Eh... I like a bit of everything... I'm starting Death Note because a friend of mine recommended it to me.. You?
They are still the most beautiful drawungs I've ever seen, Siren-chan~! ^^
Nya... I guess I don't have to quite yet..
Very nice, very nice~ =] Anyhow... I was just dropping by to check on everyone only to find this thread is kinda dying.. It was nice talking to you again, though. ^^ Ja ne~
Yeah, I guess it wouldn't hurt. And nice avvy btw. Allen = <3
Feh, yeah. You're right.
Good. It's the end of the universe as we know it when I do.
Hm... Don't tell me this wonderful Family Thread is dying...
Saa... It's been a while... How are you all?
Hi there! ^^ Yupp, and ((if we're still doing it?)) you can pick a partner, too. =]
I hated him on Proud Mode the first time around. But I can beat him easier now, because I know how to better avoid his attacks.
I HATED XIGBAR~!!!!!! D< And I'm sorry about your loss, khchick. That's really upsetting. =[
I hope he's okay.. Hey, Twilit!!! *tacklehugs* How are you?
Uhm... So.. Do you think libre is gonna be okay?
Yay, there we go~! ^^
-khchick- Mmkay, well, I'm always here if ya need meh. ^^ Sure, I'll join! =]
-khchick- Awe, you wanna talk about it? -Darksmile- Hey!! ^^ That's good =]
lol *ish glomped and glomps back* How are we all?
Hm... Is anyone else bored so much that they're going to die? Or glomp a random person? Yeah, I thought it was just me, too.
xD Are you? That's truly lovely~!