I'm not entirely sure how to handle it anymore, it's getting to the point where I don't want to come home but... where am I supposed to go? I just always feel like I can't say my side anymore without getting screamed at, and in the end I never get my point across. My mother basically... expected a lot from me. She keeps telling me, "I could be the greatest student ever but you ruined yourself because your so goddam lazy." And I admit to being lazy, but she's starting to pull comments that are starting to hurt. I basically have average SAT grades, average school grades. I'm an average student in the end... my mom talked to a "professional" the other day to talk about my chances of getting into colleges. Apparently I am, "Not competition in any way." and that if I were to apply against somebody around my level have little to no chance of beating them. She's carried this over and blames me for my brother's laziness too. Always telling me "oh because of you they see you and decide oh I'm not going to do my stuff and they fail too" And this is far from the truth and I know it, because both of my brothers have learning disabilities anyway and they're doing fine if she ignores the numbers and looks at the whole. But she keeps pounding and pounding these thoughts into my brain and I just... I feel like I am a failure now. I feel like she might be right and I don't know what to do. I feel like I've dug my own hole and I might not get anywhere now... This was more of a vent than asking for help... so if you have nothing to say, let it be, it's just good to get this out there.
Okay I need people to hear me out on this one because I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get the same reply from a lot of people and I truly do understand it, but I want to kind of explain my thought process because this is a question that has been popping up in my life a lot more recently and well... I'm not going to explain everything that has gone on but here are a couple things that have happened. Spoiler: Trigger Warning About a week ago a 7th grader in our school system, one who is very well known for being rather... promiscuous, was raped by a high schooler. The girl did not tell authorities or her parents she messaged her friends. One of the high school guys that was good friends with her came into the school and freaked out on him and then they got into a pretty bad first fight. There's more to this story but I'm not going into detail. The other story goes like so: A few weeks ago these two girls got into an argument about something mundane and it escalated into something worse before one of the girls responded by insulting the other girl's sister for her disability, and the other girl (the one with the sister) responded with a punch to the girl's face. Again, there's more to this story but the details don't matter. The thing I want to know is, when do you guys think it is justified? Honestly... for me it depends on the particular situation that is going on. The examples I listed... I actually feel their physical responses was justified. Now that just might be because of my views on these situations but I feel like these two people (the girl who punched received multiple ISS's and the guy who started the fight above is suspended and being charged with assault) are getting more heat than they deserve. There are of course cases where people fight and I just shake my head and ask myself, "Why did they do that?" and in these cases I normally do not agree with violence... it's hard for me to truly explain my feeling for these topics. So what about you all?
My teachers say some weird ****. I'll quote some of the more memorable quotes of the week. Music: "Yes, and Susan B. Anthony is the only American woman to be featured on our currency." "What about Sacajawea?" "She's not American." "..." "WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS-" "I don't... I don't want to get into a debate right now." "We all march to the beat of our own drummer... except we are in band. There is no such thing as an individual while we have a percussion section." History: "I'm sorry to tell you there will only be two grades this term. Now I know some of you probably just freaked out but if you decided not to do your work. You're in AP. You're going to fail. Sucks to be you." "Why do we call them smartboards if they just keep doing really stupid things.." (random kid) "Is it calibrated?" "...maybe I'm not the smartboard." Woodshop: "I'll be back faster than you can say Ticonderoga." "The chickens have hit the fan." "What?" "DO I NOT SPEAK LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOUR IPOD BROKEN EARS." "COLLEEN." "Yo?" "HAVE YOU GOTTEN WOOD YET?" "What?" "Wrong question...PENETRATION?" "WHAT?!" "Have we successfully allowed the wood stain to penetrate the wood?" (random kid) "Do you do this on purpose?" "What do you mean?" Chemistry: "Huh... just when I thought nothing could surprise me anymore, there's a kid named Gullible on the roof..." (class looks out the window to see) "Now that you have met Gullible please look back at the board." English: "I need to publicly apologize to all the kids who noticed the website on my computer yesterday it was... not appropriate..." (silence) (random kid) "Wait so why is watching The Hangover in school considered inappropriate?"
Why?! It's scaring me why would you do this to me.
can i gets da pink?!
sources: yahoo news not quoted, but I recommend reading this one, as it goes more into detail. abc news It's a couple says old now, but this actually terrifies me in more ways that one... why would someone feel the need to post as a high school student? Why would they lie about something like this? Is it something wrong with her head, was she bored? They said there was no financial problems. It just baffles me. What baffles me even more about this story is the fact it took THAT long to figure out? There was no way for them to have figured this out beforehand? Here in Massachusetts you have to go through extensive background checks if you transfer. So how did something like this even happen? Anyway, what do you guys think of this story? Why do you think someone would want to go back to high school posing as younger than they are? How do you think this managed to happen for this long?
Where did it all go wrong...
