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  1. Light-Rune Maven
    The way that I have always seen it is that since the Keyblade is a magical weapon filled with an element (Light or dark specifically) the actual blade part is made up of the inner power of the person. To give more detail, the Keyblade was revealed in KH BbS to be passed down through "The Power." I don't really have any reference material, but it seemed to me that this power develops into a keyblade by residing in a person's heart. So basically the keyblade is a physical manifestation of the power in a person's heart. So the power of a strong person's heart "cuts" through the opposing person. So it serves as ... a sort of physical manifestation of will.

    The energy inside is what cuts.

    But of course, that's just how I've always seen it.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 18, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel dodged a blow to his torso with practiced ease. The boost in speed the Ninja job had given him had made him a much more lethal force to be reckoned with. Stabbing llama head into the ground and flipping over another blind stab, Steel quickly plunged his clawed hand into a heartless' chest. He held it up and stabbed Umbrella into it's face before he swung it around horizontally into Llama head's waiting blade.

    "You're too brutal."

    Steel stared at his ever present white haired companion and gave a tired sigh. The two of them had gone over this subject so many times that he was honestly quite sick of it.
    "No, I'm really not Aura." His face was now a challenging glare... which in the case of his second in command might as well have been a polite request to argue with him. A pity he never seemed to remember that when it was important. In one of the most predictable manners, she glared right back.

    "There's blood Steel." Aura deadpanned.

    "Ahem!" Both of the arguing parties turned to see the man dressed in black who sat at the other end of the table. His black hair didn't hide his raised eyebrow as he sloshed a suspiciously red liquid around in a very nice looking wine glass.

    "Oh, that's different Robspear!" The silver eyed man gave a smirk at Aura's growled response. However, the distraction did nothing to deter the argument.

    "There is no blood Aura. It's a reaction of the mind to the disturbed' spacial makeup. You should know this by now: if you don't like it then stop putting it there.


    "Shut up Tyson!" They both growled in Unison at the would be peacemaker that was leaning against the wall behind Steel.

    "Alright then." Tyson held up his hands to convey that he no longer considered the matter in his hands and crossed them back over his chest. "Geez..." Next to him, a fully dressed, brownish colored cat that stood on it's hind legs glanced at all of the people around the room in a confused manner.

    "Do they do this often?" it asked it's white haired human compatriot in a female voice.

    "Oh yeah Tee," Robspear supplied helpfully from his seat. "...They solve all their problems in pretty much the same way." He punctuated his sentence with a sip from his glass. Next to him, a man in a sleeveless hoodie couldn't help but enter the conversation in a hopeful yet resigned manner.

    "Rock Paper Scissors?" He offered somewhat questioningly as he gave a small shrug and shook his head. Robspear stared at his neighbor rather incredulously.

    "Umm... no Drake... with a sword fight." Drake threw his hands up in the air.

    "Of course: those two would solve their problems with bladed objects!" He pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a tired sigh. Meanwhile, the argument continued.

    "What if i'm not talking about the disturbed? What if i'm talking about people like Scarlet and Cancer?" She challenged him. A challenge to which Steel could only raise his eyebrows; a common habit in this room.

    "You were under the impression that those were real people?"

    "You look tired Drake." Alice said in complete ignorance of the conflict that her two friends had engrossed themselves in. "Perhaps you should take a nap." She suggested from her standing position next to her brother.

    "I agree." Leonidas stated from his seat. "It's obvious that nothing of importance is going on right now, and this minor dispute could go on for hours: the rest of us should just relax to the best of our abilities for now."

    "What I understand..." Aura began rather impatiently. "...Is that you treat every encounter the same: With flailing claws and gnashing teeth. No matter what the enemy is you brutally maul it!"

    "They're Monsters Aura! They're not even really alive!"

    "This probably won't end well." Leonidas pointed out as he and Alice finally took the time to observe the two arguing.

    "Oh really...? Aura prepared her next statement.

    "They'll probably get over it eventually." Alice Shrugged.

    "...Then please tell me..."

    "Oh good, we're on this again." Leonidas shook his head.

    "...Cause I've been curious for some time now..."

    "It's really not that different..." Robspear muttered as he eyed his suspicious beverage. "...I drink more of this stuff than necessary."

    "...How exactly are they different..."

    "If she was here they'd both get a punch to the face and this would be over with." Drake muttered with his head in his hands.

    "...From you?"

    "So, Nia, we eating at your place tonight?"


    "If this is how all of these things go... Then I am NEVER coming to another of these meeting AGAIN." The she-cat stated from next to Tyson.

    "A decision you have been blessed with the privilege of being able to make." Tyson drawled.

    Steel could do nothing but continue to glare at her in order to hide his pain.

    When had she come to hate him so?

