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  1. Garxena

    Who's awake!?

    it's 2:0something in the morn where we r ( princess and me are up and hyper!) and who wants to Spam chat with us? :D :D :D starbux rules!
    Thread by: Garxena, Feb 20, 2008, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Garxena
    Archwood College is a prestine college that accepts only the best of the best. It's a school for refining your magic and combat abilities. The school has an excellent reputation... except for the stories of the missing girls. Archwood has never accepted twins since the last time they had. The headmaster believes that it's the fault of the twins for the mysterious happenings. Archwood College is located far from any civilization and only the headmaster has a phone. Students are allowed cell phones, but reception is hard to get in such a desolate area. This year, however, a pair of twins has slipped through inspections and who knows what will happen now!

    1) Yaoi/Yuri is allowed ^^
    2) Minimum cussing
    3) Fights shouldn't arouse between students, but if one does, their shouldn't be a death unless permission is granted by the player of the character
    4) Only two sets of twins (one girl set and one boy set) and you cannot play both twins (first come, first serve)
    5) If there is a 'complication' with someone else on the thread, please take it to a PM and sort it out there
    6) Character must wear the uniform of green and white (but if you can't find a pic with that kind of uniform, that's okay. just know that the character will be wearing the uniform anyways)
    7) Four characters max

    Twin: (yes or no; if you are a twin and you come in second, take the same pic as the first person did [ask them for the code in PM])
    Age: (18 at minimum since it's a college)
    Other: (like personality)

    Headmater- Anyone can use the Headmaster

    Girl Twins-
    Name: Raven Tsuki
    Twin- yes
    Age- 19
    Background- She and her sister are very close. They don't keep secrets from each other and depend on each other in all situations.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Other: A bit nervous to be going to Archwood, and superstitious so she believes in the stories about the missing girls.
    Name: Aiko Tsuki
    Twin: Yes
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Background: She and her beloved sister are very, very close. She will always protect her sister in combat. She will always help her sister out in any situation.
    Appearence: : [​IMG]
    Other: She's really happy about going to the Archwood. She's trying to cheer up her sister, not to worry about the 'fantasy' tales about the missing girls.

    Boy Twins-

    Name: Takeshi Uchira
    Age: 19
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Background: A detective,sent to investigate the dissapearance's at Archwood college.
    Other: Since he is under cover he cant be as open and friendly as he usually the moment he is aquiet,calm,smart,thinking on his feet kind of guy.
    OOC: No

    Name: Shinjiru
    Twin: no
    Age: 18
    Background:She is excellent at far and close combat. She has two katana that is belted on her hip.She also has a gunsword that wraps around her back
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Other: She hates being misunderstood. Other then that she is a kind and sweet girl, but she slightly short tempered.

    Name: Nami Hitsuya
    Twin: yes
    Age: 19
    Gender: female
    Background: Akari was afraid to go to this school because of the superstitions but it was the only college she could get into. It is her first year of college.
    Other: She is shy and get nervous easily.

    Name: lynn
    Twin: Um maybe but I will have to think about it
    Age: (18 at minimum since it's a college)
    Gender: Female
    Background: Unknown(sorry lazy and tired right now xD)
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Other: shy

    Name: Lavara Milina (nickname: Lavy)
    Twin: no
    Age: 18
    Gender: female
    Background: came from a large, wealthy family. The youngest of 10 kids so her parents didn't pay her much attention, she didn't get along with other girls so she just hung with guys. Now she is almost always mistaken for one.
    Appearence: View attachment 1456
    Other: shy around most people but has strong opinions. A complete romantic but also a complete tomboy.
    Thread by: Garxena, Feb 16, 2008, 479 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena

    Long ago, battles raged between Humans and Hybrids. Their battles came from arguments and eventually turned to all out war. Humans looked down upon Hybrids because they were different from themselves. Hybrids were merely Humans with animal DNA, which altered their appearance. The most common Hybrids were wild cats, wolves, and birds (particularly ravens or red tailed hawks).

