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  1. Light-Rune Maven

    Steel perused the pile of prepared garments alongside his peppy companions. He had smiled freely whilst Pete made assumptions about their skill level. After all, why not? It's not like Pete (or anyone else for that matter) could see the majority of his face. He chuckled as he picked up a pair of trousers about his size; he was of course thinking of the look on the fat cat's face when they turned out to have a pretty high skill level after all.

    After picking out his favorite pieces from the... immense variety of options (Meaning none at all), he quite literally stepped into the outfit. For the most part, he looked similar to the rest of them, as it was a uniform meant to reflect a connection to the country and it's royalty, so he couldn't just mess it up. However, there were some key differences: two of them being the blue feather in his cap in his ever present scarf-cape hybrid... thing. Whatever you call that. For some reason preferring to do the gloves himself, Steel lifted his hand to eye level and slid the leather over his exposed fur and claws before doing the same with the other; the claws forming sharp points at the end of each of the leather fingers.

    He looked left and right cautiously to make sure no one other than the wielders and the three musketeers were around before he pulled out the shadow cell, struck a pose, and snapped a selfie. Checking to make sure he was satisfied with the picture, he nodded to himself and put the device away again in who-knows-where. "Well, I suppose we're ready then?" He asked as he turned back to his companions.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Jan 4, 2015 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Light-Rune Maven
    "Sparring, huh?" Steel looked down at the keyblade he still held in his hand. He then looked back up at the large group that was now fighting in front of him. He grinned mischievously as he considered using his job powers, but quickly brushed the thought aside: they didn't really need him to summon a second keyblade and go all Ninja on their buts, possibly shattering all morale in the process. Since there were only 3 musketeers and 5 wielders, there was going to be a few team ups on the latter groups' end. Ananta and Kross had already double teamed Donald and worked him into a bit of a frenzy. Meanwhile Raisor had Goofy all to himself, and Kel and Mickey were also fighting one on one. He automatically ruled out Donald, as that would just be pointless... and sort of mean to the poor bird.

    Goofy wasn't doing that great, but he figured one teacher was all he would need if the whole Merlin situation was anything to go off of. Lastly there was Mickey; Mickey Mouse. Kel was putting up a good fight of course, but the rodent was doing much better than his compatriots. Steel decided that this called for giving him an extra challenge. Readying his keyblade he charged past Kel just as he had taken a step back and said "Alright seems good enough." He smirked as he aimed a slash at Mickey's torso. "Not quite yet!" The man shouted as his keyblade was met with Mickey's rapier. A surprisingly good block. Steel's smirk only grew. "You see, that's fine if you're fighting one on one..." He started. "...But you need to know how to handle a crowd too." He chuckled.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Light-Rune Maven
  4. Light-Rune Maven
    "Right. Fred, Daphne, and I will check the libarary." He drawled as he nodded to Kel and Raisor respectively. "Shaggy, Scooby; you two will check the basement."He closed the sarcastic response with a shrug. "I agree with Ananta on this one; let's stick together for now. At least until we have a better idea of what this place is like." He turned back to the field to observe the training swordsmen. "I vote for searching around here." He said thoughtfully. "After all, we surely landed here for a reason, right?" He turned back to the others with a raised eyebrow.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 22, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Light-Rune Maven


    The woman couldn't help but give a small smile as she was joined by two other men: It was good that she would not have to do this alone. The first was tall like her and was wearing elements of some sort of animal costume. The other was dressed almost entirely in blue. She gave a small curtsy to them before stepping into the monorail car. She listened carefully as Mitch explained the situation with the parks. It seemed as though there was some sort of rebellion going on. She quickly responded when he asked about the keyblade. "Indeed, I am a keyblade wielder." She stated calmly as she flicked her wrist forward. A beam of light flashed briefly before revealing a large Key like object in her hand. It had a rectangular yellow hilt with a silver blade, with a small chain attached at the very bottom. She gazed at it thoughtfully for a few moments.

    "It looks nothing like brothers' does." She pondered to herself. This same thought brought her into a brief flashback of before she had left home.


    She had been discussing the opportunity that "The Wonderful World of Disney" and her upcoming trip there presented with her brother. "What are others keybladers like?" She had asked rather suddenly out of curiosity. Her brother, ever the enigma, had given her one of the smirks he was so well known for. "Oh, they can be a troublesome lot. They're all different of course; one could be Loud and impulsive, another could be stern and erratic. All in all though, they're trouble magnets. Just like us." He paused briefly, his expression never faltering. "If I were you, i'd be careful sis: You don't want to screw this up too much, or the consequences could be disastrous."


