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  1. Light-Rune Maven
  2. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post Comment

    I suppose so.

    I suppose so.
    Profile Post Comment by Light-Rune Maven, Oct 14, 2016
  3. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Light-Rune Maven, Oct 9, 2016
  4. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post Comment

    Just busy really.

    Just busy really.
    Profile Post Comment by Light-Rune Maven, Oct 9, 2016
  5. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post Comment

    Egh. I've been worse.

    Egh. I've been worse.
    Profile Post Comment by Light-Rune Maven, Oct 9, 2016
  6. Light-Rune Maven
    Profile Post Comment

    Salutations! How have you been?

    Salutations! How have you been?
    Profile Post Comment by Light-Rune Maven, Oct 9, 2016
  7. Light-Rune Maven
    Location: CastleTown


    From atop the rooftops of Castle town, Myrrh found himself observing the citizens as they went about their everyday business. It was a long time since he had seen the town this way. It had seemed like just yesterday he had wondered whether or not they sold any books at Malo-mart and scoffing at the fortune tellers shop, but apparently that wouldn't be happening for quite some time... and that creepy mask shop was back. What everyone had ever seen in that place was completely beyond him... though he found that yellow one with the pointy ears entertaining for some reason.

    Shaking that from his mind, he turned his thoughts to another of the towns staples: the Temple of Time. What had even happened to that in his own timeline? It just seemed to vanish between visits, from what he could remember. Hmm... temples.

    From below, whispers of a "Faerie Boy" reached his ears. It seemed a young Kokiri had come through the town with a faerie shining a deep turquoise color, bought some supplies, and then headed north towards the castle. It was surprising to hear; neither the Deku tree, nor any of the other Kokiri had spoken of a missing or departed comrade. What's more, the familiar feeling of his was pulling him further that direction. Myrrh narrowed his eyes as he stared into the distance. He wondered who or what could possibly be in that direction that was so important. The Kokiri boy perhaps?

    A small commotion clued him in to the fact that he had been idle for far too long, and someone had noticed him. Making a small leap, he vanished into a nearby shadow, and watched as the Townsfolk's surprise and confusion only furthered. He resumed his thoughts starting from the Kokiri; what business could a fairy child possibly have at the castle? Perhaps he was the source of the strange feeling? Or perhaps... he could feel the same thing? Did that mean there were others like him?

    Giving a sigh, Myrrh's came to a conclusion: He had thought about this long enough. His countenance brightened as he skipped through the shadows towards the castle, making sure to keep out of sight. He shouldn't worry about it too much for now; he was only a child after all, and he could use a new friend. He could only treat the opportunity to make one -and with another child of the forest no less- with optimism.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 29, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Light-Rune Maven
    All da choices....

    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 19, 2016 in forum: 2016
  9. Light-Rune Maven


    Oh hey: new.
    Have fun!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 13, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel could only really watch as the cornerstone was taken by the man in the white cloak. There one hope seemed to be gone. The unruly mob in his head rose up again, making various sounds of panic and outrage at the sight of the growing vortex of darkness.

    "Indescribable isn't it? All that power?"

    Listening to the argument, the entirety of Steel's being experienced a rare moment of utter speechlessness: all anyone could think to do was wonder what the heck Aux was high on. Black smoke began to seep from their skin as they looked up at the dark vortex that spun in the sky.

    Aux was an imbecile.

    They knew this darkness: they were born in it. It wasn't just some object. Power had it's own will; it could make or break you, and it was fickle. They could only shake their head in exasperation at the brat. Meanwhile, everyone else was starting to attack. One by one the first three were thrown into the shrouding dark cloud. It wasn't really all that interesting to watch their allies practically leap to their dooms, but they found himself unable to look away.

    Raisor was the first to go. He put up quite a fight, but ultimately he didn't get Aux to do much more than give a backhanded compliment. Glen went after. He stuck it out for a bit too, but in the end there was not much more to say about it than that. They all knew to some extent that they couldn't win. The fact that this was the third world that they had lost to the enemy was only salt in the wound. Steel took off their cape; their makeshift mask pulling away without much resistance. What was the point anymore? In trying to hide? Their skills may have been gone, but that didn't change what they were. They could still feel their very soul threatening to go on a violent rampage, with or without the power to back it up. The glamour that held his form together began to evaporate. Another delayed reaction: Without their abilities, it only took the removal of their disguise to ... remove their disguise.

    Buece was next. He made it quite obvious he was just as aware as the rest of them about how futile this situation was. Yet he charged in anyway. A final stand they supposed. It wasn't long before he was down too... but he didn't leave without a few parting words.

    "Tell him that we're not finished. We're going to go into that black void and rip it apart from the inside out. If our hearts were reset, all that means is we need to earn our power again. And when we come clawing out of there, we're coming for him. Not you, Nequa, or anyone else will be able to stand in our way. "

    Steel gave a slight smile to that; their small fangs protruding from the lower jaw so as to just be visible without impairing their speech. Buece was right: "Power" was just an illusion. Something that could be given and taken. It would trounce you if weren't careful. The lack of power did not make one weak as Aux was delusional enough to believe. What truly made one weak was the lack of strength: the ability to control the power given to you without it dragging you through the mud...
    Or the ability to survive without any power at all, and overcome those who have it.

    Karina, ever the daring sword, was surprisingly the one to give up without a fight. Her speech could only make them pity her, even though they were fully aware that she would go off on them for that if she knew. For all her kicking and screaming on the way, it seems she had finally just given up. She raised an excellent point though. It was the same one that had been on Steel's mind since they knew about Aux: What was the price of his "amazing" dark powers? What had he already given up? What more would he have to do? When would his master inevitably betray him?

    When would this all come back to bite him in the butt?

    There was something more though; Karina's actions also raised a question in their own minds: Would they just do the same thing as her? Would they- No.

    Would he give up?

    He shook his head as it sunk in just how far he had been. It was frightening how fast he had lost his sense of self after the seals were broken.

    "Is that the best you can do?"

    Steel raised his eyebrows as Aux gave a monologue about how pathetic they all were.

    "I was always told that darkness was like the water. Once you've dived in, you either sink to the bottom, or let the current carry you. Unfortunately for the lot of you, I doubt you're very good swimmers."

    That was a bad analogy to use with him. He had drowned once you see, a long time ago. He had only gotten better at swimming since.

    "But enough of the warm up, show me your A game. It's not rewarding if you just give up... I want the satisfaction of knowing that your last ounce of hope was drained by yours truly." Steel was having quite enough of the man's mocking hypocrisy, and was about to step forward... but Luna beat him to it.

    Oh Luna.

    She had been terrible at keeping secrets: There was always a mood about her, and she carried around that Tiara for quite awhile. Did she still have it? He couldn't recall. What he could recall though, was how Etrius had practically shouted about it back when they had first met.

    Etrius. Eon, Flora, Xara, Shapur, Base... How many people had they already lost?

    He was shaken from his new train of thought by Aux's newest revelation. It was not surprising that Luna was a princess; he had considered the possibility before after all. However, he could not possibly have guessed that while Aux was popping in to show them up at every opportunity, he had also apparently taken the time to go and destroy Luna's home world.

    Just who did he think he was? Playing with people's lives like he was God? His claws dug into his palms as his clenched fist began to shake.

    Because then Luna was gone.

    His thoughts ________ so scattered.

    His _________ were ____ scattered.
    ___ thoughts ____ still __ scattered.

    Each person Aux confronted seemed to bring in an entirely new train of thought, but this didn't seem new; not really. When was the last time he had actually thought clearly? It was as if ever since he had gotten the letter...

    He wasn't in Kansas anymore.

    His mind refused to obey him, and his thoughts were shattered to pieces when he looked up and saw D'daear with his head underneath Aux's boot.

    “You lot never stood a chance from the very beginning. This whole journey was wasted effort. If you thought you had hope before, by the end of all this you’ll be left with nothing.”

    Steel had never had anything to begin with. He was to die, and that was that. He had chosen that fate. It was better for everyone... or at least... it had been better for that everyone... but now...

