Well~... Just thought I'd drop by to see how everyone was doing...
Yay~! Two more pages!!! They are still as beautiful as ever, Siren-chan. ^,^
-khchick- Awe, I doubt it. Well, if you're comfortable with it... But we're always behind you~! ^^ Stupid things...
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- *shakes head* What ever will I do with you, dearie? -khchick- Awe.. You wanna talk about it? You can always PM me if ya need to. =] Is anyone else getting these ridiculous Database Errors?
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- Yesh, I is positive. xD Oh my... X3
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- Oh, no, dearie. We aren't Lovers like that. xD One of them has an older brother whose Girlfriend started this whole thing about why we tell each other 'I love you.' (In a friend way *smacks people who think otherwise*) So, we did it to annoy her. ^^ -easter- *pats* It's okayyy~ =]
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- xD Oh, my... I call my friends my Lovers~! -khchick- Ah, okay~! ^^ Hiiii, easter~! How are you doing?
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- xD -Val- I thought I just saw her, too... But I'm not sure~... xD Bleh... I start in two weeks >< At least I get to see my Lovers (Friends, xD) again.
Ohhhh. ... Oki ^^
-Val- You know, I'm not entirely sure. xD -Teh Moodkip Poncho- Nuuuu~ *tacklehugs* Dun hate meh forever! DX
-Val- I was going to say that, too! xD *flies out of chair* -Teh Moodkip Poncho- Eh.. Maybe later, dearie. xD
-khchick- ^^ -Teh Moodkip Poncho- xD Yush, yush, yush, YESH! -Shoe Buddy- Good, thankee, and yourself? You're the one that hates meh! T^T -Val- Hm... I must honestly admit I don't know!
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- Yush, yush. xD -khchick- Thank you~! ^^
*has heart attack and dies* -Teh Moodkip Poncho- Apparently so. xD -Val- Hm... AnimeFan104 ?
-Val- Just AnimeGirl ?? -Teh Moodkip Poncho- *facepalms and headdesks* Okay, you win. Now you own me. xD
-Teh Moodkip Poncho- You enjoy being difficult, don't you, dearie? I never had one before you stole it. xP -Val- ^.^ Uhm... Hm... (I don't know what to say! XD) AnimeGirl104?
xD AHA! I has finally found a loophole in your ebil plot! You see, the thing is... I have no life~! >DDD
*headdesks* You've got to be kidding me. Now I have no Grammar Bat, no Pengwin Shoe, AND NO HAND~! *dies* -Val- I meant that it's great your birthday is coming up xD *tacklehugs* Dun worry, I was gone too.
-Val- Really? That's great! ^^ -khchick- Awez, I'm sowwy. =[ -Poncho- CURSES~! *shakes fist* T^T That was my last pengwin shoe D'=
Hai! ^^ How are joo all? -Poncho- D< How dare ye take a woman's Grammar Bat?! *throws shoe* ...Wait, wrong Buddy!! xD;