    She couldn't stop thinking about how he had said that. She knew that what they did was dangerous: extremely so. She dealt with that on a daily basis, and her brother knew this. Was just being his usual playful self? Or had he actually been giving her a warning of things to come? She frowned to herself over this: Because her brother's warnings were never to be taken lightly.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel spotted Kel and waved back. He started to head over to him (and Raisor, who had joined him) when Kross came running past shouting his companions names... and completely ignoring him in the process. Steel shook his head as he continued to walk over; Kross just hadn't noticed him yet, that was all. Not to mention he didn't really strive for the limelight anyway, so it shouldn't have been a problem. His thoughts were interrupted when Ananta came crashing down on Kross' back. He chuckled as Ananta shouted how sorry she was while frantically casting cure at a constant pace. With all the noise, they were due to be noticed any minute. He faced Kel and shrugged as he walked up. "Well, here we are again." He expressed casually.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 20, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel..... Attacked.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  8. Light-Rune Maven
    "Well, to me you're Sebastian, and I should really point out that I don't even tell anyone my real name."

    "WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!" Steel shouted whilst popping out of nowhere. The projection behind had stopped, and Emperor Kuzco had appeared next to him with an Confused look. "What am I doing in Symphony of Sorcery? Steel asked the Monarch next to him. Kuzco shrugged. "I don't know man, you signed up for The Country of the Musketeers." He supplied.

    "Exactly!" Steel agreed. "The last thing I remember is watching Stratos waste a butt-load of precious MP only to still crash miserably hard, and now I'm here: So what's up?" He asked with a pointed look at the direction the projector light was coming from. Kuzco nodded his head and did the same.
    "Yeah 'whatever Celestial being runs the projector,' what's up?" There was brief moment of silence where nothing happened before Steel had a realization. "Uh Kuzco, what celestial being 'does' run the projector?" Another brief silence followed before both men froze in place with wide eyes.

    "Uhhm..." Steel Blinked. "I'm... gonna go make me make the story change back..." Kuzco nodded hurriedly. "Yeah let's get out of here!" Both men walked away, but before the scene could resume... Kuzco leaned back in and began furiously scratching out the words "
    Symphony of Sorcery" in the top right corner with a yellow marker. However, his eyes caught the projector booth and he gave a nervous and guilty chuckle before hastily exiting once again. The scene resumed.

    Steel's eyes widened in realization as Kaida mentioned something about not doing what she was supposed to back in town. "I'd totally do it for you, but I am not supposed to be here so, I gotta go like NOW. See you guys later." And with that sentence and a graceful pirouette, he vanished into a swirling column of darkness that collapsed in on itself.

    "Okay, note to self:" Steel muttered as he walked away from the hat mural. "...Next time, don't get too close to the vicinity of of a gateway you're not planning on using." Using his senses, Steel picked up on the multiple departures and knew he had to make a decision. Two gateways had been used less than the one for Symphony of Sorcery, but there was a presence nearby the one in Mickey's House. Basing his decision on that, He made his way to the Disney Town main gate. He felt a little bad though about Leaving D'daear: The boys' teacher had already picked an entirely different world, but at least the familiar face that was Hikaru's would be there.

    When he reached his destination, Steel found himself staring up at three rapiers crossed together in symbol of unity. Steel smirked. "Looks like my kinda place." He murmured as he reached out and touched the ink on the wall.

