So in the end, this will be me ranting about my mother, but I want to see what other people think when it comes to this subject. Especially since there seem to be a lot of people on this site who no longer live with their parents... maybe they can apply it to something else or recall the past? I dunno. /rant start/Anyway. I am getting confirmed tomorrow. My grandmother can't make it and she felt bad, so she sent me money for me to be able to buy myself something. It's 20 dollars, nothing huge or seemingly too much. I could have taken this money and gone to get a couple things for the day, or maybe saved it for something at another time. I told her no originally because I didn't need the money. But you don't say no to your grandma. So today when I was at school the mail came, and my mother knew my grandmother was sending me 20 dollars. So she opened up my letter, took the money, and left to go to the store. She apparently spent the money on gas, and she said she needed gas money in order to go out and buy food for tomorrow (which I told her I didn't want a party...) I think this shouldn't be allowed, it wasn't her money. It was a gift from my grandmother and if my mom said something like "oh I'm going to borrow your 20 dollars I'll pay you back" I would have been alright with that. But my mom is not going to pay me back because "You live in my house, I let you stay here and eat here for free. I don't need to pay you back." It's seriously irritating me because in the end, I never gave her permission to have it and now she feels she has the right to it because she is my parent./rant end/ I will color parts so people who don't want to read the rant can notice the words... but other than that. What do you guys think about this? Does she have the right? I'm not 18 or anything and it isn't like she stole a thousand dollars from me, but I still don't think this is right at all. And I want to know what you all think. [this can apply to more than just money][I don't want this in Help With Life because don't worry about me, I can deal with it. I just want discussion]
I personally do not mind how this came out, but know reasons others could not like it. I have a terrible microphone at the moment and have been trying to get it fixed for a while / get a new microphone, and I really didn't want to use my bad one for singing, but I did anyway for this reason: I went to girl scout camp for 3 weeks, and learned billions of slow songs, and I couldn't find versions of this one I liked, so I sang it the way I learned at camp... acapella and with an echo. If there is anything I could fix for future girl scout slow song covers, please let me know. I'll take anything really that can help it out. [I did edit the mic to have a slight echo, it sounds way better than it did originally from the microphone]
Some of you already know that I am disappearing for almost a month to go on a trip and CIT at camp. I may be able to get online up until next Tuesday but not likely. And after Tuesday there is no possible way because camp forbids it. [Not that I had a phone or a laptop or nothing] So to everyone I bid a temporary farewell. I'll see you all again real soon... believe me it is harder for me to be disappearing for a month with lack of technology. [to anyone who wondered, Pixel won. If the kids shorten it to Pix on their own then Pix wins.] (Don't kill my characters in any roleplays while I'm gone...)
Welcome to my little gallery. I have been making graphic art for a while... but I don't think I am the best. Although I do have links to some of my REALLY old artwork (ahem) I will not be linking it all purely due to the fact I wanted to show my improvement just over the past year. Although I am willing to take requests for work, I refuse to open a shop because when I start to get work piled up I tend to try and ignore it for as long as I can... and I just don't find that fair. That and it probably won't look worth the wait. All of the artwork in this gallery was made in 2013. Maybe later I will put a section of my older work as much as I wouldn't like to. xxxxxSignatures Spoiler xxxxxIcons (I always save in a larger size for better quality) Spoiler xxxxxRoleplay Related will be added later o I have done many character manipulations, but I do not save them as images, I put them in videos. But here are a couple brief examples I do happen to have saved. o Keep in mind most of these were moving in a video. I am always happy to make character manipulations so feel free to ask for one via pm. No payment is required in any form (this isn't a shop] Thank you for visiting! All CNC is appreciated and this will be updated from time to time. Thank you~
So I am going to CIT at a girl scout camp for about 3 weeks and one of the things we do is choose a nickname for us to go by the entire time at camp. So we don't use our real names. After a couple of months have narrowed it down to Pixel and Prose, and I keep asking people and there is an exact 50/50 split over it. No seriously, I asked 100 people, so I am counting on KHV to be the tie-breaker. The reasons for each name: Pixel: I want to go into film/graphics designing when I am older and out of school, and a pixel is the smallest element in a display device. It is secretly nerdy but I guess if you picture a 5 year old singing it to call for you it sounds awesome. Prose: Since I love writing and telling my own stories I thought this would be a neat one to have and I just love reading books too. I have to bring all my AP English books to camp to read so I think it'd be funny to see me sitting around reading a book with the nickname Prose. Anyway, thank you in advance for your help, I had no idea where else to put this.
