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  1. Light-Rune Maven
    The aforementioned individual named Steel happened to be right behind Sebastian "Base" Noble. You know, the guy who was alone other than Horace just because no one else was touching him and or in his line of eyesight. "No." Steel reprimanded himself. "You will not be bitter and sarcastic about this, you will not- " Steel gasped at the sudden pain that split his skull. "But I... he... I can only ... now? Of all times?" Suddenly feeling extremely dizzy, Steel did his best to exile the foreign thoughts and turned his attention back to the current happenings.

    Base seemed extremely upset that Kel had been captured, but Steel was not as affected. Sure, he didn't know exactly what would happen to him, but his companion seemed to at least have an idea of how to handle the situation, and the two keybladers left couldn't even begin to know how to rescue him unless they moved forward... and getting caught with him wouldn't do them much good either. This last thought became extremely relevant as the black ink lurked very closely to his companions' feet.

    "Move!" He shouted as he grabbed Base and Horace by the arms, pulling them back just in time to prevent being caught in the soupy mess. Looking around for an escape route, Steel briefly considered launching them out the side of the mansion when an old video screen appeared. His head ponding, Steel could only sigh in exasperation at all the things that could go wrong with this absurdly convenient new exit.

    Giving up so soon, pup? (Shut it out, shut it out, shut it out!) Seeing it as their only real option, Steel took charge in the situation.

    "Kel is strong, he'll be fine for now! We can't do him any good if we get caught!" He briefly turned his face to his companion, giving him a glimpse of his creepier eye. "We have to get out of here, NOW!" He left no room for argument, jumping into the screen and pulling the other two in with him.

    (((OOC: I'm sorry, I'll do better about posting from now on.)))
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 19, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post

    ... well .... yeah ...

    ... well .... yeah ...
    Status Update by Light-Rune Maven, Oct 9, 2015
  3. Light-Rune Maven
    "Oh bother." Steel thought to himself as Sebastian dragged him away from the attacking enemies. "What am I to do in this situation?" His question was one certainly one worth pondering. You see because of the latest development in the story, Steel was in the middle of addressing something of a continuity issue. Of course, Steel already had a few continuity problems, but they were usually minor slip ups because he had been in too much of a rush to think about his lesser past experiences. This, however, was something much more prominent. You see, it appeared that the wielders could not harm any of the creatures here unless they had this "ink." But you see... there was the small matter of the events that had played out back in the Mysterious Tower.

    This left Steel in quite the predicament. It was quite obvious that he wasn't supposed to be able to do any damage to these things normally, but according to the reason he shouldn't... he can.

    Of course no one could be blamed for this particular error: Krowley didn't have time to every post. Almost no one did. Steel himself had no one to tell him this would become an issue later, so he didn't fix it. He could only sigh as he ran after his companions all the way back to Horace. He would just have to stick to magic anyway: admit nothing. Well, this entire post had been something of an admittance, but you all get the point. He blasted off one of the creatures with a thunder spell as the the others talked to Horace...

    Yeah... he was pretty much just following them around at this point.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 30, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Light-Rune Maven
    "What, you mean this?" Steel asked his friends innocently as he tapped his eye as if it were a piece of plastic. "It's a bit more than a 'minor' detour." He said as the three began making their way into Lonesome Manor. "As Kel may or may not remember from earlier, I've already admitted to being a freak of science." That was a rather vague explanation.

    He searched for the proper words to explain his freakish eyeball as ghostly (and rather childish) voices tuanted an unseen person that they supposedly knew. He was pretty sure that Base was the only one who talked to that character at any length. Anyway, he didn't bother giving Kel a specific reply; he just followed. After all, it was pretty obvious what they had to do. However, with any actual danger yet to be in sight, Steel kept himself preoccupied with his attempted explanation.

    "I suppose you could say my eye... is at the center of my other biological and mental mutations. Does that make sense?"
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 11, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Light-Rune Maven
    When Steel came to, he heard Kel muttering about vampires and Base mumbling about some dude named Kenan. He smiled ever so slightly: It was good to be partnered up with the companions he was more familiar with. Opening his eyes, the man with the blue cape looked around and noticed a few different things.

