Thankfully, X and III were sensible enough to avoid starting a fight, and no intervention was necessary on his part.Over time, the entire rest of the group had woken up, and quite a few of them were sporting keyblades. Considering none of them could actually remember anything recent, it was actually likely that they all had one, even if they didn't all realize it. Several of them had pointed out the wisps of purple energy that were floating about the top of the cavern. Darkness perhaps? That could be bad for them, but what could they do? All of them were completely clueless as to how they got there and what their goals were. Or at least, that was how it seemed so far. Out of all of them, only he, VIII, and I had yet to voice their lack of knowledge, but he already knew where he stood. VIII seemed to know VII, but the way they were hiding in the corner either meant that they didn't know the rest of them, or that they knew exactly who most of them were and was afraid. Neither of those possibilities were particularly promising. Though, if she were afraid of all of them in such a way, why risk drawing their attention by calling out to VII? No, they were probably just as clueless as the rest of them. That left I. She was definitely awake, but only barely. As the last to enter into their current situation, I had only just pulled herself to her feet. He had to admit that he was curious about her: She was labeled as the first, and if they were indeed some kind of group, than that marked her as the one who was most likely the leader. As 'II' he couldn't help but wonder if that made him her direct subordinate. Had this been someone whom he had depended on? A trusted and respected superior? Perhaps even a friend? While he couldn't recognize any of the present faces from his scraps of memory, that didn't really mean he didn't know them... and he honestly wasn't sure what he felt about being part of any group. Then again, if this was all just some experiment, than that just made I the first of ten victims, and that the rest of them were nothing more than strangers. Strangers that had either been taken or had volunteered, but he really didn't think the latter made them any less like victims at this point. His attention was pulled from his thoughts by VI. Having just given V (who was currently despairing their puzzling situation) his glasses, she had proceeded to ask where they were. "Unfortunately, it seems like none of us can answer that question for you VI." He finally spoke up with a shrug. "Unless I over here just so happened to magically retain some form of vital information that has managed to escape the rest of us." He turned to the said number with a small, polite smile that was somehow both hopeful and resigned. "You wouldn't just so happened to have magically been able to retain some form of vital information that has managed to escape the rest of us, have you Miss?"
Empty. The world around him seemed so irrevocably empty. He was rather unsure if he liked that or not. On one hand, if the world was completely empty, than that meant there couldn't be anything wrong with it: it meant there were no flaws or mistakes, and that there was a lack of people to create them. Though, he supposed he was still there, so this place was far from perfect. On the the other hand, he would love nothing more than to curl up by the fire with a good book (It seemed like it had been such a long while since he had last made the time to read a good book) and a nice warm drink, flipping through the pages silently as the eternal rain beat against the window serenely. Well... now that he thought about it, it didn't seem like such a contest. After all; if there were no books here it would get frightfully dull before long. So he began to silently wish for the world to be filled once more. When he had wished for this, he had not expected his wish to be granted quite so quickly... or that he would come to regret it so fast. The supposedly 'Irrevocable' emptiness gave way to voices. Loud ones, that reverberated off the walls and into his ears, making his groggy coming to a rather rude awakening. Didn't anyone around here know how to be quiet? ...Where was he? With renewed vigor, Chrys quickly opened his eyes and pushed himself off the ground. It seemed he was in a cave of some kind, and the loud voices were coming from two out of nine other people who occupied the room, who were confronting each other with... keyblades? There were pieces of metal scattered about, and a broken machine stood at the center of it all. Was there some kind explosion? Is that why he didn't remember anything? He wasn't otherwise damaged was he? After checking himself over for injuries and thankfully finding none, he tuned back in to what was going on. Someone else who had woken up before him seemed to have said something, but he hadn't been paying attention and he missed it. However, the boy motioned to a pin that another was wearing, as well as his own. Glancing around the room, he noticed that all of them seemed to have one... even him. II What did that mean? They were all numbered... were they some kind of group? Taking a moment to examine the faces in the cave, Chrys found that none of them seemed familiar. That made him nervous, for all kinds of reasons. First, there was the simple fact that he just really didn't like meeting new people. It was probably what made him most nervous actually, which was strange, because the other reasons were far more practical, and probably should have impacted him considerably more. They were all in a cave. Most of them were knocked out, and he didn't know about the others, but he couldn't remember much about how they got there. At the very least, two of the others were in the same boat: the two screaming at each other for answers, but that was all he could say for sure. Finally... Keyblades. He had never met anyone else with a keyblade. Ever. He supposed it was inevitable that he would run into another wielder at some point... but in this situation it was pretty nerve-wracking. Should he stop them? It seemed at this point they weren't really fighting yet; they were just confused like he was. Staying silent, Chrystopher Light looked on silently to see what would unfold.
Get 'em yo.
Apparently Steel did nothing last turn! So Steel took another sip of tea this round! Somehow it still did 28 damage! RiGHt KrowLS?
Steel realized he was currently useless as anything other than a frankly daft attack robot! Somehow the realization did 28 points of damage to Mizrabel! He could literally throw a freaking ping pong ball, and I guarantee you the result would be the same! Yay Bp!
