Here's mine: 4253-4771-9428
I'm up for a couple rounds. Just stumbled upon this article and was surprised. A series I've read for all these years is coming to an end. I might not like it as much as I did in the past, but it still brought me some enjoyment over the years. Thanks for the memories, both the good and the very very bad...
Been a while since I said I'd dig out my 3ds. XD Here's my friend code for my 3ds. 4253-4771-9428
Just unlocked every character and stage and since everyone seems to be posting their codes I guess I post mine again as well. XD Edit: Whoops, forgot to post the code. 4253-4771-9428
Here's my code if anyone wants it. Edit: Oh well then.
I'm up for a couple rounds of myself being annihilated. Just working on unlocking the chars and stages.
Yeah, they started right before summer started. I'm just wondering if anyone has had a bad experience with it.
I just took the chance and bought a couple of games of the walmart website. Can't find anybody's testimonies on it online so I don't know if their service was any good or not. Any of you guys ever bought a used game from walmart?
Sorry, got some smashing to do that day.
Sorry, sick at the moment.
Good news I've stopped sneezing, but now my nosed is stuffy. Might have to do that, the medicine I had for the last time I had a cold is almost gone.
I've been sneezing all day, and it's starting to get annoying. Dx
Such wonderful octane nonsense. XD
Aizen in a nutshell... Spoiler
What's this now?
Weird threads in the spam zone?! MADNESS!!!
I finally tried out the hdmi link between my ps4 and tv and now they can turn each other on. I thought my mind was blown than, then I found out I could control my ps4 menus with tv remote... Spoiler
Spoiler 400 days did nothing for the story as a whole. It did give us Bonnie...if you call that a plus...but as a whole all it did was give us cameos of the people you convinced to follow Tavia. burnitup pretty much hit the nail on the head in regards to your question.