Supposed to be writing a Final Exam essay... so distracted... why did I choose Of Mice and Men
So I have two brothers who are 13 years old and 15 years old. Right now I am watching them as my parents are out and about for their anniversary. My youngest brother was meowing, running around pretending to be a cat, while my older younger brother was pretending to be a "knight who guards the cats". They were running about and I couldn't figure out the loud noises until one of them shouted: "No young cat! That way is dangerous and will result in your death!" So after listening to their adventures of the cat and the knight, I decided to grab my pink throw, tie it like a cape, grab my birthday tiara I still have, and grabbed my wooden sword and walked out into the living room. My brothers both stopped and bowed down and said, "Your majesty." I grabbed my wooden sword and "knighted" them, then turned around saying, "You do not know it yet, but your LARPing days have only just begun." and I walked out of the room. I have left my brothers in confusion for about 5 to 10 minutes as I typed this up and I just find it so funny they are so confused and concerned, because they don't know what LARPing is... they will thank me later... in their college years...
Hello & Welcome Oceanside Productions is a little production studio created by the youtube user cstar7777. The point of the studio was to allow editors by the sea to take up the name and release videos under it. It was just for fun, but no one joined up. So now it is cstar7777's studio, and each video is released "An Oceanside Production" sometimes mentioned. Out of all of that, here is the place where I (cstar) will post my GMV related posts. I will often post here asking for critique from others as well as post new videos, which I will update on here every-time I get the chance. --- cstar7777 --- Footage used:-Kingdom Hearts(All)-Final Fantasy(VII,IX,X,XII,XIII)-Sam & Max-Live Action(too many)-Sims 2 --- Videos [All Playlists Begin From Oldest to Newest]-playlists are not always up to date- "Normal Videos""Trailers""Group Projects""Gifts & Gags""Live Action""Previews""ICs/Contests""Folder of Death""Flashback Dare" If a link is ever broken / not functioning please let me know --- Q. Do you do requests?A. I do, however I am not good at editing with certain types of music. Q. Do you do collaborations?A. Heck yeah! I love collaborations! Message me and we will make it happen~ Q. What is your style of editing?A. I am a storyteller/flow editor, but I love to try out new things when I get the chance. Q. Do you edit with any anime?A. Not at the moment although I would like to. --- Always feel free to critique me in whichever way you see fit. I am always looking to improve. But know that if your advice is for me to change a clip because "you don't like it" I will not. If you want me to change a clip because "-insert actual reason here-" then I may or may not. Often I have reasons for repeating clips. <3 --- Most Recent Video
xxxI really did not want to have a straight-forward title for this topic because I wanted it to have to be understood by reading what I had to say. I would have real trouble asking someone I knew IRL because people IRL... I can't say suck but everyone knows everyone in my town. So let me actually get to the issue I need help with: x xxxI am a compulsive liar. It is really awful and I have been doing this for years, but for the past two years I have been keeping it in check. Lately, the lies have been small and not been drastically changing, I haven't lied about any events that have gone on within the past 8 months on the internet. xxxI am going to explain how bad it was about 2 years ago though. I had an honest to god enjoyment of making up tragic events in my life for sympathy from people, in real life and on the computer. There was one story I can remember making up in 5th grade, where I told people one of my aunts died in a car crash the night before while on the phone with my father. The sad thing is that I know exactly why I would make up these lies and it sickens me. xxThese lies have build up, some people forget them and never ask again, others ask about them from time to time. If they asked recently, I have told them it was a lie. But if they asked me about it 2 years or so ago, I probably expanded and made it worse. xxThe issue right now is that the friends I made in my freshman year of high school know the real me better than my best friend I have known since I was in kindergarten. xxI want to start restarting things with people, and the first person I want to start with is my best friend. She currently lives in a different town and we rarely ever see each other anymore. A lot of my friendship with her is based on a horrid lie by me that I have stretched out for years. I want to tell her the truth, I want to come clean with absolutely everything but... I am afraid. xxMost people say that is someone is a true friend they will forgive you no matter what but the lies I have told her are the foundation of our friendship. She has grown to be a strong and wonderful person and when I hear her mention the lie every now and again it hurts. I am worried that if I tell her the truth, all of the things that glued this friendship together are going to fall apart. xxI want to know if there is a good way to go about this and tell her. The emotional connection we have is just... we might as well call ourselves sisters.... I don't want to lose her... but I am worried that the lies were just so bad I have no chance... xxxxxThank you in advance for the help.
