We edited these videos in an hour. @Aelin FireHeart @⋆cstar⋆ We both had a lot of fun. I think. I had fun. Gabi was having fun it sounded like... ...now who's was better? [votes aren't public :D]
@Aelin FireHeart Here's a picture of your favorite cinnamon roll. I made it just for you. May our days be as sweet as our sephy sweet treat. cstar. ps. please don't kick me out of bed for this.
Hey, so I started realizing recently that I've been listening to a lot of the same songs lately... or same types of songs. And I just have not really had the motivation to really go out of my way and search for new songs to listen to so I figured... why not ask everyone what they're listening to or what their favorite songs are, just so I can get some new songs to listen to and possibly find new artists and genres I didn't know I was into. I'm making the playlist on youtube, and making a little google doc that says the name, artist, what the genre is, (if applicable) whether or not the video has a big part in enjoyment of the song, and (if applicable) if the song is more of a song to listen to ironically. I know I'm putting this in spam zone, so I am prepared for ironic or meme type entries in here, that's fine. It would be nice though if you could tell me which of the songs you tend to listen to more ironically. So plugs your favorite bands, plug your favorite songs, plug your own songs, give me songs you hate to love or love to hate. Or just... don't give songs at all. But I will have the playlist and google doc available for anyone who just happens to also want to use it. I already put some of my personal favorites in there for anyone who would like to give those a listen. If I somehow max out the youtube playlist, I'll make a second one. I'm.. not sure I'm worried about that though. Thanks guys so much in advance. o7 Note: if the song you'd like to rec is not on youtube, just provide me a link and I'll find it, probably buy it if I have to, and add it to my personal dropbox mix instead. Google Doc Youtube Playlist
There are hundreds of voices in my head.
do you ever just say "only five more minutes" and actually only take five more minutes? like, not on something scheduled, but on something for pleasure. "yeah I'll only play this game for five more minutes I can play more tomorrow" or "I'll watch 5 more minutes of this movie and pause so I can get food, it'll be fine" or "I'll chat for only 5 more minutes, then I'll take a nap or go to bed" or maybe just "mm, still sleepy, five more minutes of sleep" before setting an alarm. I mean, I said only five more minutes of coming up with some horribly bs'd comment for this thread, and it's only been four minutes at this point? Iunno, I'm not tired. I'm just bored. Anyone got something better to talk about. some good memes, maybe something actually funny that doesn't drone on? mmmm
"Oh, you need Jewels for that too?" Why I Uninstalled UX after 280 Days of Play. I am going to begin this by first stating that everyone will play this game in different ways, and it will probably be much different than my personal experience with Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ (Or rather, Kingdom Hearts Union χ). I went through this game in a manner that would probably actually be considered Hardcore rather than Core as is listed on my profile based on just how much time I have spent on this game especially on the weekends. I have decided to start with overall, what I found particularly fun about this game, and why I ended up on here longer than I probably should have been. Now, a lot of this is going to end up readdressed in my next section, because with any constantly updated game there were changes that ultimately ruined this whole thing for me. What I Really Like About KHUX:Avatars: I really like the art style. I know quite a few people who hate the designs of the characters in this game but I like it, it has a very “cute” look to it, like it is trying to have a playful design due to the (at first) playful nature of the game. I like most of the outfits, some are just… bad, but I found myself enjoying choosing what my avatar wore. The Medal Levelling System: It is not easy to get this at first I will admit. When I started, I had no idea how to make the multipliers higher or what the most cost effective way to level would be. But once I had it down, I got it. They later introduced the “Nova” system, which would be based on the percentage you would get for maximizing your medal’s special attack bonuses (also known as “Guilt”) and it felt very rewarding to try and get as many medals max level as possible. My Nova level ended at “199” before I uninstalled, which I’d say is good for someone who had no idea what they were doing at first. The Challenges (Daily Challenges, High Score Challenges [mostly], and/or Organization Medals): I found these a welcome break from quests and raid bosses, some having strategy to them I could not find anywhere else. And the Daily Challenges were usually not very hard and would net an easy ~200 jewels a day, which is ALWAYS welcome in this game. My personal favorite challenge was the Alice in Wonderland challenge which gave an Alice & Cheshire Cat medal, not because the medals was anything I found myself using at that point but because the challenge was a lot of fun, it was a maze that the cards gave hints for the directions to take. You could just do it wrong and power through the helicopters if you were too powerful, but I did not have that kind of power so I took it the expected way and it was fantastic as a result. Most of these types of challenges I found to be fun, they got me thinking about my medals or how I went about my route. Proud Quests (For the Most Part): The introduction of Proud Quests made it so the player did the same quests as in ‘standard mode’ but with a twist, you were locked with one type of keyblade and had guidelines your medals had to meet to pass the challenges. These were made under the assumption those playing were already pretty powerful and into the game far enough where they were equipped with high level keyblades and medals. This brought the ‘strategy’ effect into place that I mentioned in daily challenges, thinking more about what medals were being used. Even if I want that powerful attack, I might not have a way to recover my Special Gauge so I need to find something that does a similar effect for less, under the guidelines. Things like this made the game fun for me and brought me back a lot. I only finished to Proud Quest 71 before I quit. What I Do Not Like About UXFor this next part, I am going to split these problems into three parts ‘avoidable, somewhat avoidable, and impossible to avoid’ AVOIDABLE: I Don’t Need Phone Space Or Anything: The size of this game is very large. My phone can only hold about 5GB of space which, I’m aware for a phone these days this is small, but for me this game takes up almost half of that space. I had to manage my phone files constantly to keep this game going, and I ended up choosing the game over taking photos with my phone. Other people may have larger phones, or can get an SD card and worry less about this than me, but this was an issue for me in particular (size of file for me ended up 1.68GB) Raid Boss Grinding is a Bore: You could go your entire life without experiencing the Raid Boss Grind, you really could. Other than it being a nifty way to gain a lot of lux quickly, so you can level up faster, it is not necessary to your progress. For me, it became the common part of gaming due to the KHV community’s Weekly Leaderboards, trying to climb to the top of the leaderboards by getting as much as you can. And you might be able to do that for in game rankings to, that was not my motivation, it was the spirit of competition between friends. But really, the raid boss grind is an endless loop of “use medals to get rid of the raid boss’ health, if you die do it again, if you beat it, summon the next one”. Raid bosses did not have a strategy to being defeated in the way that bosses in the Quests did, you just did as much damage as you could to it by using the latest hard hitter medal on your friends list (or if you were lucky to pull and guilt