Sora using thunder & blizzard against Tidus, Selphie, and Wakka with a wooden sword even though he hasn't learn how to use magic yet?.............. seems legit. Anyways, it's looking good so far. I'm definitely going to get my hands on it once it's released in Autumn c:
Shadow of the Colossus. I just have 4 more colossi to beat the game :D
I instantly became dizzy after staring at that image for more than a second @-@
Oh man, If the Kingdom Hearts series has never existed. >I wouldn't have met all my wonderful friends I met on KH13 and the awesome members on this site >JRPGS would be meaningless to me >I'll probably never hear the word Final Fantasy or Square Soft/Enix before >And worst of all (personally for me) friendship will mean nothing to me at all :/
Personally, I prefer RE: Coded's gameplay over that of Days. The missions are rather repetitive, the panel system is pretty limited, and the camera, oh boy the camera. It's worse than KH1's >.>
IlentWingssay wut
Now I some-what regret it.
I named each of my Meow Wows Pluffles #1, #2, #3, etc.
Same here >.< I have this small project that's due tomorrow and I hope my Sociology teacher gives me a good grade on it ;-;
I've been good. Had a nice long talk with my Psychologist and helped get through a few stuff. How about you?
Funny, I rather be HERE instead of over there, despite me coming back to that place.
Haiz No.i :3
Strange, I've seen the Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, but I have NEVER seen the first in the trilogy. 0.o
I think you may like this one, Misty
"If you have a dream don't wait, ACT, one of life's little rules. Got it memorized?" - Axel KH2
I think it should be 'bright' keyblades are meant to be shiny after all :p
Wow o.o this one was amazing ^^ I especially loved the prologue. When Kairi asked her Grandma that she won't always be there for her made it a tad depressing since, you know, didn't appear after the aftermath of Radiant Garden's fall D': As always Jason. Keep it up! :)
Fall? Welp, that truly sucks. I was hoping that the HD Remix would be released around summer, but oh well :/