    One Hybrid, named Amaya (16), lost both of her parents to the war. Her Familiar cat, named Tayuya, and herself were the only ones who survived the slaughter of Amaya’s village. Tayuya rides on Amaya’s shoulder when she gets tired of walking. Amaya seeks to find the leader of the slaughter of her village. She carries a long black staff, encrusted with rubies and curved at the end. Amaya doesn’t try to hide her ears or tail from Humans; anyone who wants a fight with her will get one.

    A particular Human, known as Mareo (17), spends most of his time playing his guitar and ignoring the war around him. His Familiar, Niwa, is a being of Darkness, but loyal to the end. Unlike most other Familiars, Niwa fights alongside Mareo when he engages in battle. Mareo uses a sword with an emerald and sapphire encrusted hilt. Mareo wears an obsidian necklace given to him by his brother before his brother went to war.


    Unbeknownst to these two, their paths would meet up and they would have to make choices that would affect the future of their world.

    I'm working on the first chapter right now. ^^ I'll put it up as soon as it's done.
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 20, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Garxena


    No need for a story for this one. It's obvious.

    I've been waiting for you
    Your parting words were
    "I'll be back soon"
    How long is soon?
    It's been too long
    I'm not good at waiting
    My feet are tapping
    My fingers are drumming
    The longer I wait for you
    The more faith I lose
    It's getting harder
    The days seem longer and less fun
    I'm still waiting
    I've come to realize
    That's what girls do
    We wait for our knights
    We wait for our heroes
    We wait for our loved ones
    I've been waiting too long
    Give me a sign that you're coming back
    So that I don't have to cry
    So that I can stop waiting
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 12, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Garxena

    Who's hotter?

    Gaara or Naruto? Help me settle a debate between one of my friends and myself. ^^
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 12, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Garxena
    I've got a boyfriend... but I've been told by lots of people that I'm fooling myself that I love him and that I should get out of the relationship. I'm really scared to say anything to him cuz.... this is hard to say.... even online... well... he isn't really nice to me. I'm a freshman and he's a junior. I guess it was just for popularity. But what I'm asking for are ways to talk to him. HIM not an adult. I just want this to blow over without getting any adults involved.
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 7, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Garxena
    my buds and i iz makin' a vid 4 utube. i'll lets u allz know when itz up. it will be a newz thing and it will be funny! so laugh or i'll come and kill u :D
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 5, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Garxena
    "Ma'am, I've got bad news about your kid."

    "What is it?"

    "He's ******ed."

    "Oh, thank goodness, I thought he was ugly."

    I was bored....... ^^ LOLZZZZ
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Garxena
    i've noticed there are less people on less often... is this site getting overruled by the wii and guitarhero and other vid games...?
    Thread by: Garxena, Jan 2, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Garxena
    Here's the deal. He's a junior, I'm a freshman. He's on the football team, I'm in the Musical Theater Productions class. He's a star, I'm nothing. So we hooked up. But... he's not the nicest guy. I can't say anything to anyone. If I do... well... Anyways, I wrote this poem to kinda let out my feelings.

    Hold me and tell me
    You'll never leave me
    Don't let go of me
    I don't want to be alone anymore
    The darkness used to scare me
    But if it's what you are
    If it will get me to be accepted
    I'll go with it
    I'll do anything to have someone like you
    Single purposed
    But you never let harm come to me
    Unless it's by your own hand
    You're rough
    You don't listen
    I'll show you the bruises
    Will you quit?
    For me?
    Or is it me that has to leave?
    If I do
    Will you come after me?
    Or will you just get another girl to abuse?
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 31, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Garxena

    First Bleach

    I just watched the first episode of Bleach and I give it a 8/10. I got a bit confused, but I'm sure I'll understand it more once I watch more episodes. Please tell me if it gets better! ^.^
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 16, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Garxena
    *September 2006*

    Thoes eyes
    Those lips
    That voice
    It's the one I'm gonna miss
    You were my friend
    But there is some thing you didn't know
    I thought of you as more