it yourself). The intent behind it was to have a group fight that resulted in your party working on the same raid bosses together, but this seldom happened with me and ended up with me sitting there for up to 20 minutes trying to destroy the raid boss by myself (I would say kill but the word kill is censored in UX). MOSTLY AVOIDABLE: Jewels, Jewels? Jewels?! JEWELS!!: Jewels is the in-game currency that works in a similar way to Farmville Dollars… what I’m trying to say is you get a small amount in game and you may or may not have to shell out a lot of money for jewels if you want to keep on top. And you need jewels for EVERYTHING in game. You want the newest medal that is just objectively better than anything you’d ever get for free in this game: Jewels! You need to raise up your inventory space so you can hold those medals you’ve been grinding for? Jewels! Your AP runs out (on the off chance you actually do because almost every week is a 0 AP week) but you’re knees deep into the game and don’t want to have to wait for all that AP to restore? Jewels! You want that avatar board because it has a Magic Gem and you already got all the free ones in game you can get for now? Jewels! And nothing is ever super cheap either. You can get 5 inventory slots for 100 jewels which isn’t too bad, but the better medal pulls are around 3000 jewels, the avatar boards are around 2000-3000 jewels. Yes, some pulls are cheaper and some avatar boards are cheaper, but generally they are not. Jewels fortunately can be accumulated in game without payment, so you may not end up having the game become a money sink if you’re wise with your spending, but when the wait gets grating, be careful. High Score Challenges, for the higher tier rewards: You see that there’s a large gap in prize cost after you find yourself miraculously pulling yourself through the high score challenge without multiplier medals (medals that give a boost to your score, often tied to the current medal pull). But that free medal looks really nice, you just need to get 10,000,000 points in the high score challenge. But wait, you’ve already beaten all the enemies, how would you: wait, you need to have a 100% or more multiplier to even get anywhere CLOSE to that score? Well shoot, that means I need to get that Roxas medal that’s I can get after… oh this weeks medal pull doesn’t guarantee the medal after five pulls. Guess I’m not getting that free medal, huh? GET THIS MEDAL PULL FOR ONLY 2400 JEWELS THE FIRST TIME THEN 3000 THE REST: These have gotten worse, then better, then worse, then better. Originally these Medal Deals included any medals you could pick up in the game for free, and you were guaranteed the medals after 10 pulls (basically if you weren’t lucky and didn’t pull them in the first 9 and got the guaranteed 10th, you just spent almost 200-300 American dollars on jewels. Eventually this was changed to none of the free medals in the pulls and guaranteed after 5 pulls, which is still a little over 100 dollars American if you are not lucky in the slightest. There were different types of daily medal deals created afterwards, like the “Falling Price” deal which makes the cost lower after each purchase but there’s no guarantee of a medal. There was also the occasional deal where the person was guaranteed the medal each time, but only once a day for a certain amount of days, still the full price. Yes, it is understandable why a paid medal will be better than a free medal, because someone is paying for it, but the issue stems from the fact that these medals are often required to get some free medals. So these medal pulls often ended up where all your jewels went. But if you wanted a medal that could restore gauges, you probably had to pay money for it. UNAVOIDABLE: Medal Special Effects and the Constant Crashing of the Game [especially in Union X]: Medal effects are an option that cannot be turned off, and if your phone sucks you will lose out because of this. I had the fortune of getting a rather rare medal for having pulled an Illustrated Terra one week, and I got an Aqua Terra Ven medal. It was great, it was a 0 special gauge medal in an era where this was uncommon, and the effect constantly crashed my game. The flashy effect they used would lag the game until it auto-closed. The issue for a while could be solved by avoiding using that medal in certain quests, but once union cross was out, this was something I could never escape, and I heard from many others the same thing kept happening to them. Combined with multiple player’s medal effects, my game constantly lagged and I knew there were days that using a medal would make me lose out of the quest. If they found a way to turn the lights off it would save that, but it may or may not be tied to the player animation, which due to timed challenges is necessary because some medals have a longer time to use than others. I just had to stand still during Union X quests many a times and become a healer… which leads me to. Union Cross, and the Most Unteamlike Teamwork Ever: You run in with a team of six people and you are going to be of no help to any of the others. There are no medals that give team healing, team buffs, or debuffs to the boss the rest of the team you can use. It is under the guise of a multiplayer but the team work is basically a real time raid boss. Times challenges in these quests may be the only thing multiplayer is actually helpful for. You need to defeat 100 heartless in 2 minutes? Pssh, yeah just split the party and get all the large groups and you’re all set. Otherwise, everything is just a mess with Union X. You are not grouped by level, so as someone who was max level by the time Union X went out, I was stuck playing with people who had to be at least level 20… heck, maybe even less than that. Which is really helpful since they generally do not know how the mechanics work and you end up having to resurrect them more often than you really should be [some people just leave them to die, I don’t have the heart for that… I mean, at least until it gets to resurrection 4, then I might leave them.] Perk systems, and how they ruined unique costumes: I mean, unless you enjoy looking like an abomination, the perks system really ruined what was special about the costumes. I was someone who would invest in particular costumes because I loved the look of the outfit and wanted to wear it. I’d do quests for hairstyles, I’d finish Coliseum Boards for the monthly costumes, I had a blast with it. When they introduced perks, they made it so abilities were locked to specific costume pieces. This meant if you wanted to have a better chance at summoning Omega Raid Bosses, you had to wear an outfit made entirely of items with that ability. Same with skill perks. And almost none of them were matching outfits. There really was no point to going for outfits once this was made, except for the fact you didn’t know which pieces might have a perk, but I never wore outfits I wanted to because of this system. A Personal Tangent About The Plot of KHUX, and Why I No Longer Find it Worth my Time [there are spoilers up until Quest 615 and Backcover is sprinkled in there for good measure]: I did not playing Kingdom Hearts Chi. And I have bare minimum knowledge of Kingdom Hearts Chi. Under the assumption with was a different story, and it very much is, but it’s… pretty bad. You’re playing as a player avatar who is introduced to Chirithy, this adorable cat-like companion who aids you on your quest to collect enough lux for your union. It starts off with about 350 quests of nothing really plot relevant, just a bunch of Disney travels until it thrusts you into plot… for a moment before disappearing again. Whatever the overarching plot is supposed to be, it is sidelined by the Disney worlds which go on forever, and result in outright boredom until OH WOW THEY MIGHT HAVE MENTIONED PLOT. Japan is much further ahead in terms of plot, but from where I was, you meet a friend named Ephemer who is on his own personal mission separate from the unions, and he disappears. You try to figure out what happened to him with a new friend (who happened to also be a friend of Ephemer’s) named Skuld. You find out