means to transport the tourists back and forth between parks and resort. Why they didn't take the monorail he probably wouldn't know; nor did he care. Getting on that park was all that mattered at this point.

    When the boat docked, Saino's eyes sparkled with the excitement of a child taking his first steps onto the Disney park. Feet landed on the dock, and eyes quickly locked on to the man that was waiting for them. Watching as one of the passengers queried the man, he stood just behind the person introducing themself as Ula Finnin.

    I'm Saino Animeta, sir!" an excited Saino spoke, only inches behind Ula.

    A tad bit too close to someone's personal space, but then again we're talking about a 23 year old man wearing star wars, avengers, and disney-esque attire.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Hexin

    It was a strange ride through the portal as there was no control over ones body. The feeling was akin to going down a spiraling void, a trip as one would call it in today's modern society. When D'daear reached the other end of the portal, he was spat out like some foreign object that didn't belong in the mouth of the void. A nearby chair caught the young lad, thankfully it being cushiony enough for a soft landing. A little dazed, hands gripped at the chair as legs slowly took a hold of the floor.

    "Uugh...where am I? Beuce? " he asked rhetorically, vision slowly coming to control.

    Giving the space around him a quick glance, it was deduced that he was inside some room. Furthermore, no Beuce (Albeit he was probably lagging behind a bit in the portal), but black anthropomorphic critters stood before him; and one of them was none other than Oswald. With brightening eyes at the familiar face, the boy walked up to him speedily in glee.

    "Oswald! You're alright!" he said, giving the cat a curious glance.

    After having been separated briefly by those blot, the boy had feared for the worst. It was a good sight to see that the DUAL wielding Black Rabbit had made it out of the fray in one piece. Now the question was who was this other rabbit?
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 24, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Hexin
    Neoph's group had made it to the scene of chaos that was unfolding within the town. Everything was happening so fast, and part of that reason was because of the civilians running around in fear. They were nothing more than a distraction to the untrained eyes, and would only be getting in the way. Most likely the reason behind Neoph's orders to maintain crowd control.

    The young boy sighed after making a quick assessment of the fighters on scene. Most of them were all too busy jumping into the fray to even bother to deal with this mess. Odd considering Neoph had to take a massive hit in order to save ONE civilian. Could you imagine how much more annoying this fight would be if they had to protect more people in middle of this chaos? Wizard had shook left to right consistently as disappointed waved over the boy.

    Yu took a step forward, and raising the triple barreled gun at the air he pulled the trigger. A firebolt launched into the sky, acting as some kind of flare to gather peoples attention; hopefully the Twilight Thorn wouldn't notice it while occupied. The flare would reach its peak with civilian eyes locked on to it; because who wouldn't look up to see a bright reddish light glowing in the evening sky, and thus descend down near the youth in order to bring attention to him.

    Once the boy took a moment to look around, "Alright listen up! We need every none soldier, guard, or mercenary to head straight to the Town Hall! This is not up for debate! Your lives and the lives of the people trying to protect you are all at risk right now! Look around you! There are people on the floor being stepped on!" words shouted strong from the little adolescent. "In the midst of this chaos, will you all act like selfish animals? Take up courage! Pick up your neighbor if they need help, and escort the women, children, and elderly to the Town Hall! It's the safest place to be."

    He began to take a few steps in the Town Hall's direction, stopping only to take a look at the civilians with the hope that they would listen.

    "For everyone's safety, please follow me to the Town Hall! Forget your belongings. We have to get to safety NOW." he shouted as loud as he could, using as much of authority he could muster. You know what they say, you sell something you gotta own it. He had his game face on. No playing, no being cute, childish, or joking. Anyone with a common sense could see it. Once he would escort the civilians to safety, he'd make his way back to help the others fend off the Twilight Thorn. Hopefully doing so would not take too long.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Hexin
    In such a small amount of time, everything just went to the dark side of the spectrum. Widened in shock, Yu's sapphire irises stared at Aellon as she faded into nothing, the only remnants of her spiriting off into whatever afterlife this fantasy had in store for them. They traced the girls heart up into the sky until it merely faded. This Axe wielder, aside from Aedion, was the first company he had in a while. Albeit the team up wasn't even an hour long, but still he had considered her a potential friend. Had things gone a different route, perhaps they'd be a dynamic duo.