    He found himself standing in a large area used for sword training, and proceeded to observe other details in the surroundings and try to locate any of his companions.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Light-Rune Maven
    Okay, was a hard decision, but I'll go with Country of the Musketeers in order to even out the teams.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 17, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel Attacked
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  11. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel began to wave off D'daear's comment. "Oh, nothing, I was jus-" It was then that Karina burst in and furiously dragged off Glen whilst screaming her head off about her worth. Glen had very clearly mouthed the words "Help me" directly to Steel as he was dragged a way. A slight pause followed their absence. "...Well, alright then... That was interesting. I'm interested." He stated rather plainly. D'daear however, seemed to be rather upset now, he slumped over to a chair and started observing the ink drawing with a very... wearisome air. Steel looked out the door where his other two companions were headed.
    He then turned back to D'daear, unsure of what to do. He really didn't just want to leave him alone to sulk, but he should also at least make sure that Glen survives (Even if he were to be permanently handicapped). He decided he should probably say something to the purple haired boy before he left. "So, uh... you probably don't know yet, cause you haven't spent much time with us beyond... all the tragedies.... But, usually everything works out pretty well." He turned to the door. "I'm gonna go make sure Glen gets a proper funeral." he joked as he ran out the door. It didn't take him long to catch up, but when he did Buece was there screaming about Murder. Preparing himself for the worst, he joined his friends in the alley just in time to see... Glen congratulating Karina on a job well done.
    What the flippin heck. This wasn't at all what he had expected. Though in hindsight, it was probably a much better alternative.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel was a just sitting there silently. At first, he was observing and waiting for Glen's Reply. But then, he felt really odd; like for some inexplicable yet undeniably education/holiday/illness related reason, he couldn't move. As events transpired around him, he furiously fought to break the binds that held him in place. He kept track of what was transpiring with the others, of course. First, Aden seemed to completely disregard he was even there. Great way to start off things in his current condition. At least D'daear had acknowledged him... though that really didn't do him much good with him frozen like a statue. In fact, one could compare his current pose to "The Thinker." The primary difference was that he was standing up. It was actually an entertaining thought, but it would have to be placed aside for another time. The most recent events had Glen angrily giving his response as if Steel hadn't technically been agreeing with him and been offering a form of alternative so that they wouldn't sit there being completely useless. It might even have actual benefits in leading them to Mickey. Now of course, investigating the area definitely seemed important. As Glen was throwing his little fit and D'daear spoke to Hikaru, he finally broke free of whatever it was that bound him in place. A small burst of energy occurred as he pushed his arms outward from their previous position and forced off the strange paralysis. White chain links fell to the ground around him as he took a deep breath. Knees apart, palms facing inwards, and claws unsheathed: He looked all to prepared to go on a mad rampage. Fortunately, he only let out a sarcastic remark with the breath he had just drawn.

    "No, no, don't worry about me; I'm perfectly fine." He muttered to the rooms current occupants. After a moment of catching his breath, he stalked over to the ink shape on the wall. "So, this splotch was somehow worth letting me face a great force of darkness alone?" He spat with disinterest. He was feigning it of course. He was actually looking forward to investigating; he just wanted to call school a great force of darkness. Of course, the statement had completely ignored the fact that he himself was a great force of darkness... Oh! and he also gave a kick in the ribs to the fact that most of them always seemed to ignore him. But, you know, whatevs. He silently waited for a response.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 3, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Light-Rune Maven
    Base for October, D'daear for November.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  14. Light-Rune Maven
    Banned for not banning banning.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Light-Rune Maven
    Banned for members that don't stay or return.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Light-Rune Maven
    Everyone seemed to just walk off before any decision could actually be made, leaving Steel in the dust standing next to Glen. Said person seemed particularly upset about their situation. Steel found that he couldn't really blame him; he hadn't really wanted to go out exploring either. Nevertheless, the majority of their comrades were long gone. Finding little else to do, Steel once again resumed messing around on his cell. He shook his head as they all ran off: If they wanted a break, they could have just said so. It seemed to him a better alternative than trying to justify one's actions with a reason that had no logic. Then again, they might find him... but he really didn't expect such a thing to happen. Feeling the awkward silence, he decided he might try to say something to his companion. He considered it for a moment before he actually said anything. "I agree with you, ya' know. There isn't really much of a reason to look here. I mean, I guess he could have always time traveled to this point and that's why no one's seen him, but..." Steel paused for a moment to consider his next words. He was failing so he naturally just kept talking anyway. "Since we can't time travel, maybe... we could..." He was racking his brain to think of something useful they could do. It took him a minute, but it finally hit him. "...Research! Yeah, let's do some research on Mickey; it seems he's well known around here. Besides, we might as well do something useful." He began to play with his phone again as he patiently awaited Glen's response.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 11, 2014 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Light-Rune Maven
    No. Sp3lling3rr0rs are not welcome here. I should know, someone once blew up at me for having some!

    But seriously; welcome. You seem like a very fun person and I hope you enjoy your stay!
    Your deposit of your soul will not be returned to you upon a premature exit: please keep this in mind!
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 6, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Light-Rune Maven


    A lone young woman walked along the road. She walked at a casual pace, as if she had all the time in the world; but with a purpose. She knew quite well that she, in fact, most certainly did not have that much time at all. However, she was determined to face the challenge before her with a clear head; slow and steady wins the race, as they say. The elevated platform had long since come into view, as had a solitary man who stood waiting for the monorail at the top. This, she deduced, must be Mitch Ailsing: The head imagineer at the "Wonderful World of Disney" theme park. As she saw no one other than he, she began to wonder about how many people could have accepted the invitation. Surely it wasn't just her, was it? As she drew near the bottom of the steps, she could see that the man was quite nervous. It was understandable, as anyone else had yet to show up.

    Feeling her entrance had been delayed long enough, she began to climb the steps to the platform: She would face every challenge herself if the situation required it of her. "Hold that car sir! I shall accompany you."
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home