about Ava’s plan with the Dandelions, and how she made Ephemer their leader, and you are offered a place with them. You refuse… and… that’s it for the plot right now. Yep. What I said in these two paragraphs is all the main plot has accomplished. Oh wait, there was a brief spar between two foretellers you witness at one point but you don’t follow them to figure out what it’s about. I… assume it’s one of the fights that happened in backcover. Of course, Backcover has nothing to do with the plot either. It details what’s up with the foretellers but that doesn’t directly effect UX in any manner other than “yeah this is probably happening”. There is something that pops up, where other characters are turning into these heartless and Chirithy’s are going dark. It barely taps into that before taking us to Cinderella’s world to make her a dress. Ya know, cause that’s important. It also feels as though they are not sure what to do with presentation either. For a while, your character is this silent avatar until you start speaking 400-500 missions in. It doesn’t know how dark it wants to get, how involved it wants your character to be in the central plot and it’s really annoying and it loses me. Maybe there are people who like this plot, but I find the plot to be the weakest part of UX overall. This is it, my wall of goodbye to UX. I won’t say the hours I have played were a waste, but they are just not enough to keep me here. Even if they managed to fix multiplayer or the plot got more kicked off, I’m not coming back to this game. I’ll look up summaries instead. It’ll save me time, money, and space on my phone. I may be gone, but I’m sure the journey for others will go on for much longer. Best of luck. My wall of retirement: Spoiler: Images Entirely
This topic is not for the screamers, I actually am curious if there is an actual explanation as to why some people dislike pineapple on pizza, as someone who actively likes pineapple on pizza. Why do I like it? Well, I think the pineapple makes a nice compliment to everything else on the pizza. I find the sour taste of pineapple to break the homogeny of the rest of the flavors. Cheese and bread have a similar kind of taste to me, and normally the tomato sauce which offers a sweet flavor will help to break that, but sometimes I need a strong flavorful taste on pizza and pineapple does just that for me. Now, I've had pineapple on pizza in multiple ways and it doesn't always work. For example, the one time it didn't was when it was on a pizza that had barbecue sauce on the top and it was not very good to me, there was just too much going on. But when the pineapple is paired with ham I think it works lovely. I assume the reason most people do not like pineapple on pizza is because of pineapple itself. In this case, have any of you a substitute for me that achieves the same effect as a pineapple on pizza? For I have yet to find one. Please explain your stance on pizza in the more gratuitous and language wasting manner available. And remember that I did actually put this in debate corner. So I am actually expecting something.
Hello everyone, and welcome to our first ever Community Meeting! With these meetings, we will discuss the current state of a community event/activity and see what can be kept, changed, or improved upon. Any and all ideas are encouraged of course (as long as they abide by our rules), and at the end of the meeting, we will have a vote to put in these changes. This first meeting we will be discussing the KHV Chorus/Karaoke Night. We will be touching upon the following subjects: The schedule of Karaoke Night The themes/song choices for Karaoke Night The state of KHV Chorus, and the want to see more collaboration projects again The Achievements System Sending in lines/mixing Potential other projects KHV Chorus could tackle How each Karaoke Night is presented (Youtube/KHV Radio/Discord) The Rules of KHV Chorus and Karaoke Night We will be holding this meeting based on when the majority of those interested can meet. We understand time zones are a problem and we apologize if we cannot accommodate for all time zones. Some of you might have to slug at a late night/early morning time. Please provide your best schedule for the meeting if you are interested. We expect the meeting to last at least 2 hours. It is quite possible it could take less or more time than that, (especially more). If you have to leave early or come in late, that is fine. But just so it is known, voting will be at the end of the meeting Please note: The meeting will be primarily held in voice chat on the discord server. However, a chat will be created for those who cannot speak and someone will keep summary of what is going on if you cannot join the voice chat at all. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thank you, have a good day!
This roleplay is cohosted between @cstar @Aelin FireHeart @CrownMoksha @KHGrl15 It is 150 years into the future. The plot of Kingdom Hearts III has already happened, and well, Sora lost. The worlds were consumed by darkness and really there was nothing they could do about it. However, despite the fact that it’s 150 years in the future, time has stood still. There are people everywhere who have no idea what to do. In this big realm of darkness, a coffee shop was made. No one is fully sure who made the coffee shop, in fact some people say the coffee shop might be enchanted, or even haunted. But some people decided to set up shop here and now it is a hub of activity. Where crazy stuff happens without warning. There is a rumor that has spread that a new organization is being made to wipe out everyone who is not happy with the realm of darkness being, well, dark. Some say Xehanort is behind it. But some say it might actually be Xehanort’s evil daughter who can control time. The coffee shop owner, Tifa Lockhart, has decided she wants as many heros as possible to come together to defend everyone from these evildoers. Rules: 1. Keep it PG-13 2. No killing other characters unless you are given permission from the other rper. 3. Characters from anything are allowed 4. OCs are allowed 5. No godmodding or powerplaying 6. Members of the organization are first come first serve. There are 13 members (~maybe~) OC Forms Existing characters please just link image and character name. username: name: gender: age: appearance: weapon: element: Accepted Characters: cstar'sXion(kh), Xehanort(KH), Xehnaort's Daughter (OC) Aelin's Tifa Lockheart(ffvii), Touka Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul), Riku (KH) Mok's Roxas (kh), Noctis (ffxv) KHGrls'sPrompto(ffxv), Luna (OC), Chrom(FEA), Yosuke (P4) to those who haven't caught on, this rp is a loving satire of 2007-2010 crossover rps and the shenanigans within them. it is meant in good fun and not supposed to be taken seriously in any way, shape, or form. Please have fun, we hope you will have a good time for the more than likely short time it exists.
ooc thread The darkened room. This seeming cave of wonders covered in dark. It wasn't a cave but with everything destroyed inside and how dark everything so appeared, it might as well have been. Within the darkened room were ten young ones. Well, relatively young. At the very least everyone was under the age of 25 and from the looks of them they seemed as though all of them had their own hardships. Well, at the very least they were suffering their current one. On the ground, knocked out. There was a destroyed machine in the middle of the room. It looked like it was a large cannon like structure at some point, but now it was broken beyond repair. Metal fragments were scattered and those in the cave were lucky that no one had been injured by the pieces of the metal. The machine was cold to the touch at this point. As was the cave. Which is probably what began to stir everyone awake. In the air, little swirls of purple and black floated gently in the air. And as people woke up, there was a noise echoing from the distance outside of the cave but more importantly. There were other people there, that you couldn't remember. In fact, you couldn't remember why you were there. So it was probably best that you get that sorted out first.