    First, they were all outside a creepy looking mansion. At first glance, it actually reminded him of home; though he decided against saying so out loud. He supposed that this was the reason Kel had mentioned vampires, though it could just as easily be a hideout for werewolves or ghost. Perhaps all three.

    The second thing he noticed was that... his eye was uncovered. He didn't really know what was more surprising: the dim light entering what had been a restricted area for as long as he could remember, or the fact that it wasn't raining. He had to blink a few times to get his eyes adjusted, but once he did he was certain: there was nothing wrong in this area that he had caused. It was naturally dark here, and there was no storm at the moment. He found this to be pretty cool, if not a little disconcerting.

    When exactly had this happened? Was it because of the keyblades powers, or the nature of the current world?

    The third thing he noticed as he sat up was a distinct lack of a third person other than himself.
    "Who's Kenan?" He asked innocently as he brought a clawed finger up to his face. He tapped against his in as if it were aquarium glass... and was met with resistance as if it was. So his eye was fine. That was good. He turned his attention back to the others. "Kel, what'd I miss?" Oh wait... his eye was still uncovered... shoot. He sighed inwardly as he realized it was a bit late to do anything.

    Steel's eye you see, was not the prettiest of potion ingredients. The "whites" were anything but: an ooze like black sent about a thousand alarm bells all by itself. Occasionally some gray rune like images would snake their way across the tar like surface. On top of that glimmering cesspool was a very cliche yellow iris, with a nice reptilian pupil. The most glaringly obvious difference though, between this eye and a reguar one, was that the pupil itself was a scorching red color. It was as if some geneticist had been flipping through photos and abruptly decided; that red eye effect caused by reflecting light? Totes realistic.

    Outwardly he showed no recognition, and merely waited for a response from his two allies.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 3, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Light-Rune Maven
    While everything else was going down, Steel just stood there and stared as if he still expected some form of answer from "Mickey." Donald panicked, the monster had run off with the book, Jose solved the mystery ("Brain switching was my second guess..." He had muttered.), and Kel had barely strung a sentence together before following the Caballeros out the door; leaving Steel somewhat ignored. The usual chaos... for Tuesdays that is. But this wasn't a Tuesday, this was a Monday; and that left Steel feeling extremely suspicious. He continued to stare at the same spot on the floor for what was probably half a minute before he was forced to resume participation via his ringing cellphone. He pulled it out and flipped it open to view his newly received text message.
    He stared blankly for another half minute before he gave a small sigh.

    "...Yeah, alright." He accepted flatly before he put the object away. He walked over to the door in a resigned manner. Shrugging, he consoled himself with the knowledge that, though all his attempts were failing, he was at least trying to contribute. He looked outside to see half the group running off in the presumed direction of Minnie before moving his gaze to his remaining teamates. He wasn't really sure what was more surprising: that Kel and the birds were still in sight or that the others had yet to run off after them. Remembering what had happened to Raisor and not knowing if he could deal with long range travel at the moment, he tried to offer his assistance.

    "Anyone wanna lift?"

    Steel presumably reached the castle... eventually... at some point... sort of... later... ish...
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 18, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel merely shook his head: Primarily at Raisor's comment, though also at Kross. It seemed the boy still did not realize that his comment from way back when had been meant as a harmless joke. He would have to try reasoning with him later. For now they had bigger problems. "I'll do it." He volunteered as he stepped forward. "I kind of have experience with this sort of thing." He brought up his hand, which had remained a furry and clawed enigma ever since the battle of a thousand heartless.

    "First off," he began to list. "...because of the fact that, if you haven't noticed by now, (and many of you don't seem to have) I'm kind of a genetic freak myself." He still wasn't going to uncover his face, but the hand should have been proof enough. "Secondly..." he continued as his cell appeared in his hands. "I myself live with a mad doctor... he hasn't stopped texting me for a while now." He paused to stare at the ... unique. .. messages he was getting from his comerade. "... It's sorta creeping me out..." he observed as he flipped his phone shut. "Anyway, I can't vouch for Mickey's comprehensive abilities at the moment, but I can at least try to communicate with him. If that doesn't work, I can probably put together the situation by comparing an in depth analysis of the labs setup with the implications of that little note. Experience, ya'know?" He turned to Panchito to finish.