    Knees felt weak, buckling under his own weight. It took him a bit of self awareness to gather himself. The dialogue commenced, and just hearing the laughter and that woman speak only added fuel to the anger that was welling up inside. It was not just that Aello had died, and this mystery girl was poking fun at it, but just the attitude and the cocky persona mixed in with suave femininity. Just who the hell did this girl think she is? It didn't help that Neoph was becoming vexed either.

    Wizard hat hid sapphire eyes once more,despite him watching Neoph. Perhaps some of Yu's anger came from Empathy for Neoph.

    After words were exhanged, the entire group found themselves rushing through the forest and back to the boat. Yu's small legs were darting like a ninja as he took up point. Speed wasn't just about who had longer legs, but a number of steps: distance ratio. The faster one moved their legs, the more ground they could cover. It helped even more if one leaned their body forward to position most of the weight forward.

    Indignant about all of this, Yu kept quiet with gun still in hand. Cape flapped against the air resistance, no doubt revealing his hand holding on to the said gun as well as attire. Locks of red hair flowed with the wind in this evening.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Hexin
    I'd like to claim to Daredevil (Matt Murdock) from the Netflix series based on Frank Miller's The man without fear.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Hexin


    Name: Saino Animeta
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Skin: Caucasian white, a bit tanned.
    Hair: Long Brown hair reaching past his ears, but above jaw line. Almost looks Eastern with a bit of Native American. Side burns stick out like feathers, layered to the rest of his hair. Example(s) of side burns.
    Eyes: Light brown, caramel in color when sun reflects off them.
    Build: Lean. He doesn't look like he works out much, except to avoid muscle atrophy. Looks to be in his late teens.
    Height: 5 '10
    Weight: 150Ib

    Country of Origin: 'Murica
    Heritage: 25% Peruvian, ?%European Paternal, 50% Puerto Rican, 6.25% African American Maternal
    Ethnicity: White (Because 'Murica deemed it so)

    Fashion Sense: Usually sports a red zipper jacket opened up to reveal a black Star Wars T-shirt; he almost never uses the jackets hoodie. A thick black leather belt straps itself around baggy blue denim jeans with a Marvel's Avengers belt buckle. Linked to the pants belt loop, a chain wallet; with crown for links; is seen traveling all the way to pockets. For shoes, he dawns brown sneakers. For the occasion of being in the Disney theme park, he is purposefully wearing white retro cartoon gloves, and floppy disney-esque ears; big enough that it hides his real ears, with black paint on his nose.

    MagicBand+: Yellow
    Pin Lanyard: Green
    Paintbrush: Wooden
    Trait: Animator


    Username: Hexin
    Preferred Name: Big Boy
    Time Zone: EST
    Skype: gesud4ever
    Gmail: ???

    Favorite Disney Movie(s): ANYTHING MIYAZAKI or by Studio Ghibli, Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, Hercules, Treasure Planet, Saving Mr. Banks, Big Hero 6, Tangled
    Favorite Disney Character: Beast or Baron Humbert von Gikkingen
    Favorite Disney Song(s): Treasure Planet's I'm still Here. Tarzan's Two worlds by Phil Collins or The Movie Version. Hercules I Can Go The Distance and Zero to Hero. Tangled's When will my life Begin. Big Hero 6 OST.
    Favorite Disney World Theme Park: Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot
    Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: Undecided
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Hexin
    The duo that is Beuce and D'daear managed to escape thanks to Oswald's courage and Beuce's quick thinking. Now they were on the run, like criminals escaping from the law. Ironic. It made D'daear feel horrible about having to retreat without avenging their comrade. After they had run off a bit, D'daear slowed to a light jog before coming to a full stop. Keyblade withdrew to wherever it goes, and the young lad placed a hand on a nearby vertical surface as he leaned forward to take a breather. Heart was racing, not just from the sprint but from the odd blend of emotions that crowded his heart right now.

    Feral fear, anger, desperation, anxiety...

    "Tch..." uttered the tall boy beneath tight mandibles.