    Steel brought out of his sudden flashback by a sharp pain. He was knocked to the ground and nearly impaled by a soldier's lance. Unfortunately for the Soldier, Steel was infuriated by the bad timing of his flashback, and it had practically just doomed itself. Steel grabbed the lance just before it could reach him and ripped it from the soldiers grasp. He turned the object around and impaled the Lance Soldier through the face. He then picked up Llama head, (which had fallen to the ground when he stopped the lance) and sliced the creature in half.

    "Sir..." A voice began as the monster faded into smoke.

    "Not a word Kai." Steel barked as dark smoke began emanate around him and spread about the field. The smokescreen confused the Heartless by blocking their solitary target from view, and he moved about the area freely as many of them searched fruitlessly.

    Yes, he knew the Heartless were very different from the disturbed; he was just a bit to angry to care right now. This was made quite obvious by his next victim. After being impaled into the ground by its own weapon, Steel quite literally ripped the poor malleable creatures' head off.

    He turned to continue his work as a crystallized heart floated into the night sky.

    Words: 1054
    EXP. Writer Bonus: 30
    Lance Soldiers Defeated: 6/20
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 14, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel couldn't help but chuckle at Donald's reply. It was nice to be called a tough guy, despite the truth that he was weak.

    ... You all think this is an angst moment but he was speaking quite literally in reference to his strength and defense stats; in comparison to most of the others, his are pretty dang low.

    Anyway, Steel didn't have the heart to tell Donald that some bad guys were more cowardly than even said duck and were known to go for weaker opponents. Alas, the conversation in general was short lived, as one of the Beagle Boys popped out of nowhere and scared Donald off. He then summoned a small horde of heartless and gave them commands in a french accent that was layered on so thick that Steel wondered if the man was really french.

    Now he was surrounded, and there was no way for him to contact the others. Even if there was, they were all likely otherwise occupied (Okay, so he knew that last bit for sure, sue him). In preparation for battle, Steel activated his Ninja powers (which only changed the position of his scarf and gave him an extra keyblade since he was supposed to keep the uniform on) and took on a battle stance. When the first Lance Soldier leaped towards him, Steel intercepted with a precise blow to the torso. The creature was effectively stunned and, after a flurry of jabs and slices from the duel wielder, it was destroyed.

    Steel smirked as he impaled another Soldier with his umbrella. Thankfully statistics didn't necessarily matter during brawl missions: In exchange for his low strength he could attack as many times as was necessary, which gave him a huge advantage. Slicing through the impaled Soldier with Llama Head and bashing its' head with his own, he flung the heartless into another oncoming one. After the impact, the first one evaporated and the second fell to the ground. Taking the opportunity, Steel thrust off of the ground and flew towards the dark being. He pointed umbrella downwards as he fell and the force of it stabbed straight through it's' armor and into the ground. Having landed balancing on the hilt with his hand, he swung his other keyblade across its' neck, effectively ending its existence as well. With a quick backflip he had resumed his battle stance. He gave a quite "hmph..." as he looked around at his remaining opponents.

    "Alright, now who wants some?"

    3/20 Lance Soldiers Defeated
    EXP. Writer Word Count: 412
    EXP. Writer Bonus: 21
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Light-Rune Maven
    I would like to expend 1 point on heart in order to give rise to a greater strength.

    I would also like to spend 18 crowns on Speed.

    STR 14(+5) +2 = 16(+5)
    SPD 29(+3) = 32(+3)
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 8, 2015 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Light-Rune Maven
    Upon arrival at the Opera

    house everyone was split up and sent to patrol around different areas. He was paired off with Donald, and they were to take the south side of The Opera

    House. Before long, everyone headed their separate ways (though Ananta was shouting about Pluto seemingly not liking her).
    "So..." He began whilst examining his claws in a nonchalant manner. "You think I look Dangerous." He smiled down at his feathered companion in a rather disconcerting manner. Though as always, it didn't matter... because the Duck couldn't see it. All the same, the suddenness with which he had said it might achieve the same affect. Honestly though, Steel liked Donald and thought of him as a friend; even if this wasn't the exact same Donald he had met before. He was curious as to what the bird thought of him.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 7, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Light-Rune Maven


    After thanking Joe for the money (As he ran into another room), Winter directed herself towards the exit. She had been overjoyed that her cooking hadn't tasted positively dreadful and was looking forward to her next time working here. When she exited the building, she came across two more dogs that she hadn't met: A Scottish terrier and bloodhound. As Winter understood things, talking to everyone she could in the park was her goal and to her benefit. Between that and the fact that it was always nice to make new friends, Winter thought she would introduce herself.
    "Hello." She spoke politely as always. "My name is Winter. What are your names?"