It has been 7 minutes remaining for the past 3 hours...
So I am pretty sure I am one of those proud people who shouts how I am a Bostonian all the time on this forum, but I will say anyway how I live in the Greater Boston Area. Recently (last week) we went through this whole Boston Marathon Explosion crisis where everyone was in a panic over here. Today we got back to school after April Vacation, and I got into my History class today and our teacher asked us to write a homework essay comparing the Boston Bombings to... either 9/11 or the Oklahoma Car Bombing.... In my opinion, I absolutely hate the idea of comparing two tragic events next to each other. I want to know what others think about it... Now, we don't necessarily have to discuss it at that scale. Let me give another example based on another experience I had. When I was 8 my grandmother had died and I was feeling awful and did not go to school for a week. When I got back into school a girl went up to me an asked me why I was gone and I answered honestly. The girl looked at me, chuckled and said, "Well, both my uncles died in a car crash last week and I was in school. And that was much worse." So now I will repeat myself. What is your opinion about comparing tragedies? Do you think it is natural and okay to, or are you more like me and find it just disrespectful. If my side wasn't explained enough I will write a more detailed standing on my opinion if wanted.
Roleplay is rated E10+ with elements of PG13 Totem Animal- A spirit animal that represents somebody's soul. Often attributed to their personalities or experiences. I don't want to come off rude but, you deserve what you got. Going around and disturbing an ancient burial ground? Sure, maybe you hadn't intended to disturb it, maybe you were just having a good time with your friends or strangers around you. Oh well, now you have been cursed. Congratulations. Here's the deal, you will be an animal for 20 days, not consecutively necessarily but you will be an animal. Your animal will not change, no trades, the animal is you and represents who you are spiritually. You will need to survive your environments and at times, channel your animal instincts. You will not know when you turn into an animal, and more importantly, where you will be when you turn into it. Maybe these spirits will teleport you somewhere and you will have to survive. I don't know, don't kill the messenger. I am the one who handles the magic, you will never talk to me again after this, but know what happens to you was executed by me, just orders. Sorry. But we are civil spirits, we don't kill... not directly anyway. You should all be able to survive these days... but if you don't then... Oops. You will be sent this message as soon as you are transformed, some of you may have dreams beforehand... I will send the dreams to people I choose to have it. Best of luck humans... animals... you. ------------- No godmodding or powerplaying unless otherwise instructed(which will be little to never). The animals are based on the person's personality. If you choose to be a sloth or something, they should have a sloth-like personality. Or if their animal becomes based on an experience(which may confuse people) they have to resemble the experience. I.e. Character has almost died 8 times... cat, 9 lives. Symbolism blows the mind. ANIMALS DO NOT TALK. I REPEAT. ANIMALS DO NOT TALK. However, animals can have those little traits that are imagined or fake: ie. Elephant never forgetting, being afraid of mice. Everyone lives in the same town and there should be no need to leave it. I won't stop you but stay in interaction zone(when human). I don't understand google maps too well, and won't be making the town on a map, so make up your own locations and everything, but don't go too crazy. The "messenger" will send some people private messages for nothing extremely plot changing, but more for character development sake. You never have to answer these messages. No cybering or anything overly sexual... if you start getting too close place a warning before posts. I am not your babysitter, I am your friend, and trying to have fun. Don't ruin it for me. And