    Eyes shut, and brows furrowed from the intensity of the situation. It was a bad moment indeed. Disney Town was perhaps the most down time he had witnessed since Beast's Castle. Out of the frying pan and into the fire as they say. Slowly, he rose to erect spinal column. Eyelids lifted themselves to reveal the sorry in his eyes.

    Just after recovering his breath, a projector of some sorts popped up before the two. It was strange, and it definitely caused for alarm. "Hey Beuce, what is tha-?"

    D'daear noticed the strange aquatic like ripple that emanated from the center of the projector. It all honesty it did not look threatening or malevolent. Being the daring young lad that he was, curiosity pulled him in like a fly towards light. Feet stopped a meter away from the strange, and hand extended itself out towards it. The why he was doing this, he did not know. Upon touching it, he could feel this strange tug as if the projection was pulling him in. Then it hit him.

    "This is similar to the windows!" he shouted in discovery.

    Turning head in Beuce's direction, "Beuce! I know this sounds crazy, but trust me, alright?" he asked, before giving him a smile and succumbing to the tug of the portal.

    The projection without hesitation absorbed D'daear.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Hexin
    At Neoph's command little Yu stopped along with everyone else. Something did not feel right, and their leader could sense it. It took the boy a second later to see what Neoph was seeing. The shift in air density, the faint whisper of air molecules fluctuating as mass passed through them, and the instant crackle of a twig snapping. Yu's giant Wizard hat titled up to reveal sapphire blue eyes narrowing in suspicion.

    "Yeah..." Yu replied to Neoph's words, tone sounding a bit gruff.

    Right hand equipped Tri-barreled sawed shotgun, cape hiding the action while fingers coiling around the handle tightly as the tension was clearly rising. The evening air was cold, dank, and the fog merely added to the suspense. Whatever was lurking behind the fog, it had them made. The group had walked in on something, and now they were left on stand-by. Yu watched Tessa through peripherals as she had her bow and arrow ready. Just to be safe, Yu began channeling Mana into his gun. Better to be safe than sorry.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Hexin

    The Enchanted Tree stump transformed and rolled out away from the two anthropomorphic rodents. Mickey obviously having a lot on his plate, had put things in order of priority. In this moment, chasing after the Tree Stump was at the top; considering it held a gem Mickey needed. The enraged Black Rabbit seemed to have cooled off in an instant the moment the situation was explained, irises suddenly looking at Mickey with a bit of surprised respect. However, it was a foreign mood; specifically it being felt towards the Mouse. So obviously he looked away, masking the coyness in his face with the tough guy facade. It was a bit annoying to have questions ignored, but despite his feelings towards Mickey, he too understands how important friends are.

    Mickey Mouse ran off to the chase Enchanted Tree Stump, leaving the Lucky Rabbit in ambivalence. "...friends...." he uttered, reminded of the Wasteland denizens. It frustrated the Rabbit to be lost, left out of the loop. He wanted to know what happened prior to him being lost in that gem. Where did HIS friends go? What happened to the Wastelands? Was Ortensia ok? What about his plethora of children? Why did Mickey have one of the keyblades? He trained under Yen Sid, the same man who created the Wasteland?

    Empty hand coiled itself into a tight ball, and weapon baring hand gripped harder on the keyblade's handle. Small eyes shifted back up to see Mickey Mouse a ways ahead of him. A sigh escaped Oswald, deciding to toss the unanswered questions aside. With foot forward, the Rabbit darted off to chase after Mickey chasing the Enchanted Tree stump.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Hexin

    The blade, it's design, and color scheme. "What?!" exclaimed Oswald, baffled by the scene. "How'd you- Why do you-?!"

    Words just seemed to choke up before they could be fully expressed. Beady eyes stared at the Keyblade held in Mickey's hand. Of all the things to see. With a quick flick of both wrists, he too summoned his own keyblades. However, only one appeared and it was nearly identical to the one the round eared mouse had. The color scheme was the only thing different about the two as they both had inverted colors of each other. He looked down at his empty hand, shocked. How? When did this happen?! Eyes shot back at Mickey Mouse in ambivalence. The more he looked at Mickey holding a keyblade that did not belong to him, the more furious he got. Just how much more was this so called Brother of his going to keep taking what wasn't his? Face started to turn heat red like a furnace. Brows furrowed deeply and teeth began to grit. The Rabbit was fuming through the ears in anger.