    You were the picture in my story book
    Your eyes were the stars in my sky
    And I thought we'd be together forever
    But now is the time to part our ways

    My thoughts
    I can't speak
    As the tears roll down my cheeks
    I don't want to leave
    Not now
    Tell me what I'll do without you


    So try not to be sad
    Please don't cry
    I can tell you one thing and that is why
    Why I love you
    It's your eyes
    It's your voice
    It's the way you held me and told me good-bye
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 8, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Garxena
    Since the other thread was closed, I thought we'd try again. The point: BRING SASUKE BACK TO KONOHA!! Along the way, we'll run in to Akatsuki, and maybe even Orochimaru or other Sound ninja. Same characters as before.


    Gaara: Rising Storm
    Temari: Me (temp)
    Naruto: Rising Storm
    Sasuke: Rising Storm
    Tsunade: Rising Storm
    Sai:Rising Storm
    Kakashi: Rising Storm
    Hinata: Me
    Neji: DestinyStar
    Sakura: Me
    Rock Lee: Rising Storm
    Kiba and Akamaru: Me (temp)
    Shizune: DestinyStar
    Matsuri: Me (temp)
    Orochimaru: Me (temp)
    Kabuto: AxEL0220

    Akatsuki members-
    Itachi: Me
    Sasori: deceased
    Tobi (Uchiha Mandara):
    Pein: Me (temp)
    Hidan: deceased
    Kakuzu: Me (temp)
    Zetsu: Me (temp)
    Deidara: deceased

    You can also make and OC. Just fill out the usual requirements for them.

    My OC:
    Name: Sabaku no Satoshi
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Village: Sunagakure (Sand)
    Bio: Has a super crush on Gaara. She tries her best to impress Gaara and excelled in graduating from the ninja academy. She then quickly became a chuunin, completing all mission almost perfectly.

    Did I forget anything?

    Oh right! RULES!!
    1) PG-15
    2) Minimum cussing
    3) Along the story line of Naruto
    4) No powerplaying
    5) I'm all for yaoi/yuri but for this thread, I'm not allowing it.
    6) No taking other's character w/o permission.
    7) The rest of the usual stuff. ;)
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 7, 2007, 3,882 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    Is there anyway that you can find out who karmaed you? cuz i got a really hurtful comment and i wanted to address the person about it.
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 6, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  15. Garxena
    :D For all the Sasuke haters out there, here's you chance to kick the crud out of him.


    Gaara: GateKeeper
    Naruto: GateKeeper (temp)
    Sasuke: GateKeeper
    Tsunade: GateKeeper (temp)
    Hinata: Me
    Rock Lee:
    Kiba and Akamaru:
    Itachi: Twilightblader

    Let me know if I forgot anyone pertent to taking down Sasuke. You can make and OC. If you do, give some details about them, the usual stuff. If you want to be Gaara, give me a GOOD reason that you do. Cuz he's the BEST and I must make sure you're worthy. Lol. ;) You can have up to three characters.

    My OC:
    Name: Sabaku no Satoshi
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Village: Sunagakure (Sand)
    Bio: Has a super crush on Gaara. She tries her best to impress Gaara and excelled in graduating from the ninja academy.

    We start in Tsunade's office, getting yelled at for looking for Sasuke.
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 6, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
    *This song was hard for me to write. It's about seeing someone you love die on the battle field, and telling them you loved even though they didn't love you. There's no bridge, so it's kinda a rough change from verse to chorus. I hope that some time soon I'll be able to post videos or music sheets. I wrote it August 1, 2007.*

    Ooh oh whoa oh
    Baby my sweet baby
    I fear by the end of this song you’ll be gone
    So I wanted you to know
    That no matter what will come
    I always wanted us to be
    Something more than friends

    So as I hold you close to me
    I want you to feel my breath on your neck
    And I want you to see the tears on my cheeks
    And I want you to hear as I whisper these words:
    “I know you never meant to be
    Anything more than friends.â€