Name: Chrystopher Light Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Like this but the jacket is blue. Rank: II Keyblade: Light Seeker Homeworld: Garden of Rivers Personality: Chrys is a rather calm and shy introvert of an individual. He does his best to always be polite and kind but he doesn't really like to interact with people he doesn't know, though he is considerably more chatty with those he is familiar with. He is a very thoughtful person, and those who know him would describe him as a bit... too... thoughtful. He tends to over analyze the slightest of details, if only silently to himself. This leads to him worrying over nothing, getting easily distracted, and generally being a scatterbrain. He is quite intelligent, and his silent observation of the world at large has given him a rather bitter side that he doesn't let show. Likes: Books, tea, quiet, learning, a good meal, animals, fluffy things Dislikes: Large crowds, meeting new people, change, people who talk too much Other:
Steel took a sip from his mug of tea.
Username: O.KnightofTwilight Preferred Name: Light General Schedule: My work schedule isn't really set either, though I generally work 9 hour shifts of 8-5 I get on to check the site every day and I generally have plenty of time to post, with the exception of Sundays and Wednesdays, though I generally have a good amount of time then as well. Time Zone: CST Roll Me For Critical: Sure. Go for it.
Steel charged in to get 'em.
So, he had finally taken enough damage to do him in, and was subsequently rezzed. Now he was weak, and not many of the others were doing better, on the other hand, they had gotten their abilities back. Apparently though, he was just going to be useless for anything other than attacking right now. Steel totally attacked, cause lol he's definitely not gonna do anything else, right? BTW he did 28 points of damage. Just in case you were wondering. There is no way you possibly could have known after all.
"Thanks again Prince-" It was the one called Celio that had freed him this time. "Huh.... Well. You're not the Princess." He pondered aloud as he looked around. Apparently Mizrabel had 'shuffled the playing order.' Right. Well then. "Still thanks for letting me out." He gave a small wave before going over the the next chest and tapping his keyblade on the top. Steel freed Xara!
Steel cast cure on Celio!
Right. Raining cats now. Well, he didn't actually hate cats despite being canine...he actually liked them a lot... and there was a power boost, so... he was good with this. In other news, Stratos had went ahead and cast Stopra. Soon they would see whether or not it had an effect he supposed. Steel attacked for 56 points of damage!
In a surprising turn of events, the young man that had introduced himself as 'Celio' to Steel earlier summoned a bizarre, Frankenstein's monster-esque looking dog that... revived everyone who had been knocked out. A very sudden development to be sure, but the most effective thing anyone had done the entire fight so far. Hopefully they could knock the witch down enough to get the rest of the abilities that belonged to him and the others back soon. Steel attacked for 28 points of damage!
Oh wow. Yeah, they were still losing. Terribly. Like, if 'losing' could fight, it would actually be doing better then they currently were. Oh well. All he could do for now was keep going. Steel attacked for 28 points of damage!
Right, so... their magic was back. That was good and all... but other than cure, he didn't really see much of an improvement in their situation. What few... no, the one spell that had been launched seemed to only do about as well as their physical attacks. Should they try multiple elements to find a weakness? Probably not: if they really wanted to find something of that effect, they'd likely be better of summoning Basil. In terms of what he should do now though... he had a feeling his standard strategy of using 'Stop' wasn't likely to work. With the situation being what it was, risking it right now probably wasn't a very bright idea. So... instead he just charged in with his pointy metal thing. Steel attacked for 29 points of damage!
He was in a box again. How delightful. So while waiting for someone to come along and open up the way out, Steel decided to kick back with a cup cappuccino and watch the... weird... space stuff... happen. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that long before someone came along and let him out again. It was okay though, because his cappuccino had been a small, so he was done with it. "Greetings and salutations your highness." Steel said in the same empty tone he had greeted her with previously. "We really must stop meeting like this." He crushed the paper cup in his hands, raising an eyebrow when the cup caught fire. Seeing as how his instinct when he was done with something was to burn it... "Right, magic is back." Seeing that one of the newer individuals was knocked out, Steel sent a quick cure spell over to him; he would have done more if he could, but in terms of curative magic, he was rather lacking in comparison to some of the others. Still: at least they no longer had to deal with the 'limited healing' problem. Steel cast Cure on Celio!
Readying Artisian Shard for another attack, Steel noticed that one of the newer members, a boy with blonde hair, had performed a unique summon. With the way things were going, and any form of assistance. However, while a summon could help turn the tables only time would tell if it would be enough to give them an advantage... or even just some breathing room. He sped back in for another slice at Mizrabel. Steel attacked for 28 points of damage!
They were getting pummeled. Mizrabel's latest attack had knocked Stratos out cold. While it was fortunate that their new recruits had retained their powers, and that one such recruit had wrapped her head around the general idea behind cure, the fact remained that the witch had taken down one of them with only two hits. They were at a severe disadvantage, and having to take time to heal would only put them further behind. On top of that, Stratos still didn't look all that well: it was likely that he'd go back down with another hit. There was also the risk of their healers getting taken out: their opponent seemed to attack five of them at once, and there were only four healers. They needed to come up with something, anything. Yet as he continued to take swings at Mizrabel, he could think of no way to push any form of advantage. It was sixteen on one, and they were still getting clobbered. He needn't panic though: There were still seven of them that had yet to sustain any damage, and though the fight might not seem in their favor just now, it was far from over. Steel attacked for 28 points of damage!
Well drat. While Steel hadn't been one of the ones to take damage from the attack, those who had wound up taking considerable damage. All everyone did in response though was attack again, with the exception of the few who finished freeing the others. Now that they had all been released though? There wasn't much they could do. Steel wished that there was a more defensive strategy they could use; a more supportive role at hand for him to take. However, all he or anyone else could do for now was stay on the offensive. Steel Attacked for 28 Damage!