b00ty licious <3
It does look pretty great Madoka :)
Meow Wow is such a cutie pie <33
Hmm I guess I choose Namine.
Of course I want her to be a playable character! After watching the secret ending in DDD it was highly implied that she will finally have some screen time and I REALLY hope if there's a chance that she's playable in KH3 :) It be kinda funny if she surpassed Sora
We already have a Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts. It's called Birth by Sleep and as for Marvel possibly being included in Kingdom Hearts... Spoiler no
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald. I enjoyed reading every minute of it and I can not wait until the film releases <3 mmm Leonardo Dicaprio
Evanescence fan right here! I adore Amy Lee, they're the only band that I constantly listen to their music without getting tired of listening to it <3 If you must know, my favorite songs from them are: My Heart is Broken, My Immortal, Going Under, Bring me To life, and Taking Over Me ^^
Oh hello there Xaon ;)
Welcome to the Forums Shera Wizard ;) I hope that we get to become friends ^^ BTW I love your video <3
It does, doesn't it? ._.
Hey, welcome Ertyx! ;) I hope you have a nice time here on the forums and I also we get to become great friends ;)
Silent Wings :p
welp, I'm just going to leave a random comment here for you to read
Embrace the Silence
Meow Wow sisters 4 lyfe :p
hahaa no worries Karen, they were just letting me know the rules around here :) And thanks, I feel welcome here already ^^
haha Same here x3 but i have a feeling we'll enjoy this place :)
Enjoying the site so far? ;)
Hey there Shera ;)