Uh... what are we doing??
Wow... and people tell me to suck it up. >.<
HIII PENGWIN!! I missed you!!!!!!
Wow... that's a really great book idea!! Thanks!! Maybe I'll write it!
Omfg!! I Love This Song! http://youtube.com/watch?v=vWXJcbGmyu4
Sad... so sad...
Let's eat cereal!!! YAY!!!!!! *shoots Ian Praisley* REVENGE! HAHAHAH!
... Huh? (fillerz)
Indeed, I do.
You're not that much nicer.
Are you sure you wouldn't want to rape me first?
It's Jon, actually. Or, you could call me Jonathan...
Schweet. Can't wait! :D Death is hot...
... >.> <.< Perhaps... Nah, I'm not goth. My school has a strict dress code. No black. It sucks. Black is really slimming!! LOL. But blood does taste good!!!
BLOOD TASTES GOOD!! *THERE! A post without any mention of my sexual orientation! Take that you--- ... aww sh!t...*
How the **** do you remember that??
I didn't think about my friends... >.<
Yeah, my irresponsible Christian parents... guess they were oblivious to the fact that I wasn't just messed up in my childhood... My mother is still very oblivious.
I also made this thread because I thought some people would laugh and say other stupid things they did as youngsters. But noooooo...