    Winter approached Jock and Trusty.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 7, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Light-Rune Maven


    "Thank You." Winter said politely toLady and Tramp as she retrieved her new autograph booklet. "It was very nice talking to both of you. I'll see you later." She was going to follow Saino to the parade area, but something on the other side of the square caught her eye. It was the sign for a restaurant called "Tony's." She decided to check her MyMagic+ and found that Tony's was indeed listed in the job section. Specifically, there was an opening in the kitchen. She thought it sounded like a fun job: her brother had taught her a bit about cooking and it was something she enjoyed. Of course, she figured it wouldn't be an easy job, but the most fun jobs required just as much if not more effort. The main difference between fun jobs and regular jobs, in her opinion, was that people were simply more likely to cheerfully put in the necessary effort for fun jobs. Her mind made up, she briefly glanced to Saino to see him faring rather well, and then she crossed the street and entered the building. "Hello?" She called as the door swung shut behind her.

    Winter has gone to "Tony's Town Square Restaurant" for work.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Light-Rune Maven


    After the long meeting was over and everybody had been introduced to each other as well as well as familiarized with the park, everyone seemed to just split off on their own. Winter wanted to see if she could talk with the locals, like some of the others were doing. However, said locals seemed to be appearing and disappearing at random... which seemed a little weird to her. Still, she figured it all made some kind of sense; like some mastermind had a whole system worked out for all of them. She noticed to dogs walk out of an ally and, determined not to let the chance slip away, hurried toward them. On her way over, she was joined by Saino. "Umm... Hi." She stated as the group of four all came to meet each other.

    Winter Approached Lady & Tramp with Saino.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 25, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Light-Rune Maven
    So guys, just posting this quick notice here.

    I'm sorry I haven't added anything new to this in a while: I hit a small wall with chapter 7 and wanted to go back and fix a couple things in the previous chapters... then life happened. I know it's been months now, but I do intend to get the rest of these fixed and start posting new chapters again, though it may take me a while yet. I just wanted to apologize to everyone... though I know two people who read this aren't in the Social Forum. Anyway, thank you for your patience.
    Thread by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 22, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  10. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel marched back down the tower alongside the rest of the group with a sense of accompishment: The princess had been rescued and he hadn't unintentionally insulted anyone in the process. Now he just needed to continue to refrain from unnecessary chatter until the rest of the events of this world had transpired, leaving victory to be all but assured. He was specifically walking next to kel as he adjusted his gloves to more comfortably accomadate his claws. The musketeers seemed happy, the princess seemed greatful, and everything was overall fine. Now to wait for the next thing to go wrong.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 18, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel was glad to find the find the fight finally over. He turned to talk to the others and was interupted by Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. The three of them seemed to be in quite a panic, as the princess had been kidnapped... shockingly enough. All hope seemed lost, but a bright light of inspiration set the heroes back on their chosen path! So the group of eight began walking along the road; determined to find princess Minnie. So with all that out of the way, he turned to Ananta to continue to the conversation from befoe the battle but was stopped cold by her words to Kel. He froze in his steps as well, causing the majority of the group to walk past him as he pondered. "How to react to this?"

    Really, he could see why, she might think he didn't want to continue the conversation... though her wording was kind of irratating. Really, tons of interuptions and she always skips straight to Kross whenever an interuption because apparently he didn't care. He honestly wondered how she was aware of this: it wasn't like she had asked him. "But this is all pointless." He decided quietly as he began walking again. "My limited ability to interact is what's ultimatley causing all of this; that and my attempted overcompensation for said limited ability." He shrugged. If she was so quick to say he didn't care, then obviously she didn't care that much herself. So why bother?

    He could probably just do his own thing outside of any comments that were directly addressed to him, maybe he could just be the silent person who always had their mind on something in their past? His hand rose to his chin as he discarded the idea; he talked a bit too much to be that kind of person. Oh well, he could continue to think about it as he trailed behind the group, and he could cover the rear while he was at it: a win, win situation.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 7, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Light-Rune Maven


    "That's quite a fancy doodad you have there." It was this sentence that broke Winter out of her thoughts. Their group was introduced to Tali; who was apparently responsible for a large amount of "The Wonderful World of Disney's" technology. Winter thought she seemed particularly nice, and held back a chuckle as Mitch's coworker bantered with him. She was patient in regards to the information about the keyblade being weaker, and she was consequently rewarded for that patience a short while later as Tali displayed the MyMagic+'s. Winter was quite impressed honestly: the staff had the foresight to weaken the powers of troublemakers and stop the damage from spreading while still ensuring a way for their expected form of aid to function. After the boy in blue chose a set of equipment that was almost predictably colored, She herself chose one of the blue lanyards to hold the pins they would be finding. She was stumped however on which MyMagic+ she wanted. As she was making this decision, the boy in blue, known as Ao, suggested introductions... and mentioned something about magic pipes. She paused briefly at that, but decided to ask at a later time. Picking up one of Grey devices from the briefcase, figuring it would go pretty good with her gloves, she turned around and moved out of the way so the remaining person could pick out his gear. While he did that, she addressed them both.