So my brother is telling me that apparently when I die, instead of spending too much money on my funeral, we're having a weird action move style viking funeral according to liam, we will first throw my body into the back of a garbage truck, make sure it's crushed, and as it drives away we will have a russian spy in a red dress and stilettos is going to shoot the truck with an rpg and blow up the truck and we will all salute. apparently, this is all directed by michael bay, and my brother. I need a better plot.
You awake to find yourself on the cold, unforgiving ground of what seems to be a cave of some kind. It is dark, and upon looking around you begin to notice others are on the ground with you. You seem to wait to react until the haze in your mind clears: Where am I? How did I get here? Who are these people? But the haze never clears and you are left with a feeling of dread. You look to your clothing to notice a little pin on your shirt with a number marked in roman numerals, and everyone else seems to have the same thing but with a different number on it. These circumstances are extremely confusing to you, even scary. Why can’t I remember anything? What is this badge? There is a broken machine on the ground in between all of you. What in the world could that be? And the dark seems to be… moving? You begin to realize that the wisps of dark and purple colors in the air are moving towards the exit of the cave, they are not just the lighting of the cave, it seems to be its own thing. But on instinct you know it is best not to venture forth alone. You get up and wait for the others, hoping they can help piece together the puzzle. They can’t. Not yet. 1. No godmodding, powerplaying, or metagaming. 2. In this roleplay, people will be given roles which will determine what memories they can remember and what essential part in the story they play. Do not. Do not. DO NOT. Tell ANYONE else what your role is or what memories your character remembers in private chats. If you remember something and wish to roleplay them explaining it, that is completely fine. But if other characters somehow know things they should not know, I’m going to be really disappointed. 3. Keep conversations PG. Please pull back on the swearing. Try and pretend you’re playing a character in an actual Kingdom Hearts game. However, I will allow the usage of “hell” and “damn”. That’s it. 4. This roleplay will be semi-literate. Try and post a paragraph or two each post. It gets hard sometimes, I know. But that’s half the fun. 5. Fights will not be handled in a formal battle system. They will instead be handled in a written style similar to brawl missions in Kingdom Hearts SOS. If you do not know what this is, I will have an explanation below. 6. Be respectful of each other, this should be a fun time away from real life stresses. Don’t make it a problem. 7. I reserve the right to add and subtract rules as I see fit. Before each battle commences, a cutscene will begin. A large indicator will be placed explicitly saying “cutscene start!” and the enemies will be introduced, or dialogue will be exchanged. When a cutscene has begun, the cutscene will last for three days roleplay time, or shorter if players determine the cutscene is complete. It will just start on the third day regardless of whether or not it was finished. This will give the chance for people to react within the cutscene and make it their own thing. When a battle begins, everyone will start with battle points (BP), the starting amount is 20BP for everyone. Each BP is equal to about 20 words a battle point used. If you were to fight a shadow, a shadow is worth 5BP. You could beat 4 shadows in one turn. Each person can post once, each round’s length will be determined based on the schedule of the players, but generally one round will last one day. After the round has passed, the enemies will attack with a horde attack. The horde attack will be specified at the beginning of each battle. Each person starts with 20 health points (HP). If someone is knocked out during a fight, a player can use their BP to heal. The maximum they can use is one-fourth of their BP, each BP equaling one HP. Parts to the battle system are LOCKED right now. They will be unlocked through progression of the story, and the explanation will be placed here. Starting from the time this has posted, everyone has until Saturday, February 4th, 2017 to post a “enrollment form” and be rolled for a critical role. If you do not want a critical role, you do not need to! But if you would like a critical role, you must post the enrollment form before that date! If you post the enrollment form afterwards, you will be rolled for a non-critical role. Non-critical roles are important, critical roles are just one of the more important roles! Also, if you are rolled for a critical role, you might not get one. You are just giving the “okay” to role you for a critical role. Thank you! Spoiler: Enrollment Form Username: Preferred Name: General Schedule: Time Zone: Roll me for critical role: y/n PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT THE OC FORM UNTIL I GIVE THE OKAY. THE ROLE WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU BEFORE YOUR CHARACTER FORM SHOULD BE CREATED. Spoiler: Character Form Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Rank: Keyblade: (free rein, use whatever custom/existing keyblade you like!) Homeworld: (if available) Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Other: Username: CrownMoksha Preferred Name: MoK or Moksha General Schedule: I'm around 90% percent of the time unless something unexpected comes up Time Zone: The only one that matters (EST) Roll me for critical role: Si Username: Glen Preferred Name: Glen General Schedule: Available 10am-6pm every day except Thursday. Thursdays I'm available from 8pm-9pm, these times are in AEST. (UTC+10 according to Google). Do note I'm not usually on Skype or Discord for those hours, those are just when I'm available so if I'm needed and not online just hit me up on facebook messenger and i'll be sure to respond asap. Time Zone: Listed above. Roll me for critical role: Y Username: Usagi Tsukino Preferred Name: Tay General Schedule: IDK my schedule at work is never set so generally, after work until I leave for work I"m available (whenever online on skype) Time Zone: CST -6 Roll me for critical role: ye Username: Aelin Fireheart Preferred Name: Aelin or Gabi General Schedule: All afternoon/evening Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. All evening Wednesday and Friday Time Zone: PST Roll me for critical role: Yes Please Username: Skyheart Preferred Name: Skyheart, Sky, Skaia, Tom. They all work fine. General Schedule: Sleep schedule has been pretty erratic recently but for most of them day and an hour or two into the AM is a safe bet for now. Time Zone: EST Roll me for critical role: y Username: Captain Arch Preferred Name: Arch General Schedule: Mornings and evenings Mon-Thurs. Free most of the time on Friday and Saturday. I'm here for sure though during mornings and later at night on weekends. Time Zone: MT Roll me for critical role: y Username: Fearless Preferred Name: Fearless General Schedule: Lol who knows Time