Fullmetal Alchemist 107 I am very surprised this hasnt been made a topic yet. ...cause we are just one chapter away from finishing the manga. EPIC CHAPTER IS EPIC.
i'm a sucker for nostalgia xD
lolfail. wonder what happens if the battery runs out.
imo, it represents that they are trying to run away from their fates and destinies. ...looks like Terra still messes up with the whole darkness thing in the end though.
Depends on how important he was as a friend to you. I mean, it'll be awkward for awhile but so long as one of you doesnt act like a jerk and spread privy details about your relationship with the other, than it should be alright. Granted you may not be the bff anymore but hey, it's worth a shot.
Music is the greatest invention. We've had it since gawd knows when and it caters for every single damn person on the planet with its differing genres, 'songs' and evolution throughout the ages.
Evangelion. Best. mecha. anime. ever. ...mainly cause it screws the viewer over so much xD
Tbh, I dont really like their stuff that much. That being said, I really dont like Christian bands in general. have to admit Rebirthing is pretty epic though.
Probably just about everything from Nintendo. and kingdom heartz -shot- - Brawl - MGS - TWEWY - Dragon Age: Origins - Devil May Cry I
Dream Theater, Emperor and Avenged Sevenfold come to mind atm.
Did you not do the Broken Circle quest? If you saved the Circle, you can ask them to do the ritual to send a mage in. You don't have to kill Connor or use Blood Magic to save him.
you mean besides the fact that Sora is main character? ... at best, Roxas would be more dominant. or prolly revert Sora's appearance into his Twilight Town costume.
Linearity of KHII. ... seriously. Little thought into design and map whatsoever.
Minnie is carrying Sora's babez. ... kfine. At this point, it could be ANYTHING due to the fact KH2 ends on such an open ending.
Questionable Content, Penny Arcade, VG Cats and Ctrl-Alt-Del. QC being my main and favourite one atm. I'm waiting til CAD finishes the wedding arc.
-___- Cool idea. but gawd, this better be the final chapter.
Thank God someone made a topic about DA:O. Is one of the best RPGs ever. Course, we're talking about Bioware here.
Hrmm, nah. I think it'll stick with just Batman as our caped crusader. I dont recall any references to Grayson/Tim/Damien at all in AA, only Barbara. ...I'm hoping they will get rid of the 'hold button' to run.
ionno. I always enjoyed the gym leaders/E4 mainly due to music and a step-up from the norm trainers. I mean, they are a core aspect of the Pokemanz games and taking them out kinda ruins it.
Wowza lol. It's amazing how much this place has changed over the years. ...hm? Who was I? Oh, prolly one of the few members who have been here since like forever. I mean, I can still remember when we booted up V3 and all. I was like one of the few first members to re-register my account (I had one on the old V2. Man that looked like crap in comparison to today lol) and now we have heaps of newbies and people on this site. Damn lol we're all a bunch of nerds, huh? xD I've been doing cold turkey with KH-Vids. I'm starting my final two years of school and well, I've grown out of it really. All this posting on the forums, who posted a new fanfic, what the bloody hell Roxas did this time, Boris lol. Man, it was fun. It truely was. I even got to try out being staff for awhile but I wasnt cut for it. I saw the dark side of KH-Vids and it wasnt pretty lol, I still remember my first banning and it was related to some tentacle rape crap. So yeah...I just want to say a thank you to all the staff and to those who have gone and those who still remain. You guys have done a tremedous job and have proven yourselves NOT being emotionless, flawless machines. You guys rock. To the following people: Darkandroid: Dude, you were like an inspiration to me to make AMVs. I dont really make them anymore cause I dont have any skills nor can I actually drive myself to finish a project. But you were a great dude. Tis a shame you've left your post as Admin. You did a fine job, man. Repliku: I remember when I first heard about you. Some staff members were talking about how someone on the forums could actually make a logical and intelligent post. Twas you. Man, you've come so far from that newbie I once saw and now you're a Moderator. That's wicked, man (btw, I never told you this but I thought you had one badass name because it was so damn original). DPWolf: I dont know alot about you but I remember we like roleplayed once. It was in some sort of SW thing, I really cant remember anymore lol. You're a great member of the staff and I respect you. CtR: I doubt there is a single senior member or someone who's been here for longer than a week who doesnt know who you are. And rightly so. You're also a fantastic member who's gone from newbie to admin. I never imagined that you would get to where you were today...and I'll never find out how you got so many damn rep points. I'm betting it's either you're helpful or you have a legion of fans. Destiny Force: You write good work, man. Stuff that, it's fantastic. shadowjak: I didnt really know you either but I've always respected how brutally honest you were with other members. Please, keep at it. Someone needs to slap these idiots now and then. Well, I guess now it's time. I may never have met any of you in real life but it doesnt matter. I wish you all the best in life, relationships, school, work, whatever. Just be happy and live each day like there's no tomorrow. Adios. - DarknessKingdom