    "Why do YOU have MY keyblade?!" he burst out.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Hexin
    Accepted! Just make sure to read over the rules one more time! Heh.. ^_^
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 12, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Hexin
    Pokémon. Meaning Pocket Monsters. It is the name given to the creatures that roam and thrive in our planet. These monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and although some seem cuddly and cute, they are not to be taken for granted. Pokémon are creatures of unfathomable power, and despite the centuries of research gone into studying these creatures, we have only thus begun to scratch the surface behind the powers that lie within their biology. Pokémon can bend their element as a defensive mechanism or for offensive purposes. They have the capacity to evolve at will, and they can even transcend their biological maturity to become a being of greater power; if only for a while.

    Humans. Homo Sapien sapien. Beings at the top of the food chain only because of their ingenuity, will to survive, and to adapt to the changing world. Human beings have been able to co-exist with Pokémon forever, forging bonds that go beyond natural understanding.

    A few years after Mega Evolution had been discovered, an anomaly in the Pokémon world has taken place. Pravus Anomalia, as the Professors in the fields of Pokémon Genetics are calling it. A phenomenon that corrupts a Pokemon's genetic makeup. Reports have been filed of the occurrence having small to dramatic changes in the host, and that infected Pokémon tend to give off a strange electromagnetic field. No one knows the origins of this anomaly and very little is known as to the full extent of what the this is capable of considering it is a rare occurrence. However, how long before it begins to spread like wild fire?

    Pokegentech corp. has taken liberties in being the first in handling the Pravus situation. The Pokémon League authorities have given the company full authority to lead the research. Talented Researchers from all over the world have come under one roof to share notes, and continue their research on this uncharted waters.

    Days go on by like any other days. The world has not stopped turning just because of this anomaly, but it is aware that it exists. Despite the rare occurrences with the virus, the Pokémon League traditions continue on.

    A new generation of Pokémon Trainers will embark on a grand journey soon, many filled with aspiration for greatness. Breeders, Musicians, Dancers, Competitive Battlers, Coordinators, Chefs, and so much more! Some will want to be the best Pokémon Trainer out there, others will attain the goal of becoming Professors in the many fields of Pokémon. To have the opportunity to embark on this journey is the chance for self discovery. With the Pokémon and people you meet, you will grow and be better for it. The mysteries of this world are just waiting to be uncovered by someone. Will it be you?

    So get ready for an adventure because once you set foot into the tall grass, the trainer inside you will gleam with excitement of what awaits beyond the horizon.

    Disclaimer: Read Rule #7, and Rule #9


    1. No God-Moding (Meaning you are not the very best that there ever was, a born natural, or gifted)

    2. You cannot have been or be an Elite Four member.

    3. If you want to be someone who has traveled a lot, you can, however any Pokémon you may have caught will not be used in this Campaign. Think Paul from Pokémon Anime. You will be provided a List of Starter Pokémon with which you can choose one. However, if you have a certain Pokémon in mind for your starter, let me know and I'll let you know before I post the Main RP thread whether or not you can use it from the get-go.

    4. In terms of progression, this RP will take it's time when it has to so that everyone is on the same page (Not literally), and has had time to post at least once. This will generally happen during free roam stages, or when a crucial plot point has been introduced.

    5. Boss type Pokémon encounters will happen in the Wild, and some may be eligible for capture for you to keep, but at my discretion.

    6. Pokémon will be stat-ed as a means to help measure the Pokémon's strength in battle; and as a pre-caution to God-Moding during RP.

    7. I will be incorporating some of PTU's mechanics into this rp, albeit I will end up having to do changes. This will almost have a DnD sort of feel to it. Don't worry about it if you have not played or watched DnD. It'll be fairly self explanatory.

    8.All Skills will be passive, meaning don't let them rule your post. As the GM, the skills are merely a way for me to gauge your success in doing things revolving these skills. Trust me when I say that this element alone can add to the fun factor of this RP.

    9. This Rp's "build" is a work in progress. If you have any ideas or suggestions, run it by me and I'll take it into consideration. If you want reference to what I am using to make this, consult these pdf files. (Before you ask, YES there will be Mega-Evolutions. No Snag Machines, and shiny Pokémon will be decided by a random generator. We MIGHT go into other regions if I see enough interest from the players.)