Zone: EST Roll me for critical role: Yea boi Username: HeartlessOfLight Preferred Name: HoL or Nick. Whatever's easier. General Schedule: Free most days, mornings and late evenings. Not a set-in-stone schedule but that's typically how it goes. Time Zone: EST Roll me for critical role: No. I'd rather not risk being given one only for unforeseen life things making me wind up being less active or worse. Username: tamale Preferred Name: tale General Schedule: S: Available all day after about 2pm M: Available in the morning until about 12:30pm, and the rest of the day after about 5pm T: Available all day after about 4pm W: Available all day after about 5pm T: Available from about 4pm-6:30pm, then the rest of the night after 9pm F: Available all day S: Available all day Time Zone: ET Roll me for critical role: No Username: O.KnightofTwilight Preferred Name: Light General Schedule: My work schedule isn't really set either, though I generally work 9 hour shifts of 8-5 I get on to check the site every day and I generally have plenty of time to post, with the exception of Sundays and Wednesdays, though I generally have a good amount of time then as well. Time Zone: CST Roll Me For Critical: Sure. Go for it. I. Kara II. Chrystopher III. Chloe IV. Chrono V. Xen VI. Daeni VII. Alder VIII. Relli IX. Marley X. Cerdic
OOC Thread For over a thousand years, the Holy Tower of Lazophel kept its dominant space in the highest point of Tekal. Perhaps it became so common place, people did not look to it in the everyday, just assuming it was something as certain to be there as the sun in the daytime, and the four moons at night. The tower was not exactly gone, but the burnt outer sides were wrong. They did not belong in the grand scheme, and they were noticeable to the point where it was like a wound to some people. No answers had been given to anyone over just why the Tower was attacked. Only a few knew exactly what happened, the rest was shut to the world out of fear. If one’s eyes followed the tower downward towards the city, Lazophel was a marvel on its own. The high streets just by the tower were surrounded by advertisements and news pieces, highlighted on a seemingly holographic screen. People were crowding around the news ones, as some of those in the high streets may only ever be able to watch TV when out on the town. Hoping to hear some form of news on the tower fire, or perhaps to hear news on the engagement of Giada Maragos and Lucien Seibel ☯. Either way, the crowds were still there most of the day through, as the city never particularly shut down at night on the market side of things. The further down the path one would take, they could see the houses slowly turn from a high-tech style, slowly to simple houses and huts with not much special about them. Perhaps someone would have something out of place, or maybe a garden out front, but it was almost as if walking backwards through time. As the houses changed into older forms, nature also began to creep its own way into design. It was very subtle in Lazophel, if one were to enter the outer regions, houses may have been made entirely out of trees or covered in vines, but not here. The most one would get is a garden roof or grass everywhere in the lower folds. At the outer edges of Lazophel, an inn sat just at a cozy point across from a stable and just next to four travel supply shops. This well kempt and busy building was known to all who frequented as the Fall Inn. Nothing was particularly special about this inn, the owner: Vinnie Tarns might say otherwise. Perhaps mentioning several times how his bread bowls were the best in town, or that the mead was the cheapest for the quality. No one who went often was going to fight him on that because they were going to go no matter what. Inside the inn, were many a man having their post-work drink, as it was around 7pm and while high market hours may run later, most laborers preferred closing before nightfall. And it was winter, nightfall came much sooner than one would prefer. The bar was full of patrons, and all the rooms were booked. It was the perfect setting for a rather discreet meeting to take place, as the volume was loud enough for eavesdroppers to not listen, and quiet enough for the details to be given. The bell on the door of the Fall Inn rang as a young man, aged around 26, walked up to the front. There were customers waiting in line in front of him so he impatiently tapped his foot before choosing to look at a letter he had received. The letter did not detail exactly what the news was, but the seal of the Vegh was not faked. If someone managed to fake a high-clan inkan☯ it would be highly unprecedented and extremely illegal. He looked for the only detail that was asked of him, or anyone who received the letter: The man walked up to the front, and the woman waved her hand and said, “I’m sorry sir, all our rooms are booked.” And the boy quickly hid the letter away and smiled, “I already have a room booked: the one with the paneled bookshelf." The woman nodded and said, “Well then, come along this way.” The man was led upstairs to the rooms and brought to a larger room at the very end of a long hallway, the room was empty, but the bookshelf was there. The man looked confused but once the door was shut behind him, the woman walked up to the bookshelf and knocked on it gently, the bookshelf opened, clearly being an exit only door. A larger man, with darker skin and a long broadsword stood with his arms crossed and analyzed the person before saying, “Come this way.” And leading them inside. The bookshelf closed and the younger woman returned to her space at the entrance to the Fall Inn, waiting for others who came asking the same thing. If one wishes to read lore, each time a page is updated with a new lore section, the symbol: ☯ will be placed next to the text that has received a lore section. The Lore Section is located within the OOC thread.
Yeah, I know, a KH RP. Surprise. But I actually wanted to know if people would be interested in the general concept. So the overall idea would be that a group of people wake up in this one place with no memory of how they got together, some people having far less memory than others. Their heads hurt but the realize they all have one thing in common: they can all wield keyblades. And on this world they are all present on, an overwhelming amount of darkness seems to be present, spewing out heartless and causing chaos. There also seems to be a person behind this, someone in robes who seems to be in control of these heartless, and everyone is some way feels a connection to them. So it's up to the team to find out, through broken memories and all, how to defeat this bad guy. And along the way try to piece back together these broken memories. I like the idea of there being a whole mystery side to it as well. I wanted to give out roles for people, which would effect what information they got and how it affected the overall RP. It would be great to get more people on this rp than less, if there were only 4 people I'm not sure if the plot would work. But I didn't want to write it up unless I knew I had people interested in this. So, with my bare-bones explanation, what do you think?
