So...after playing Persona 3 and 4 in the past couple of months, it has got me thinking, what Arcana/Social Link would you be? I think I would either be Tower, Death or Strength. They seem to embody and represent the qualities that I have or like. I also like one-hit KOs. Like a lot.
Kingdom Hearts fanfiction authors have been putting Pixar characters into their fanfiction since the inception of the series. It's not exactly an original idea since fans have more or less speculated or expressed interest in Pixar characters being in the franchise since day 1 but should be interesting to see what they throw in.
baldy (lex luthor)
BURN MY BREAD :D Kinda ambitious of them to make a P3 movie though. The P4 anime was rather lackluster and you wouldn't have appreciated unless you've either played the game or been paying attention to ATLUS releases.
Consult your doctor and give him/her a call. Sebas-chan and Janson have both given sound advice but ultimately we, as forum members, cannot appropriately diagnose your problem through the Internet alone. If your vomiting continues to be an issue, your doctor could possibly recommend some anti-emetic drugs that will help your nausea and projectile vomiting. You also should increase your fluid uptake, drinking plenty of water and/or tea as vomiting is very dehydrating (consult your doctor if your recovery from surgery is still an issue!).
Are you able to tell us a bit more in regards to your inability to sleep? For example, what do you normally do on a daily basis? What is your definition of healthy? What is your diet like normally or how often do you partake in exercise? Do you often stimulate yourself with quantities of caffeine? Are you on the computer late through the night? There are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration before we can safely diagnose or determine what exactly is your problem. I seriously suggest that you consult a health care professional such as a doctor or maybe a pharmacist if you require medications to help you sleep.
Holy ****, it is indeed me :P
I finished playing Persona 3 a couple of months ago and although I don't normally draw inspiration from video games, there was a piece of dialogue that really struck home to me: I spent a fair amount of time last year trying to figure out or get some bearings about what I wanted to do in life. I seriously wondered for a long time if paramedics and nursing would be a suitable career for me. I was a bit down in the dumps during a 6 week placement on road, after seeing some of the worst that humanity had to offer. When I heard this mantra, I truly realized that I won't be able to save everyone in the world that I come across. But if I can devote my time and energy to saving and caring for the ones in front of me and at the very least, help them accept death, then that's good enough for me. A personal one of mine following this experience is:
It wasn't fantastic, yeah, but it had some good ideas. Watch Dogs blew me away. I love the premise of it and the manipulation of the environment.
I like that they've veered away from the Jedi/Sith aspect of Star Wars and are going into the more gritty aspects of the universe. Especially with bounty hunters, can't go wrong with bounty hunters.
Persona 4 Arena: E3 Trailer [video=youtube;esQXF9UGFw0][/video] - Available Summer 2012 - Nothing new that hasn't been shown already but now with English dubbing. - Atlus has also announced that there will be two language tracks in the US Release with Japanese and English voiceovers. Star Wars 1313 Gameplay [video=youtube;U08QNPk0ZNE][/video] The Last of Us Gameplay [video=youtube;8ZYkj0glnqs][/video] DmC 2012 Trailer [video=youtube;QHdk36PNuVw][/video] Tomb Raider Gameplay Demo [video=youtube;_ZT1rUWPyM0][/video] - I am a little bit disappointed when they mentioned that they've already got Day One DLC in mind but we'll just have to have to wait and see what it is first.
I totally forgot about the Silent Hill HD Collection so touche! Didn't realize it was Bluepoint Games who were in charge of the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and Konami was just publishing it. Sorry guys.
If it's Studio Ghibi, it's a justified Day 1 purchase.
It is a disgusting and grotesque film but it's definitely worth watching at least once for the shock horror of the concept. And if you're like me, something to laugh about with other people later.
I cannot wait. I always thought that if there was going to be a movie adaptation of the musical, Hugh Jackman should be the man to play Jean Valjean. For what it's worth, I am really glad that the film industry is choosing to film more musicals because it is one of the best ways to get the theatre out there and hopefully encourage members of the audience to go see these productions live.
You would imagine so but until this rumor is sunk or confirmed, we have no idea of knowing. Square Enix should pay attention to how Konami is releasing their HD collections because they are doing it right.
I was just thinking that it would be nice to get a HD Collection of the series. Mind you, I would only be willing to part with my money if they were the Final Mix editions, Birth By Sleep on console or Re:Chain of Memories since the PAL regions never got it.
Some good stuff going on here. However, there were a couple of things that I really took issue with: - The first five seconds were really distracting. I'm presuming you were going for the whole dream approach but the awkward zoom in/pan out and a less than flattering red colour with blurring didn't really sell your video. - I thought the Keyblade mask at 0:09 was unnecessary. - Some decent masking throughout the video. I think my favourite one was at 0:35 with the manga. - The fast cuts at 0:40, showing the conception of Roxas, was the most outstanding moment in the video - Were you trying to portray Roxas was angry at the 0:48 mark with the red? It just looked...horrible to be honest. - You can crop, zoom in/zoom out and mask. But you didn't get rid of the subtitles? Try to keep them out of future vidoes as they can be very distracting. Good effort though. You should continue to make more.
I definitely liked what you had with the colour comparison with Kamina's death; how it was such a dark period for Simon to the contrast of Nia's first arrival and how it gave him a new reason; a more personal reason to pilot and fight with the Gurren Lagann. I think you could have made it a bit more dramatic with a much darker contrast (mind you, the original source is pretty faded in colour during that scene so maybe an emphasis of shadows - just something to consider). I think it short of falls short in the chorus; I felt some of your clips didn't match with the beats and I couldn't help but wished that you had more fast-paced action scenes; more hero shots/snippets of adult!Simon or what Nia meant to Simon. Still, good stuff.