    10. We will keep this PG-13. No gore, Extreme Violence, Nudity, Sexual Situations/Innuendo, etc. If you want to do this, then perhaps this isn't the RP for you; unless you're willing to do that stuff via PM. It's Pokémon, so let's keep this kid friendly.

    11. Only 1 character per person.

    12. At the end of your Character Sheet, put your character's Full Name in italics so that I know you read and agree to the rules.

    Note: Everyone will have the opportunity for ONE Mega-Evolution.


    • Basically the only Skill that allows you to be keen on your surroundings. Whether it be sight, hearing, feeling the changes in air density, smelling a foul odor, or whatever. This skill allows you to be aware of your surroundings. This is the most passive a skill can get.

    • Think of a young adult whose learned the basics. Pretty much that. It can come in handy if well trained for things like, understanding the region and its people, latest news, etc.

    • This Govern's ones knowledge of Pokémon. It will range tremendously from Diet, habitat, caretaking needs, specifics savant, Evolution, Biology, etc. A very useful skill.

    • This one is a very rare field of study, and stems from the human's curiosity in strange supernatural phenomenon. People with high Occult Ed. tend to study ruins, the Unknown, cave paintings, glyph's or ancient texts left behind by people of the past. Supernatural events included.

    • Mechanical and Electrical engineering. When it comes to the use of Computers, utilizing machines, repairing technology, or understanding the technological spectrum of things, this is the skill you'll want to keep trained. (If you're into that sort of thing.) A very Handy skill.

    • Characters with a high Medicine Education Rank usually spend a significant amount of time studying Pokémon and human biology alike in order to effectively treat patients of all different

      species. Outside of treatment and diagnosis, Medicine Education represents broader projects of biology intended to further understanding of Pokémon and human bodies and even enhance them. Although this is usually limited to higher tech settings, Medicine Education can certainly be used to conduct gene therapy or produce other biological augmentations.

    • The Leader, the Alpha, the one capable of bringing inspiration by their mere spirit. It's about having presence, and being seen. Character's with high command can become the center in a room with a few well-chosen words. (Don't confuse this with being able to sway people or manipulate others.)

      The most well known use for this skill is to keep Pokémon in check. Whenever a Pokémon is unruly, or has the loyalty of a rebel(represented as numbers 0 - 1), this is the skill that will rain authority over them. Especially useful when training Pokémon of high level that would normally not obey you; whether it be out of not earning it's respect or a Pokémon that has gone on the fritz from mind control or something. It can also be used effectively in other unique ways…

    • Not saying Trainer's will get into fights, but you never know. Sometimes you'll end up ticking off the wrong guy or gal in which case fisty cups will be drawn. Things like disarming an armed foe, tackling, or grappling a person/Pokémon will use this skill. When used right, it can be a neat skill to help turn the tides in a fight. (May be further expanded upon)

    • Your ability to be sneaky. Not everyone is capable of being able to sneak into a building unnoticed. This skill can be used in a number of ways, whether it be to sneak up on people/Pokémon, get past simple security(Guards, avoid cameras), and to hide. Can be used to steal too, but be careful. One slip up and GG.

    • Characters with a high Athletics Rank tend to be very active and either spend time training their physique or have physically strenuous occupations. Opposed Athletics Checks can be called for determining who tires out first during an extended chase or for someone holding a door closed against someone trying to push it open. When in doubt, if characters are taking actions that involve strenuous physical activity but not necessarily anything that requires precision and finesse, Athletics is the go-to skill.

    • The Acrobatics Skill is used to make skill checks when your character has to perform physical tasks requiring a great deal of precision and finesse, usually, but not always, tied to jumping and moving about. Opposed Acrobatics Checks are used for races through obstacle courses or difficult terrain and for determining who recovers their footing first after being thrown off balance by unstable ground.

    Skill Levels - (1)Untrained, (2)Novice, (3)Adept, (4)Expert, (5)Master

    Pokémon Stating

    Ok there's a thing called "Base Relation." Since I will be giving you the liberty of stating your Pokémon, there are some rules that need to be followed in order to not completely break the game. So here we go:

    Base Relation - The Base relation rule puts a Pokémon's Base stats in order from Highest to lowest. This order must be maintained when adding Stat Points.