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure/Drama Rating: PG-13 There was smoke coming from the Holy Tower of Lazophel Its great height at the center of the overreaching landscape made it so that absolutely no one could have avoided seeing it’s fire, and those beyond the Tekal could see its smoke. Commoners and nobles alike stood in wonder and horror asking themselves who could have done such a thing. Were the High Families at war once more? Atop the highest mountain of the land, a woman stood watching, donning gray robes which flapped in the breeze. She had a smirk on her face, as if she knew exactly what was going on and was entertained. Swooping in from the horizon, a raven flew past and above her. The woman turned to look the blackened bird with familiarity. They perched themselves on a tree before transforming into a younger man with raven hair and red eyes. Within his hands, he seemed to hold a talisman of some kind and he jumped down from the tree and approached the woman. Once there, the boy took a knee as he held it out to her. “My Lady, I have recovered the artifact of the Novenun Family. I made sure to leave quite the scene as well. As far as the people are aware, the Novenun Family has now backed down on their end of the treaty.” The cloaked woman took the talisman in her hand and examined it before smiling, “Excellent work, Sior. You have far surpassed my expectations, and you will be rewarded.” Walking close to the two from behind, another man with long blond hair and silver eyes approached. He towered over the other two, and the height disparity was more apparent the closer he stepped, “And just how do you expect them to not take it as grand theft and instead a withdrawal, Avindi?” The woman smirked and turned towards the blond and replied, “The Novenun family has been in a rather large disagreement with the High Family council for quite some time now. And since they just departed for the Serpentside, it is the perfect time to frame them. They are cut off from communication, and if any family decides to break treaty in any way, a war will begin. Besides… the war doesn’t need to happen, just the stability needs to break. And with the Novenun artifact in our possession, the seal will not last long.” Avindi gripped the artifact tightly, turning her head back towards the distance to witness the smoke and flames, “I will assure it for myself when the time comes that the Second Raid will not fail.” A possible war among the High Families is on the horizon, after the sudden and violent dissolve of the Novenun Family from the Treaty of Lazophel. The High Families long ago banded together, during a time of hostile invasion, to seal the barriers between worlds to prevent from being invaded and destroyed. With one of the High Families appearing to disband, and taking their part of the seal for themselves, their magic is beginning to dissolve. In a panic of sorts, the Vegh clan decided to put together a random group of those not affiliated with any clan to head towards the Serpentside in search of the Novenun family. This randomly put together party however, are unaware that a simple diplomatic mission is the beginning of a much more complex tale, one that may lead them to become new legends of their world, whether they wanted to or not. The World The Holy Tower of Lazophel Magic High Families The Union of Giada and Lucien High-clan Inkan The world on which we stand is named Tuthauhothri. No one tends to refer to it as that, as this world is very continental. The other continents are much smaller. There is Ezi, Qilan, and Unilo. Then of course there is Tekal, the high continent. The other continents are separated and their affairs are their own, but if anything happens to the world, Tekal tends to take the representative role. The major threat to our world, are the breakings of dimensional seals. It is not as if we are fighting demons, but sometimes they seem like true barbarians. Their goal seeming to be to deplete the world of what is here before destroying it. We have not managed to make technology to cross over the barrier, we can only prevent it from being broken through, and it is through more classical means than science. Those belonging to this world would know it was the center of ancient knowledge, treaties, and a symbol of hope and unity for the continent of Tekal. The realm once plagued with much in fighting and war, when the major families of Tekal had their own interests and goals in mind and would do anything to achieve them. These wars had been interrupted when the Grand Raid of Zann began. The High Families decided to settle their differences for the greater good, and the wars were put to an end to destroy the invading Zann. The Tower was built as a symbol of unity, and the main location for the seals that ended the raid. Lazophel soon became a hot spot of magical learning and technological development, where even the other continents wouldn’t dare destroy for fear of the potential weaponry within. This realm has magic, but you cannot learn magic you do not naturally gain yourself. There are the Physicai, Emotai, and Extrokai. And each person only gains the use of three magics in their sect. Physicai are modifications and manipulations than can be done to the body. Emotai are powers involving emotional/mental manipulations. Extrokai involve manipulations outside of the body. Most gain lesser powers and do not worry as much about growing them due to the world’s reliance on science. If one were to maximize their power’s potential, it would involve extensive physical training. Each person gains three powers, the first power is a family power. This is usually most times (but not all times) gained from the mother and is shared by the entire family. The secondary power is a personal one, each person has their own unique power. Some people may share the same power, or even share their secondary power with another family’s existing one. However, the secondary power is always less powerful than the family power. The third power is another personal one, gained after a person has fully developed. Their power tends to be adapted from the lifestyle of the person. Whether it be connected to the initial power or not. If a person was born in a family that holds one sect (Physikai, Emotai, Extrokai) of power, they are automatically going to have all powers be from that sect. The Nine High Families control the world. Or rather, what is known as the High Families. The number was dropped slowly, casually people may deem this due to the fact it is just one less word and easier to mention since most know there are nine. However, the real reason is because there are only Eight active families. While nine had banded together originally, the ninth family: Tamaza [Extrokai], was massacred. The family could not withdraw on their own from the treaty, so the family is still recognized in official agreements. The following families are those that are currently active: Maragos [Extrokai] Vegh [Emotai] Novenun [Physikai] Macedo [Physikai] Sidabras [Physikai] Griswold [Emotai] Basseches [Emotai] Seibel [Extrokai] Each family controls their own territory, with lax guards on it since the end of the Grand Raid of Zann. All of them have their own particular mastery. Maragos with crafting. Vegh with education. Novenun with agriculture. Macedo with military. Sidabras with mining. Griswold with trade. Basseches with religion. Seibel with cartography. The Tamaza family, when present, had their mastery in the arcane arts. The Maragos and Seibel families were families that while not close, shared no rivalry between each other. However, a recent conflict between the families caused quite a calamity more so with the common folk that were rivals rather than the families. To put an end to the rest, the families agreed to marriage, which the Seibel were not completely fond of. This on traditional terms would mandate the loss of