I'm so sorry tale! I was actually having trouble picking between Urses and Vulpeus. I didn't mean to leave you all alone when I chose the latter union.
@Calxiyn I'm 131976.
Seeing as this was a large scale battle, Steel decided to keep with the general theme of violence towards undesirable individuals. Readying his keyblades (again), he charged forward (...again) and attacked (...again...)! Steel Attacked!
Thanks you guys! I Hope you all had a good day too!
Steel was utterly gobsmacked... or was that claw smacked? Whatever the case, he had just been hit. It wasn't that he was arrogant enough to believe he was above such things; he was still a corporeal being after all (...Mostly...). But it had been such a long time, that it came as something of a shock. Wait, had it really been all that long? Didn't they fight a few blotlings just before meeting Oswald? Surely he must have taken a hit then. But it felt like that was forever ago. Whatever the case, he had to kill this thing anyway. Refocusing. Avoiding another strike, Steel smirked as he felt an increase in power. Letting out a well timed BattleCry, he threw his keyblades forward. They each struck the Blot's torso, before being recalled by the groups resident speed demon. He continued his assualt by making a massive leap into the air, using his weapons as a pair of climbing axes or footholds. He launched himself higher and higher, stabbing into the ink until he ultimately reached the Blot's face... ...Which promptly took a few hard hits. Steel Used Ninja Raid! Steel Attacked with an Aerial Combo!
The adventurer who had returned her greeting had walked off, another seemed to be fiddling with her things and mumbling to herself, and everyone else... was completely still. They seemed like they were alright, they just weren't going anywhere... or saying anything. Winter decided that she should probably get going as well. "Well then, it's been nice to... meet you all... I think I'll follow the lead of our mutual ally." With that she gave another curtsy, a quicker one this time, and walked off in a random direction. It was strange, but she herself seemed to feel a little sluggish; she must've been on that bench longer than she thought. She shook the thought from her head in favor of moving forward with the current objective. She took a quick look around her current area and spotted two of the characters that she was supposed to be meeting with, as well as Ula. She debated for a moment, but ultimately decided she should first make the opportunity to progress her primary goal while it was there, rather than make friends just yet. "Excuse me?" She addressed to two beings of a slightly darker color palate than the rest of the park. ================= Winter approached Jack Skellington and Sally Finklestien.
Steel was entirely silent as he charged back towards the Shadow Blot and readied his keyblades. He swung them downwards in an X before he stabbed Elementary into the enemy. He then delivered a horizontal slash with Oathkeeper before pulling the other keyblade out and leaping backwards. Steel Attacked!
So now they were being bombarded as well? Steel shook his head as he dodged the attacks: such tactics were hardly fair. Then again; it was one on five, and he himself was permanently veiled from his opponents sight by an ever expanding cloud of smoke that hid near every one of his moves. He couldn't really talk. With this on his mind Steel rushed his opponent. Steel Attacked! Steel used Barrier Surge!
Steel was a little bit disgruntled; he had to wonder why he had been chosen for this particular confrontation. It would seem that he had very little to contribute, seeing as how everyone else was doing over twice the amount of damage that he was. His speed was his only real strength, and it seemed to be doing him no favors at the moment. Sure he had some countermeasures in place, but who knows when those would kick in. Even then, he still would not be as strong as the others; he probably wouldn't even be able to take more than one hit. They might as well serve him up now, and fry him with chips. Abandoning his usual stealth, Steel walked straight on up to the blot and stabbed both of his keyblades into it's inky black side. Steel Attacked!