    He wasn't in Kansas anymore.

    He had thought he might have to attack Aux himself to free his friend, but Stratos provided the distraction needed. Though not nearly as fast as normal, Steel swooped in and grabbed the younger entity while Aux was busy with their companion before retreating to a safe distance... just in time to see Aux kick Stratos into the sky.

    Being a bit larger than before, Steel effortlessly cradled D'daear in his arms while stroking his clawed fingers through his hair; fussing over the smaller creature as a mother would a child. Aux had turned his attention back to where D'daear once was to see that he was gone.

    "So the coward has run away." The darkness flowing from Steel's body thickened. Who was the coward? Aux spoke of them fulfilling his master's will, but it was quite obvious that only a handful of wielders were really necessary to meet their requirements. Otherwise, they would have interfered when their own numbers began to fluctuate dangerously. He could have taken any of them out easily; he had proven that time and time again. He could've picked several of them off a long time ago.

    But he didn't. He waited for one of his rivaling parties to render them helpless before he swooped in for the kill. That wasn't tactics, no matter what he said. It was just plain cowardly. Clearing his throat, Steel managed to catch the man's attention. There was silence for a brief moment, though whether from confusion or surprise Steel couldn't tell. Either was likely since he didn't look quite the same as before.

    He was falling to pieces. Quite literally. Large chunks of a black goo that resembled the magical wasteland ink were breaking off of him and floating into the sky. His form was featureless, with no more detail to his face than to identify his empty white eyes and mouth... as well as the fact that his head was in the shape of a wolf's; his mouth, a muzzle. His hands and feet ended with sharp claws, and his body was a mess of fur and black feathers, and even all of that looked about as solid as a puddle of water. It was question really, which would happen first; would Steel be thrown into the darkness by Aux? Or would he simply melt and be pulled into it?

    To see a sight like that... well, it was no wonder there was a silence from the remaining bystanders. One had to wonder what D'daear was thinking, since he was the one actually in the monstrosity's arms. It would seem he would not get a chance to speak though, for Aux decided it was time for him to make a pompous comment.

    "Wh-" Only to be interrupted by Steel.

    "Into an open mouth, a fly enters." More silence followed.

    "Excuse me?" Aux seemed baffled.

    "I'm sorry, was that too complicated for your brilliant mind to comprehend? It's an old proverb; allow me to simplify it for you. When something is open, usually curious bugs fly up to it. Whether it hangs open, or flaps constantly."

    "Pardon?!" Aux was just a bit incredulous now: after seeing his companions drop like flies one by one, this... thing... was still daft enough to insult him?

    "I'm sorry, are you still not following? What I mean to say is: You talk way too much buddy, shut the heck up." Rolling his eyes, Steel took a deep breath before continuing. "Arrogance is not fitting for a fool..." He stated blandly as he stepped forward slowly. "... And power, well... Power is a fool's gold." Steel stopped about a foot away from Aux. "It is my sacred duty to inform you of that. You don't care, I know, but I'm not going to break my rules for you of all people." Aux laughed.

    "What makes you think you can stop me?" The white armored dastard questioned the formless creature. His response was a sudden forward flip leading to a strong mid air kick. Aux blocked the blow effortlessly, holding both of his arms forward as an X in front of him, stopping the kick. Time however, seemed to slow down before he could do anything else. The monster's face seemed to be inches from his own, despite the fact that D'daear's body was between them. Steel's dead white eyes seemed to be filled with some sick sense of joy as his amorphous mouth gave a twisted grin.

    "Oh, it's not me you need to worry about." Using the momentum, Steel squatted his legs and leaped off, just as Aux forced his arms outwards. "Have fun with your newfound curse!" Steel shouted as he and his charge sailed off into the sky. "May it be everything you never wanted!" Steel's mad cackle filled the air for a few moments before being cut off as the two of them were banished into the darkness.

    Aux turned his attention to those who remained; the scene had been... different... but nothing to worry about. After all...