    For Example: With a neutral nature, Charmander has Speed > Special Attack >Attack and Special Defense > HP and Defense.

    ^As you can see here, Speed must always remain higher than other Stats.

    Stats that are equal need not be kept equal, however. Charmander's HP and Defense do not need to be kept the same; they must merely both follow the rules of Base Relation., each staying under Attack and Special Defense.

    In simpler terms, the highest stat will always remain highest (unless you invest TP in a specific Poke-Edge), and the lowest stat will remain lowest (Again, unless you invest TP in a specific Poke-Edge). Lowest cannot surpass the highest.

    Poke - Edges

    Poke- Edges - Things a Pokémon can learn by investing a certain amount of Tutor Points (TP) at a specific lvl. It can better help Pokémon reach their Maximum potential.

    Tutor Points - Each Pokémon, upon hatching, starts with a single precious Tutor Point. Upon gaining Lvl 5, and every other level evenly divisible by 5 (10, 15, 20, etc), Pokémon gain another TP. These can be spent on Poke-Edges, Tutored moves, and TM.

    • Prerequisites: None

      Cost: 1 Tutor Point

      Effect: Select Attack or Special Attack. From now on, that stat does not need to remain higher than stats it surpasses in Base Relations and similarly all other stats surpassed by it do not need to remain lower.

    • Prerequisites: Level 15, User is an Underdog Pokémon

      Cost: 1 Tutor Point

      Effect: The user has each of their base Stats increased by +1. The user may no longer undergo Evolution.

    • Prerequisites: Level 30, User is an Underdog Pokémon

      Cost: 2 Tutor Points

      Effect: Subtract the user's Species base Stat Total from 45. The user gains Bonus Stat Points equal to the remainder. These Stat Points must follow Base Stat Relations as normal. If the user evolves to a species with a Base Stat total 45 or higher, Realized Potential is removed and tutor points are refunded.

    • Prerequisites: None

      Cost: 1 Tutor Point

      Effect: Lvl up one skill that is currently at or below its default level for the species. This Edge may be taken multiple times, each time selecting a different skill.

    Character Creation Sheet








    Your Region:

    Skills: (Everyone starts off with 2 points to distribute among their skills. You can only go up to Novice (2))

    General Edu (1), Poke Edu (1), Occult Edu (1), Techno Edu (1), Medicine Edu (1), Perception (1), Command (1), Combat (1), Stealth (1), Athletic (1), Acrobatic (1)

    Pokémon at hand: (Leave this area Blank.)

    PKMN Wish List (3 Only and no Legendary):

    Items: x3 Pokeballs, x2 Potions, x1 Antidote,

    Accepted Characters​

    • Name:Kara Jereign

      Age: 16

      Gender: Female

      Appearance: Will provide later.

      Bio: The second daughter and third child, Kara left home at eleven to find her way as a Pokemon trainer. She tried to battle her way through the gyms, but lost interest fairly quickly. Instead, she focused on building her relationships with her Pokemon and traveling to new places to learn better techniques for living healthy with her and her tiny friends. She regularly contacts home and has a good relationship with her family, with the exception of her mother.

      Personality: Adventurous, has an optimistic personality and a lot of determination.

      Likes/Dislikes: Chocolate, sweets of any kind, cute and furry Pokemon/Snakes, the dark.

      Your Region: Kanto? I need an adult?

      Skills: One in Pokemon Education, One in Medicine Education as seen below.

      General Edu (1), Poke Edu (2), Occult Edu (1), Techno Edu (1), Medicine Edu (2), Perception (1), Command (1), Combat (1), Stealth (1), Athletic (1), Acrobatic (1)

      Pokémon at hand: (Leave this area Blank.)

      PKMN Wish List (3 Only and no Legendary): Charmander, Sandshrew, Poochyena.