Steel silently listened to Hikaru and the Blot speak to each other; It seems the two had clashed previously; the details honestly escaped him, sad to say. The last few trips had been quite hectic, and considering that their last two HQ's had been invaded, he wasn't really sure where the almanac could be. With so much mental interference, he couldn't really tell if the S.E.E.D. he had planted in it was still transmitting either. He might be getting something, but for all he knew it could just be static. Not knowing more about the Shadow Blot made Steel uncomfortable; the winged phantom was a bit too similar in appearance to someone else from his past. Just thinking about the Black 'god' made Steel's skin crawl and his anger rise. However, there was no more time for idle speculation and comparison, as the Shadow Blot sent out a roar, a few final words, and a massive tidal wave of ink. Reacting with finely honed speed, Steel ran straight for the attack and made an equally massive jump. He flipped right over the wave, barely managing to avoid what would have been a dangerous hit. He landed on his feet, preparing to begin his assualt. The Blot's last words were considered. "Best to perish with as little pain as possible..." Steel actually smiled at that. As far as his involvement; a death like that wouldn't even be a small mercy. Looking around at the others, he saw that Hikaru had taken massive damage and Karina was already down. Kel, who seemed to have also managed to dodge the attack, was nearby. "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, huh?" Steel addressed Kel as he summoned the keyblades that he had chosen specifically for this confrontation: Elementary and Oathkeeper. His active abilities took hold and was briefly engulfed in black smoke. After a moment, most of it dissipated, revealing that he had transmogrified into his ninja form. However, there were several differences between now and the last time he had used this form. Rather than be concerned about the fact that one of his arms seemed to be made of bone, only annoyance pulsed in his oozing eye. The costume changes for jobs were understandable, but the constant cosmetic changes in each of his outfits served no purposes and were getting a little ridiculous. "How many costume changes am I gonna go through? I mean what is this, Vegas?" Ignoring it for now, Steel hurled his two keyblades towards the Blot. OOC: Steel used Ninja Raid. @CrownMoksha
Commencing Adjustment Post. - I will be spending my final Heart point on +2 Strength - Spending 7 crowns on 1 point of Resistance - Buying an Ultra Potion for 950 Munny Mega Ether for 713 Elixer for 950 Phoenix Down for 950 and Elementary for 950 Total: 4513 Munny Munny Remaining: 950 5% Discount Savings: 237 - Unequipped Ether in order to Equip the 4 Items Listed Above. - Unequipped Umbrella and Llama Head - Equipped Oathkeeper [2] and Elementary - Equipping Item Boost Combo Plus Aerial Sweep Second Wind Battle Cry - Unequipped Sliding Dash - Equipped Splattercombo - Stats: Strength: 18 (+6) Magic: 16 (+4) Speed: 32 (+4) Resistance: 10 Magic Points: 4.60 (+1) Ability Points: 29/ 27 (+2) (Note: There seems to be some sort of error: The total AP of the abilities listed as Equipped in Steel's Wiki before adjustment when added to the Ninja AP requirement comes to 17, but the Stat table list him as using 20 at current.)
The young woman Tali had called Winter looked up from the napkin that had held her newly finished pretzel when she realized she was being addressed. She gave a gentle yet reserved smile to the energetic woman that had greeted her. "Oh, yes ma'am. I'm sorry; I seem to have been a little out of it." Winter gave her response as she used the aforementioned napkin to wipe the remaining salt from her hands and mouth, folded it neatly, and set it aside to slip on the lace gloves she had lay down next to her. She picked it back up as she rose to her feet, tossing her silvery white hair behind her head to get it out of her face. The girl once again smiled at Tali as she accepted the autograph book, having taken an immediate liking to the woman upon meeting her. Turning to see the others present, she was met with quite a cast of colorful characters. Running her deep blue eyes over each and every one of them, her expression was cold, though not necessarily cruel; guarded, perhaps. Seeing it more proper to introduce herself before she turned to dispose of her trash, she crossed her legs left over the right one and grabbed the side of her trench coat. She lowered herself in curtsy, staring down at her snow boots as she did so. "Hello everyone; my name is Winter Shujaa. It would seem that I am to be one of your allies." The lady spoke to the other adventurers with a professional detachment, being polite while not really telling anything about herself. With her greeting finished, Winter turned and walked the short distance to the nearest trash bin in order to dicard her napkin. Pausing for a moment, the young woman took out a lolipop from one of her trench coat pockets and stuck the treat in her mouth when she had thrown the wrapper in with her napkin. With her professional demeanour now semi-destroyed, she returned to the others.