    They were gone now.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Sep 10, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Light-Rune Maven
  12. Light-Rune Maven
    Who nominated me for this category? I'm terrible for it!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 29, 2016 in forum: 2016
  13. Light-Rune Maven
    Name: Noki

    Race: Kokiri

    Appearance : Like all Kokiri, Noki appears as a child. He has bright blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. However, in place of the traditional kokiri garb, Noki has become outfitted with blue leggings, a white undershirt, and a green poncho with multicolored ornamental designs. He also wears standard brown gloves and boots. He has an item pouch and dagger sheath on his belt.

    Game Era : Post Ocarina of Time in Child timeline

    Story: Curious about the outside world after Link disappears, the Young Kokiri named Noki disregards the advice of his fairy guide Mayli and makes plans to leave the forest. He journeys towards Hyrule Castle and watches the world quite literally change around him. Caught in a time rip that took him to the adult timeline, Noki meets Saria the forest sage who tells him of the differences from his own timeline. Of particular note to him was the Hyrule Historian and his betrayal of the royal family. After buying some new traveling equipment at the markets (including a neat looking book, and an interesting set of knives), Noki and Mayli head for the Castle.

    He has a small wooden round shield buckled to his right arm, and he fights with throwing weapons such as knives, shuriken, etc. He is an exceptionally good aim, and is very quick.

    - He carries a simple wooden ocarina.

    - He has shown interest in learning to read, and the general pursuit of knowledge.

    -Mayli glows a turquoise color.

    Name: Myrhh

    Race: Skull Kid

    Appearance: Curiosly Myrhh is covered from head to toe in what appears to be a set of brand new (possibly stolen) clothes. He wears reddish brown shorts with a red hooded tunic, and black boots. His hood is pulled up, allowing only the glowing yellow eyes to be seen.

    Game Era: Post Twilight Princess

    Story: Wandering the world and lurking in the woods, Myrhh has been alive for a long time. Unlike his mischevious bretheren however, he has taken to the pursuit of knowledge. Raiding various libraries and spying on others has taught him much, and he has even learned how to use various weapons in combat.

    It is upon his return from one of his excursions that he stumbles across a sight he never thought he would see again: a populated and thriving kokiri village. Speaking with the growing deku tree sprout that guards the village Myrrh learns that the kokiri village he had seen rot was quite simply never abandoned in this new and mysterious timeline. Sensing a somehow familiar pull, Myrrh made his way to Hyrule Castle, hoping to learn more.

    Equipment/Skills: For physical attacks, Myrhh perfers to use a rapier that seems to have been specially made for someone of his smaller stature. It's glowing runes suggest it is imbued with some form of magic, but the details remain uncertain. To cover ranged distances, he uses a simple wooden bow. He has a generally high aptitude for learning

    - He has a flute that also appears to be somewhat magical, but never uses it to do anything other than play simple music.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 26, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Light-Rune Maven
    Just like everyone else, Steel promptly attempted to summon his keyblade when faced with the hostile. However, unlike everyone else, his reaction to failing was somewhat more... dramatic.

    "Arrgh!" He cried out in pain as he fell to his knees. It was a delayed reaction really, considering how he had entered the scene. But he had been without a physical form, and now that he had one, the attempted use of abilities that weren't there clashed violently with the reality he was comprised of.

    "You have forgotten all of the abilities that you hold dear."

    He snarled at her words; it couldn't be true. He scratched the air in front of him with his claws, attempting to summon his own sword: Necrophobus.

    Nothing happened. A purple colored warp around his claws was the only evidence he had done anything; and even that was short lived.
    He tried to summon the gun Chronophobia.
    A Soma!

    His roars of anger were loud and unsettling. To anyone else, he would appear to be a rather insane man slashing at the air around him with dangerously sharp claws and overall throwing some kind of temper tantrum. His appearance only growing darker with each twitch of his hands as black smoke began to emanate from his form. A tear trailed down his cheek as he stopped. Looking towards the sky as he feared to see the final proof of the witch's words. After sitting in silence for a few moments, he finally looked down at his belt. From it there hung seven silver crosses, usually some of which were tied with red ribbons.

    But the ribbons were gone.