    "Third; though I'm not much for keeping time, I'm pretty good with rhymes." He gave a self satisfied nod before turning to Mickey to begin his communication attempt. After giving it a brief thought, he decided he should try a few different things in a row to see what worked.

    To start, he cleared his throat and lowered it into a primal growl. However, rather than grunting incoherently, he formed words in the scratchy voice.
    "Muas; whaun fyeh e malis?" After giving that a moment to sink in, he tried changing his voice into what sounded like a chorus of jungle animals, all hissing, screeching, chittering, and chirping at once. At the same time, a reddish-pink energy pulsed from deep within his body in a way that was supposed to be a signal. Though to his teamates it likely seemed threatening; especially when it amplified the sound of his heart beat to fill the room. Lastly, his one visible eye glowed an eerie shade of green and his voice came out like a deep, likely demonic sounding group of warped and echoing voices that formed only a single word. "Shauni?" He awaited the results.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Light-Rune Maven
    Then he was in Disney Town.
    ... That's it. No transition, just... he was in the Country of the Musketeers and now he was in Disney Town. But that was understandable since he was late. He watched everyone just sort of do whatever while he played around with his phone. He couldn't really understand why Leo was so hung up on it. Sure, it had direct wireless access to a closed databank; from across entire worlds in fact. But the fact remained that other than that, it seemed to be nothing other than an ordinary cell phone. The professor was not the type of person to get so worked up over nothing (at least, not when it came to technology), so what was the big idea?

    "Maybe I can use it to take pictures of the past. That would be so unique." He thought to himself rather sarcastically. Chuckling to himself silently as Kross walked past, he began to seriously consider: "I wonder if I can find that in the app store."

    He was brought out of his thoughts when Jose, Donald, and Panchito appeared out of nowhere and greeted him and Ananta. The three were apparently having some form of argument again, but they quickly set it aside to greet their old companions. Steel returned Panchito's handshake with equal enthusiasm. "Bien Senor Panchito! BIEN! Y usted?" He returned the cheerful greeting as Ananta introduced the three of them to their other companions, with the possible exception of Kross. Everyone pretty much ignored what Donald said. Steel had to admit that he secretly agreed with the duck, but that didn't make being able to see the Three Caballeros any less of a nice surprise.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Light-Rune Maven
    After Kel's assault, Steel promptly spawned once more from the infinite darkness of no where in particular (because, where else could he possibly keep vanishing to?), and landed on Pete's face. With a balance and reaction speed that would make you think he had planned it, he leapt off and blasted a fireball down at his dazed opponent.

    Performing a back flip in midair, Steel landed gracefully at a point between his opponent and his allies. He watched with an amused smirk as Pete struggled to his feet with an angry glare. His opponent prepared an attack, but Steel left no opportunity for him to finish. Zooming back in, he swatted Pete's balled fist with his keyblade before performing a series of deft raps to his opponents skull. The portly cat stumbled at each blow, dazed and unable to recover properly from the constant source of head trauma. Only after just managing to lash out at Steel's torso did the speeding fencer relent; he leaped back, hoping to avoid being caught by any form of retaliation while recovering from the brutal punch to his gut.

    Pete: 126/300
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jul 1, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel rushed in and threw a few quick blows towards the Medium Beagle Boy. Despite having gone a different route from the dungeon as the rest of the group had, he had met up with them at the shore and made his way same as the rest of them. However, for some odd reason, he had stared blankly into space for the first half of the fight. Whatever that had been, he was now an active force in the battle. He leaped back and launched off a small series of fire spells before closing in again with a spinning slash. He then rapped the medium beagle boy on the side of the head. Because, why not?

    Medium Beagle Boy: 3/100
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jun 11, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel watched silently as Goofy ran in and smacked Mickey reapetedly. He scoffed; if he would just slap harder Mickey would wake up much faster. It honestly reminded him of those toys... what were they called? Clappers? The ones with multiple plastic hands that you shook and... never mind.

    Things happened, and they were soon faced with a mysterious man in white asking them what they want out of life. The whole group had some pretty heartfelt answers, and just as he was about to give his own... Raisors light show caused donald to be inexplicably found and they were told to hurry along.

