Charlie Sheen. Dont ask.
Changes Display picture way to often and even posted a freaking thread about it. PHAIL!
I WANNA BE THE GUY! But I failed the almost every test. (This is a game reference you idiots, laugh like you think you understand) Ill be in 8th grade next year :lolface:
I cant take you seriously with that display picture you have.
This is the spamzone damnit. And the one thing Ive learned from this hellhole is that you never stay on topic. NEVER.
Ive seen that. I DIDNT SAY IT WAS A GOOD THING. But sadly, I have.
Im not exactly able to describe it but it looks something like this:
You realize its mcrolld right? And the original is this: oh and its from Touhou. If you dont know what that is look this up: It hurts.
Im not talking about Chris Angel. INFROTUCING *fanfare plays* THE VIDEO OF THE THING AND THE OTHER THING Then If your done watching that insanity, go on to the next. You'll hate me for the second video.
GT sucked, until the end. Then it sucked more.
God Of Pencils?
112. A trick is to stay next to the wall and spam throwing knives. Then you win.
Id really hate to advertise, but Ill do it anyway, cause Im most probably the only person on KHV who plays it. Heh. Its another stick game. Yeah, I dont know what to say anymore. HERES THE LINK! My name is Pencilmanz by the way.
Im scared.
I didnt realize this thread would get so many replies. Oh Gawd.
46. I hate to show off but... OHHHHHHH IN YOUR PANCREAS! ... I hate to tell you but it was also on my first try.
Mr marchese.
Why was he angry?
I dont have it.
Cause no one else would make a birthday thread for me. My birthday was 2 days ago damnit. IM A TEENAGER NOW. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY NOW KHV?