dear me, i certainly hope i don't feel you. besides, you don't even know what state i'm in. ******ando. anyway, why're you letting a kid like me get to you? Maybe i WANT the reaction. kids are unpredictiable, y'know. and catch the rain... i'm sorry. i'm just a problem child.
Yay... you know my correct gender... ^_^ *flips off*
it's me, isn't it...? I'm sorry... ):
Translation: Son of Sam is a f*****g gaywad.
sorry. it's the spamzone though.
agreed. they make things sucky these days. TT_TT
your mother's brother's wife's lesbian ex's niece's husband's father's mother's grandma's sister's cousin twice removed's fave.
first, i can't be gay. i'm a girl, just like you. and you'd just love to know where i live. now just what are you trying to accomplish? Being the number one ****** of all time?
Wait, Avenge sevenfold is in the top five with flyleaf. wow that was random.
this guys a f*****g broken record.XD it's contagious. just so you know, you talk big but you can't do jack, *******. i'm sorry. i have to reply to insults. >> I'm bored.
Linkin Park, Evanescence and Green Day. In any order you want.
yeah... i think i have a mental disease or something.
Neka...? No thank joo.
what, do you need it? XD Oh yeah. I'm scared. shakin in my socks(no shoes on as of now.) btw, i could say the same for you. just trying to give advice, a**hole
speaking of which, MY thread ish there.
You're cheerful. and it wasn't me... i can't delete threads, since i'm not staff... -_- Could you be nicer? it's not the end of the world if the delete your thread. jeez, over-reacter. EDIT: and make sure if it's really gone or merged. before you go pulling out the death note.
*gasp* I'm really not the youngest here! i just noticed! ... dang, i'm ******ed. LOL
*hugs back* merry christmas. gyaugh... too...much... HAPPINESS!!
your mother's face.
he's fighting her because he's fighting her. 'Why' he says...