Steel silently observed as the mist enveloped everyone present. He would be lying if he said it didn't concern him slightly. If the chemical was made with the ink he absorbed, would it simply adapt and bond to their genetics like they had intended? Or had it taken some of his DNA and/or personality with it? "Congratulations..." he muttered to himself as he drew star patterns in the air; a trail of thick black smoke searing through the pathways provided by his fingers before evaporating. "You now all have the potential to become self-righteous, undead, bratty little monsters... Oh and sarcastic. Don't forget about sarcastic." While he had been muttering, the others had apparently chosen him as part of the squad that was going to be attacking the blot. It was kind of a surprise, but something of an honor nevertheless. Base panicked, Glen scolded him, and Karina walked off in a random direction. He wasn't really sure if it was the right direction, but Kel was following, and if they were wrong they'd probably be informed of that fact before they got to far. He didn't really have a reason to believe that she was wrong. So after a comforting pat on the shoulder to Base (who was stewing about cursing; something Steel himself thought he was pretty good about avoiding), and a quick clawed thumbs up to everyone else he followed after his two companions.
Nominating Base, Glen, Hikaru, Karina, and Kel.
Steel was not interested in Karina's latest "episode." All that the girl had accomplished so far was whining about how she was strong and didn't need help: It was a call for attention that she always denied, and he was sick of everyone else catering to it repeatedly despite being pushed away. He resisted the urge to growl as he turned from the spectacle to face the table mentioned by the doctor. He admired the girl's strength, but her disregard of how such strength made her human was a liability: she was on the road to self destruction, and was dragging the others down with her. His opinion was that they should just let it go: her role would be filled whether or not she was actually in it. While it would be a tragic loss if her life were to end, it would be more tragic if her brooding were to cause the rest of the worlds to end with her. Shaking off the minor detail that was... Karina, Steel brought his full attention to the Mad Doctor. "I am not an expert as you likely are, but I know that in my own unique body the most energy has been concentrated here..." he pointed to his mutated eye. "... And here." He redirected his clawed digit to the very center of his torso, to the lower right of where his heart should be. He then climbed onto the table and lie down in preparation for the restraints and coming procedure. He did not seem particularly worried. "You have my full cooperation doctor."
Steel merely raised his eyebrow and scoffed at Oswald's behavior. His grin betrayed his amusement though. "Again with the whole 'trust' thing." He chuckled. "Why does everyone assume that everyone else needs to be informed of the lack of trust that they have? If nothing else, it's a tactical disadvantage." He muttered to himself. He barely registered that he was walking with a fairy tale creature and a talking rabbit, Or that a phantasmic clone of his best friend and a horse (that could also talk) were agreeing with him. Then again, such things had become commonplace for him, long, long.... looong before he became a keyblade wielder. "So, Gus, how much can you tell me about the ink I absorbed?" He could just ignore the arrogant attitude challenged lagomorph for now; it wouldn't be the first time he had done such a thing. He was curious to learn what the gremlin knew of the subject. However, before Gus could really respond to Steel's question, the group walked into the Mad Doctor's lab and... chaos. Pointless chaos. Karina was banging the doctor's head against her cage while she herself had not escaped, while the man himself was still rhyming with the hatch in his chest remaining open, and Kross and Kaida were pointing thier keyblades at him and shouting demands. Feeling his eye begin to throb, Steel gave a groan as he started to message the area around it with his clawed hands. "I don't know these people." He denied. It was true in a way: he didn't really interact with them enough to really be familiar with them or know them on a personal level. "I get that he pissed you off and all, but you could at least wait til we have a way out before you attempt to murder him." "Except for that guy; I know him." He admitted, only to sigh again. "I'm sure that keyblades could cut through cortosis if they had to; did they even try? Or was it just so obvious a solution they figured he would have covered it somehow and didn't bother?" Enemy swords were a bit of an exception since they had the users' will to back them up. Though if they really couldn't cut through, that was some seriouly tough metal. They would have to watch out for that.