    Something in him just sort of broke then. As he turned around and walked out the exit door at a pace just slightly ahead of the others, he made up his mind. "No more." He thought to himself.

    Why had he cared so much? What made him think this group would be different? Was he just too used to working with Aura? Why had he tried so hard at something he should have known was doomed from the start anyhow.

    Because he did care, a little to much, and as one with little experience on such things... he had let that rule him. But he couldn't do that anymore.

    "Focus on the goal." He told himself.
    "Nothing else matters." He whispered aloud.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, May 30, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel jumped down from his blade as he watched Kel destroy the final heartless. It vanished into thin air as he listened to goofy and pluto talking. He did not speak, nor did he make a show of any of his opinions... that is, other than the banner floating over his head stating "Kel for Country of Musketeers MVP!" and his pin saying "Vote Kel Player of the Month!"
    Other than that though, nothing out of him. He walked after Kel as Raisor listed the concern of where they were going in the first place, and Kross went on acting as if he had purposely offended him with his joke. He himself was busy remaining silent as if he had committed some terrible atrocity against him. (He had definitely committed a few atrocities against humanity, but insulting Kross's intellect wasn't one of them.) It didn't particularly help that his madnes wasn't as methodical lately. he couldn't fathom why; It wasn't as if he had given any of them his... Oh shoot. His hand flew towards the pendant that should have been underneath his clothing. It was still there, wasn't it? Had it been destroyed? He couldn't remember. Not showing his panic, he tuned himself back into the conversation. He was going to say that they should just follow the dog (for if he knew that Mickey was in the dungeon, he obviously either saw him there or heard it, and the second was unlikely.), but it seemed that they had already covered that, so he just kept walking in silence.

    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, May 13, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Light-Rune Maven
    A bead of sweat rolled upon Steel's brow. This was the moment that would determine everything. It had been a grueling battle thus far, what with his last two opponents pulling off some of the most amazing strategical feats he had seen in who knows how long. But now it was finally coming to an end. His opponent was going for another move, and if he could hold off just a little longer, he could take the opportunity to swiftly and precisely end this once and for all.

    The Lance Soldier placed a card with a red three on top of the stack of cards that stood in the center of the three of them.

    Steel, whooping in joy, slammed down his blue three and basked in his victory. For that had been his last card: it had just been his last turn that he had proclaimed "Uno!" to inform his enemies that he was close to succeeding, and now he had done it. He looked down at them smugly as they hissed at him. He wasn't sure exactly why, but these two heartless and their lances had apparently decided that the card game that they had started was much more serious than any brawl session; so much so that his beating them at "Uno!" was akin to knocking down their HP. This left him looking on in confusion as the two remaining heartless simply evaporated without the slightest touch from his blade. Shrugging, he decided to just move on.

    -This- Side is Done!

    Jumping onto the nearest roof, he immediately headed toward the north side. Taking a moment to observe the situation, he quickly noted that they were all doing well enough... though Kel was carrying the group. Deciding to give someone just one last chance to contribute, he jumped from the roof and fell directly above one of the heartless, impaling it and stabbing the blade into the concrete. As the heartless vaporized, Steel caught himself with the hilt of the blade and flipped upward and landed on the top. He gave a bow to his "audience" with a large amount of drama.

    "Greetings and Salutations dear friends!" He cheered joyfully to his teammates.


    Words: 366
    EXP. Bonus: 18
    Enemies Remaining: 1/ 35
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, May 3, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel, sensing a brief opportunity, leaped onto a nearby wall and kicked back onto another before pushing off downward with his legs, holding his keyblade forward with the intent to impale another victim. He was stopped short, however, when the heartless grew a brain quite suddenly and managed to block his strike. Letting out a small gasp of surprise as he was thrown backwards, Steel just managed to catch himself and land safely on the ground a few feet away from his intended target only to be caught by a quick jab towards his shoulder.