Happy Birthday Tommicchi!! why do all our conversations turn into this
Is there any type of rp in particular you would like to be made? Do you want to see if any other people would also like to see that rp? Please go ahead and say it here. Please note: this is NOT an interest thread for an rp you have already in the works. However please post in here if you have a particular idea and want to see if others would join it. Example of what to post: "I would really love to be in an rp about the Keyblade war. Anyone else interested in that type of RP?" Example of what NOT to post: "I am making an RP about Final Fantasy X, please tell me if you would be interested in joining!" Note: this rp is not supposed to be an idea shop like Maka's or an idea development thread. This thread is purely to say, "Hey guys, I would love to see an RP about cats." or "Anyone else want to see an rp involving dogs?" This thread is intended to help people come up with full ideas for RPs based on current interest. If an idea gets 3 people interested, it will be put in the "Ideas many are interested in" section. There is no need to cite this thread for your rp, but if you do that is fine~ RP Ideas many are interested in! RP Ideas Mentioned! Ideas currently being used x -Dark Survival/Horror -Space RP(2) -Star Trek -Keyblade War (2) -Harry Potter -Bordertown series -desert-like setting, western (crossover) x note: please avoid making only one suggestion. And please keep on topic. If someone mentions an idea and you want to develop it, don't develop it in here. Leave this thread so it can be purely ideas.
LET US ALL TAKE THE DAY CELEBRATE STARDUST AND "ROAST" HER. no not really but let's party~ @Stardust
I know it is here somewhere, this was the last place I saw it.
Oh no! Microsoft is Ending Support on April 8th! What do I do‽ -flails arms frantically- Have no fear my friends! If you are seeing this message and are worried how this will affect you, here is the basic rundown: -No more security updates shall be made. -No more technical support shall be given by Microsoft. This does not mean that your Windows XP is going to just stop working on you. What this does mean is your computer is not protected and is at risk of being vulnerable to viruses, malware, spyware, all the fun stuff. So, you are probably thinking one of two things as an XP user: "I should probably do something about this before it's too late." or "Meh... let it be." and while both of these attitudes are natural, steps should be considered to make sure everything is safe. "So, what should I do about it?" Well, there are two ways you could go about it... 1. Update your computer to a more recent operating system (most sure way to keep everything safe.) "But I don't have the money for that..." 2. Prepare for lockdown. This topic will specifically cover the best ways to survive the upcoming death of Windows XP support, without having to go out and buy a new computer. But here is a warning: There is NO guarentee that these tips will absolutely keep you from having issues. If you do not think you can handle the risk, upgrade. It'll cost you, but in the end it will end up worth it. I personally recommend updating to Windows 7 if need be. Now let us get started: 1. Make sure you have Microsoft Security Essentials and Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool. -Although you may not necessarily need to use them, it is great to have these tools ready for battle. They will still be supported by Microsoft until July 14th, 2015. Which gives you about a year or so of support left. However. You must have this tool downloaded by April 8th or the download will be gone forever. Microsoft Security Essentials is basically an anti-malware program, which although most people who have it don't use it, is good to have so when other programs stop supporting Windows XP it can still help to protect. 2. Have an Antivirus program or Firewall program! -First off, if you didn't already have one of these, you should be ashamed! I recommend a couple of freewares. Avast, Avira, COMODO. (as a bonus, a good spyware detecting program is excellent to have. I recommend Spyware Terminator) Make sure to perform your scans more frequently. If possible, a quick scan every couple of days and a deep scan every month. 3. Be mindful of what you download! -Even if you think you have it all figured out. You will really have to be careful after the end of support. If possible, scan your files before downloading, or if you can't, only download from places you trust. 4. Stock up on hardware/software you may need. -Once they are off the market, they are gone. If you need something to keep your computer alive and you can't find it on the Internet, then you'll run into some trouble. So while it is still circulating get your hardware! Software may be easier to find that hardware after some time, but it is best to stock up on it while you can. 5. Back-up your important information/files on your computer and place into onto a back-up disc in case anything happens. You should have been doing this anyway but if you are sticking with XP it is better to be safe than sorry. 6. Accept Windows Updates Before April 8th, in case anything happens you would still have time to call for support! Make sure everything is fully updated as soon as support ends. You can still access old updates that already exist on the Microsoft site. Sources used(not already cited): Microsoft Website for End of Support. Article on digitaltrends.com Background and basic information I already previously knew, or asked my dad, uncles, and tech friends to help with. Good luck with surviving. May the odds be ever in your favor.
I feel like I am the only one who ever had problems with this program no matter what type of system I try to use. I was using skype perfectly fine for a good amount of time when suddenly Skype autoupdated. So I went onto skype after disconnecting from the internet, shut off autoupdates, and logged back in. I think it is just my computer being mean, but it is still taking up most of my memory on my computer as if it is trying to update. I've just had it with this program. (This isn't really supposed to be a help thread, it is just me raging about it.)