remember to have fun, I don't want any fighting and if you aren't having fun, maybe you should think about dropping out of the RP. 3 strikes your out, no exceptions unless someone came up IRL. No getting back in once kicked out. It's a faith thing. ------------- cstar Aiden Pearce master of keyblades KHGrl15 Username: cstar Name: Ian Zells Age: 25 Appearance(Human): Ian Appearance(Animal): African Elephant Loves: Cooking, telling stories, swimming, playing card games, telling jokes Hates: Remembering the past, holding grudges, yelling, mushrooms Personality: Ian is a family man, and likes to take care of those close to him. He likes to make them laugh and keep them happy, but he hates looking back at the past due to a tramatic event that happened in his youth-- which he cannot forgive the person who caused it for. Availability:[est] What can't they afford to lose the most: His younger sister Lilly Username: cstar Name: Caitlin Jones Age: 14 Appearance(Human): Caitlin Appearance(Animal): Chickadee Loves: Making new ideas, going out in the dark, windy days, coffee Hates: People fighting, walking long distances, being outdoors for too long, the sun. Personality: Caitlin is a relatively happy person and tries to turn other people's frowns upsidedown often. In reverse when she is sad or angry she is very angry it is with reason. She loves to be around people and hates to be alone, when she is alone she tries her best to find people again. Availability: [est] What can't they afford to lose the most: Her dream journal Username: Aiden Pearce Name: Aaron Wyatt Age: 25 Appearance: Aaron Appearance: Golden Eagle Loves: Reading, mystery, board games, winning at games, and being right. Hates: Feeling clueless, crowds, being late, parties, and people who ask him too many questions. Personality: Stubborn and a little short tempered when his actions are questioned. Holds a lofty air and tends to look down on others who fail to notice small details due to his own keen eye. Aaron can be aggressive when trying to make a point. Availability: (Mountain Time) What can't they afford to lose the most: A silver pocket watch he carries with him. Username: Master of Keyblades Name: Alex Riley Age(10-30): 15 Appearance(Human): Alex Appearance(Animal): Gray Wolf Loves: Quiet, Music, Card games, Relaxations. Hates: Too much noise, Noisy People, Overcrowded places. Personality: Alex is a quiet boy who rarely is seen without his headphone or something over his ears. He's never been known to overly socialize or hang out in a large crowd. Availability: Most Days of the week. What can't they afford to lose the most: Headset given to him from his dad. Username: KHGrl15 Name: Mira Altairma Age: 16 Appearance: Mira Animal Appearance: Mira Loves: Ballet, Drawing and Painting, Singing, and toss rifles and flags. Hates: Liars, Knitting, Negativity, and roller skating Personality: A little quiet, kind and a bit stubborn, graceful, determined and persistent. Mira is loyal and trustworthy as well as helpful. Availability: Most days of the week except Monday What they can't afford to lose: Her mother's headband and her family pendant I plan on this RP only lasting until the beginning of July. If it goes a little beyond that is fine, however this is not intended to be a long Roleplay at all. That being said... people who join have to be active. Everyone must post at least once every 2 weeks. This does NOT mean to only post every 2 weeks, this is because I know this RP is heading straight into Finals season, and 2 weeks is at least enough time for people to get their act together. If you have problems meeting the 2 week deadline(which I certainly hope isn't the case) please message me and I will help you out. 03/30/2013: Roleplay Concept Thought up 04/01/2013: Introduction/Planning Finished 04/07/2013: Trailer Finished / OOC Posted 04/16/2013: Welcome Aiden Pearce and master of keyblades! (Send me a message if you want your RP placed here) Will be updated as questions or missed things are discovered [04/07/13]---White in banner images currently being fixed ---There can be more than one person to an animal. [04/16/13]---This post is useful please read.