    Wincing slightly, he glanced at his shoulder to see the large scratch and a small amount of his darkly colored blood leaking out. Decidedly ticked, he sent a kick straight to the creatures torso before being set upon by two more of them. Quickly blocking the oncoming blow to his side, he spun one hundred-eighty degrees and slashed at the other. It was blocked, and the lance soldier retaliated. He blocked the return blow pretty easily himself, but then had to turn quickly to intercept another attack from the first heartless. The clash of metal on metal rang loudly throughout the area as the the original heartless joined in and Steel was stuck on the defensive. Despite this, he performed remarkably well in this role, continuing to block every blow from all three directions. Moving to the side as he blocked, the heartless moved with him, pushing their advantage at having surrounded him. If anyone else looked, they might see three heartless relentlessly attacking a whirlwind of flashing metal with little to nothing to show for it.

    Still, he knew that he couldn't hold out forever; his defense stat was far from the highest after all. As the heartless all pulled back their lances to stab at once, Steel quickly cast from his pool of what could be considered his signature magic spells.

    "Stopra!" In an instant, a rippling wave of distorted time flew out from him and engulfed a small area in a white orb. Ducking underneath the lances that were mere inches from stabbing into his head, Steel quickly exited the circle of enemies. He took a deep breath of respite from the endless blows: He really needed to train more.

    Readying his stance, he began to unleash his own flurry of blows at each of the individual lance soldiers. If they hadn't been under the influence of the stopra spell, it is highly likely that each of the creatures would have been reduced to fine black and gold ribbons by the time he was done with them. But he wasn't done yet. Oh no. He was a bit too upset to just end it there. Jumping out of the orb range of the stopra spell, he began to charge a different spell. He needn't worry about the remaining two heartless because he wasn't attacking them, and therefore they couldn't hurt him. On a side note, they were pretty patient as they waited for their doom, apparently having decided to play a game of cards to pass the time. It seemed one of the lances was cheating.

    Anyway, after charging up a red aura around his hand he launched a fire spell into the sphere and into the spot in the center of the three heartless. After that he activated a very different type of skill; having dealt so many blows, his command gauge had long since been filled. He sped towards the three heartless, at a speed faster than the fireball, and charged through the first heartless and pushing it towards the destination of the fireball. Since the heartless had been pushed away from his original standing point from his fury driven rampage of a few moments prior, he used the remaining blows of hunters strike wisely, sliding to the side and dashing through the second heartless to accomplish the same end. He repeated it on the third and used the momentum to charge straight out

    of range. In the seconds that followed, the stop spell ended, the fire ball reached it's destination, a small explosion occurred, tracing the inadverdantly created pattern of a hazard sign on the ground through which he had sped, and he flew forward from the final blow of his limit break with his keyblade outstreched. The explosion sending his cape billowing out in front of him.

    Two to go.

    Words: 732
    EXP. Bonus: 30
    Enemies Remaining: 2/20
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 27, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel berated himself for falling behind the others as he twisted to the side, barely avoiding the lance of one of the few remaining soldier heartless. He threw one of his keyblades upward as he shifted his now empty palm to catch himself against the ground. He caught the keyblade with his foot and manipulated it into a slicing kick, and then used the momentum to right himself as he used his foot to toss the keyblade into the air again and catch it in his waiting hand. He launched forward at his opponent and began to string together blows, giving the creature no rest.

    "Horizontal slash, horizontal slash, vertical slash, thrust. Horizontal slash, horizontal slash, vertical slash, thrust." He continued to repeat his actions to himself in an attempt to keep his mind occupied. He really didn't want to think about anything else right now. When his first foe had fallen, he immediately moved on to the next one and began repeating a new combo in his mind.

    "One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four." He aimed each movement as precisely as possible, which prompted him to think about his fighting style. He was constantly weaving deft and elegant combos together with brutal and seemingly sadistic assaults. If he was being honest, he could be a bit sadistic at times. He plunged his claws into the throat of another heartless, as he reminded himself that his mood swings were irrelevant, and that he should just get back to the fight. He threw the heartless at another and impaled them both with umbrella before slashing down on them with Llama head. Effectively putting an end to his current turn.

