I would do a wolf, but it might just eat me.
"You're a good man, Charlie Brown!" All I need is one more try, gotta get that kite to fly! And I'm not, the kind of guy who gives up... easily. Wonder why they stop to say... "You're a good man, Charlie Brown!" Never liked me anyway... "You're a good man, Charlie Brown!" I'm listening to that song now. Actually, I'm listening to all the songs from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown on my ipod. I'm in it. YAY!
That's just sexy... *drools* Zac looks so gay in that video... he should go out with Lucas.
MY GOD. This is sexy. I didn't know you could draw this good!!!!
This is just smexy.
I'm in this play. I'm listening to the Broadway version on my IPod. That's all I'm going to be listening to for a while. How many of you have seen or have been in this play?
Lololol. ... Lololol. ... Lololol. ... Bark!
You are so damn intelligent. Actually, I knew I was attracted to guys when I was ten. And I really hope that some studies will be done soon...
*eats cereal* Damn... you're right, girl.
Because of Sabrina, I'm posting anything else on this topic on this thread. Feel free to PM me.
I didn't do anything. I didn't lie, I didn't want to cheat.
Fine. I'll shut up. If you will.
Sofa... I'm a guy. 'K, thanks. LOL Geez, Sabrina! Do we have to go over this again?
¿Qué es una mordedura de gallo?
I wanted to see the results!! >_< Okay. Thanks! Another reason I made this thread is because I want to see how I can be less annoying and stupid. So thanks!
Wow. I'm surprised... ... When was I mean? >.> <.<
My defensive mood? Or my emo mood, like last night?
Just wondering... I know, these threads have probably gotten annoying by now, but seriously, I was just wondering. Go ahead. Rant all you want. I'll ****ing suck it up.
If anyone doesn't enjoy that song there might be something wrong with them.