    "Yes, Introductions would be a good idea. My name is Winter Shujaa. It is a pleasure to meet you all." She gave a slight bow of her head in greeting to those gathered... But really, she wondered about that 'magic pipes that were strangely good at cutting things' comment: Ao seemed to be a prime example of the strange behavior her brother had described as being common amongst key bearers.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 1, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel quickly thrust his hand around the throat of charging lance soldier. The soldier struggled to free itself, while the lance... hopped up and down next to Steel... seemingly cheering for him. Such strange heartless. He turned and threw the first heartless into an oncoming second, which seemed to have thought it could sneak up on him. The soldiers' lances' hopped with glee as their weilders clattered to the ground and Steel cast a stopra spell. He took the opportunity to look around at what the others were doing. Thankfully, they had managed to put quite a dent in the heartless without him. (Again, curse his inconsistent posting rate.) In fact, they were now almost completely done from what he could tell. Kel and Ananta dishing out a particularly large amount of hurt.

    His attention was bought back to the heartless he had been dealing with as he caught sight of the two lances' still hopping in place, seemingly wanting to finish off thier "companions." He raised an eyebrow. "You both realize that if I destroy them, you go too?" He asked. The two stopped hopping and looked at eachother for a moment. After that brief pause, they both turned back to him and bounced up one time in perfect synchronization. It appeared to be a sort of shrugging motion, or an overall statment of: "Yeah, we don't mind." Steel only shook his head. Turning back to the fight, he spotted one of the last lance soldiers charging towards Kross. Or at least it had been before he shouted to the lance and stopped the charging enemy in it's tracks. With a nod of his head towads the two soldier's slowly moving up from the ground, the third lance soldier was soon being dragged across the field. Steel held out his hand and it was immediatley filled with the grip on one of the lances. He stabbed it straight into the heartless as it came rushing towards him. He then turned and jumped over the second lance soldier to stab its lance into the first soldier, destroying it. He then turned and slashed with his keyblade, hitting both the third lance soldier, and the second, who had just managed to break free of the stopra spell and fully rise from the ground. Both heartless evaporated, as did the lance he still held in his hand.

    He gave a slight smirk as he watched the hearts vanish into thin air. "Thanks guys." He shot playfully towards the vanishing crystals.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Feb 1, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Light-Rune Maven
  15. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel noticed Kross (and most of the others) had taken his comment in a rather harmful manner when it was meant to be a most humorous joke. Seeing no way to fix that at the moment, being busy fixing another problem, he turned and was about to answer Ananta when disaster struck. "Curse my inconsistent posting rate!" He muttered under his breath. He summoned his keyblade and attacked the nearest heartless: A lance soldier. He stabbed his claws into it's chest as it charged at him, using the momentum it had built to bring it around and stab it's lance into another one that had been coming from behind. The second one had died from the lances blow, and a third was coming to charge him from behind. He held up the first one's body up as a shield and got rid of that one as well. The remaining lance soldier went to stab at him again, but it's lance chose a poor time to disagree with it. Steel stared for a few moments at the Lance soldier and it's frantic attempts to jump up and grab its' unruly weapon before slicing it in two with his keyblade. Steel turned to Ananta opting to continue their conversation, but saw she was quite distracted with her own battle. Plus, it seemed half the party was angry at him... again... for a misunderstanding... again. Steel sighed as he turned back to pummeling heartless. "Sometimes I hate my life." He spat under his breath.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Light-Rune Maven
  17. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel walked with the group as they followed the carriage from a long distance. He could only chuckle to himself: things would certainly be interesting here. As the group walked, Ananta and Kross began to talk a bit. Kross seemed particularly suspicious of Pete. "Shh!" Steel exclaimed. He then looked left and right as if to see if anyone was listening in. Satisfied he would not be heard, Steel leaned in and gestured for Kross to do the same. However, he didn't really wait for the boy to do so.

    "It doesn't matter how suspicious we are; we can't change the plot." He whispered rather loudly. He then stood straight and began talking in a loud voice. "Ah, yes, Ananta. I believe we were going to talk about ... uh... that thing! The thing that happened in Cen... Central Haven!" Steel cleared his throat before continuing the on the topic. "You remember that, right?"
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jan 14, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Light-Rune Maven
    Woohoo! 2015!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jan 9, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Light-Rune Maven
    Spending 2 points on heart.

    +2 Strength
    +2 Magic

    Str- 14(+5)
    Mag- 16(+3)
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jan 4, 2015 in forum: OOC Lounge
  20. Light-Rune Maven