    Heartless Remaining: 5/20
    Words: 280
    Exp. this post: 9
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 24, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Light-Rune Maven
  17. Light-Rune Maven
  18. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel had just managed to avoid being skewered by one heartless, only to be hit in the side with the blunt end of another's lance. He fell to the ground as a puff of smoke rose from the offended spot on his back. The Lance Soldier was blinded by it and stumbled back a bit, which gave Steel the opportunity to flip his keyblade in his grip and stab it into the distracted creature. He pulled it back to him as he rose from the ground, bringing the creature into his hand... and stabbing his claws through it's face. He stood up straight and looked up at the monstrosity he was holding above the ground. Now given the opportunity to think about it, he seemed to stab and claw through the face an awful lot. He couldn't really figure out why that was exactly. It was a pretty vulnerable spot... and it seemed to be left unguarded by so many opponents.... that was all he could think of. All the same, they were pretty good reasons.

    The other Heartless were staying away at the moment, so Steel took the opportunity to wonder if this had anything to do with why Aura was angry at him so often. He supposed it was: She often called him brutal. Still, it was just a tactical movement: what was wrong with that, really? Sure, he could see why that would be something of a moral gray area normally. But there was nothing normal about him, or any of the others in the F.A.T.E.S either. Their very existence implied a gray area. So naturally, the monster they had sworn to defend the world from weren't any different. Steel sensed another soldier running up behind him. His eyes flashed, and the Lance Soldier he was holding by the face stabbed its weapon underneath his arm and straight into the charging heartless.

    "Thanks man." He gave the hanged creature a nod, and it responded with a small shrug of its shoulders. He watched as black vapor rose from the holes his fingers had pierced and tapered off into the air. "It's not even batting one of its small, glowing, yellow eyes." He thought to himself. "So, I'm gonna like, crush your body and stuff now, so your heart can like... return and stuff." After a simple look of acceptance from the heartless, Steel made good on his statement. He then turned to the other soldier. It had dropped into a heap on the ground when the lance of the first had dissipated. Looking at it sitting there, lying on the ground and trying to get up all pathetic like... He decided to just slash at it a few times and be done with it.

    With that out of the way, he turned back to the small crowd that remained. He could take out one more target at the moment, and then there were only eight more. He would join up with one of the others when he was done. Kel was the farthest along, so he might meet up with him to report real quick; after that, they would likely go separate ways to give the others equal backup, though two of them were already together, so it might not do much to either side. He rushed impossibly fast into the crowed and stabbed through another victim. He spun and clawed at its face as he removed the blade before he summoned second one and slashed through it in a cross formation. That took care of that one pretty fast.
    Eight to go.

    Words: 600
    EXP: 30
    Enemies Remaining: 8/20
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 30, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Light-Rune Maven
    Ever since his flashback, Steel had been in an... agitated... mood. This was not to the advantage of the Lance Soldier Heartless. He ran past several of them, swiping each and every one of their weapons and, in an unnecessary act of violence, began stabbing all of them into a solitary victim. In a morbid effort to keep a good hold on his sanity through the...agitation... he counted the times he impaled his foe and noted the weapons' vicinity on the target.

    One: Through the chest. Standard impale.
    Two: Through the face. Would look rather gruesome on a Human being.
    Three: What twenty first century slang would refer to as "Up the a**."

    It wasn't long before the creature burst into smoke.

    "I think it's time we called it a day."

    He shook his head to dispel the memories: He had business to attend to at this point in time. Rushing forward, he kicked another heartless off of its feet. He then jabbed his keyblades into its torso and slashed in opposite directions horizontally before crushing it's face underneath his boot. The second heartless vanished, and he turned to claim another victim. As he spelled doom with a furious onslaught of slashed from the twin blades, his thoughts briefly turned to the others as he took a brief snapshot of their progress. He then jumped back and threw both keyblades forward in a quick raid move that finished off the third heartless. He then turned to the rest of them and found his mood considerably lifted when he noticed he was actually a little ahead of the others. He smirked as he twirled his magical swords. But unfortunately he had not had the last of his flashbacks.

    Enemies Remaining: 11/20
    Words: 288
    EXP. Bonus: 14
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Mar 25, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post Comment

    Hey Myst! How have you been?

    Hey Myst! How have you been?
    Profile Post Comment by Light-Rune Maven, Mar 22, 2015