    So baby my sweet baby
    Now I know that you’re gone but I wish that you’d stayed
    Cuz no matter what will come
    You’re light lives on in me
    Forever I will hold it like a beacon
    But now I know for sure
    We’re nothing more than friends


    No oh oh oh
    Nothing more than friends
    Oh I don’t mind
    Because I know I’ll see you again
    Good-bye bye bye
    My sweet baby
    Good-bye bye bye
    My ‘nothing-more-than-a-friend'
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 5, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Garxena

    Me to You

    *If you would like to share this with someone, PM me for permission. Thanks.*

    Tell me
    Show me
    Prove me wrong and I will say
    “Hold me
    Love me
    Can you ever forgive me baby?â€

    So you said you couldn’t stay?
    Can you at least tell me where you’re goin’?
    Will you make me feel okay?
    I just can’t stop these tears from flowin’

    Tell me
    Show me
    Prove me wrong and I will say
    “Hold me
    Love me
    Can you ever forgive me baby?â€

    As I look out my window
    I see the flashes of war
    Had these wounds not made me slow
    I would fight with you like before

    Tell me
    Show me
    Prove me wrong and I will say
    “Hold me
    Love me
    Can you ever forgive me baby?â€

    And when I see you comin’ home
    I’d wrap my arms around you
    You’d tell me this whole time you’d known
    This is exactly what I’d do

    So tell me
    Show me
    Prove me wrong and I will say
    “Hold me
    Love me
    Can you ever forgive me baby?â€

    Cuz I forgive you baby
    And no matter what comes our way
    I will love you
    To the end of my days

    *I've been writing songs for as long as I can remember. I hope you enjoyed that one. I wrote it Sep. 27, 2007*
    Thread by: Garxena, Dec 4, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Garxena

    Will of Fire

    This is my first RP. I hope it turns out well. PLEASE CHECK HERE FOR UPDATES! Okay, so the story is:

    There are two families that have been rivals since as long as anyone can remember. There's the Hiwatari family, and the Ayume family. The reason for the brawl: Hiwatari family is trying to awaken a great beast that will lead to the destruction of the world. Both families have one person who holds an alternate self(White or Black Wings), who do most of the fighting. Hiwatari family's is a girl (White Wings). The Ayume's is a boy (Black Wings). You can have up to three characters. It's kinda like D.N. Angel. You can also make a character that is not part of the Hiwatari or Ayume family. The Hiwatari family is like the bad guys and they use the Light. :p And the Ayumes family is like the good guys and they use the Darkness. :D They go to school, too. Addressing Japanese style is fine. (ex. Hiwatari-chan, Ayume-kun) And words that most people know. (ex. Arigato, gomen, hai, etc.)
    The White Wings belongs to the Hiwatari family. The Black Wings belongs to the Ayume family. If the Tamer (the one holding the White or Black wings) dies, then the White or Black Wings will have no body, so they die too. But the White or Black wings can die and the Tamer will live. The Ayume family doesn't know who the White Wings is, ex, that it is a Hiwatari and a girl. The Hiwatari family doesn't know who the Black Wings is, ex that it is a Ayume and a boy.

    For your character(s):

    Skill: (weapons or other)
    Familiar: (optional)

    My characters:
    Name: Dai Hiwatari
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Family: Hiwatari
    Skill: holds the White Wings for the Hiwatari's.
    Details: She is a rebel and tries to defy her fate. She hates Megumi because she has no control whe Megumi takes over.
    Familiar: None
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Alternate Self: Megumi
    Appearace: [​IMG]
    Thread by: Garxena, Nov 25, 2007, 2,653 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena


    Hi! Umm... I just joined today. I replied to 2 (or was it 3?) other forums. But I still wanted to say hello to all my fellow Kingdom Hearts lovers. I love this site and I'm going to tell my bff about it so that she can enjoy it too. Get ready to welcome another new member! Am I too outgoing? :sweatdrop:
    Thread by: Garxena, Aug 27, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures