*smacks people with Grammar Bat* >D
Oyyy, well... I'll see you guys all later; It's way late over here. See you all~! *huggles* Be good while daddy is gone! I'll stay with you longer when we get back, I promise! *huggles again*
I can see that. O,O *pats*
OH MY~!!!! xDDDD Of course I'll love you forever; But I will always love both of my children. =D
Dx Oy vey~! Yes, of course! You always will~!
*huggles* Ah, that bad, ne? I'm sowwy.
Awe, it's not that bad. You can still see the drawing, so it's okay. ^^
I was beginning to wonder that mehself.
I'll tell you who is confused...
O.O; Uhm, well.. You don't really expect me to answer that, do you?! Pressure, pressure X.O I love you both the same! Bah, gotta go.
I must admit, this is quite entertaining. >>
Nooo~. Macie went to do something >.> Bwah, it was not meh fault~! Nya, no fighting, children~!! Listen to the crazy lady!! Watch it, there, pal. I prefer 'insane', thank you. >.<
^^ *pats head* Anytime =] Well, that's good. ^^ Wow~!! Very nice!
*picks up Dexion and huggles* *tacklehugs Vincent for no reason* T^T I promised myself I wouldn't cry~!! Did you have a good birthday, Siren-chan? =]
^^ Mmhmm =] =D
AWE~! T^T *huggles Dexion* That isn't true.. Your Aunt Macie luffles you~! ^^ Thanks T^T
Yesh, dearie, that's your daddy. T^T My own child doesn't even recognize me!
Hi hi ^^ How are we all? Hey. Whaaaat? We had another? *faints* I HAS ANOTHER NEPHEW?! =D
*huggles Zemyx*
Yesh. *nodnod* *tackleglomps Vincent* . . . -iP- I'm taking a vacation later =D