    The seals were undone.

    And he could no longer deny the voices that he had begun to hear in his mind.

    "WHY!" He shouted as he punched the ground, then proceeded to slam both fist down numerous times.

    How could this have happened? Why did a book have such power? That merely leaving it could allow it to wrest control of your heart and "push risette?"

    And WHY for the love of all things holy, in the middle of a virtual panic attack did he feel like he had just made some sort of attempt at a clever reference?

    Many of the others had run off already; he had thought he had heard the word "Cornerstone." If anyone else was still near, he couldn't notice them over the growing cacophony of voices.

    The boy only had so much patience.

    "Shut up!" He screamed the words into his hands, for buried there was his face. Kluya and Luna, bless them and may thier souls rest in peace, immediately did thier best to quiet down the masses and it wasn't long before all was silent once more.

    "She'll pay for this." He stated after a moment. He was obviously in denial: without combat abilities, there wasn't really anything he could do.

    Still, he ran off after the others with cold fury in his glowing eyes.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 12, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel, due to the general lack of tactical or physical effort on his part during the battle against the blot, had become not more than a throbbing cocoon that floated after the party, making muttering sounds that were reminiscent of a sleeping person.

    "No R.J., Clara didn't eat the mouse... why would she do that?" His unconscious commentary resounded hollowly as the others descended the mountain. Glancing blows from the cannons and explosions barely phased him during the fight with Mortimer. One particularly large blast hadn't elicited more than a yawn and a simple mutter of:

    "Five more minutes Raichu."

    How he was able to sleep through so much or how he had changed into a hovering orb of black... stuff... was anyone's guess. Now though, having gone through to Disney town like the rest of them, the creeping black mass had finally started awake.

    "I didn't eat the chain saw!" He shouted as two black arms flung outwards, nearly hitting the Dream Festival winner(s) in the process. However, he stopped himself just in time, hands freezing inches from their flesh. The being somehow pulsed an Aura of sheepishness as it unwrapped itself with a sort of forward flip, leaving a decidedly more average looking Steel in it's place.

    "Horace." The caped figure greeted as he dusted off the Wasteland variant. He then turned to the other. "...Horace." He snapped his fingers and formed little guns with his hands, leaving some of the audience astounded as little wisps of smoke emanated from the tips. He walked slowly backwards trying to flee the awkward situation.

    "Disregard anything I may have said... Miss Scarlet was never in the Ballroom with a candlestick." With that he turned and calmly walked... behind Glen. Seemingly to hide.

    He promptly began another side conversation with his phantasmal companion, however.

    "So... there's three of us now?" The Horace that had followed him the through the time warp had asked.

    "Well logically there's only two of you." Steel replied. "I don't think you really exist within the same plane." He glanced briefly at his surroundings.

    "Now, where's phantom Base gone off to?" He quizzed himself.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Aug 3, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel just took his turns.

    Steel Attacked With a Combo!
    Steel Attacked With a Combo!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jun 7, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel, only just now seeming to notice that two of his party members were knocked out and that the other two were running at half power. Recognizing the disadvantage that this put them at, Steel reached into his cloak and pulled out a healing item.

    Steel used an Ultra Potion!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, May 19, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel, somewhat annoyed that the blot had called reinforcements, moved to attack his new opponents. Not being as strong as strong as the others, he could only try his best to do a decent amount of damage.

    Steel Attacked BLOTICLE 1!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, May 18, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Light-Rune Maven
    Following Karina's nod, Steel threw both of his keyblades forward once more. He remained cautious to dodge at a moments notice though; he could tell that they were winning so far, but enemies like the Phantom Blot tended to have ways of turning the tides. He would remain vigilant for just such a counter.

    Steel Used Ninja Raid!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, May 5, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel, sensing that he for some reason had little time to do as much damage as possible, charged towards the blot with a burst of light before following up with a vicous onslaught of attacks. Hoping that he had made a good dent, Steel leapt away quickly.

    Steel Used Barrier Surge!
    Steel Attacked With A Combo!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Apr 28, 2016 in forum: Role-Playing Arena