"Why does war exist?""Because child, peace is a dream."*__________________________________________________________* InformationEach Chapter of Hidden in their Eyes will be released in a "whenever I feel like updating" schedule for the moment. I hope to keep it as active as I can. This story is a split narration between four characters. A bio will be added in this section when each are introduced. There is no definitive order which character's chapters will be released and when. *__________________________________________________________*Characters Myrrh Olibanum Aurum Daneal x Olibanum Love is a "citified Clannie" with a heightened sense of mind. She was taken away at age six to be trained for the A.C.C. Normally she tries to keep things cheery but is not afraid to kill the mood when it needs to be killed. Her original name was Minnow Aurum is a Citi, and is also the son of the leader of the A.C.C. At current he appears to be a loyal and obedient citizen of Metro, whose only goal is to be the son his father wants him to be. His birth name is unknown. Daneal is a Clannie of the Epoh clan who ran off at the idea that his family was wiped out. His original name is Zachránce. *__________________________________________________________*Secondary Characters Tulip Giuda Tulip Kings is Olibanum's aunt who raised her after her mother died. She cared for Olibanum so much that she almost gave up her own son to save her. Eventually she gave her up to the A.C.C under the impression that everyone in their clan would be killed. Giuda Alexander is a Citi with a passion for reading and writing. His father is a record keeper and Giuda is proud of him for it. He is currently under the training of the A.C.C. thanks to a deal his mother never completed. *__________________________________________________________*Weapons/Abilities Beocht Beocht is a multiweapon. Constucted and used by the Epoh clan for generations. This weapon folds out into a sword, a bow, a gun, two knives, and an axe. Attachments for bullets, arrows and throwing stars are on top of the weapon, but Beocht is used more as a sword. It has a strap so it can be carried on someone's back. *__________________________________________________________*Introduction: 1/4The girl with lying eyes------- Fire. Everything was burning the night they attacked my family. I was only five at the time, but I remember that day every time I see a child with fear in their eyes or a small candle being used to light a room on a dark day. The smoke was engulfing me and I sat there holding in a cough. They were looking for survivors, and I was one of them. I heard the occasional footstep and panicked at the noise. I heard one come closer and pressed flat on the ground and pretended to be dead. My eyes were closed, but I heard footsteps stop and walk away. "Neahm." The voice was cracked and awful sounding, I could not track it down no matter how much I looked. "Neahm, daughter. Over here." My head looked around quickly at the recognition of the voice, it was my father's. I stood up quickly and ran around looking for him. To my despair, I found him bleeding on the ground. His right arm was gone and his face was swollen up. I knelt to the ground and touched his face. "Where is Zachránce?""I locked him in the safe room.""You should be with him." I pressed my head against him and cried, "I needed to find you and mom..."He smiled at me and reached his left arm out and grabbed his weapon, the weapon, Beocht. He held it out to me and spoke, "As my eldest, I give you our family's artifact." I pushed it away and shook him saying, "No father! Rise! You will not die... You can't die!"He placed it down and grabbed my hand softly and said, "My time is at it's end, save your brother, honor our clan."His hand fell from my face as I cried, "No father.""Shh." The footsteps approached almost immediately as I looked in fear in the direction they were coming. I was in shock, I should have done what I did the first time... but it was too late.There were two men from the opposing clan heading our way. They saw me immediately and charged at me. The rest was instinctive, I picked up Beocht and changed it into a sword and fought them until they both fell dead. Although I was only five, my father had trained me to defend myself as soon as I had aged 3. There were more footsteps coming, and I couldn't keep fighting. I was already weak. I ran back over to my father, who's breath had stopped. I did not have time to do anything, I had to get to my brother and protect him....
I wrote this poem in fifteen seconds. It seems wasteful but for that fifteen seconds I went through my mind, looked at my memories, and it felt like eternity. All I needed was that fifteen seconds to feel at peace. Note: CnC is appreciated, but I really did write this is 15 seconds during a day at school. I modified a couple words from the original because the "at peace" part was originally "cry inside". It was during a day I felt sad, but every-time I look at this poem I feel like it should say "as peace"
I really hope I stay here for a while because in March of 2011 I said I was gonna and you can see how that turned out... yeaaaah. Anyways, Hi! I'm cstar7777, or cstar. I'm 16, which was the age I 'pretended' to be in 2008 when I first started.... huh... I find that interesting at least. I'm a GMV editor, if ya doing know what that is it's a Game Music Video editor, but if ya do know what that is sorry for wasting your time. I was originally on here in the RolePlay forum, that's probably where I'll end up again but I recently became obsessed with making graphics soo... I never know.... Hello again, I hope to meet some new people and have a good time... now I better go and re-read those rules... CAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FORMAT IS ANYMORE -falls-
Guess who's parents decided to take them to the beach TODAY... -sighs- I don't like to swim so... I was kind of stuck on a beach towel, so now I'm purple.
Hi, I've been gone for a while, talking to people on here on occasion but not being back fully until today, so I'll re-introduce myself. Hi, I'm cstar7777, call me cstar it's easier. I'm 14, my favorite color is still blue and I'm going to hopefully be very active on here. Did anyone miss me? because I certainly missed some of you. :D
I'm back and I actually know what I'm talking about! Does it really take a year for someone to realize how stupid and naive they sound on forums?
Who knew Shakespeare had something against lawyers...
Spoiler So is the name of the new game 'Reconnect Kingdom Hearts?'