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I wanted to get this off of my chest and see what other people thought. Everyone has a right to their opinions on the matter, and I find that this does get some constant arguments when I hear people talk about it. I thought more about the subject after the new movie Frozen came out (no spoilers for the movie plot or anything, just the song I will be taking about). There is this beautiful song in the movie called Let it Go. The message of the song is gorgeous, and it is easily my favorite in the movie. In the movie, the song is sung by Idina Menzel, and it brought tears to my eyes by how much emotion was in her performance. I like the way the instrumental of the music is, and there is something about her voice that just grabbed me (granted Idina Menzel did this in Wicked for me too). The beginning was a bit nasally for my taste, but I still liked it. In the credits, they played a covered version of this song sung by Demi Lovato. I personally feel this version is... okay. It isn't in any way bad, in fact Demi sounds fantastic, but it doesn't have the emotion in her voice that I liked. The instrumental I didn't really love either, it tried to make it more upbeat and good for radio, even though the original pace was fine. Now I'm not here to rip on this song, I am here to talk about pop covers in general, and this wasn't the best example, it was the one on my mind. So I will use another song as my example. I take you back to Aladdin, with "everyone's favorite song" A Whole New World. Now, I honestly wasn't entirely fond of the movie Aladdin, but I really loved this song. It was just an overall fun song. I loved the singing voices, Aladdin's voice bugged me sometimes but I loved the overall sound of it. I never got emotional over it, but it was a pretty song. Now, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson's cover of it... I honestly hate. I think it is droned on too long, the voices are regular pop voices, and it bored me. I felt like this version was done just to cash in on the fact that people's favorite pop singers were singing a popular song. So... overall. What do you guys think of the Disney vs Pop Cover debate? I guess my answer is a general "I don't really love the pop covers, but they are okay."
How about now?
Spoiler: The Object of Discussion Seems pretty innocent huh? A rather simple meal. It's even simpler than you'd probably think. It is literally a package of premade fried rice, I just like adding egg. So I added egg into it and fried an egg and put it on top... I was feeling a little fancy. IT IS A DECEPTIVE IMAGE. DO NOT TRUST IT. Now, it is 1 in the morning here, I started cooking at around oh... 1:10? Finished around 1:25. It is a 15 minute meal at the most, and it could probably be a whole lot easier then that. Now let us start the story about how everything that shouldn't have gone wrong. Went wrong. I finished a small conversation about how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, and left to grab the rice I had been defrosting for... 2 hours I'd say? It was really frozen. I get out there, grab all the (food supplies) I needed, lit up the skillet, and let it warm up. I tore open the bag of rice and poured it in, and threw out the bag. I don't ever read instructions, and this is where things start to go wrong. First, my dad freaks out because he heard the pilot light, and I said to him, "Oh don't worry, it's just me cooking." and he laughed. I shrugged and said, "Well, I know it is 1 in the morning, but I need to eat." And my dad shook his head and said, "It's not that, it's just that you can't cook to save your life." This is a very true statement. And then he says, "Would you like me to help you?" and I said, "It's only fried rice and egg, I don't think I can mess it up that bad." ...as soon as my dad left the rice was a decent enough heat to add egg, so I did so. And I cracked the egg and it broke all over the place. None of it landed in the skillet. So I cleaned that up quickly and added in another egg, but I accidentally got shell in it, so I picked out the shells and then smelt burning (don't worry no people were harmed... physically) I freaked out because I thought the edamame was burning and shut off the skillet while still stirring it(the egg cooked in at this point don't worry) and I tried to plate it... but for some reason there were no spatulas in the kitchen. So I went on a frantic search to find one just chillin there in the living room, I picked it up, washed it off, tried to get the fried rice out of the skillet. Have you ever seen rice just fly up in the air and land halfway across the kitchen? I managed to plate the rice and then decided to fry the fried egg, but for some reason the egg was not cooking, so I turned up the heat a little, and the whites spread a little bit and hissed. I put up the heat again, it kept doing this. I finally stopped myself and backed away and the YOKE EXPLODED. Yeah, have you ever had that happen to you? This was a new experience for me and at this point I look like I had cracked an egg on my head or something. I finished up with frying it and got it plated and washed down everything in the kitchen. Cleaned up my hair, finally sat down, took a bite. While the eggs were cooked nice, the edamame I could have sworn I smelled burning, was frozen. The rice was cold and it just... UGH. so in the end I decided to just dig through the trash and read what I did wrong because it was ridiculous.... "Instructions on how to cook in a microwave oven."
http://www.dothaneagle.com/enterprise_ledger/news/article_7b3ce8f8-2a07-11e3-bf89-001a4bcf6878.html ...may he safely return home... I had to look up newspaper websites across the country and write an assignment based on structure of the website... but this is apparently big enough news for the front page in Alabama... I couldn't just let it pass by me with no acknowledgment.