      Items: x3 Pokeballs, x2 Potions, x1 Antidote,

    Thread by: Hexin, Oct 9, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Hexin
    I'm like looking at all these claims, and I'm just baffled as to how you're all going to rp as all of these characters. lol Three characters is the most I've seen people rp as, so this might be a record breaker. Can't wait to see your posts! #thumbsup

    P.S: I'll lay claim to a hero/villian eventually. Just need to access the rps I'm currently in, and whether I can even join this.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Hexin
    A flurry of bullets continued to smack into the Goblin King, each hit emitting an element. The boss was reeling back from the combined power of whomever was firing those shots and the soldiers on the field. For a moment, it really did look like they were going to end this nonsense in a timely manner. It was going to be a huge success for them all, but then Goblin King had to call upon the same power that was given to the players. The power to summon came on full display as the a warrior emerged to aid the Goblin King. Great.

    Giant sword swung true to deflect an incoming attack from the King which in turn knocked the Boss off balance for a moment. The players swooped in to use sword skills which caused the remaining HP to wane ever so closer to 0. But my goodness how annoying it was now to be dealing with three threats at once. Minions, Boss, and Boss summon all fighting side by side. Jankano quickly spun around to smack the pommel of his blade against a Goblin Elite's face. It staggered back helplessly in the roaring battlefield before being cleaved through by some other player.

    From there he worked his way to joining the fray surrounding the boss. Large powerful swings were thrown, attacks deflected, and overall just a good ol' time of fighting the boss like everyone on the field. Nothing Special. With a jump Jankano swung his blade upwards, akin to an uppercut or shiryuken. Yes, the attack did connect; specifically sternum. It slashed the Goblin King's chest, and the it seemed to cringe in pain. Good. Midair after executing the attack, he lifted the blade over his head and slammed it down on the King's head using an axe wielders overhead swing. How he did this while in mid air, he didn't know but hey video game physics. A weapon skill is a weapon skill. All Jankano knew at that moment was that it was indeed working, and hell some players seemed to be doing the same thing.

    anyway, the sword was brought down on the Boss and that was that. Well, not really. As Jankano landed after his attack, he was smacked relatively hard by the Summon. He barely had enough time to bring his sword up as a shield to parry the attack. Naturally he lost a ton of HP, and was sent sky rocketing across the field. Helpless and pretty much shocked, he was met with the side of the tower where his body left a huge dent. Bricks came fallng off as he fell to the dirt beneath.

    HP was currently at red, and while all it would take was a quick shot of potion, he wasn't exactly in the best of shape at the moment. Blade bit into the earth as he used it as a cane in the struggle to rise to feet.
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Hexin

    "It's Oswald." he replied, crossing his arms in a pout. Very displeased with Round eared Mouse, he showed his annoyance. A Witch's castle housing a Witch whom had taken Mickey's friends hostage as gems. Wait, did that mean HE was one of Mickey's friends? Right foot tapped on the floor as he stared at the Mouse, falling into contemplation whilst remaining annoyed. Well THIS is ironic... Anyway, a castle with a witch and illusions and tricks everywhere... This sounds oddly familiar...

    "Well if you trust this White Coat Fella, then I suppose I don't really have a choice. I was freed from that gem, and it must've been for a reason..." he let out a thought. Giving his back to Mickey, he struggled to let out words that eventually came out. "I guess I owe ya a thanks..." he muttered. Seeing as time was passing and nothing was happening,

    "Well? What are we waitin' for? They're YOU'RE friends we gotta rescue, not mines."
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Hexin

    Now this was truly strange. Somehow, the Mouse had no idea who The Black Rabbit was or why he was upset with him. Jaw dropped in awe. The same Mouse who had ruined his world, who had stolen everything from him had forgotten HIM and had forgotten what he DID. Something began to boil inside the Rabbit as he became irritated for a brief moment. Teeth gritted themselves.

    "Gggrrr...! What do ya mean, Did I do somethin' ta upset ya? How can ya forget somethin' as big as the BIG SP-" he stomped angrily, but stopped as he registered all that the Mouse said. "Wait, I came out of a red gem?" he queried, but quickly decided it was pointless to further discuss it. If the mouse was just as surprised, then asking him a question was obviously useless. A sigh escaped Oswald. Slapping the air in front of him, "Oh forget it... So where are we anyway? And who's this White Coat fella y'er goin' off about?"
    Post by: Hexin, Oct 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home