Steel didn't say a word. He just stood there watching Base ignore his presence, rudely deny their hosts (along with everyone else) invitations to the apparently upcoming tea party, and then pass out. (Though the offer to write a song was nice.) "Ooo...K." Steel managed to mutter. Finding himself at a loss of words, he turned to the 'alternate' Base, hoping for an explanation of some kind. He was not sure if the apparition behind him was his closest ally from another dimension, or just a representation of the sanity said ally had apparently lost. The phantom was apparently unsure itself, as it merely shrugged with a look that likely mirrored his own flabbergasted one. He turned back to face the rest of the people in the room. "I'm sorry for... him. He's usually much more sensible and well mannered." He said awkwardly. Maniacal laughter once again resounded, and he again sent a menacing glare in the general direction. It fell silent immediately. He sighed and massaged the area around his creepy little eye ball in exasperation. His face brightened though as an idea occurred to him; something to make up for Base's behavior. "You can come to my tea party!" He invited politely. "I can promise you..." he began as he once more turned his glare into the distance. "... HE won't be there." The two beings behind him face palmed; One had to wonder what Steel's priorities were.
MuseName: Winter Shujaa Gender: Female Age: Unknown Skin: Pale White Hair: A sparkling white/silver Eyes: Royal Blue Build: Thin, Athletic Height: 5" 11' Country of Origin: America Ethnicity: Caucasian Fashion Sense: Is usually seen with a black trench coat and blue jeans. Wears t-shirts of any solid color (primarily gray, blue, and white), along with a pair of elbow length fingerless lace gloves. She doesn't really care much for most forms of make up, but she does tend to wear blue lipstick and nail polish. A hood is usually buttoned to the back of the trench coat, and she almost always wears snow boots. MagicBand+: Blue Pin Lanyard: White Paintbrush: Metallic Trait: Collector MunUsername: O.KnightofTwilight Preferred Name: Light Time Zone: Central Time Zone (UTC-6:00) Gmail: scatteredshardsofhumanity@gmail.com Favorite Disney Movie: Bolt, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Inside Out Favorite Disney Character: Jack Skellington, Oliver, Bolt, Kuzco, and Sadness. Favorite Disney Song: Sally's Song and Ever Ever After. Favorite Disney World Theme Park: ??? Favorite Disney Theme Park Ride: ???
So, apparently Steel as a concept existed in Limbo. That was cool; He could live with that for now. He was, however, confused as to why D'daear could see him if that was the case? Maybe he was in some kind of alternate universe where he didn't get away from... whatever that was back there? Could anyone see the second Base and Horace behind him? Was reality breaking? Oswald was attacking Mickey, so everything should be okay. Oh wait, he should probably help put a stop to that. Whilst Raisor pulled the rabid rabbit off of the suddenly mute mouse (from surprise he supposed), Steel rolled his eyes: the current condition of this familial phase (or lack thereof) was a sad sight to see. Steel suddenly realized that his thoughts were amazingly alliterative. "So Ozzie, I don't know if you can see or hear me, but I do know you kinda blame Mick for... well... everything really. It's just... I don't really get that; shouldn't you blame the fickle nature of publicity and marketing? I mean, that's what I blame most of my problems on... that and Robspear." It was at that precise moment that maniacal laughter could be heard in the distance, prompting Steel to glare in it's direction. "Freakin' Robspear..." He muttered under his breath.
As he stumbled out of the portal, Steel loosened his grip on Base and Horace. He barely managed to catch himself from falling to the ground when the splitting pain in his head suddenly intensified. His clawed fingers took to messaging his forehead as he analyzed their new surroundings. It seemed that they had been transported to a rather cozy little hideout where they could regroup... along with the rest of the key wielding refugees. "We just can't catch a break." He muttered under his breath. In addition to his own group, the rooms' confines included (but were apparently not yet limited to) Stratos, Raisor, D'daear, a black rabbit, and a black and white cat. He presumed those last two were locals. "Forgive us for our rather sudden intrusion." He apologized as he lowered his hand; ignoring the uncomfortable notion that his eye would be on display for all to scrutinize. While it was true that he hadn't even bothered to cover it back at the manor, it had hardly been out of place and he hadn't expected a change of scenery so soon. However, as long as torrents of rain and bolts of thunder failed to pour down from the heavens at the very lack of a concealment, he should probably just leave it as is. It was something he and everyone else would just have to get used to.