I still dont have a mike... SO NO ONE WILL HEAR MY VOICE! Unless you payed attention to me streaming with what?
Yes, yes it is...
Im sad. As you can clearly read I am sad. I am very very sad. I am so sad that I was still sad after eating pizza. Im so sad that Im sad at the very moment Im writing this. Like wtf man how much more sadder can I get. Im usually that smiley, outgoing guy. Not the sad guy (except at school dances). But the reason I am sad is not even my fault. Well, most of it at least... Heres the story, after going to What?s house and streaming for the first time (it was awesome) I Pencilman had to go to my neighbours house for a birthday party. It was great. I came kinda late so there was KFC left... (not the sad part yet) and I ate vegetarian... which sucked. Me and my neighbourhood friends started playing with our DS upstairs... Thats where it all went wrong... I fell, when I won (pretty suprising considering I never played the game) on a school project which was my neighbours ... It ripped. I got freaking punched in the arm and gut until I felt like puking. I fell again. Ow... It wasnt even that much of a damn rip! they fixed it with 1 damn inch of tape. My parents saw the rip and gave me a "time out" for like 30minutes. I dont even get it who the hell gives people time outs anymore? Why did I get gutted? Why did I win? Why does everyone there give me a nasty glare? all these questions will not be answered considering that I know them. Post your comments if you feel like it. I just felt like writing this.
I am a pencilman!
I am in fact an affliate of what? MR NAXIUS INVERSE. And seriously everytime I drove past Costco I always thought it was some warehouse thing. Eh... Pencilmans will be Pencilmans
HELLO FRIENDS! and others... For people who have read my last thread I wrote I was going to quit. Ive tried... And I just realized this was addicting. Well onto the topic. I figured out what Costco was! What? told me in school you can buy anything there if you had some card thing. Pretty cool crap, no? So I need suggestions. Say absolutely anything! Seriously I mean it... Even if it may be care bears on steroids... Or Popeye on chicken... or even PENCILMAN ON PENS!
I Pencilman; lord of the pencil, who penciled the lord of the pencils and now is banishing himself from kh-vids. He punished himself by reasoning through the method of the 5 W's + h. What?- Pencilman is at risk at quitting Kh-vids because he is an idiot. Where- Kh-Vids Who? Pencilman- unesteemed member of the Kh vids forum nicknamed pencildick by ladiesman247. Friend of the legendary What? Also an idiot. Why? First of all I am a pencildick. (not figuratively speaking of course). Second Im beginning to think Kh Vids is a roundabout site with only a few amount of people circulating posts around each other. Third Im an idiot. What?- Pencilman is at risk of quitting Kh vids. How- By changing my password to something I'll never figure out. I will only join back considering the following demands are made. 1. 10 reasons why i should stay (I will grade them; must pass) 2. A mike so i can talk on messenger. (this is optional) *entries must be sent in by March 6th* beeeeeeeeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
hello friend!
Ive already made a thread about the Spam zone; in fact it was my first, and wth is a siggie?
Why the hell can i think of a reasonable thread to start? Its just so plain stupid! This morning i was inspired of the idea of putting a thread about a cow shaving a tortoise! That doesn't even make sense! Sure this is the spam zone and that would probably be accepted but still.. its kinda dumb. So that is why I, Pencilman ask you KHV members to give me an idea that I can build on in my next thread!
Title says it all. What would you do for a friend. Would you go to extremes and kill yourself? or trample them for an advantage? Make your say.
O darn you're right!
Can we please stick to the topic? pleeease?
Oh, shut up!
Why the hell do you keep on calling me a pencil****? Dude I'm a freaking 12 year old for Petes sake? (jk kidding about Pete; he can go to hell)
Actually,given the movie's lenght,there are a ton of posibilities to choose from But the top ones for me would be: Quaritch bombing the soultree and/or hometree RIGHT after they got the location from Jake. Alternatively when at the end of the movie the humans board the transport ship they could literally make a u turn in space and bomb the soultree with rocks (which thrown from orbit would nearly have the power of a nuclear impact according to Physics or so my fuzzy memory recalls) ºJake happily going offworld after Quaritch tells him he got the paperwork for his spine operation. I would also add the fact thatJake also made use of his stay at hometree and takes home to earth a couple of unobtanium rocks scrapped from the roots and lives the large life.Back in Pandora,the na'vi all cry hugging trees while being gleefully exterminated by the colones and the space marines. Also,sigourney weaver gets fired ºThe RDA company finds a new market for avatars,taking commissions and selling them to Furries ºThe company and/or the space marines do some history research and screw up the planet's ecology by introducing a foreign animal species (I vote Beaver or pigeons). I know what you ll say about this one : "Earth creatures can't breathe the pandoran air" To which I would reply that the company realizes that instead of spending shitloads of cash in RC human thundercat hybrids they could use a fraction of the time and money to quickly engineer a beaver or Koala or Grey Rat in order to make it survive the moon's atmosphere
Halo is only loved for it's multilayer. Anyone who defends the story is fighting just to fight. They know the halo saga didn't blow their socks off with some genius plot. When it comes to originality, thought provoking, challenges, and maximum options ability, Halo can't even compete. It's just fun multiplayer. Which is why people play it forever and say it rules.
Why do I suddenly have a craving for cashews? or bananas... something salted. (looks diabolically at the potato chips)
I seem to have been mistaken for a multi. I can assure you that i am definitely not a multi. If I was a multi how would i know bananas are yellow? (jk they're purple). What is an IP ban? Please post in next reply.
2nd place at asteroids!