the Seibel’s eldest son, Lucien. The reason this seemed particularly harmful was due to the loss of the Head Family’s two other sons, Alain and Fiacre, in the prior four years due to sickness and murder. The Lesser Seibel’s considered this a threat more than a union. When the Maragos had been clarified on the situation, they agreed to give their daughter, Giada, to the Seibel family instead. An outcry was still being heard from the Maragos, as Giada Maragos was a very talented sculptor and her work was bringing a new generation of families wishing to learn Maragos craftsmanship. The current news on the family is that they are attempting to find a home that is close enough to Maragos crafting hubs for Giada to still work for her family, but children would still be born under the Seibel namesake. Despite the political end of it, Giada and Lucien are in fact happy so far, despite the arranged marriage it was. Their relationship has been pushed a lot more in the news, with updates on Giada’s dress and the wedding location, to keep people’s minds off the issue with Lazophel. The less eyes on it, the better the crowd control. While high clans are not the only ones to receive inkans, only high clan inkan is enchanted with high level extrokai magic that requires the family to activate the seal with their own blood. It is a stamp seal that is in the shape of the family name and works as professional and personal signatures. There is the one that is only the last name usually used for official documents, and another with the first name included for personal documents and signatures. It has happened in history where a family will have their blood stolen and seals stolen to forge documents, but it is impossible to not leave a trail if this is the case, and once the family catches wind of the forged document everyone knows it’s forged in minutes. » Please abide by KHV and RPA rules. Swearing is allowed to be slipped here, and any sexual and violent themes that pass PG-13 rules should be put in spoilers. If things get too hardcore, it doesn't belong, and I won't allow it. » The idea of this RP is to explore a new world. Please feel free to contribute to it with something your family may have. » Please read the magic tab of lore at the very least to understand what a magic type is. Please. I have placed out specific rules for each type of magic. If you can't figure it out, message me. Skype, Discord, KHV, whatever you feel like. But if I see anyone just randomly say "water type" magic on their OC form, I'll know you didn't read it. » You can have up to two characters. The journey will be separating you from most NPCs you would be able to control. » This RP will be semi-literate in responses, but there will be optional lore reads. You do not need to know the lore to understand the plot. But if anyone wants to indulge in my world building and contribute, it's optional. » There is a posting deadline. This journey is supposed to have a feeling of urgency. The RP journey will be taking place over the course of a month. As such, each roleplay day will be equal to 9 days real time. It technically is seven days, but two days will be allotted for plot wrap ups. This means your commitment to the roleplay will be roughly 270 days, with possibilities of extensions bringing it up higher. Less than a year, if you will. Days can also end early if everyone agrees to end early. Days will start at 6pm EST/EDT, and end at 6pm. This can be subject to change. » Godmodding is a no. Powerplaying is a serious no no. And metagaming will get me super sour and I might actually make you delete your post and write a new one entirely if you do it. » Respect each other, yo. » I reserve the right to add and subtract rules as I see fit. Username: Name: Age: Magic type: Power 1: Power 2: Power 3 (if applicable): Appearance: Occupation: Weapon: Bio:
a beik has two axels kingdom of hearts 2 has 2 axels kingdom of hearts 2 is biek
Hello everyone, I decided today to give our library of games a big inventory sweep. It, was a little disheartening in a lot of cases to find stray games inside boxes that they didn't belong in, or boxes with no games at all. But overall I think this was a fun experience. Cstar why are there no PC games? Well, quite simply the answer is, I either don't own that many, or the games my family does play are online games. This includes free-to-play games downloaded onto our PCs. Yeah, we do have some. But a lot of them get lost around the house because of how many computers we own. Rather than stress out about it, I've chosen just to leave it as open and unlimited. Why is it a WIP? We have other systems we didn't get to today, and some games we KNOW we have that are just lost in the void right now. But these were from the place I knew we absolutely had the games. I also will be doing handheld games at another time. Why are some of the games italicized? We have a lot of game boxes without games. This means we had to have owned it at one point, and people remember that we owned it. But we currently do not have it. We do have other games we owned for a time, but these ones we still have the physical boxes for. PlayStation Gamecube PlayStation 2 Xbox Wii Xbox 360 Xbox One · Aquanaut’s Holiday · Blue’s Big Musical · Descent · Final Doom · Frogger · Martian Gothic: Unification · Midnight Club 3 · Miss Spider’s Tea Party · Oddworld Abe’s Exoddus · Play with the Teletubbies · Railroad Tycoon · Stuart Little 2 · Theme Park · Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation · Tomb Raider II · Tomb Raider III · Warpath Jurassic Park · Wipeout XL · Xena Warrior Princess · Action Replay · Alien Hominid · Animal Crossing: Population Growing · Avatar: The Last Airbender [2] · Batman Vengeance · Bomberman Jetters · Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2 · Call of Duty: Finest Hour · Die Hard: Vendetta · Driven · Ed, Edd, and Eddy: The Mis-Edventures · Fairly Odd Parents: Breakin’ Da Rules · Finding Nemo · Frogger Beyond · From Russia with Love: 007 · Godzila Destroy all Monsters Melee [2] · Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets · Hitman 2: Silent Assassin · Hulk · Karaoke Revolution Party · Kirby’s Airride · Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures · Luigi’s Mansion [2] · Metroid Prime 2: Echoes [2] · Metroid Prime [2] · Naruto: Clash of Ninja · Naruto: Class of Ninja 2 · NASCAR Thunder 2003 · Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 [2] · Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island · Nicktoon’s Unite! · Open Season · Pac-man Vs/Pac-man World 2 · Pokemon Colosseum · Rayman Arena · Robots · Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku · Scooby-Doo! Unmasked · Sonic Mega Collection · Soul Calibur II · Spiderman · Spiderman 2: The Game · Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab · Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom · Spyro: A Hero’s Tale · Spyro Enter the Dragonfly · Starfox Adventures · Starfox Assault · Star Wars Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III · Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II · Street Hoops Vol 2 · Super Mario Sunshine (Regular and Player’s Choice) · Super Smash Bros Melee [2] · Tak: The Great JuJu/ Challenge · Taz Wanted · The Incredibles · The Legend of Zelda: Collector’s Edition · The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker · The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King · The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age · The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers · The Polar Express · Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland · Wallace and Gromit in Project Zoo · WarioWorld · ALIAS · Dawn of Mana · Final Fantasy X · Final Fantasy XII: Collector’s Edition · God of War · Godzilla Unleashed · Grand Theft Auto: Vice City · Guitar Hero 2 · Jackass: The Game · Kingdom Heart II · Kingdom Hearts · Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories · Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty · Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater · MX vs ATV Unleashed · Rampage: Total Destruction · Smackdown vs RAW · Smackdown vs Raw 2008 · Smackdown vs Raw 2009 · Smashdown vs Raw 2007 · Soul Calibur 2 · Taiko Drum Master · Big Bumpin’ [2] · Dead or Alive 3 (Platinum) · Dinotopia: The Sunstone Odyssey · Doom 3 · Dragon’s Lair 3D: Return to the Lair · Enter the Matrix · Evil Dead · Exhibition: Demo Disc 4 · Fable · FIFA 07 Soccer · FIFA Soccer 2004 · Forza Motorsport · Freaky Fliers · Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde · Godzilla: Save the Earth [2] · Grabbed by the Ghoulies · Halo 2 (Limited Collector’s Edition) · Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban · Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb · Kung Fu Chaos · Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend · LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game · LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy · Mad Dash: Racing · MX Unleashed · Myst IV: Revelation · NAMCOMUSEUM (Platinum) · NCAA Football 2003 · Ninja Gaiden Black · Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee · Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat · PocketBike Racer · Raze’s Hell · Return to Castle Wolfenstein · Sega GT 2002 [2] · Shadow the Hedgehog · Sneak King · Soul Calibur II · Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy [2] · Spongebob Squarepants: Lights, Camera, Pants! · Spyhunter · Spyhunter 2 · Spyro: A Hero’s Tale · Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Platinum) [2] · Star Wars Battlefront (Platinum and Normal Version) · Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith · Star Wars Jedi Starfighter · Star Wars Starfighter Special Edition (Platinum) · Star Wars The Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds [2] · Superman: The Man of Steel · Syberia II · Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams · Taz Wanted · The Bard’s Tale · The Bible Game · The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind [2] · The Hobbit · The Incredibles · The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring · The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers · The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oodie’s Revenge · The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (Platinum) · Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell · Turok Evolution · Urbz: Sims in the City · Voodoo Vince · World Series of Poker: The Official Game · Xbox Music Mixer · Animal Crossing: City Folk · Battle of the Bands · Crash of the Titans · Donkey Kong Barrel Blast · Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter · Endless Ocean · Escape from Bug Island · Family Feud Decades · Glee Karaoke Revolution · Godzilla Unleashed · Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock · LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues · LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures · LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga [2] · Link’s Crossbow Training · Metroid: Other M · Metroid Prime 3: Corruption · Monster Mayhem: Build and Battle · Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution · No More Heroes · Pokemon Battle Revolution · Rampage: Total Destruction · Smarty Pants · Sonic and the Secret Rings · Spiderman 3 · Super Paper Mario · Super Smash Bros Brawl · The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword · The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Regular and Nintendo Selects) · The Sims 2 Pets · Wii Fit · Wii Play · Wii Sports · X-Men Origins: Wolverine · Aliens vs Predator · Assassin’s Creed · Avatar: The Game · Banjo and Kazooie · Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts · Banjo Tooie · Bioshock Limited Edition · Borderlands 2 · Call of Duty 2 (GOTY Edition, Collector’s Bonus) · Call of Duty: World at War · Deadrising · Dead Space · DOOM · Doritos Crash Course · Dragonball Ultimate Tenkaichi · Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon · Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion [2] · Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim · El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron · Fallout 3 · Fallout New Vegas (Regular and Ultimate Edition) · Gears of War 3 · Grand Theft Auto IV · Halo 3 · Halo 3 ODST · Halo 4 · Injustice: Gods Among Us · Jetpac Refueled · Just Cause 2 · Kameo · Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning · Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary · Left 4 Dead (Platinum) · LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga · Lord of the Rings Conquest · Mirror’s Edge · Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition · Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe (Platinum) · Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm: Generations · Peggle · Perfect Dark · Perfect Dark Zero · Plants vs Zombies · Resident Evil 5 · Saints Row: The Third · Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space · Sam and Max: Save the World · Skylanders Giants · Soul Calibur II: HD Online · Soul Calibur IV (Platinum) · Super Meat Boy · Super Street Fighter IV · The King of Fighters XII · Tomb Raider (GotY edition) · Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 · Viva Piñata! Trouble in Paradise · Viva Piñata! [2] · Ark: Survival Evolved · Battlefield 4 · Battlefield Hardline · Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 · Chivalry: Medieval Warfare · DC Universe Online · Deadrising 3 · Divekick · DOOM · Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited · Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition · Fallout 4 · Gears of War 4 · Goat Simulator · Goat Simulator MMORE GOATZ Edition · Grand Theft Auto V · Halo 5: Guardians · Halo: The Master Chief Collection · Killer Instinct · Killer Instinct 2: Classic · Killer Instinct: Classic · Knight Squad · Megaman Legacy Collection · Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (GOTY Edition) · Minecraft Xbox One Edition · Mortal Kombat XL · Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 · Octodad: Dadliest Catch · Oddworld: New & Tasty · Outlast · Peggle 2 · RARE Replay · Roblox · Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell · Saints Row IV: Re-elected · SMITE · So Many Me · Star Wars Battlefront · Sunset Overdrive · The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth · The Crew · The Long Dark · The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season · The Wolf Among Us · WWE 2K16 · Ziggurat Noteable Game Boxes/Covers that I personally thought were cool/interesting/funny: Spoiler: I liked the Final Fantasy XII Box... Spoiler: You know what's awesome? When Def Jam isn't Def Jam Spoiler: I also really love this Resident Evil 5 one. Spoiler: And the Halo 2 Collector's Edition Spoiler: I thought the box was a special kind of sketchy Spoiler: I also felt this really made my collection dated af
do you ever completely forget everything you said in the past few hours. and all you can remember are a few buzz words and the only help you get are "uuuhs" or laughs. ya know? How bout that weather?
Was curious since we're a while in and everyone's got their keyblades and medals at this point. I'm not gonna post all 3 sets, I'm just gonna post my preferred sets (one is bit different because of a raid boss event as I'm writing this) Spoiler: Starlight Spoiler: Treasure Trove Spoiler: Lady Luck Spoiler: Three Wishes Spoiler: Olympia Spoiler: Divine Rose
And by that I mean a disappointment. But truthfully I've been suffering today. Sometimes you just need to look back and remember what a horrible, naive little **** you were. Now, come with me into a world where all you feel is pain: Spamzone 2009. https://kh-vids.net/threads/question.87036/ for the lazy, some prime quotes. Suffer with me.... View attachment 45681